Bound to the Pack (Bound to the Pack, #1) (4 page)

BOOK: Bound to the Pack (Bound to the Pack, #1)
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Saturday dawned with the promise of the beautiful day the forecasters had predicted. They had to get it right, sometimes.

One-thirty came quickly and Kris arrived with Troy, fashionably late of course, with the cliché picnic basket in the back seat.

Maybe I would have fun today after all.


ant some more wine, Jen?” Kristen pulled yet another bottle from the basket, twisting the top off.

“Please and thank you.” I was beginning to think the only thing in that basket was an endless supply of wine bottles. We were on our third.

Kris poured out a glass of some deep red that I accepted with a grateful nod before taking a sip. Yup, that’s wine. I knew nothing of wines, even though Kris had often tried to teach me before giving me up as a lost cause. I apparently just didn’t have the taste for it. Or nose, as Kris would say.

Troy sat nearby, lost in thought and still as unappealing as the first time I had met him. Why Kris wanted to be with him I’d never know.

Maybe he’s great in bed... I shuddered at the mental image. Best not to think too long on that.

, that’s another thing all together. The heat I felt in my body was no longer just from the wine and I welcomed it. When was the last time I had felt desire like that? Even if it was just in my imagination.

Or was it?

It didn’t seem possible, but he definitely had seemed into me the other day. His eyes were so... hungry. I’d never been looked at that way before and I didn’t think it was something that could be faked. What did I know though? The best relationship I had ever known had turned out to be a sham.

Lost in thought, I was surprised to find my glass already empty. Turning towards Kris I realized I wasn’t the only one distracted and put my glass down.

Troy and her were having a decidedly intimate moment. I felt I should give them more space in case they carried this as far as it seemed they were going to. They didn’t even notice me stand to leave. Just before getting out of earshot I paused, hearing them talking. Good, maybe they’re done and I can go back.

“Kris, this game has gone on long enough.”

I froze, this sounded way too intimate, and began to walk away again.

“I know Troy. You know that I love you, but this...
is forbidden. We haven’t even asked permission, we know what they’d say.”

Quickening my steps I moved far enough away that the rest of the conversation was lost to me. Not knowing how much time they’d need to work things out, I picked a direction and began walking around the park. It really did feel good to be out of the house, I admitted to myself reluctantly. I suppose I can’t hide away from life forever.

I moved aimlessly around the various paths and trails, taking in the scenery and watching the tourists taking pictures of the trees. It hadn’t felt like I had been in D.C. for that long while I was living there, being back though... autumn in New Hampshire

I walked for the better part of an hour, spending equal time between being a wide eyed visitor seeing the trees for the first time and a jaded native immune to the beauty. It was amazing that something that screamed ‘home’ could also be seen with fresh eyes. Breathing in the scents deeply I smiled in spite of myself.

It really was a perfect day.


watched Jen as she walked around the park. Or, more accurately, I hunted her as I had hunted her the day before. I had been so lost in thoughts of her that Kristen’s boyfriend had nearly spotted me. Sloppy.

But at least now I knew where she lived.

Standing up after Jen had walked past my hiding place, I followed her at a safe distance. Humans were so blind most of the time.

Though I could smell Kristen and...
, I decided it made the most sense to follow Jen until she returned to them.

It was clearly the most logical option.

Chapter Six


iguring I had given them long enough, as I judged by the wine no longer warming me, I felt it was time to head back. It was a much quicker walk back to where they had set up the picnic and I was there in almost no time at all to find most everything packed up and put away.

“Jen! We were just about to come find you.” Kris smiled. “Sorry about that.”

“No worries, all part of being the third wheel.” I grinned to let her know I was just joking with her. The walk had really raised my spirits.

“It was rude of us. I invited you out to spend time together, not get distracted and ignore you.” Kris stared pointedly at Troy.

Troy grinned, then, startling me. He stood tall and glared over my shoulder at something behind me. Kris imitated him so quickly it were as if they had been pulled up by puppet strings. Their expressions mirrored each other, grimacing like they had just eaten lemons.

Bad lemons.

Turning around quickly to see what could cause such a reaction I saw... nothing. I was about to turn back to them when a figure moved from the tree line across the hill from us. Liam.

He paused as he surveyed the scene, then walked our way. A throaty growl was coming from either Troy or Kris, I couldn’t tell from which, as I watched Liam close the distance. When he had reached our group he took us all in with a glance. Did it linger slightly as it passed over me?

“So,” he growled in his low voice, “is this him then?” He was staring at Troy and Troy was... snarling?

“Yes,” Troy practically spat. “I am ‘him.'”

“Liam, please,
.” Kristen was both furious and worried.

“This is a public park, not your shop, sister. You have no authority to make me leave. We will discuss this, shall we say, lapse of judgment.”

Troy flared up and stepped towards Liam, who was a giant compared to his dainty form. Liam flexed, just a slight tightening of his muscles, and he seemed to grow even more massive.

“Discuss. Or fight. I care not which, though you most certainly will.” There was no fear in Troy's voice, how could that be?

Kris stepped between them. “Stop it! Both of you! Liam, this is none of your business, how many times am I going to have to tell you that? And Troy, don’t be stupid, stop antagonizing him!”

They both spared her a glance before resuming their staring contest.

“Do I need to remind you both of what a fight between you would look like?” Kris looked to me. “In

That seemed to get their attention for some reason. They all looked at me and I felt myself wilt under the combined stares of the three of them. Troy moved closer to Kristen but Liam’s eyes lingered on me.

“Jen, it’s time to go. Troy, can you grab the basket please?” Kris turned to face Liam. “And you. This is not open for discussion and you’re too late anyway. I’ve decided.”

“There is still time, it is not too late as of yet, Kris.” Liam’s tone said that until it was done, whatever ‘it’ was, there would be time.

“I’ve decided, Liam. Leave it be.” Kris took my arm and we walked to the car, Liam unmoving but watchful.

My patience had reached a breaking point, this had gone on long enough without anyone telling me anything. “Kris, what was that all about? Please, I’m supposed to be your best friend and for the past few days I’ve felt like a child told to be quiet while the adults talk. Nothing you guys are saying is making any sense.”

“I’m sorry, Jen. You
my best friend. This is just...” She shook her head. “This is just too personal right now.  I’m sorry.” Kris took a deep breath, steeling herself. “I promise when this is all over and the dust settles I’ll answer your questions.”

I nodded as I got into the car, too frustrated to say anything, and watched as Liam turned away while Troy stared at him intensely.

“We leave tonight, Kris.” He hissed the words through clenched teeth.

Kris hesitated, then nodded. Those were the only words spoken the whole ride home and it wasn’t until I watched them pull away that a thought rushed to the forefront of my mind and sent my heart racing.

Had Liam called Kristen his


urrying through the light woods around the park I aimed directly for Kristen’s apartment miles away.

Fortuitous that I had located where she lived last night.

My mind raced as fast as my body ran. Leaping over fallen trees, ricocheting off of boulders, and swinging from low branches, my pumping legs ate up the distance to my goal.

This would be far easier as the wolf, but I, for one, will abide by our laws. How could she do this? Had all semblance of sense fled her?

I could understand Troy, even though I don’t like him. He was going above himself, attempting to raise his station within the clans. Kris would be exiled for such a transgression. How could she want to be with him that much?

I reached the road and kept running, watching the cars pass me, each one darkening my expression further. I should have learned to operate a vehicle before coming here.

My speed began to falter, peak physical form or not I’d been running full out for several miles already. I’d need to pace myself or I’ll cause an injury. That would be the last thing I needed when I confronted Troy in a more... suitable location.

I have to stop this.

If Kristen bonded with Troy she would be exiled. The full moon was only three nights away and I will stop this. By talking sense, or through violence.

Whatever worked.

Chapter Seven


ome on Kris, pick  up!” The phone went to voicemail. Again. I hung up, staring at my own phone as if it held the answers I sought. Something was wrong.

The way everyone was acting it was like they were all part of a secret I wasn’t in on. It was infuriating, I hated this feeling. It was just like being cheated on all over again. I was the last to know

Coming to a decision I grabbed my coat and keys then headed for the door. I had to confront Kris and find out what was going on. If she really is my friend she should tell me what’s going on. I only want to help her like she’s helped me over the years.

The ride passed in a haze of worry and I was parking at Kris’s apartment before I knew it.

Her car wasn’t there.

Hoping my trip wasn’t for nothing, I rang the doorbell. And rang it again. Beginning to feel frustrated I tried the door and found it open. Is that normal? Kris had always gone in first.


Nothing seemed amiss, though my hands twitched when I noticed the sink full of dirty dishes. A quick walk around showed an empty apartment.

I need to think...

Mechanically I began cleaning as dusk settled over the town. It helped focus my thoughts; a quick dusting, restacking of papers on the table, and general busy work led me around to the dishes which I started on with gusto.

Liam is Kris’s brother? That would explain the protectiveness but there felt like there was more at stake than a disapproving brother.

What had Troy said in the car? We have to leave tonight?

Apparently he had meant immediately after dropping me off. Drying my hands, I felt I had lost. Kris seemed to have vanished even though it had barely been two hours. Everything felt off.

Maybe the police? No, they’d just think the couple wanted some time alone.

Liam, I need to find Liam.

Deciding it was the only option left to me, yet having no idea how to actually go about accomplishing it, I grabbed my things, turned off the lights, and opened the door into the night.


reached the house and, seeing that the lights were on, let out a sigh of relief. If they were still here they would be hard pressed to get to the nearest sacred site before the coming full moon.

They’d be harder pressed with my interference.

A figure moved into view in one of the windows. It was her. She seemed to be washing something just out of sight.

Lust rose within me as I watched her, not even bothering to hide myself though I was fully visible in the bright moonlight. I could just make out the soft curves of her lush body, so different from the hard planes and angles of the typical shifter.

And her emotions.

I  had no idea what could cause someone to have so many emotions boiling so close to the surface, but it was an alluring bouquet I had never experienced before. I felt myself growling hungrily and took a step towards the door.

This is a distraction I can’t afford. The thought didn’t stop me from taking another step forward.
I need to focus...
Another step.

The door opened and she stepped out, seeing me immediately. She gasped and dropped her keys. Adorable.

“Liam! I was just trying to think of how to find you, do you know where Kris went?”

“She’s not here with you?” I blinked, realization setting in. Oh no, they’ve already left.

“No, I don’t think they came back after the park.” Her eyes found mine, pure brown beautiful pools that pulled at me with their depths. How willing I’d be to drown in them. “Liam, what’s going on? I feel like something important is happening that you guys aren’t telling me.” Her voice held a hint of concern, her scent was livid with it.

“My sister is planning to violate our laws and bond a mate. She hasn’t even asked the elders for permission, knowing she wouldn’t get it. She will be exiled from our pack and clan. Possibly even from the entire tribe if the elders determine her transgression warrants it.”

“Bond a mate? Exiled from a pack? I don’t understand...” Her stare grew more intense, pulling me further under her power. “Liam, are you making fun of me? What the fuck!”

I turned away from her, her anger, and the desire she inspired. “There is no time to explain. I must reach them and stop this from happening. They are far ahead of me now, but I may still be able to catch them before the full moon if I push myself.” I began jogging away, planning my route. My chances to stop them in time had dropped drastically.


I began running.

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