Breaking the Ice (12 page)

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Authors: Shayne McClendon

BOOK: Breaking the Ice
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This baby on the way was likely
their last.  The ultrasounds hadn’t been conclusive about the sex yet, but she
was hoping it would be a girl.  She’d insisted they could not have more
children than bedrooms for them to sleep in. 

Right now, she had two guest
rooms left out of the original five Diesel had when he bought the house.  They
had to keep at least one guest room.  She loved their house and living in
Boston…she wasn’t changing it or moving unless Diesel changed teams. 

He would likely stay with the
Bruins until his retirement.  He was still a pivotal part of their offense. 
They’d won the Stanley Cup the year before and a huge picture of the team
holding it was displayed prominently in their basement sports bar. 

Kenzie had told him to put it in
any room, wherever he wanted.  He’d chosen the man-cave she’d changed the
finished basement into for him when they’d been married a year, his favorite
room in the house.  That had been when Dalton started school and she had

With nothing to do, she’d
organized the house.  Then changed a few spaces, created a small office for
herself off the kitchen, and transformed the basement for Diesel. 

He and the boys played video
games down there and watched action movies together.  The soundproofing she’d
had installed gave her countless hours of peace and quiet when Diesel insisted
it was ‘guy day’.  Wearing ratty clothes and refusing to bathe, they’d play
pool, drink root beer, and vegetate all day. 

She took them wings and fries,
burgers, and ice cream sundaes…and soaked up her solitude.

When she’d found out she was pregnant
with the twins a year after David was born, she decided she needed something to

Diesel begged her to quit the bar
the day he put a huge ring on her finger.  Asked her to take some time from
school and decide what she really wanted, what she’d love to do more than
anything else. 

So she’d written a cookbook
filled with recipes for hungry hoards of men.  Based on her family, making
healthy selections they didn’t know were healthy and giving them big portions
to keep them from ‘starving to death’. 

Her witty commentary throughout
the cookbook had made them extremely popular.  Her husband and kids were
pictured with her throughout.  When the first one was published, she’d
considered it a hobby.  When it shot to the top of the
New York Times
Bestseller List
, she passed out and Diesel brought her around with kisses. 

She’d done three more since, to
Diesel’s great pride.  For everything he’d done for her, she found an old ice
rink that had been closed for years and gave it to him as a thank you, bought
with her book proceeds.  The upkeep wasn’t nearly as bad as she thought it
might be and gave them all a private place to skate whenever they felt like it.

He’d been very appreciative that she’d
barely been able to sit down the next morning.  His
thank yous
tended to
be very thorough. 

Kenzie was fairly certain that
was the night she’d gotten pregnant again. 

As if summoned, she heard the
front door open and Diesel yell, “Troops, I’m home!”

The stampede began.  Deacon and
Drake charged naked from the den, wrapped themselves around their father’s
legs, David charged down the stairs with his big brother and jumped from the
third step into waiting arms, Dalton jumped on his back. 

MacKenzie had her camera going
non-stop on silent, no flash, so she could record every minute.  Her men: the
best husband and four sons a woman could wish for.  She focused in on Diesel’s
face, the faces of the boys, all of them together as they laughed and played
and wrestled in the foyer. 

Spotting MacKenzie in the kitchen
entry with her camera, he looked up and she got the perfect angle of his face. 
Meeting his eyes, she saw her own hunger reflected.  Scooping up the twins and
letting Dalton and David dangle from his neck and shoulders, he came toward

The boys all turned away in
disgust when their parents kissed. 

“Hi, pretty princess, how was
your day?”

“Excellent, getting better all
the time.”  Glancing down at the twins she said, “I thought I told you to go
find your clothes, boys.”

They looked at her in confusion.  “We
did.  They’re in de den where we took ‘em off.”

“Mm hmm…sweeties, go
put them
.  David, are you going with Dalton, or are you too tired?  Grandma wants
to take you for pizza after.”  Turning to Dalton she added, “Your mouth guard
is on the strainer in the kitchen, de-cootied.  Am I forgiven for laughing?”

Dalton jumped off Diesel’s back,
gave him an extra hug, and came around to hug his mom.  “Another inch or two
and I’ll be taller, Mom.”

“You are not allowed to be taller
than me at ten, Dalton,” she said firmly.  “You’re going to be off to college
before I know it.” 

Dalton stroked her face and
smiled.  “I have lots of time before college.  You already know I’ll be bigger
and taller than you.  I forgive you for laughing because it
but if you show anyone those pictures…you’ve already shown grandma, haven’t you? 
No one outside this house…fine, no one outside our
.  You’re
terrible but I love you so much.” 

A horn honked out front and he
looked at his little brother.  “David, you going with me buddy?”  David nodded
and dropped from Diesel’s neck after kissing his cheek. 

“Dad, you have to be there on
Friday, come straight from practice.  They’re talking about new positions and
you know I hate when they start jacking with what works.  Right now, Mom gets
that hormonal protective thing going…she’s ready to fight everyone so you have
to run interference.” 

Diesel nodded and ruffled his
oldest son’s hair.  Both older boys gave Kenzie a big kiss, then Dalton grabbed
his gear bag and they were out the door. 

The twins still clung to their
father.  Naked.

Kenzie’s voice was firm, “Do you
plan on going to the birthday party?  You need to get dressed before grandma
comes down…hurry, hurry.  Naked butts need to be covered.”  They jumped down and
shook their behinds before running off to find their clothes.

“Hello, baby, I’ve missed you.” 
Diesel pulled Kenzie into a hug and dropped his mouth over hers.  Slipping one
hand into the hair at the base of her neck, he stroked the other over her
stomach.  “How are you feeling today, Kenzie?”

“Good, better now.”  She wrapped
her arms around his neck and pressed against his hard body.  “You smell
good…how was practice?”  Touching the newest scar along his cheek then kneading
his shoulders, she sighed in contentment.

“We have a couple of new rookies who
show real promise.”  Diesel scooped her up and carried her to the sun room,
sitting on the couch with his wife on his lap.  “The new coach they brought in
is willing to ask for help and he’s a nice enough guy.” 

He stroked her belly and nuzzled
her neck.  “I love you, MacKenzie.  Seeing you pregnant gets me every time. 
You’re even more beautiful.” 

“Thank you.  Wait until you see
the pictures of Dalton and the twins.  I almost pee’d myself, Diesel.  It was so
wrong of me.  I finished the new cookbook, I wanted it done before our newest
addition comes.  I have my next ultrasound tomorrow at two…I hope it’s a girl,
but I’m so used to boys, I won’t mind another one.” 

She was absently stroking his
chest and arms.  “I love you so, so much, Diesel.  I love our life and our
family.  Sometimes it seems like a dream.”  She held out her hand to gaze at
her wedding rings.  Inside was engraved
for me, there is only you

“Not a dream…our reality.” 
Diesel put his lips against her throat and stroked up to her ear.  “I can’t
believe it’s been five years and I still need you
all. the. time
.  We
were just together this morning.” 

His teeth scraped lightly over
her pulse and she clutched him. 

“Diesel, I can’t tell you how
badly I want you,” she said quietly.  “The minute you left the bed this
morning, I wanted you again.  I don’t think that’s normal.  Even when I’m big
and pregnant and don’t want to look at myself, I want you.”

“There is nothing more beautiful
on the planet than you pregnant, MacKenzie.  My lord…am I to understand the
house will soon be empty?”  She nodded.  “Mmm, I can think of lots of things
for us to do.”

“Can you two give it a rest for
minutes?  Not that you can get into more trouble just yet, huh, Sissy?”  Jackie
was laughing in the doorway, her son Devon on her hip. 

Kenzie squealed happily and tried
to scramble up awkwardly.  Diesel laughed and helped her to her feet.  “Kenzie
honey, you’re carrying different this time…maybe it really
be a girl. 
You had that dream about a baby girl.” 

Kenzie lifted Devon from her
sister’s arms, Diesel stood behind her to help support his weight.  “Easy baby,
LeBlanc males are all too big for pregnant women to be lifting.  Speaking of
which, how are you feeling, Jackie?  You look great.”

“Excellent, I felt the baby move
this morning.  I will
tire of that feeling.  Dean is crazy,
blocking me in grocery stores and stuff, like I’m going to get mowed down.” 

She tilted her head and asked,
“Have you talked to the other girls?  Do you know?”

“I heard, for both of them.  We
are doing the world a huge favor, populating the planet with virile LeBlanc
men.  Between the four of us, we should have that
shortage of good men
problem handled in no time.” 

The sisters laughed and Diesel
scooped his nephew up to put him on his shoulders.  The same age as Deacon and
Drake, their nephew was more subdued like David, who was his favorite cousin to
play with. 

They all headed in the direction
of the den and Kenzie was glad to see her boys were dressed.  Jenna came down
and they all chatted as she hustled everyone out of the house. 

Diesel and Kenzie walked them out
and assisted on loading up the group, giving proper kisses all around.  Waving,
they didn’t wait until the car was all the way down the drive before he lifted
her and walked resolutely inside. 

He shut and locked the door, took
the stairs two at a time to their bedroom, and set her on her feet beside the
bed.  He stripped his own clothes off fast and she waited, knowing he liked to
undress her when he was in a certain frame of mind, like unwrapping a gift he’d
waited for all year. 

Caresses over her shoulders and
arms, up and over her breasts, always fuller when she was pregnant, down her
sides, until he pulled her in for a kiss. 

The hem of her sundress was
lifted inch by inch in his fists, tugged up her body and away from where it
hugged under her breasts.  A pretty white lace bra and panties underneath were
outlined by his fingertips.  Diesel lowered himself to his knees, kissing her
rounded tummy and placing his ear against it as if to listen. 

He planted gentle kisses over her
skin as he ran his palms over her legs and ass, looking up to smile at her. 
She put her hands on his face, traced her thumbs over his lips, and smoothed
his shaggy black hair back from his forehead. 

Never taking his eyes from her
face, he removed her bra and panties, stroked his knuckles over her mound, and
watched the level of desire ratchet up. 

He carefully nudged her back to
sit on the edge of bed and followed her on his knees.  Diesel pushed her to her
back, lifted one of her legs over his shoulder, and placed his lips over her
clit.  She moaned as he sucked gently, his fingers petting her slow and easy. 

One huge hand stayed on her
stomach, smoothing back and forth as he licked and lapped at her.  She was
trembling when he slid one finger into her pussy, moving in and out lazily. 

Diesel was never in a hurry when
he went down on her; he enjoyed playing with her as much as she enjoyed doing
it to him.  After David was born, he hadn’t been able to make love to her but
he’d licked her like this every chance he got until she was cleared for
‘regular’ activity. 

She’d gotten equally good at
sucking him, knowing every move that drove him so crazy he couldn’t last, or
how to draw it out until he was begging her to let him come. 

Each knew when the other wanted
to make love and when they wanted to fuck.  Making love was usually when she
was pregnant because he worried about hurting her. 

Fucking usually got her pregnant
again…twelve-hour sex marathons until they were slipping and sliding over each
other and dehydrated. 

Diesel knew every inch of her
body, every scar, every freckle and worshipped her often.  She knew every scar
and ache of his athlete’s body and loved to rub heated oil into him, giving him
deep tissue massages until he was limp and drowsy. 

Diesel curled his fingertips
inside her and she arched hard, grinding herself on his mouth.  He never
slowed, continued lapping at her, moving his fingers inside her until she came
again saying his name, her hands over his on her belly and in his hair. 

He kissed her several times then
licked her essence off his fingers as he rose to lay by her side.  “I missed
you today.”  Diesel kissed her, the flavor of her body on his lips.  “Do you
have any idea how much I love you?”

“I wasn’t sure at first…I had
that little voice in the back of my head that still wondered why in the hell
you’d choose me, of all people.  Then when David was born, the first time I’d
ever seen you cry, I knew for sure, with my whole being, how much you loved me
and our children.  You are such a good father and husband, Diesel.”  She kissed
him, “I need you…I want you so badly.” 

He rolled her away from him on her
side then moved them up to the center of the bed, tucking her ass against his
pelvis.  Sliding her hair out from between them, his bicep under her head, he
positioned his cock at the entrance of her pussy, and slid home, lifting her
top leg over his. 

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