Breaking Elle (57 page)

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Authors: Antoinette Candela

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Breaking Elle
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“I know, man,” I say. “It’s the in between I’m worried about. If she’s not taking my calls now, she might’ve already moved on. God knows that Cane would jump at the chance to get her back, and Tyler has been on the sidelines, chomping at the bit for me to fuck up so he can swoop in and save her. She told me from the beginning how she felt about a guy like me, and I’ve proven her theory right at every turn. I’m trouble, and I always will be.” I say. I hang my head, kicking at the dirt under my feet, wondering how I am going to fix this shit. I don’t think there’s anything I can do.

“Not with her, you’re not. If she’s not going to take your calls, then go see her. Wait until you’re all pretty again, of course, and then go and tell her everything. You’ve never walked away from anything in your life, so don’t start now. This could be the biggest fucking mistake of your life if you do. You know that and I know that. I’ve never seen you like this over anyone. She might just be
the one

I knew I had to be careful with her, seeing her amazing passionate eyes filled with pain one too many times. I was trying to help fix her, and I wanted her to fix me, but I think all we did was cut each other on our broken pieces.

“Fuck Tommy. I can’t wait six weeks.



I don’t know where to begin. Eight months ago I typed Elle on a blank screen and from there
Breaking Elle
was born. I’m overwhelmed at the idea that I just published my first book. I’d never thought I’d be here writing acknowledgments to all of the wonderful people that dragged me away from the ledge so many times when I couldn’t see the light. They pulled me through with their encouraging words and motivated me to see this project through.

There are so many people that I want to thank for shoving me and slapping me silly along the way. I’ve learned so much from so many fabulous people. So, now begins the wonderful process of thanking all of you one by one!

A.L. Zaun, I am so grateful and blessed to have met you through Kindle Buddies. You are the first one who read my first chapters and saw the talent that I didn’t see. You yelled at me, complained about lack of comma use, answered all of my questions and was always up at the wee hours of the night when I needed someone to chat with or show me how real “research” is done. I sincerely believe that you are a major reason why I saw this project through. I needed that one person and I can honestly say it was you!

Jennifer Short Benson, you are the beta reader from heaven that saved me! I owe you so much. To your fabulous brainstorming sessions where you came up with the most amazing ideas, for loving my characters as much as I do, to figuring out my ending, that I was stuck on for a whole month. If it wasn’t for you and our late night chats I don’t think my book would have come together. You came along at just the right time when I was about to give up on this book. You are an amazing, patient and wonderful person to put up with me and my craziness!

To the girls In the Indie group, Carey, Michelle, Louise, Melissa, Chelle, Saoching, Suzanne, Megan, E.K, Julie, Miranda, for being there to answer all of my questions and cheering and encouraging me along the way when I was feeling lost and wanted to give up. You all are such talented writers who inspire me!

To the ladies in ANGTFT your advice and support is priceless. I am so honored to be surrounded by a talented group of writers. Thank you so much for answering all of my questions and sharing all of your wisdom with me!

To Ltmk Hooked on Books who coordinated my cover reveal, my blog tour and all the complicated stuff that I had no clue how to coordinate or put together. Louise you are wonderful and totally awesome. You made my life so much easier! I cannot thank you enough for what you did for me!

To the Writers Block for being the first group I joined and the catalyst that got me here. You do not know how much you’ve helped me! Being part of this supportive and encouraging group from the beginning was the best thing that could have happened to me.

To the countless betas that kicked my ass to make this a better book. For all of your wonderful ideas and suggestions and pushing me to make my story better. I am forever thankful for each and every one of you! Jenn D, Paige, Becky S, Becky C, Julie, Kristina, Lisa S, Nicki, Christina and Heidi.

To Katie Mac, my editor for putting up with me and my constant nagging and last minute tweaking of my story and being so good under pressure. I loved how you quickly caught everything and how much you enjoyed my sex scenes. Writing them completely crippled me. You polished my little baby so that she sparkled like a diamond. Thank you!

To Angela from Fictional Formats: For being patient with me as I tried to figure out my release date and for being so accommodating! Thank you for taking my manuscript and making it pretty and perfect! You are amazing at what you do!!

To Jovan Carlton the talented photographer who took the beautiful photograph on my cover that captures my characters perfectly. I am so thankful and honored to have this gorgeous image on my first book.

I know I may have missed a few during this whole crazy ride but just know that I appreciate and respect each and every one of you for helping me through this journey. I could not have done it without you all. Thank you!

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