Bound and Freed Boxed Set (21 page)

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3. Early Sunday Morning

They were still at the

John sat in front of Kelly,
just staring at her. She humbled him. How had he earned her submission? How had
he gotten to this wonderful place?

Kelly was the girl of his

Blindfolded, Kelly was
sitting naked in a chair, with her hands cuffed behind her back. Her ankles
were hooked around the outer legs of the chair, leaving her pussy exposed to
his view. John hadn't cuffed her ankles. He knew she would do exactly as she
was told. Christ, she was a fantastic submissive. So willing and eager to
please him in any way he wanted. Kelly would not deny him anything.

John's cock twitched with
lust at that thought.

John had been fucking her
anal passage with ever increasing sized crystal anal plugs all night, preparing
her for his cock. For fun he had made her climax multiple times while pushing
the plugs in and out of her. He had gotten her so hot that every plug slid into
her rear entry with ease. Kelly was not a small girl, and he felt certain that
she would have no trouble taking him already. John wanted to make sure she had
positive experiences and associations concerning anal sex.

Kelly had the most perfect
ass that he had ever seen on any woman anywhere.

John didn’t consider that he
was particularly an ass man, but he may be. How would he know? He had only
recently enjoyed his first real orgasm in Kelly's mouth, and he still hadn’t
gotten over that. Kelly had a compelling mouth. Her cunt was also fantastic, so
probably her ass would be too. Everything about her stirred him with wonder and

John wanted Kelly to
experience anal sex because he needed to take her in every possible way. This
was an instinctive desire, like a physical marking or branding. It was such a
weird caveman-like longing. He wanted to plant his seed in every feminine hole.

"Tell me how you feel,
Kelly," he said.

"Happy," she
responded instantly, not holding anything back. "Cherished. Cared for.

"Put your legs
together, Kelly," he said. When she instantly complied, John drew his own
chair nearer. Wrapping his legs around either side of hers, he captured her
hips with his hands and moved closer. The tip of her tongue moved out to
moisten her lips, and her body flushed with red heat.

He glanced lower and saw
that she had already flooded the chair. God, she was always slick and ready for

"Thank you,
Kelly," he said in a quiet, seductive tone.

Kelly rewarded him with a
low moan, just as he was certain she would.
Yes. Yes,
he thought as a
sense of powerful control flooded his body. John knew instinctively how to use
his voice. For him, it was an integral part of being a Dom, to use soft
whispers of seduction, or commanding authority in different volumes, pitch or

Being with Kelly was both
soothing and exciting, almost like practicing with his bullwhip or meditating.
She centered him into a peaceful Dom space where they were joined, as Dom and
sub, sharing a world alone together.

At times John felt as if
Kelly was an extension of himself and in those moments he understood her
emotions and her tears as if they were his own. An intense sensation of power
and pleasure flowed through him, because he knew her so intimately. So

He felt connected.

Kelly was his, everything
she was, her breathing, her heartbeat, her body, thoughts, feelings, sensations
and pain - it all belonged to him.

Running his hands up her
flanks, John could tell that the blush that covered her skin was from sexual
arousal. He was making a point of knowing Kelly's body. In time he intended to
know it as intimately as he knew his own. How did that beautiful pink tinge
arrive on her skin from out of nowhere? It was so fascinating. It usually
started in her face, and then traveled down her neck, to her breasts and then
even lower.

"What are you feeling
and thinking now, Kelly?" John said in a soft growl.

"Jeez, John," she
gasped and her gasp turned into a giggle. "I'm feeling anxious and horny,
and I'm wondering what your plans are. And you already know what I'm thinking,
mind reader! I felt your legs against mine, and your hands on me, and I
immediately thought of sex."

"Is that all?"

Kelly tilted her head and
her lips pressed together. "No. I actually had quite a few thoughts,"
she said musingly.
"I used to imagine
that what I needed was BDSM. Being dominated, having a Dom in charge of me
during sex, and I guess that's still true. But it is different now with you,
John. I don’t need anything – just you."

Kelly's words slid over John, filling him with pleasure.

She paused for a moment and he didn’t speak,
instinctively remaining silent. John knew that she had more to say. Why did he
know her so well?

Probably because Kelly had been in his thoughts forever.

"You know what?" Kelly said. "Plain old
vanilla sex is more than enough with you. Don’t get me wrong, I'm enjoying being
vulnerable, blindfolded and tied up right now. Bending to your will makes me
feel like I am pleasing you. I belong to you. I'm your submissive and that is
important. It's also seriously sexy when you control me, and take me, exactly
as you want." She licked her lips. "Yum. But I have come to realize
that I don’t need the trappings. Just you, and in any way you'll have me, is
perfect. You make me really, really happy, John."

"I'm very glad to hear that, Kelly."

He moved closer still, cupping her face and brushing her
lips with his own.

John loved Kelly so much that it actually hurt – but this
pain was exquisite. There wasn't anything in the world he wouldn't do for her.
He had often heard the expression, 'I'd kill for…' a burger, or whatever - just
fill in the blanks. John knew without any doubt whatsoever, that if something
threatened Kelly he was completely capable of tearing whoever, or whatever it
was apart.

With his bare hands if necessary.

"I'm glad that I make you happy," he said.
"I belong to you, too, Kelly. You make me happy, too, but more
importantly, you make me feel human."

"You are human, John," she snorted. "You're
the kindest, most wonderful human in the entire world."

John had to laugh. "Wow. I guess love really is

4. What John Needs

John reached over and broke off a piece of food from the
plate he had brought in. Leaning in to her, he said. "Open your mouth,

She obediently complied, and John put a little morsel of
food inside, on her tongue, brushing his fingers against her lips as he did. A
thrill of desire went through him. What was it about Kelly's mouth? Was it
simply that the first orgasm he had ever actually enjoyed and fully experienced
came from those lips and that tongue? One look at her mouth was more than
enough to make him hard.

Kelly began to chew and then her lips curved up into a
smile, her cute little nose wrinkled and she laughed. God she was just so

"Meatloaf? Really, John?" she said. "Here
I was expecting something seductive, like pancakes and whip cream, or
chocolate. You are such a practical man. Where did you come up with meatloaf of
all things? And how did you get meatloaf to be so damn sexy? Yowza. Pretty
tantalizing, you, feeding me by hand with your own fingers."

"Yes," he said in a low voice, "it is. And
protein is sexy, Kelly. You need your nourishment, because I'm going to use
your body for my pleasure for many more hours yet."

With food in her mouth, she gave a soft, muffled moan and
John said nothing, because he felt like moaning, too. God he needed to fuck her
again. He had lost count of how many times he had fucked her already tonight.

I will never get enough of Kelly Flynn,
he thought. And then an intriguing idea came to him. Maybe he would change
last name when they married, if Kelly did decide to have him. John had no
loyalty to his own surname. Perhaps he should be John Flynn.

John broke off another bite and placed it between her
lips, this time running his fingers along her mouth in a way that made his
balls tighten. She chewed once more and he watched, fascinated.

"My neighbor, Mable," he said, "makes me
lunch five days a week. I go over to her house and pick it up, and I pay her
really well. She was Aunt Brenda's friend, and she had been having some
financial difficulties. I doubt if Mable would take charity, and I do like her
cooking. It reminds me of my aunt. Thus, meatloaf."

Kelly smiled. "You are a good person, John. I'm so
totally gone on you."

John didn’t reply, but he brushed her face and hair in acknowledgment.
He could feel his throat swelling, just like his heart and his chest had. He
was utterly gone on her, too. It was so obvious and simple that it felt
complicated. Man. No wonder people went crazy when they fell in love.

For some time he fed his sub by hand. Like a spoiled, treasured
pet, Kelly enjoyed her early morning meal. It was a sensual, erotic experience
that kept them both ultra horny and on the edge.

John cleared his throat. "My best friend and mentor
is a man named André Chevalier. You'll meet him sometime, he lives in Las
Vegas. Anyway, André told me that I would enjoy feeding my sub, and he was
right. He said it was a pleasure that only a Dom could fully understand or
appreciate. Do you want to know what I'm feeling, here now with you, Kelly?"

"Yes, John," she said.

"I feel that you are mine and that I am taking care
of you," he said. "As if I'm totally responsible for you and I'm
protecting you and helping you to live. Like a pet - a kitten or a puppy – but
more than that." He blew out a gust of air. "I don't know if I can
explain it. I'm not sure I understand it myself. I want to be the one to give
you everything you require. It's like you're vulnerable and helpless and you
need me to survive. Crazy, right?"

"No, John," she said in a soft voice, and he
could see that his words had moved her. "Tell me more," she said.

John stroked her face with his knuckles. Then, because he
couldn’t resist her, he leaned in and gave Kelly another kiss. He pressed in
close, took her mouth as his own while casually caressing her breasts, rolling,
squeezing and tugging on both nipples. When he pulled back he noticed that her
pulse had quickened, but so had his.

Where was his vaunted self-control? Kelly made it
disappear every single time, like a piece of straw sucked away in a hurricane.

"You are a strong, capable woman, Kelly," John
said. "And you can manage perfectly well on your own. Logically I know
this. These are all my imagined realities, but right here and now, they feel so
real. It's like some sort of overpowering male instinct. I want to make your
life perfect. I want to pound all your enemies to the ground. I want to be the
one you depend on, the person you trust and the only one you need. I want to
dominate you, and protect you, and feed you, and keep you, and discipline you.
I want to worship your body, and be the first in your heart. I want to own you,
body and soul. I need to be everything to you, Kelly."

John pressed in close against her while she sat in the
chair, arms cuffed behind her. It wasn't close enough. Lurching forward, Kelly
was in his arms once more, the long length of her young naked body up tight
against his.

everything to me, John," she
whispered with a deep sigh of pleasure.

Her breath gusted over his ear as he reveled in the smooth
tactile happiness he experienced from being skin to skin, and touching her.
Kelly kissed his neck, making small sounds of longing, licking and biting any
part of him within reach of her mouth. John chuckled at her actions, knowing
she was ultra horny and desperate, too. Every lick and bite sent a shiver of
arousal down his spine.

"Whew," she said when he pulled back, and her
whole body quivered. "What you just said. That's pretty comprehensive,
John. Jeez Louise."

"I have so much I have to tell you, Kelly," he
said. "There is a lot you need to know about me. André told me that '
It is best to begin a relationship in the
manner in which you intend to go on.' I want us to be honest with each other,
always. I have lots of secrets, and I swear that you will hear them all in
time. But I don’t want to frighten you." John took her blindfold off.

"Oh," he said when
he looked into her pale blue eyes. They were dilated and desperate with lust
and need.

"We can talk later.
Right now I need to fuck you."

5. Triggers

John slid his chair back and tugged her to her feet,
pulling her naked body against his. His thick cock pressed against her stomach
and he gave an unintentional growl of relief at the physical contact. God he
needed her so badly.



"Do you mind if I touch you?" Kelly said.
"I really want to touch you sometime during sex. It doesn’t have to be
now, just sometime." He wasn't at all surprised to find that he wanted to
please her even more than he wanted to fuck her. He was the Dom, so why did it
seem to him sometimes that she had all the power? And even more importantly,
why didn’t that fact bother him?

He pulled her body closer against him, and reaching
behind her, he unhooked her cuffs. Sweeping her into his arms as if she was his
bride and they were crossing the threshold, John sat down, and set her on his

"Hands in front, Kelly. Lace your fingers
together." She obeyed.

John sighed. "Do you know what a trigger is,

She frowned and then grimaced. "I don't really know
the definition, but I do know enclosed, dark spaces are a trigger for me."

"Oh, of course," he said. "You have had a
very real and personal experience with the subject." John had an arm
curled around Kelly's waist, the other resting on her thighs. With a
sympathetic squeeze, he pulled her into him.

"Okay, a trigger is of course, different things to
different people," he said. "Basically it can be defined as that
during specific situations, when a person
becomes vulnerable.
These situations are called
'triggers,' because they trigger an onset of unwanted symptoms."

"The odd thing is that sometimes triggers occur
without conscious awareness, so people don't always know what creates or
'triggers' the negative reaction. For example, if you were bitten by a dog as a
child, you may not remember the incident, but you do know that dogs make you nervous.
Seeing a dog then would be a trigger for your sudden inexplicable

John reached back to the table and took a drink from his
can of Diet Coke. He held the can up, and raised his brows, offering Kelly a

"No thank you, John. I'm good."

"Okay. Well, in my case, I have difficulty with
hands," he said. "I don't like to be touched. When I am touched I can
sometimes feel nauseated, out of control and vulnerable. I was going to talk to
you about this, because I want you to touch me. I want to get over this kind of
'hand phobia,' and I know that in time you can help me to do this."

Kelly smiled broadly, and her joy was so unexpected when
discussing such a serious subject that John almost burst out laughing with
relief. He had feared that she would become quiet and worried.

"What are you so happy about?" he said.

"Oh," Kelly said. "It's just that I'm
certain that I can help you, John."

"That's it?" he said in disbelief. "You
aren't curious about where my trigger comes from, or why I have it?"

"Sure I am," she said. "And you'll tell me
when you're ready. But this time when we have sex, I'm going to ask if I can
run my hands through your hair, or put them around your neck, and man, I am
kind of looking forward to it. I love your wonderful, thick wavy hair, John. I
bet it feels silky and amazing to touch."

Laughing joyously, John swept Kelly up into his arms and
took her to the bed, throwing her on to it. "My hair, huh?" he said.
"For now, hands over your head, beautiful girl, and spread those legs,
knees up. I'm going to eat you out until your scream for me to stop, because
you can’t take any more pleasure. And at some point, while I'm doing it, I'm
going to let you touch my hair."

Much later, after he had licked and finger fucked her to
orgasm three times, John had taken her twice more. Once against the wall,
because there was just something about doing it standing up that appealed to him,
having Kelly's legs wrapped around him, and her arms held high above her head.
Then once while lying on their sides, with him coming from behind. Kelly's
hands were naturally in front of her that way, and he could play with her
breasts and kiss and caress her easily while entering her.

John had gotten around the hand thing by commanding Kelly
to run her fingers through his hair. He had suffered a reaction, but he had
pushed through the anxiety and while he didn’t yet enjoy the experience, he was
beginning to tolerate it.

Now they lay together like children, Kelly talking away
and him smiling and laughing as he watched her. John didn’t think he would ever
get tired of watching her. The woman was so alive and irrepressibly cheerful.

It was impossible to be anything other than happy when he
was with Kelly.

Not just happy,
thought with a sense of magic and wonder.
Happier than I have ever been
before - lovingly, exultingly, joyously, lightly, effortlessly, happy! Without
doubt, without darkness, without anger, or hate. Could I have ever imagined
such a state before?

And John knew the answer:

"So," he finally said. "We have to think
of getting some rest. I suspect that it would be best if we both go to our own
homes. With you in my bed, Kelly, I won’t get any sleep. No matter how
exhausted I am, I’m always hard for you. I think that even if I was dead I
would still be able to fuck you."

"Eww!" Kelly laughed. "What a terrible
picture! But yeah, I noticed that, too. Does that cock of yours ever go down
below half mast?"

"Not really," John said. "It's always been
a problem for me. But now that I have you as my sub I'm not complaining."

My sub,
he thought with a thrill of
God, my beautiful Kelly.
It still amazed him that she was his.
But could he keep her? Or would she run away when she found out what had
happened to him?

Not to mention all the bad things that he had done.

BOOK: Bound and Freed Boxed Set
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