Breaking Elle (32 page)

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Authors: Antoinette Candela

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Breaking Elle
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I remember that she loves the beach so that’s where I’m taking her today. I pull up in front of her house and park on the street. It’s bigger than any place I’ve ever lived in, with a wraparound porch that reminds me of some of the ranches back in Texas. Her home is tan with black shutters and has a warm vibe to it. The yard has overgrown trees and a garden. My momma would love a garden like this. I plan to give Momma all of this someday.

I jump out of my Hummer and start up the sidewalk. With each step closer to her front door, I grow more anxious. I’m not going to let my nerves get to me. This is all different, nothing like what I had to deal with back home. No lies, no rumors. I ring the doorbell. I stare at my feet thinking about the other night with her, and the feeling of her in my arms. I don’t know how much longer I can hold out. She made her intentions clear. God knows I don’t want to piss her off again! I want to be alone with her, spend the day at the beach, and tell her some things about me. I don’t want to run her off or scare her away. Maybe I shouldn’t say anything, not just yet.

People always peg me for being something that I’m not. What guy doesn’t like women? When I’m in a relationship, I’m committed to that one girl. When I’m single though, like any man, I like to play the field to see what’s out there. Campbell’s parents accused me of that when I was with her. It created endless drama. God knows I don’t have time for that kind of shit. I always defend myself and answer to people without them giving me the benefit of the doubt. I hate that shit, too. I can’t remember how many times Campbell and I fought because of all of it. My past life always seems to come to haunt me in some way. I don’t want that to happen with Elle.

“Hi, you must be Reed?” I look up to see an attractive woman wearing a blue business suit and pearl earrings that remind me of my Momma. I can see where Elle gets her looks. She gives me the once over with her heavy hazel eyes. I recognize that expression all too well. My mom had the same look every time my dad came back after being gone for months at a time. I wonder if Elle’s mom is going through something similar.

“Yes, ma’am.” I nod, giving her my best Southern boy smile as she opens the door.

“Call me Vanessa.” She steps aside to let me in. “Elle will be right down. It’s nice to finally meet you.” She smiles, turning down the hall towards the kitchen. I’m not sure how much Elle has told her about me since we haven’t spoken about our families. Since everything has happened so fast, it hasn’t really come up.

“Yes, ma....Vanessa.” I correct myself as her mother smiles over her shoulder.

The house is like nothing that I’ve ever lived in. Everything feels new. The paint on the walls is in those Martha Stewart colors that my momma always wanted for the apartments we lived in. I see Elle everywhere in here; in a way, I can even smell her. It’s nice to visualize where she lives, spends most of her time, and where she’s safe. It makes me feel closer to her somehow.

“Mom, do you see my bag?” The sound of her voice warms my body from the inside out. Seconds later, she runs down the stairs in just a bikini top and cut-off shorts.
Oh, man
What the hell is she trying to do to me?
She throws me a flirtatious smile and grabs her bag from the kitchen table. I think I’m going to be able to give her what we both want very soon if she keeps dressing like that.

“Hey, you’re early.” She smiles, throwing a beach towel in her bag.

“I like to be punctual.” I manage feeling my cheeks burn as I lower my gaze to avoid her mom’s inquisitive eyes. I’m sure she knows what I’m thinking. I slip my hands in my pockets, anxious to get her daughter alone.

“So, have you guys met?” Elle glances between her mother and me.

“Briefly.” Her mother’s eyes twinkle. “I hear that you are from Texas. It’s quite a big leap to come to the Northeast by yourself.”

“I came here for grad school. I’ve always wanted to come up North to see what I’ve been missing out on.” I glance over at Elle and smile, noticing the blush in her cheeks. Her mom follows my eyes and smiles.

“What do you plan on taking?” She asks, her interest piqued.

“Sports Medicine. I’ve always had a thing for sports.”

“Handsome and smart, too.” She smiles, walking to the coffee machine to pour herself a cup of coffee. “Well, you’d get along with Jace. He loves everything about sports.”

“Hey, Elle?” A guy’s voice comes from further inside the house and I instantly feel jealous.
I shift my eyes towards the sound of the voice. “What beach are you headed to?” Whoever it is appears in the doorway, towering behind Elle, sizing me up. I realize it’s her brother, Jace.

“Not sure,” Elle replies curtly, “it’s a surprise.” She starts to walks towards me with a worried look on her face as if she’s expecting something unpleasant to happen. “Have you ever met Reed, Jace?”

“No, we’ve never met.” Jace frowns, offering his hand. “What’s your last name?”

“Austin.” I shake his hand thinking that’s a weird question.
Why does it matter?

“You look familiar.” He squints, visibly trying to place where he knows me from and I get paranoid. I can’t let him get to me. He’s going to be a hard nut to crack, unlike his mom who was immediately impressed with me. “I’m good with faces, but you have me stumped.”

“Jace?” Their mother’s voice slips in. It raises one octave as trying to diffuse the situation that seems to be developing fast, while Elle shoots him a dirty look.

“Just making sure my sis is in good hands is all.”
It’s not just that and we both know it.
I glance at Jace and then at Elle, who is shooting a death glare at her brother, and smile.

When I glance back at him, he’s frowning, scratching his head still trying to figure out who I am, and it’s pissing me off. He locks eyes with me, and I know right away that shit just got a little complicated with her brother.

“Cut it out, Jace!” Elle retorts, shoving the sunscreen in her bag. She grabs my arm and pulls me towards the door. Her touch makes me forget all about Jace and the suspicious look he gives me.

“Nice to meet you both,” I say, attempting to be polite.

“Let’s go.” She snaps, glaring at her brother. “Bye, Mom. I’ll be home late.” She pulls me out the front door and down the sidewalk to my truck. “I’m sorry that Jace was so rude to you. Since my dad left and Jace has become the man of the house, he sometimes gets carried away. He’s also good friends with Cane.”

“I get it, trust me.” I nod reminded of my sister back home.
Damn, our lives couldn’t be more similar.
I know where he’s coming from. I’m the same way with my mom and sister. It never ends.

“Are you okay?” she asks her voice faltering. “I hope he didn’t rattle you,” she says, squeezing my arm.

“I’m fine” I smile, trying to reassure her. “I was just thinking how good you look today.” I lower my gaze. My eyes travel from her eyes then down to her mouth, and she smiles for me.

“Do you see something you like?” she asks coyly.

“Nope.” I stop her before I open the door to the truck and raise her chin so I can see her eyes. “I see something I love.”

She smiles, but a genuine sadness in her hazel eyes tears me apart. I don’t know what happened to her, but I want to know. I wish she would tell me. I take her in my arms, feeling her warm skin and her heart race. I quietly pull her away, open the door, and help her into the truck. For the next hour, we don’t speak another word. I know her mind is somewhere else. I want to talk to her, but I can’t. I hope that when she’s ready, she will. I’ll wait for her. I’m not going anywhere any time soon. I reach for her hand, lacing my fingers through hers letting her know that I’m here for her. I don’t want her to feel alone.



“I’m sorry for being so quiet.” She exhales in a rush as I pull the truck up and park. She looks reflective, with her brows gently creasing inward.

“That’s okay.” I smile over at her watching the frown slowly disappear from her sweet face. She looks so tiny to me. I take her hand, kiss it, and cup it to my cheek. “The rest of the day is going to be perfect.”

“Do you smell that? The ocean?” she whispers. I watch her smile at me as a light wind moves between us and sweeps loose hair across her face. I reach over and brush a few strands away. “I’m not going to ruin this day.” She breathes.

I pull her face closer to me and whisper in her ear, “I don’t think you can ruin anything.”



I found this place when I first got to Boston. I took a long drive one day with no direction in particular and ended up here in a quiet spot to think and try to figure out shit. I haven’t been back since and nothing has really changed in my life except meeting Elle. Apart from her, my old life still hangs around like remnants of a bad nightmare.

I pick a secluded area near a sand dune that shields us from most of the people on the beach. It gives us an unhindered view of the ocean and the option to do other things without interruption.
Damn, my girl is fucking gorgeous.
I hope she wants to be my girl. In my mind, she already is. Maybe I’m being a little selfish, but today I want her all to myself.

I can’t get the look in her eyes when we left her house out of my head. I want to know who or what hurt her so bad. What’s she scared of? I saw the pain when she lost Cane, but it was nothing like this. We all have something in our past. God knows, I have a lot of shit that I’m not proud of, shit that I wish had never happened because it never seems to go away. Feels like I’ve spent half of my fucking life picking up the slack for other people, especially my dad. That was too much responsibility for a kid, but I stayed focused for my mom and my sister.

I literally had the world in the palm of my hands over a year ago and then everything came tumbling down all around me like a fucking house of cards! All my hard work, everything that I built up, snapped, like the ACL in my damn knee. My future’s on hold until doc gives me the okay. But he hasn’t returned my call and it’s making me nervous, because he always calls me right back. I’ve got to stop over thinking. I just have to sit back and ride this out. I need some good news. My life is hanging on that one moment, for that one call, that one piece of good news.

“Reed?” Elle calls, pulling me out of my thoughts. I can’t ask for a better distraction from my bullshit. I will do anything for this girl standing in front of me in a black bikini with the salt water glistening on her amazing body and the sun setting behind her. Her body is my paradise. This is what I need, to be here with her.

“I think I’ll stay right here and enjoy the scenery.” I lace my hands behind my head. I am one lucky man to have her. “Have I told you how edible you look today?” She kneels down at the end of the towel and crawls seductively over me, water dripping from her body onto mine. I smell the ocean on her skin, and her eyes focus on me. The way she’s looking at me right now, I’m thinking she’s having similar thoughts.
Thank you, Lord.

“You hungry?” She purrs, her thighs skimming my waist.
Damn, she’s just made me hard.

“I’m starving.” I growl, aching for her perfect breasts and smooth thighs. I barely get the words out of my mouth when she slams her salty lips onto mine.

“So am I,” she murmurs as she pulls away, brushing her lips lightly over mine.

“You make waiting hard, among other things,” I smirk looking down at myself. She shoots me an enticing smile, pulling back as she stares at me with her hazel eyes. I can’t want her any more than I do right now.

“That’s the plan,” she replies in a sexy voice.

“I’m just glad you’re in a better mood,” I say, hoping that she wants to talk about what I saw earlier. I can’t shake what I saw in her eyes. I can’t get past it.

“Whatever happened to not ruining things?” She counters, as she sits back on her heels, trying to hide the disappointment in her voice.

“I’m not.” Sitting up, I cup her cheek in my hand, ready to catch the tears if they fall. “It hurts me to see those gorgeous eyes of yours that way. If we’re going to be together, we shouldn’t be afraid to talk about anything.” She inhales deeply and closes her eyes. Her silence is heartbreaking.

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