Bound Together (11 page)

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Authors: Marie Coulson

BOOK: Bound Together
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Sinfully tempting
thoughts ran through my mind as he let go of my hands and opened
the double doors.
The room was the size of
a small apartment. My heels clanked and clapped as I walked across
the stone colored marble flooring to admire the room. The walls
were painted a beautiful pure white and two opposing walls were
papered in a cloudy gray. Long crisp golden threaded curtains hung
over the full length windows and at the far end of the room, a
stunning king size bed took center stage. The white metal head
board was decorated with a thick golden edging and between the bars
a plump gold cushion was fixed into the center. Brilliantly white
sheets covered the bed and a bright golden throw was draped over
the end. Turning around the room, I saw a luxurious vintage white
couch and two chairs that were positioned strategically around a
glass coffee table in the corner. Elegant pieces of artwork hung on
the walls. One I recognized as a recreation of ‘Water Lilies’ by
Monet. It was one of my favorite paintings and I walked over to
admire it closely.
Staring dreamily at the
painting I became aware of Jared’s presence behind me. I could feel
the warmth from his body on mine as he placed his hands on my arms
and leaned in, speaking directly into my ear. His breath on my neck
made me hot and my breath quickened.

I bought this painting
because of its tranquil colors and perfect brush strokes. It’s a
beautiful piece don’t you think?”
I was speechless. My
heart was pounding in my chest so hard I thought he might hear it.
I swallowed hard and turned to face him. Looking into his beautiful
tanzanite blue eyes I responded weakly, “It’s stunning.” I wasn’t
sure if I was talking about the painting anymore. His eyes were
captivating and I felt lost as I gazed into them.
Never taking his eyes
from mine, his hands moved from my arms around to my back,
enveloping me in his strong embrace. My hands raised and rested on
his shoulders. He leaned forward, his lips barely touching mine;
his forehead pressed against my own and let out a long staggered
breath. “Layla. You are exquisite. This painting in all its elegant
wonder could not hold a candle to your beauty. You fascinate
I couldn’t
My heart was now pounding
so hard that I felt it in my throat. My lips were begging for him
to take them. And the fire deep inside my belly was growing into a
raging inferno. His tongue grazed my bottom lip and I gasped as he
placed a small kiss on my jaw. He trailed more soft kisses down my
neck to my collar bone. A soft moan escaped me and I closed my
eyes, finding the sensation of his mouth on my skin immensely
pleasurable. I raked my fingers through his thick brown and gold
hair, gripping it as his lips made their way up my neck again. He
traced my lips with his tongue and my mouth opened, welcoming it
inside. My own tongue hungrily met his, tasting, feeling and
demanding more.
Gently, he pulled his
lips from mine and planting another soft peck on my mouth, he
nuzzled my nose. Feeling slightly bereft, I exhaled a breath that I
hadn't realized I'd been holding. With his forehead once again
resting against mine, Jared smiled. It was infectious and I found
myself grinning back at him.
"Oh Layla. What you do to
I rested my hands on his
chest and smiled up at him seductively. “I have many things that
I'd like you to do to me."
He pulled his face away
and eyed me with a shocked expression. Slowly, a wicked grin spread
across his face. I stood on my tiptoes and planted a chaste kiss on
his lips, then, smiling, whispered, "Like right now... I want you
to feed me." Jared let out a breathless chuckle and took my hand,
leading me out of the room. "I am happy to oblige, my lady. And
dinner is certainly something I can do."
I followed him down the
stairs leaving the temptations and delights I’d experienced in his
bedroom behind me. The kitchen was at the far end of the house and
was as large as his bedroom had been. The surfaces were black
marble and the furnishings were a gleaming white with a high gloss
finish. The appliances were glistening stainless steel and the
floor was a silver laminate. A breakfast bar was situated in the
center of the room with three stools pushed in beneath it. It was
stunning to behold. He released my hand and motioned for me to sit
at the breakfast bar while pulling out a stool. I couldn’t stop
smiling. I was really enjoying myself.
He walked around the
counter and leaned on his elbows gazing at me, mere inches from my
face. His lips were beautiful and I couldn’t stop staring at them
as he spoke. “Welcome to chez Jared. I can serve you anything you
want. Italian, Chinese, Japanese, gourmet; anything your heart
Breaking our connection
he opened a drawer in front of him and took out some pieces of
paper, laying them in front of me. I eyed them curiously before
throwing my head back and laughing. “As long as it comes from one
of these take-outs.”
He was obviously not a
cook. I composed myself, smiled at him sympathetically and began
browsing a Chinese menu. Out of the corner of my eye I could see
him grinning at me. I handed him the menu and gave him a playful
smile. “Surprise me.”
It was almost a dare. His
grin widened and I could see he was imagining doing just that. “Oh
I think I can manage that my lady. Most definitely. But first let’s
eat. I want to know everything about you.” Oh be still my beating
heart. His voice was dripping with sexy suggestions and I was
drooling at the thought of wrapping myself around this


Knowing Me, Knowing

The food arrived quickly
and Jared insisted that we eat it off of his expensive looking
plates, even though I told him I was perfectly happy eating
straight from the container. We sat side by side at the breakfast
bar. Glancing sideways at me he wiped his delicious mouth and
turned to face me. “So Layla, I know you’re at college so that
makes you what, eighteen?”
I smiled and swallowed my
mouthful of rice. “Nineteen. Being born in October I had to wait a
year to start school. My mom decided she’d rather I go with Mel
anyway for safety in numbers and I think my dad was just glad to
get an extra year to save for my college tuition. He’s paying it
all even though I told him I would help once I got a job. But he
wouldn’t let me. He’s a proud man and always says that as my father
he should be able to provide for me. But anyway the important thing
is I’ll be twenty in a few weeks and only one year away from being
able to be legally inebriated. What about you? When’s your
Pushing his plate away he
leaned his elbow on the counter next to him and tilted his head
onto his fist. “I turned twenty two last month. I know what you’re
thinking though. How can he look so good for twenty two?” Giggling
I gave him a gentle nudge. Following what he’d done I pushed my
plate away and faced him. Our knees were directly opposite each
other’s. I had to fight the urge to put my hands on them; not that
I imagined he’d mind but I wanted to get to know this man on an
emotional level as well as the physical.

You’re only twenty two!?
How did you end up living in a place like this? I mean it’s
amazing. Did you win the state lottery or something?”
Jared winced a little and
I wondered if I’d said something to upset him. “It belonged to my
parents. This was their place.”
I couldn’t help but
notice the way he said
their place. His demeanor changed and he visibly
stiffened as though recalling a painful memory. I didn’t want to
press him but my curiosity hoped he would elaborate. He took a deep
breath and straightened up again, rubbing his eyes with his thumb
and index finger. “They died three years ago. Dad was a great
businessman. He owned a lot of real estate. Houses, apartment
complexes and before he died the company was beginning to construct
a mall. When he and my mom passed I inherited everything. I’m an
only child so there was a lot to inherit. Dad’s business, the
properties, the house, the car, everything.”
I frowned as I saw a
grieved expression appear on his beautiful face. Leaning forward on
my stool I took his hand in mine and wound my fingers through his.
He gazed at me with an expression I couldn’t quite
I gave him a sympathetic
look. “That’s a lot for a nineteen year old guy to deal with.
Especially with college too. What happened to them? Your parents I
mean. You don’t have to tell me, I just thought I’d ask in case you
wanted to talk about it.”
He took a deep breath and
looked down at the floor. “Mom had a shop in Long Beach. Dad had
bought it for her and it was the first piece of real estate he
owned. Anyway one evening they were at the shop closing up when
they heard yelling coming from the place next to theirs. When they
checked it out they saw that the clerk was being robbed by a guy in
a ski mask. The guy shot the clerk before turning the gun on my
parents. Someone across the street saw what happened and called the
paramedics and the cops. But, by the time they got there, it was
too late.”
I could feel the sting of
tears forming in my eyes. He’d been through so much and at such a
young age. He looked up at me as a single tear began to roll down
my cheek. Raising his free hand he wiped it away with his thumb and
smiled sweetly at me. “Hey no tears ok? This world has enough to
make you cry,
pain shouldn’t be one of them. I dropped out of college and
took over dad’s business and I’m actually pretty good at it. The
mall he was building was completed a year after he died and I have
new projects coming up in Europe. I wouldn’t say I’m filthy rich
but I can live well on what the properties and the mall rake in.
Don’t be sad for me. I miss them, like you wouldn’t believe how
much, but I can’t live my life while I’m dwelling on the past. It’s
not what they would have wanted. It took me a long time to realize
it but now, I look to my future. All the crying, screaming and
anger in the world won’t bring them back so there’s no point
wasting time and energy on it. Alright?”
I nodded weakly and gave
him a half-hearted smile. The icy cold way he spoke about their
tragic death left me feeling a great deal of pain for the nineteen
year old Jared. Having his life turned upside down and then
inheriting a fortune and a business must have been so overwhelming.
I doubted very much that he’d ever even had time to grieve for
them. My heart was aching for him and his loss. He looked so lost
sitting there across from me. At that point, he must have sensed my
anguish because he removed his hand from my face and laced his
fingers through mine.
I stared down at his
strong masculine hand in mine. It was wonderfully intimate. I felt
a surge of electricity cracking in the air as he gazed at me with
his stunning soulful eyes. “So you know about my family. Tell me
about yours.”
I shrugged. “Not much to
tell. I grew up in Pasadena. Dad’s a mechanic and mom’s a nurse.
They divorced when I was thirteen. Mom was the one who filed and
then she moved to San Francisco. I’m an only child too but Mel has
been my best friend since we were kids so she’s more like a sister.
I didn’t wanna leave her or dad when my parents divorced so I
stayed but I visit my mom a couple of times a month. Obviously,
with college I won’t be doing that anymore, but I’m going to stay
with her for a week during winter break. They’re both great parents
and dad has always been easy to talk to. Mom’s a little more
difficult. She gives great advice but she’s not the best listener.
She worries a lot. I think the distance between us makes it worse.
She’s constantly terrified about something awful happening to me.
As if I’ll be kidnapped, tortured or shot.” Realizing what I had
just said, I covered my face with my free hand, screwing up my
features in disgust at my insensitive comment. Murmuring through my
hand I apologized profusely.
Gently taking my hand
from my face Jared smiled at me then leaned in to plant a soft kiss
on my lips. He took me completely by surprise and the butterflies
in my stomach were fluttering up a storm. His kisses were so warm
and gentle and I decided then that I could really get used to him
kissing me more often. The thought made me giddy with anticipation
and excitement.

It’s ok Layla. Don’t
beat yourself up. I can totally understand how your mother feels.
When someone you love is hurt and there is absolutely nothing you
can do, it’s soul destroying. Let’s change the subject shall we?
What are you studying at college? Made any friends yet?” Releasing
my hand he took a sip of his wine.
He’d poured us a
beautifully sweet and fruity red to accompany our meal. It was a
perfect match for the oriental spices and red meat. He certainly
knew his wine.
I smiled at myself,
wondering how this young sexy male had become so knowledgeable in
the art of choosing wine. I cleared my throat, realizing I hadn’t
answered his question. “I’m mostly taking psych classes but I’m
also taking a couple of English classes too. I love literature.
While my friends were out partying in high school, I was curled up
on the sofa with my nose in a book. Boring huh? But now I have a
new roommate and I’m almost positive that with
organizing my social life, I’ll
have little time for books…or sleep for that matter. Oliver is
pretty cool too; he lives across the hall from me and Amy. He plays
the guitar and he showed us a great bar a couple of blocks from
campus. I have a feeling it’s gonna become our new Friday night
haunt. They’re the only friends I have there so far.”

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