Bound Together (64 page)

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Authors: Marie Coulson

BOOK: Bound Together
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My hand was on fire. Not
literally of course but the feel of his skin on mine was like an
explosion of heat on my flesh. I pulled it away gently and nodded
in thanks at his gesture. My heart was pounding every time he spoke
and now it was practically thrashing inside my chest. Megaphone in
hand, it was screaming at me to get out before we got hurt again
but my ass stayed firmly in my seat. I could get through
As the evening went on, I
began to relax a little. Jared was strictly hands off after that
hand holding and aside from his little disclosure about seafood,
nothing out of the ordinary happened at all. Mr. Kent was
delightfully funny and I would often find myself grinning at his
jokes. He and Jared clearly had a good business relationship and
they appeared to be almost friends. My phone buzzed in my purse and
I slipped it out beneath the table. There was a single text from
Jared. I glanced up at him and catching my eye he smiled at
I haven’t swam in the sea
since I was twelve and saw the movie Jaws for the first time. That
shit was scary.
From: Jared
I had to stifle a laugh.
Putting it away, I gave him a mock sympathetic look. The corners of
his mouth curled up and he nodded. I was almost having fun. Sipping
a little more of the delicious white wine Jared had selected for
us, I was beginning to feel a little tipsy. Jared’s hand reached
out and gently taking the stem between his finger and thumb, he
moved it out of my reach and replaced it with a glass of water. I
stared at him, irritated for spoiling my fun. “Don’t pout Layla.
You’re a glass away from landing on your ass the moment you stand
up.” I rolled my eyes at him but truthfully I was fully aware that
I was reaching my limit as far as my bodily coordination went when
drinking wine. Arthur excused himself and headed for the bathroom,
leaving the two of us alone and me slightly inebriated. “I once got
so drunk in college I stole a rival college’s mascot. I was on the
soccer team and we had a game against the other team on the Friday.
So at the pre-game party, a few of us got into several bottles of
tequila and stole their sheep. Now that wouldn’t have been much of
an issue except when I woke up the next morning to find a two
hundred pound ball of fluff in my room, I hadn’t considered where
exactly we were going to hide it. Not just that, those things make
a god awful mess and they fucking stink.” Spraying my water across
the table I laughed, hard. “It was bad. I ended up hauling it to
the dean’s office and leaving it there. I figured he’d find it,
give it back and no one would know it was me. Wrong. Apparently in
my drunken state I’d written the words ‘you just got Garrett’d’ on
the side of their team bus with a can of spray paint. Needless to
say I got caught and punished. I had to clean the damn team’s bus
and go there every weekend for a month and apologize to the
Tears were filling in my
eyes as I pictured him speaking sweet nothings to a sheep. I’d
learned more about him in one evening than I had our entire
relationship. The thought suddenly made me a little sad and my
laughter dissipated. Why couldn’t we have had this conversation
before? Why did it take us falling apart for him to finally open up
and confide in me? He sat gazing at me across the table and I felt
my cheeks warm. “You seem a little flushed Layla. Perhaps we should
call it a night and I’ll take you home. I think that wine has gone
to your head. I’ve never seen you laugh so much.” I gave him a
rueful smile “I haven’t had much to laugh about recently.” Hanging
his head, he looked at the table and I was sure he was thinking the
same as I was. This was hard, so hard I wanted to scream. My heart
was so confused and my mind was swimming with the complexity of the
emotions I was feeling. I was hurting from our harsh words in the
car, happy to have discovered new things about him, sad that it had
taken so damn long to get there and now guilty that I was actually
enjoying his company.
Rising to my feet, I
stumbled slightly but Jared’s hand caught my arm as he jumped from
his seat to stop me from falling over on my heels. “I think you
should go home. You look a little pale.”

I’m fine, just a little

It wasn’t a request
Layla. We’re leaving. Now.” Arthur was just returning to the table
when Jared informed him we were leaving. Giving me a warm hug and a
peck on the cheek he thanked me for my company and I wished him
well on his project. Jared’s hand never left my arm as he escorted
me to the car which was waiting for us curbside. The cool air made
me feel giddy as the wine went straight to my head. I swayed a
little but with his arms wrapped around my waist, Jared lifted me
into the car and off of my unsteady feet. Sliding in beside me, he
watched me like a hawk.

Layla? Are you alright?
You’re white as a sheet right now.”
I swooned and I felt
incredibly tired. “I’m fine, I just feel a little
Without thinking I
shifted and rested my head against his shoulder. Drifting into an
alcohol induced sleep I felt his lips press against the top of my
head as he inhaled my scent.
The sound of a door
slamming woke me. My head was pounding and as I began to try and
sit up I scanned my surroundings with blurred vision. The blue and
green marble coffee table in front of me immediately told me
exactly where I was. Scrambling to my feet I felt woozy and found
myself falling back down onto the plush cushion of his couch.
“Whoa, don’t get up so fast. Here, drink this.”
Sitting beside me, Jared
handed me a glass of water. “Why am I here?”

You passed out in the
car and I didn’t want to leave you in that state alone. You’ve been
out a couple of hours.” I rubbed my hand over my eyes and drank the
cool and sobering water.

I should get

It’s almost midnight.
Daniel’s off for the night. I’ve been drinking so I can’t drive and
I don’t like the idea of you taking a cab alone. You’re staying
here. It's not up for debate. The guest room is just how you left
it so there are things for you to get washed up. I’ll take you home
in the morning.”
I shook my head. “I
can’t. Ollie will be back in a few hours and I have to be there
when he does.”

I said no Layla. Stay
here and I will drive you home in the morning. If you’re that
concerned then call and tell him you’re staying here. He does know
we had dinner doesn’t he?” It was a loaded question and one I
didn’t want to answer but the words were flying from my

No, I didn’t feel the
need to bring it up when he has a long drive back on his
motorcycle. I need him level headed and concentrating.”
He raised an eyebrow at

Don’t give me that look.
I’m keeping him safe. The moment he’s back and safe with me I’ll
tell him.”

Have you slept with
him?” What? Where did that come from?

Jared that really is
none of your…”

It’s a straight
question. Have you had sex with him?”

I care about Ollie, very
deeply and I’m not willing to make the same mistakes we did Jared.
There’s a lot to be said for taking things slowly, so not that it’s
any of your damn business but no, we haven’t had sex.” The corners
of his mouth curled up and it irritated me. “Yet.” That wiped his
smile clean off as his head snapped up and he glared at me. Rising
to my feet, I skirted around him and headed to the kitchen. I
needed something to eat to calm my churning stomach.
Jared followed me,
keeping his eyes on me as I moved about the kitchen. Standing in
the doorway, arms folded across his chest he leaned into the frame.
He had a slight smirk on his face and seeing it I rolled my eyes.
“I noticed you didn’t say you loved him.” I tried to think of a
plausible excuse to give him. There was no way I was getting in to
this with him. He had no right to question my feelings for Ollie.
It was none of his damn business. “I don’t have to profess it all
the time to know exactly how I feel about him. Ollie knows how much
I care and that’s all that matters.” He chuckled and it infuriated
me. “So let me get this straight. You’ve been dating for four
months now, you haven’t had sex and you don’t confess that you love
him. You sure it’s an actual relationship you’re having Layla?
Because it sounds to me like the same relationship you had with him
when you were

He walked up to me, his
lips were mere inches from mine and his breath warmed my lips,
causing me to lick them involuntarily.

Admit it Layla, you’re
still completely, uncontrollably and entirely, in love with
I stood, silently staring
at his lips as he spoke.

Say it.” It was a
command and I couldn’t help but respond. “Fine. I still love you.
Happy now!?”

No, but I will be.”
Wrapping his arms around me he kissed me fervently. My mouth opened
obediently and my tongue darted into his mouth seeking his own
delicious tongue. Rolling, thrashing and stroking together it was a
sweet and familiar sensation, one I thought I’d long forgotten but
there in his arms, I was falling apart at the seams.
Gripping the countertop
behind me, he caged me in, breathing heavily into my ear. “I won’t
give you up without a fight Layla. I hope he’s ready for one, you
belong with me. I love you and I always will.”
Reaching beneath his
slightly unbuttoned shirt he pulled out his pendant. “You’re still
the only love of my life Layla. Your heart belongs to me and I
won’t let him steal it away.”
I stared at him as his
words ate away at my emotions. I was so confused. The feelings I
had swarming inside me and the pure unbridled lust I experienced
whenever he was around was driving me crazy. “You love me Layla,
and you know we belong together. I’ll do whatever it takes to get
you back. I won’t let you slip through my fingers again.” Ducking
beneath his arm I panted as I hurriedly walked away, my heart
pounding like a bass drum in my ears. I needed to get some distance
between us and the guest room would ensure at least four inches of
wall would do just that. “Where are you going?”
I yelled back at him over
my shoulder. “To bed. I need to sleep on this.” He didn’t follow me
and stepping into the room I had frequented only a few months ago,
I slammed the door behind me and leaned against the cool wood,
trying to catch my breath.
This was insanity!
Locking the door, I stripped down to my underwear and climbed into
bed. I lay there staring at the ceiling as images of Ollie, Jared
and that kiss ran through my mind at warp speed. My heart was still
thundering in my chest and I felt that at any moment it might tear
its way out and scream at me for being so stupid. The sound of
movement in the next room and the crash of a door slamming caught
my attention. His voice bellowed through the wall. “Fuck!” I
groaned and slammed my fist against the mattress beneath me. “I
really don’t know what you expect me to do Layla. God you make me
nuts!” Turning over I yelled back at him. “I expect you to leave me
alone and go to bed before you drive us both crazy!” Silence fell
in the room and I was sure I heard him cursing under his
I needed to forget him,
to sleep it all off and make my escape in the morning but my mind
wandered to the steaming hot mess of a man who was separated by
only a few inches of wall from me. He was probably taking off his
shirt right about now. Undoing the buttons and sliding it off of
his muscular, broad frame. His slacks would be hugging his perfect
hips and that hot V would be dipping and leading to the most
delicious part of his body. My insides clenched as I mentally
undressed the smolderingly delicious man in the next room. I was
hot, scorching even. A gentle throbbing had settled between my
thighs and I wondered if he might hear me…no, I couldn’t do that.
Not here, not now…could I?
My fingernails traced
gently over my cleavage teasing myself with the gentle touch on my
skin. Closing my eyes, I slid my hand further and further, swirling
my fingertips over my stomach. I pressed my palm flat over my
navel, hesitating to go those last few inches. A low groan brought
me out of my reverie. It was coming from next door. Pressing my ear
to the wall I listened to the heavy breaths and soft moaning
vibrating through the wall. Oh, my god. Clearly Jared had had the
same idea. Adrenaline was still pumping through my veins and the
wine I had consumed gave me the courage to explore a little
further. I heard him inhale sharply and my insides clenched again,
hard. Lying back down, I didn’t hesitate. Plunging my hand inside
my panties I pushed my fingertips against my clit. Biting down on
my bottom lip to keep me from moaning, I began to massage, caress
and rub the ache away. My free hand pressed against the wall as I
imagined what he was doing only inches away from me. His hand
sliding up and down his long, stiff and solid cock. My tongue
grazed my lips as I thought about the pulsating, throbbing veins
protruding up his shaft. I let out a whimper and suddenly his
moaning, groaning and panting stopped. Had he finished already?
Surely not.
I laid there panting,
still aching for release; listening intently for any movement or
sound in the room next to me. The sound of a door closing echoed
outside and inside the room. Jumping out of the bed I bolted to the
door. Clutching the handle, I unlocked it and stared at the blank
wood for a moment, knowing what was no doubt awaiting me on the
other side. It was wrong, deceitful and unbelievably unfaithful but
I found myself pressing down on the golden handle and opening the
door. Standing in front of me in a pair of tight black shorts was
Jared. His chest was rising and falling rapidly, matching my own
ragged breathing. “You are fucking infuriating you know

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