Bought and Trained (26 page)

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Authors: Emily Tilton

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Romantic Erotica

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Each time, he gave her a hug and a kiss, and a little pat on her bottom. Really, he
could tell she was playing, and enjoying the play so much she wanted to make it go
on forever. “It will hurt so much, won’t it, Master?” she would say, as he hugged
her. “I’ll be brave, I promise. I know I deserve it.”

David would say, “It will be alright, Rose. We both need this.” And Rose would run
back to Hannah, and Hannah would hug her, and they would go off into a shop or for
a little walk down to the Seine.

“Take off your nightgown, Rose,” David said, “and lay yourself down over the piano
bench. It’s time for your caning.” He had in his hand the stiff cane he had bought
from the little store Abigail ran out of her office at the Institute, thinking that
he would save it to use upon Rose on a special occasion. He slapped the end of it
against his palm, and felt the sting even from that light stroke.

Rose obeyed him, and now, as Grace and Hannah sat watching on the couch, Grace’s arms
around Hannah, Rose presented her bottom to them all, for punishment, with her legs
together but a little hint of her pussy peeping through her shut thighs nonetheless.
David’s head felt light at the sight, and at the thought of how he would mark that
bottom before he finished her whipping.

“Rose,” David said, “it’s time for us to understand one another as well as we possibly
can. Do you agree?”

“Yes, Master.” Rose’s voice came up muffled, as she spoke into the leather-covered
cushion of the piano bench.

“When I cane you, in a moment, I will not be punishing you for resisting Peter when
I gave your ass to him.”

“You won’t, Master?”

“Indeed, I won’t be punishing you at all. You resisted Peter because you wanted to
decide to whom your ass belonged.”

“Yes, Master.”

“Even if our relationship were truly some sort of barbaric bond of chattel-ownership,
I might I suppose punish you for that, but when I begin to beat you in a moment it
won’t be a punishment.”

“Why, Master?” Rose’s voice sounded a bit breathless, and in fact David noticed that
a slight sheen had arisen where the cleft of her pussy was just visible between her

“Because your caning is, in truth, actually a communication—a sharing—between me and
you, my sweet girl. I am saying to you that I want you to be mine, and no one else’s,
and you are saying that you want to be mine, and no one else’s.”

As he finished enunciating the possessive ‘s’ of ‘else’s,’ he brought the cane down,
very hard and, as Rose screamed and screamed, in real pain, he continued to beat her.
Soon, her hands were flying up to try to cover her blazing backside, where the welts
were quickly forming in a crisscross pattern, and he was holding those hands behind
her back and caning her still. He heard Hannah crying, and Grace saying “Shh, Hannah.
It will be alright. They both need this.”

Rose’s screams gave way to harsh panting intermingled with little sobs, and her rear
became a mess of stripes from waist to knees. At last, David dropped the cane, and
knelt next to Rose. He stroked her hair and her tear-stained cheek, saying, “Good
girl. Such a good girl. I love you.” He ran his forefinger gently along her beautiful
collar, put his hand softly around her neck and cherished her little chin in his hand.

Rose said, through sobs, “I love you, Master. Thank you. Thank you so much.”

Gently, ever so gently, David, still kneeling next to his beautiful concubine, put
his hand between her thighs. Rose gasped; her legs instantly parted.

“Naughty,” chided David, as he claimed her with his hand. “So very naughty.”

“Oh, look,” he heard Grace say, as he went to kneel behind Rose, between her knees,
and he knew that Grace wanted Hannah to turn her face away from Grace’s bosom and
to the sight of David giving Rose what she needed most in the world right now.

“What’s Master doing?” asked Hannah, charmingly as only (David thought) she knew how.

“Master is making Rose feel very nice,” Grace said.

“Oh!” said Hannah. “Why does it sound like he’s still hurting her?”

“Sometimes when a girl feels very, very good, it sounds like that.”

David kissed, and touched, and licked, and Rose screamed, “Master, may I come?”

“Yes,” David breathed, straight into his sweet, beautiful Rose’s pussy. “As many times
as you like.” Tenderly, he placed his middle finger against her crinkly pink bottom-hole,
and pushed just a little bit.

At that, Rose began to come.


* * *


Abigail lay in Joanne’s arms in the lovely hotel room—of the sort Joanne could now
afford, once in a while, thanks to the finder’s fee she had collected when Rose had
stayed with David and Grace for a year.

“Abigail?” Joanne said.

“Yes, Mistress?” Abigail said.

“There’s something I’ve wanted to ask you for quite a while.”

“Yes, Mistress?”

“You are so very good at dominating your girls…”

“Thank you, Mistress.”

“Are you always a submissive, in bed?”

Abigail looked up at Joanne from where she lay with her cheek pillowed on Joanne’s
big left breast, and smiled. “Maybe, Mistress,” she said, “and maybe not. Would you
like a spanking?” Abigail’s voice was suddenly the harsh one she used with girls at
the Institute, and her words did not inquire as much as they threatened.

“No, thank you, Abigail,” Joanne said. “I’ll be the mistress here, thank you very

“Yes, Mistress,” Abigail said, obediently and happily, and snuggled back into Joanne’s

“But… you
a submissive.”


“Like Rose.”


“Were you…” Joanne’s voice fell to a whisper, “… broken? Like… like Rose was?”

“Yes,” Abigail replied, “I was. It’s a story that’s even longer than Rose’s, perhaps,
because eventually of course it landed me at the Institute, responsible for the breaking
of others, like Rose.”


“May I guess what you want to ask me, Mistress?”

“Yes,” Joanne replied, as always amazed by Abigail’s perspicacity and wisdom.

“You want to ask if it turns out OK, when a girl decides that she doesn’t want to
walk away with the money and have a normal life.”

Joanne nodded. “Yes. I mean… I know your story isn’t exactly the same, but… you chose
not to marry that alpha guy you told me about once, right?”

“That’s right. I chose the kind of family that looks different—very different.” She
paused, and looked into Joanne’s eyes. “And I lived happily ever after.”



The End

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