Bound to the Pack (Bound to the Pack, #1)

BOOK: Bound to the Pack (Bound to the Pack, #1)
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A Shifter Romance

Table of Contents

Title Page

Bound to the Pack

Chapter One

Chapter Two


Chapter Three



Chapter Four


Chapter Five


Chapter Six


Chapter Seven


Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine


Chapter Ten


Chapter Eleven


Chapter Twelve


Chapter Thirteen



Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen


Chapter Sixteen

About the Author

Sonja Morelle

Copyright © 2014 Sonja Morelle

All rights reserved.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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Chapter One


s it Friday yet?” I sighed as I folded another sweater carelessly tossed back on the display by a customer. At least some of them
to refold them. Kristen snorted a laugh as she walked back towards the counter, having just assisted one of her regular customers.

“Your first week back on the job and you already have a case of the Wednesday’s?”

Watching her move around to the register behind the counter, I couldn’t help but admire the natural grace and beauty of my best friend. Kristen was cheerful and tall with auburn hair and eyes of the clearest green I have ever seen.

“Are you even listening Jen?” Kristen asked, exasperated.

“What? Oh, sorry, just kind of zoned out for a minute there.”

Kristen’s sigh was clearly meant to be heard. “Jen, do you need something to distract you from Mike?” Her eyes searched mine for some kind of reaction.

“I wasn’t thinking of him!” Though
I was, which must have shown on my face judging by Kristen’s flat stare.

“Mmmhmm... well it’s his loss, throwing away a catch like you for that whore. Oh, don’t look at me like that. You
a catch. Beautiful, smart, funny. He’s an idiot and you’re better off, you just don’t know it yet.”

Shaking my head I continued folding clothes. A catch?
Kristen was lying through her teeth... no, that wasn’t fair. She’d always been there when I’d needed her most, she’s just trying to cheer me up. But funny? Awkward more like. Smart? Average maybe, but let’s face it, what guy finds smart sexy? And beautiful?!
Kris has been telling me that for years and I believe her as much now as I did then. Not at all.

“Jen, maybe you should take your break. I think you need to unwind a bit.” Kristen’s voice held a note of concern.

Her words broke through my thoughts like a needle popping a balloon. “I’m fine...” I replied automatically.

“No Jen, you’re
fine. You’ve been holding that same sweater for almost three minutes now without moving!” Kristen’s exasperation was so thick in her words that she could have just been holding up a sign that said ‘You’re full of shit Jen!’

She was right of course, I was definitely
fine, but there was no way I would admit that. Not even to her. “Sorry!” I ignored her concern and quickly finished folding the sweater I was holding before turning to her. “I really am all right though.” The lie tasted bitter on my lips and it was clear Kris didn’t believe me. She was the most perceptive person I’ve ever met and, as my best friend, she knew me inside and out. Thankfully she let the lie slide this time.

“Jen, what you need is a new man in your life.”

“I’m not ready for a relationship, Kris.” Mike had been my first real love and I wasn’t sure I was ready to let that go just yet. Even though it had been ages since I'd talked to him. Sometimes I wondered if leaving him had been the right thing to do, even though he had been cheating on me. Better a bad, one sided relationship than none at all? Right?

Kristen rolled her eyes. “Maybe I should have been clearer. Jen you need to get laid.”

My blush was so fast and obvious that Kristen clearly couldn’t help but laugh. “Kris!”

“What?” She laughed even harder. “It’s the truth!”

“I can’t do that! I wouldn’t even know where to begin!” My mind was racing.

“Well... when a girl meets a guy...” Kristen’s eyes positively twinkled with laughter.

“Oh ha ha, very funny. You know what I meant. I can’t just do...
.” I shook my head. “Besides, where would I even meet someone?”

Kristen snorted and gestured out the front door with one hand while wiping tears from her eyes with the other. “Oh, I don’t know Jen, maybe

I followed her pointing hand to the people walking around on the outdoor walkways between the various boutiques of the shopping plaza. Far more than half were men,
men, men I’d never have the nerve to even make awkward conversation with.

“What’s with all the super hot guys suddenly in town?” It wasn’t what I wanted to say but the words escaped me all the same.

“Only you,” laughed Kristen, “would question there being too many hot guys around.”

“Well, a lot has changed in the past six years. I guess I just didn’t think home would be so different. Home is always the same, it’s what makes it home.” And now it doesn’t even feel like my home any more. No place did.

“But complaining about too many hot guys? Ahh... it’s good to have you back Jen. Anyway, all the changes happened when that so called reservation near town sprang up suddenly. It was about... three years ago? The town exploded with all the new people, we even have five clubs now!” Kristen practically shook with excitement, apparently lost in her own thoughts. She had always complained at the lack of a nightlife here.

“Ugh, clubs.” I couldn’t keep the disgust from my voice.

Kristen broke from her reverie and stared at me like my mother used to when she heard me swearing at home. “Have you ever actually been to one? An actual club, not some dive bar Mike dragged you out to? You’d have a really good time, I promise! In fact, Troy and I are going out tonight, you should totally come! We can go to Martini’s!”

“Nah, I think I’ll pass.” Music I hated being played way too loud, drunk men who reeked of alcohol, sticky floors, and groping hands? No, I definitely don’t like clubs.

“Why not? You have big plans of going home and cleaning your apartment all night again? I’m not having it, Jen. You can’t pretend that you’re still unpacking, I’ve been over, remember? You’re coming with us.” Kristen’s voice was firm, she wasn’t going to budge on this.

Fortunately I was saved by the door chime that signaled a new customer had entered the store. Rushing from the conversation, I felt as if I had narrowly avoided the trap of being dragged along as a third wheel to a place I didn’t want to go. I let out a quick sigh of relief as I crossed the store towards the front.

Dodged a bullet there...

“Jen, this conversation isn’t over!” Kristen’s voice chased after me.

Or not.


he usual end of day rush came and went, leaving the store looking as if it had never been cleaned, but I didn’t really mind. This was easily my favorite part of any work day, all of the customers had gone and there would be no more. I was no longer required to force small talk with strangers in an attempt to part them from as much of their money as possible.
Stupid sales goals
. It felt like I was being forced to rob people with my false smile and I hated it.

A few sharp raps sounded from the front door. Kristen looked up from closing the register, a smile splitting her face.

Ah, this must be the mysterious Troy that she’s been dating for about a year. It was a record for Kristen, not that she got around. She was just permanently single by choice. It was probably easy to be picky when you look so stunning that men walk into walls just because they were staring at you. Though to be fair, that had only happened once.

Sure enough, Kristen’s laughter carried across the store as she walked hand in hand with a man back towards the register. Knowing Kris, she was already done with her work and would just be waiting for me to finish refolding the clothes.

Looking around at the mess the store was still in, a plan began to form in my mind. Normally when the store was this messy, Kris would just come help me finish tidying up when she was done with the register and nightly paperwork. Tonight though, she was oblivious to anything but Troy and she wouldn’t even notice the mess or how long it’d take me to clean it.

Making up my mind to give it a try, I approached the chatting couple, having to clear my throat twice before Kristen glanced over at me. “Oh! Sorry Jen, this is Troy. Troy, Jen.” Kristen smiled. She was probably happy that her boyfriend and best friend were finally meeting each other.

As Troy turned to face me I had to wonder what it was that Kris saw in him. Not that I was one to talk in light of my current track record of one hundred percent failed relationships. Troy just wasn’t the type of guy I remembered Kris favoring.

He wasn’t exactly handsome, but he wasn’t unattractive either, he was... pretty would be the most accurate. He had an almost delicate appearance; long slender fingers, silky blonde hair, soft facial features that had a definite feminine cast, and full lips that most women would be jealous of.

I was.

His eyes though... they were so light, yellow or gold depending on the angle, and they were piercing. The smile that touched his lips never entered his eyes and I was rooted to the spot. It felt like what a mouse must feel when facing down a cat.

The moment passed far beyond the point of awkward before he extended his too long fingers as if to shake my hand. “Pleased to meet you Jen, Kris has told me all about you.” His voice was out of place with his appearance, gruff with a quiet intensity.

Hesitantly I took his hand. “Nice to meet you too, sadly Kris hasn’t told me much about you.”

“Well, Kris does like her secrets.” His smirk managed to make me feel even more uncomfortable. What
Kris thinking? This guy is a total creep!

“I’m right here guys,” Kristen said flatly as she looked at me with questions in her eyes. I hoped I wasn’t obvious with my unease.

Troy released my hand and, with a quick laugh, pulled Kristen into his arms. “And now you’re right here!”

Feeling like my eyes were going to roll right out of my head I stifled a groan. At least his laugh seemed genuine, though his gaze lingered on me even with Kris in his arms. Goosebumps pebbled my skin under his scrutiny. Maybe he was wearing contacts?

“Listen, you guys head out and I’ll wrap up here. It won’t take long and clearly you two need to get a room.” The image of Troy naked came unbidden to my mind and I had to fight back a wave of laughter. Poor Kristen, I bet he cries uncontrollably after every orgasm. A giggle escaped me despite my best restraint.

“Nice try Jen, but you’re coming out with us,” she said, pushing Troy away from her.

So much for Operation: Feeble Attempt At Not Going To The Club. Direct approach it is. “Kris, please... not tonight. I really just don’t feel like it, ok?”

Kristen stared into my eyes, drew in a deep breath, and exhaled in a quick burst out of her mouth. “Fine,” she sighed, “but you can’t dodge me forever, you need to move on in your life and I’m determined to see you happy again.” Grinning, she added in an undertone, “even if it makes you miserable.”

I smiled in spite of myself, Kris really did just want me to be happy. “Gee thanks Kris, you’re the
! Seriously though, you guys go have fun.”

Troy stepped over next to Kristen again, catching her attention. “Actually Kris, I was hoping we could talk tonight. You can’t keep avoiding

Something passed between the two of them and Kristen nodded, though she looked annoyed. “Well, so much for my grand plans for the night. Are you sure you’re fine, Jen?”

“Yeah, I’ll see you here tomorrow.”

“Bright and early.” Kristen said as she pulled me into a tight hug. “Well... early at least.”

Troy chuckled and held Kristen’s hand as they walked out. Holding the door for her he cast a glance back at me with his disturbing eyes before following her out into the early evening.

Not quite how I saw that happening when I had planned it, but at least I’m not going to a club. Glancing around at the mess the store was in, I fought down a sigh.

Definitely not my best plan.

Chapter Two


t took longer to finish up than I had led Kris to believe, but my recent obsession with cleaning and neatness paid off. I was getting ready to leave only fifteen minutes past my scheduled time out at six. Well, that’s one upside of leaving Mike. I winced as the name danced across my thoughts, bringing a wave of confused emotions over me. It’s been eight months, I should be past this by now.

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