Bound Together (12 page)

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Authors: Marie Coulson

BOOK: Bound Together
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Jared raised an eyebrow
at me and ran his fingers up and down the stem of his glass.
“Layla…Is Oliver gay? Because I would hate to think I have
competition, especially with him living just across the hall and
all.” Was he jealous already? This was only our first date. I
stared at him puzzled. He must have seen the look of confusion on
my face because he stood up and gazed down deep into my eyes.
Lifting my chin up to look at him, I saw his serious

I just need to know if
I’ve got a fight on my hands. I really like you Layla. I like you a
lot and I want to see an awful lot more of you, but I won’t share
your affections. It’s all or nothing. If you have anyone else in
your life, I’ll walk away tonight and never bother you again. I
won’t fight for a woman who belongs to someone else.”
Standing up I pressed my
hands against his hard chest. Returning his gaze I shook my head.
“There’s no one else Jared. I don’t share either. I’m a one man
woman and I expect the same from the men I date. If you can promise
me that, then I can guarantee that while I’m dating you there will
be no one else. Oliver is a friend and that’s all he’ll ever be.” I
really hoped I could believe what I’d said. There was no denying
the chemistry between Ollie and I but what I felt for Jared was
more than just physical, it was intense.

Good girl. That’s
exactly what I wanted to hear.” Tilting my head up with his hand
holding my chin, he lowered his lips over mine and kissed me
deeply. He kissed me with a carnal hunger I’d never felt before. It
was clear that he wanted me and I wanted him just as much. I kissed
him back with the same urgency. I needed him. I ran my hands up his
chest and wrapped them around his neck, pulling him closer to me.
Cupping my face with his hands he let out a soft moan. My knees
weakened and my breathing quickened.
Jared must have felt my
sudden weakness because his hands were suddenly wrapped around my
waist holding me tightly. Without removing his lips from mine, he
lifted me up and sat me onto the counter top. I wrapped my legs
around his waist pulling him against me. His hands wandered from my
middle to my knees slowly sliding up my thighs and going underneath
my dress, before settling around on my behind. He pulled me to the
edge of the counter and removing his lips from my mine, trailed
kisses down my neck. I moaned loudly with pleasure as he reached my
collar bone. His lips travelled further south to my chest and down
to my cleavage.
I leaned back slightly,
granting him better access to my breasts. Arching my back, I
steadied myself with my hands as I gripped the counter. His hands
slid out from beneath my dress and were now wrapped around my back.
Pulling me back up to him, his lips made their way up my neck then
to my face. The two of us were breathing heavily as our eyes met. I
was completely aroused. My skin was screaming to be touched and my
breasts were fully aware of his proximity to them. I could feel my
nipples harden beneath my dress. I ached for him.
I knew I’d been having
the same effect on him as I could feel his erection pressing
against my thigh. I had to fight to control my urge to release it
and beg him to take me there on the counter. He took a long calming
breath and rested his forehead against mine. I could feel his hot
breath on my face. I was sure it was flushed from the heat
radiating inside my body. “Oh Layla, you have no idea how much I
want to scoop you up in my arms, carry you upstairs and do bad
things to your hot curvy body. Very bad things. But what I want to
do to you could linger on for hours into the night and you have
classes tomorrow.”
He was right. Caught up
in my desire for him I’d completely forgotten about classes. Hell
I’d forgotten my own name! I let out a disappointed sigh. He opened
his eyes and gave me serious look. “Don’t pout Layla. Education and
knowledge are valuable assets. Don’t take them for
It was almost a command
and for some unknown reason I found it highly exciting.

I’ll take you
Licking my lips, I smiled
at him seductively. He took a step back as I slid myself forward
and off the counter. Reaching for my hand, which I gave him
willingly, he led me outside to the car. Pausing for a moment, he
faced me. “I’d like to see you again tomorrow night, say seven?” I
nodded as he brought my hand to his lips and planted a gentle kiss
on the back.
The drive home was quiet
and I often caught him glancing over at me as he drove. I couldn’t
help steal looks at him myself. He was delicious. He was chocolate
ice-cream, strawberries and cream, caramel lattes and everything I
found most tempting. He pulled up outside the dorms and ran around
to my side to open the door. Taking my hand, he helped me to my

I had a wonderful time
tonight. I’ll see you tomorrow night. I’ll pick you up right here.
Wait for me to contact you.” He leaned in and kissed me deeply
before letting me go. I wished him a goodnight, kissing him back.
Walking in a daze to the doors I looked back at him and playfully
blew him a kiss. He grinned and held his hand to his chest
pretending my kiss had hit him in the heart like an arrow. I
chuckled at him before turning away and heading inside.
When I got inside, I
wandered down the hallway with my head in the clouds. Well not
quite in the clouds. My mind and my heart were still standing with
him on the sidewalk outside. I almost missed my room, except a hand
had reached out, grabbed me by the arm and pulled me in. Amy was
standing in front of me wearing a pair of pink spotted pajamas and
fluffy kitten heel slippers. With her hands fisted on her hips she
was glaring at me. “What time do you call this? It’s almost
midnight. And did I just see what I thought I saw? Because honey
that was capital H.O.T, hot! From that goofy look on your face I
assume it went well.”
I grinned at her and fell
onto my bed. “Oh Amy. He’s wonderful. He’s sexy, smart, funny,
successful and oh my god he can kiss. I have never felt like this
before. I’m seeing him again tomorrow night.”
Her mouth flew open and
she took a sharp breath. “Oh my god Layla! You lucky little minx!
Well I’d say that man is hooked on you and has been ever since you
backed your ass into that door, maybe that’s why he never saw you
coming. He was too busy staring at your ass through the
I laughed and hurled my
pillow at her. She chucked it right back and we both fell into
hysterics. Composing myself, I slid out of my dress and into a
night shirt. My cell phone buzzed inside my bag making it move
across the bed as if it were possessed. I took it out and opened
the message.
Counting down the hours
till I shall see you again. Sweet dreams. J xx
From: The
A girlish squeal escaped
my lips and I hugged the phone to my chest. Amy eyed me
quizzically. “What did he say?”
I wasn’t sharing this
with her. This was mine and I wanted to hold the moment captive
forever. “Oh nothing. Just wishing me a goodnight.” Quickly
changing his name in my contact list, I placed the phone on my bed
side cabinet and yawned loudly. “I’m really tired and I gotta get
up for class in about seven hours. Goodnight Amy.” Raising her
eyebrows at me she shook her head. She wasn’t buying my “Just
wishing me goodnight” story one bit but she obviously respected my
privacy because she didn’t press me for information. Wishing me a
goodnight, she switched out the light. The sooner I slept, the
sooner tomorrow would come and I would be with him again. The
thought brought pleasant memories to my mind and I welcomed them as
I began to drift off to sleep. Sweet dreams indeed. Sweet dreams of
Jared, the white and gold bedroom, the kitchen counter and whatever
tomorrow night would bring.


The Boss

I made my way through the
crowded college halls to my first class. Coming to a halt outside
Room 108, I checked my schedule: Doctor K. Harman, Psychology, Room
108. I was definitely in the right place. Nervously, I opened the
door and scoured the room for Oliver’s familiar face. Two rows from
the back I spotted him. His hand was waving frantically at me to
come over. Giving him a relieved smile, I waved back and made my
way to the seat next to him.

Hey superstar. Ready for
Slumping into my seat I
grinned. “Most definitely! I can’t wait. What about
He shrugged and gave me a
bump with his shoulder. “I dunno, it’s only a matter of time before
we all learn too much and come to the conclusion that we’re all
total whack jobs right? Men in white coats will be carting us off
in no time. But I promise I’ll still visit you when you’re drugged
up and drooling.”
I laughed and nudged him
back. “Good to know.”
Before I knew it, the
whole 3 hour class had flown by. Maybe it was because I’d spent at
least half of the time thinking about Jared and the other half
laughing at our professor with Oliver. Doc. Harman had made the
mistake of wearing a long white doctor’s coat to class and Ollie
and I simply couldn’t control ourselves. We sniggered and joked
throughout the entire class. This did get us some irritated looks
from some of the other students but Oliver simply brushed them off
with a shrug and a “what are you looking at” glare. He was quickly
becoming one of my best friends. We had the same sense of humor,
taste in music and we’d even discovered that we shared the same
taste in movies. I told him my favorite was Constantine and he’d
enthused about how that was his too.
Sauntering out of the
class and into the crowded halls once more, Ollie walked close
beside me and draped his arm over my shoulder. “So, how was your
date? I hope he behaved like the perfect gentleman.”
I smiled bashfully. Ollie
spotted it and rolled his eyes. “Oh I see. It went well then?
Seeing him again?”
I leaned into him and
sighed. “It was great. I had a really good time. He was a perfect
gentleman. In fact it went so well I’m seeing him again tonight. I
just have to get through my shift at the coffee shop first.” Ollie
pressed his lips to my hair and kissed me.

I’m glad you had a good
time Layla. You deserve the best.” I was lying of course. What he
was doing to me on top of that counter was anything but chivalrous.
But Ollie didn’t need to know all the intimate details of my
evening. I got the feeling he still wasn’t quite in the friend zone
yet but I hoped he’d get there soon and I hoped that I would join

* * *

The movie theater wasn’t
the usual hustle and bustle, but I was secretly relieved. I just
wanted to hang out and enjoy some down time with Ollie before work
and speeding through lines was definitely going to help that.
Ordering a large popcorn, Ollie grabbed my hand, entwining our

Don’t want us to get
separated in this crowd.”
I glanced around at the
desolate foyer and shoved him playfully.

Any excuse to get your
hands on me Oliver Green.”
He blushed but played it
down by mischievously dragging me through the hall to the theater.
He was practically running and I had to jog to keep up, giggling as
I did so. I loved hanging out with him; we had so much fun
together. Ollie loved the classic movies almost as much as I did.
The Godfather and
Reservoir Dogs
were just two. We also had a love for indie and alternative rock;
though, we did each confess to being classic rock fans in the
privacy of our bedrooms.


The choices I had for our
viewing pleasure were slim; especially since I couldn’t bear to put
Oliver through an entire ninety minutes of a girl dying of a broken
heart and everyone crying. I went for the resident horror flick
instead, knowing very well that I would be watching most of it
through the gaps in my fingers, as I pressed my palms over my eyes,
shielding them from the gore and violent scenes. This of course
entertained and amused Ollie endlessly as he sat there munching on
popcorn. At one particularly scary part of the movie, I had just
lowered my hands when the murderer performed a very sick and gory
act on his victim with a long blade. I let out a scream and gripped
onto Ollie’s hoodie, burying my head in his chest for comfort and
safety. I felt his arms wrap around me as he pressed his lips
against the top of my head. “We can leave if you like; if it’s too
scary for you.”

Being in his arms felt so
natural, as though we’d been doing it for years; so much so that I
felt completely at ease and even brave enough to continue to watch
what was happening on the screen. With my head on his chest I could
smell the fresh scent of soap and something else that I couldn’t
quite place. It was sweet and fruity and I assumed that it must
have been his natural scent, as I had never found cologne that
smelled quite like that. Peering up at him I smiled, “Just don’t be
surprised if I end up using your chest as a shield when the scary
things happen.” He pressed his lips against my forehead and

“My pecs are your


Begging Oliver to walk me
to work was a low point even for me. The movie had left me a little
shaken and cautious of everyone; just the way a good horror flick
should leave you feeling. Joking, laughing and recalling my many
jolts of fear during the movie, we walked the short distance to the
coffee shop. Pausing outside, he wrapped me in a tight embrace,
swaying from side to side as he did. Pulling away, he gripped his
hands on my arms and smiled. “I had fun today, we should totally do
it again, make it a regular thing. You, me, popcorn and a movie.
What do you think?”

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