Guilty Pleasures

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Authors: Bertrice Small

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Guilty Pleasures
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Passionate Pleasures

“Small delivers a marvelously sexy story . . . that’s smart, sassy, and definitely sizzling . . . a great love story that just happens to be filled with erotic love scenes.”

Romantic Times

“A fun, well-written romantic fantasy.”

—Genre Go Round Reviews

Dangerous Pleasures

“A pleasurable erotic tale. . . . Fans will enjoy Bertrice Small’s fine character study.”

—The Best Reviews

“The queen of sensual romance has done it again . . . sizzling.”

Romantic Times

“Erotica has never been done more tastefully or been more captivating.”

—Romance Junkies

Sudden Pleasures

“Arranged marriages are nothing new but the spin that Small puts on her contemporary version is hot and different . . . definitely scorching.”

Romantic Times

“Full of emotions and unruly feelings . . . an entertaining read. . . . Ms. Small writes every character realistically and with realistic faults.”

—Romance Junkies

Forbidden Pleasures

“Small is the queen of steamy romance, and this sequel to
Private Pleasures
is a truly entertaining fantasy that delivers. . . . Fans of erotic romance will not want to miss Emily’s sexual awakening.”

Romantic Times

Private Pleasures

“One of the best erotic novels I have read this year. . . . With her trademark savvy, sass, and sensuality all wrapped up in one seriously beguiling package . . . [a] winner.”

—A Romance Review

“A complete success . . . gritty, truthful, and of course, extremely sexy.”


“[A] XXXX tale . . . fans of erotica will enjoy.”

Midwest Book Review


“Ms. Small delights and thrills.”


“Bertrice Small creates cover-to-cover passion.”

Publishers Weekly



Passionate Pleasures

Sudden Pleasures

Dangerous Pleasures

Forbidden Pleasures

Private Pleasures

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First Printing, August 2011

Copyright © Bertrice Small, 2011

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Small, Bertrice.
Guilty pleasures/Bertrice Small.
p. cm.

ISBN : 978-1-101-51727-7

I. Title.
PS3569.M28G85 2011
813’.54—dc22 2011009675

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For Laura Cifelli—

It was brief but you were a lovely editor,
and you always made me laugh.

Thank you.


For those of you who have not previously read one of the
books, a brief explanation of the Channel is in order. The Channel is a secret interactive network known only to women. It is obtained through a cable or satellite provider. It allows you to live out your wildest fantasies between the hours of eight p.m. and four a.m. daily. Men have no idea it exists. If they did, they would want it for themselves, or regulate it, or, worst of all, take it away from us.

The five previous novels in the
series have each dealt with the story of one woman and her involvement with the Channel. They have all taken place in the small town of Egret Pointe. This work of fiction, however, while still set in Egret Pointe, will tell you five short stories about five different women, four of whom have appeared in the previous books. The fifth is a new character employed by a previous heroine.

I hope you will enjoy reading
Guilty Pleasures
as much as I have enjoyed writing it. But remember: This is a work of fiction. So please don’t call your cable or satellite providers and ask for the Channel. But . . . maybe one day.


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