Bought and Trained (9 page)

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Authors: Emily Tilton

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Bought and Trained
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“Just as it is naughty to speak when you haven’t been spoken to, Rose, it is also
very naughty not to answer your master’s questions. I’ve made it easy for you, by
saying that I’ll accept your wildest guess, but I need to know now, Rose, what that
wildest guess is. I’m pleased that you now seem willing to have your face fucked like
those girls in your stories and your videos, but I have asked you a question, and
I want an answer.”

Her terrified but impassioned face, pulled back by his hand twisted into her loose
blond hair, looked up at him with wide eyes. “Because… because… no one… no one ever
m—made me?”

Leo released her head. “Open your mouth, Rose,” he growled. “Open your mouth and stick
your tongue out. I knew you were a clever girl, and now you’re going to learn just
how right your answer was.”

Her eyes grew even wider, and her mouth seemed to open of its own accord. Her little
pink tongue poked out just a little, as if it were uncertain what would befall it.

“Tongue farther out, sweetheart,” Leo said. “I’ve got an awfully big cock to lay on

She made a little whimper at those words, and stuck her tongue out farther.

“There we go,” Leo said, taking his cock in his right hand and letting it rest on
Rose Hutchison’s prim pink tongue. “Oh, very nice. Time to see if you can get that
red collar taken off.” Leo brushed away a lock of hair that had fallen across her
cheek, obscuring his view of his cock in Rose’s pretty mouth, and gathered all of
her hair into his right hand so that he could control her head just as he pleased.

Then, suddenly and without warning, he drove her head onto his cock, and held her
there for a silent five count, the tip of his cock against the back of her throat,
while she gagged. He withdrew, but left the head of his cock inside her mouth, to
remind her that girls’ mouths belong to their masters. Her eyes were streaming.

“You’ve never had a master, Rose,” he said. “Only a master can make a girl lick his
balls and then fuck her face this way.” Using his right hand to keep her head still,
he began an easy shallow rhythm with his hips. Rose’s eyes were closed and on her
brow sat an expression of concentration. “You’ll be getting face-fucked a lot, Rose,
at the Institute and then later by your owner and his friends. So today is only the
beginning for you, and I understand that—” (a deep thrust to make her gag) “—you aren’t
going to be able to make your mouth as much like a pussy as a master likes to have
a girl’s mouth be. That’s not how you’re going to earn your black collar.” Quicker,
shallow thrusts, then one final deep one, and then Leo pulled out and pushed Rose
down to the floor, with his arm around her shoulders to make sure she didn’t fall

He unclipped her wrist cuffs from her belt.

“Ass up, Rose,” he said. “Back arched. Cheek against the rug. Knees apart and arms
between them, with your wrists against your ankles.”

It was a position he knew she must have read about a thousand times, and seen on video
almost as many. More important, Leo knew it was a position that dwelled in a place
of honor in Rose’s imagination, as in the imagination of almost every concubine. Rose
assumed it quickly and unquestioningly.

After he had clipped Rose’s wrists to her ankles, Leo picked up her cute pink vibrator
from the coffee table where he had put it, and turned it on. “You know that sound,
don’t you, Rose?” He put a little lube on the vibrator. “Push that bottom out now,
Rose, and show me that you want your naughty toy inside it.” With a little sob, she
arched her back even further, and Leo watched her backside, with its pretty little
anus open even further to his gaze.

Leo put the tip of the vibrator against the crinkly hole, and Rose whimpered very
satisfyingly. Without ceremony, he pushed it into her bottom two thirds of its six-inch
length, as Rose cried out, “No… oh, please…” and then began to moan as Leo started
finger-fucking her with three fingers deep in her cunt.

“No, Rose. The way you’re going to earn your black collar is by showing me that you
get it.” Rose made little cries with each thrust of his fingers. “If I come down your
throat, Rose, and give you that black collar, it won’t be because you’re good at taking
a cock in your mouth. No, it will be because I see something in your eyes that tells
me that you want to be my good girl, that you would do anything to have my come shooting
into your pretty little mouth, that you would live only on my semen if I let you.
Do you think you understand, Rose?”

“Yes, Master,” she moaned. “Oh, please, Master… please give me your cock in my mouth…”

“You really want that red collar off, don’t you, sweetheart?” Leo said. “Well, I’m
afraid you’re going to have to convince me that you want me to come in your mouth
because you love Master Leo’s big cock more than anything else in the whole world,
and that your need for my seed doesn’t have anything to do with the collar. Do you
understand, Rose?”

“Yes, Master… Master, please may I have your cock in my mouth?”

“In a moment, Rose,” Leo said, and found her g-spot with two fingers. Rose cried out,
and came, hard, while with his left hand atop her back Leo pushed her down and kept
her from rearing back or wriggling sideways as her body naturally wanted to do, in
order to make the orgasm stronger, and also and more important to make it feel like
a punishment. Pleasure as discipline was a complicated lesson to which Rose needed
to become accustomed as much as possible before she reached the Institute, where she
would be required not just to accept it but also to bestow it.

Quickly, then, before the shaking could leave her body, Leo released her backside,
with the vibrator still on, still protruding from her anus, unclipped her wrists from
her ankles, and moved around in front of her. He sat on the low chair he had positioned
there, and again seized Rose’s hair at the base of her neck. He lifted her face off
the rug, noting with satisfaction the look of utter confusion on her face, and pulled
her firmly toward his crotch.

So involved was she in her positioning, and so deep was she in subspace, that she
forgot that she had arms for a long moment, and let Leo control her entire upper body
with her hair. She would have fallen flat onto her belly, with her head arched up,
trying to take his cock in her mouth if he had not said, gently, “You may get on your
hands and knees, Rose.”

She did, making little panting whimpers at the feeling of the vibrator in her backside.
Leo spread his knees and put his hands upon them. “Alright, Rose. Show me how much
you want me to come in your mouth.”

Chapter Ten



Rose looked at Master Leo’s splayed crotch. She had given Joe a blowjob once, when
they were in college. He hadn’t even seemed to like it very much, let alone demand
it of her, or tell her to kiss his balls, or drive his cock into her mouth.

The red collar. She couldn’t be wearing the red collar when they got to wherever they
were going, wherever the Institute was, because bad things happened to girls around
whose necks their masters put red collars. Rose was, to her distress, terribly good
at imagining bad things that masters could do to girls they had decided were in need
of correction.

Oh, God, what was she supposed to do? She looked at his huge cock, at his scrotum
with its curly brown hairs. She smelled his arousal, the muskiness that lingered around
his balls. He would get impatient, and slap her, and she would never get the red collar
off. And he had said that it was alright that she didn’t know what to do.

She leaned in, shakily, and kissed the side of his scrotum. She put out her tongue,
and gave a little lick, and she heard him say, “Good girl. That’s a nice way to start.”

She moved her head to the other side, and kissed there. Her heart quailed at the thought
of what she was avoiding, but couldn’t avoid for much longer if she wanted Master
Leo to change her collar. His cock was so big that the very sight of it frightened
her. She had it inside her; it had made her come more pleasurably than she had ever
come before in her life, but it was much too big for her mouth, and when he had been
thrusting in there, holding her head, she had been sure she would faint.

Now she had to take it in her mouth, and not only that but she had to show him somehow
that she loved it, that she wanted to have him come there, wanted to swallow his come.
When she had given Joe that one blowjob she had then lain down and let him make love
to her; there had been no question of her having to swallow semen.

If she wanted to arrive wearing a black collar, though, she would have to swallow
Master Leo’s come. She had no choice. The thought brought on again that strange compulsion
that seemed to lie under the things that Master Leo said about why she had to be a
good girl and serve her master exactly as he liked. Somehow the thought of the red
collar and how desperate she was to get it taken off—as if it were burning her neck—made
her feel that taking Master Leo’s massive cock deep into her throat was the right
thing for a girl like Rose. Rose Hutchison, a voice inside her said, was the kind
of girl who sucks big cocks and loves to have them shoot come down her throat.

She had no choice, though, and so, with her heart beating wildly in shame and fear,
she licked Master Leo’s thick shaft of rigid, swollen flesh from its beginning in
his wrinkled hairy scrotum all the way to its top, so much like a plum that she had
to open her mouth, and take it in, to taste it. It filled her mouth, hot and pulsing,
and disgust at herself, as if a stern woman teacher were standing there, saying, “You
ought to be ashamed of yourself, Rose Hutchison! Were you raised to suck big cocks?”
seemed to fill her mind, but that very disgust seemed to make her force her face down
farther, farther, farther, feeling her mouth become terribly distended, and hearing
Master Leo groan in pleasure, and feeling the huge cock claim her tongue and her palate.

Rose had no choice. She was a concubine now, and concubines suck enormous cocks, because
they have to, because their masters tell them to suck cock, and punish them terribly
if they don’t.

“Just like that, Rose: just like that… there you go…” Master Leo was saying. Rose
knew instinctively, perhaps from the rhythm he had used when he was holding her head,
that she shouldn’t try to do what the girls in the videos did, bobbing their heads
to try to pretend their mouths were some kind of reverse pussy. She knew that a master
likes to have his way with a girl’s mouth, even if she is the one who is worshipping,
and moving, and suckling. Above all she knew that a master demands that a girl respect
his cock, and that she show him that she knows what a precious gift his cock is.

So she did not bob, but she tried to move, desperately hoping to hear his grunt of
pleasure, and his praise. She heard the shameful sounds emerging from her mouth, and
then she felt the thing that was both worst and best: Master Leo taking hold of her
head with both hands.

“That’s it, Rose,” he said. “Take it now.” He began to move her mouth up and down,
and to thrust his hips a little, and she could tell that he was going to come very
soon, and the thrill of relief and pride that went through her was overwhelming. The
tears started to stream again, but somehow she was far off, and it didn’t matter at
all that she could never admit to herself that it felt good, in a way too complicated
ever to understand, to be tortured by her master that way.

Then he gave a final shout, and held her firmly, and his cock was spurting with little
jerks, and Leo’s powerful thigh muscles were hard as rock around her. She swallowed
the bitter, salty seed of her master. She swallowed all of it, and then he stood her
up in front of him, and said, “That was very nice, Rose.” He reached up, and unbuckled
the red collar, and took it off her. Rose felt herself starting to cry with relief.
“You are going to be a very valuable concubine, Rose,” Master Leo said.


* * *


After that, Master Leo got a black collar from his bag and put it on her in place
of the red one. Then he put the gag back in her mouth. At least when she was gagged,
he couldn’t expect her to answer his shameful questions. But then he pulled a chain
with two clips at either end of it out of his bag. Rose knew exactly what it was for,
and she began to shake her head immediately, but Master Leo smiled and said, “I’m
sure you’ve wondered what they feel like, Rose. Every girl who watches naughty videos

He adjusted a little screw on one of the clips. “I’m going to start you off very easily,
Rose, because you were such a good girl just now, but it’s time for you to learn what
nipple clamps feel like. Your master will use them for punishment sometimes, but most
of the time he will just want to put them on you to remind you that you do not own
your nipples any more than you own any other part of your body. You are a concubine
now, Rose.” He put the first clip on her left nipple, and Rose yelped through the
gag. It hurt, but it hurt in a way that, as Master Leo had said, was a reminder of
her status, rather than a true agony, or even a real distraction.

He put the second clip on her right nipple.

“Look down, Rose,” he said, and she obeyed, and saw the black chain running between
the nipple clamps. They made her little breasts look so strange, like she was a girl
in a BDSM video, that she felt herself gasp at the sight.

Master Leo took the chain lightly in his hand and gave it a little shake. Rose made
a small puppy-sound of pain, but the pain was so complex that she could hardly think
of it as pain at all. Really, it was a huge excess of sensation that radiated from
the tiny pink buds that crowned her breasts up to the roots of her hair and down to
her toes, and seemed to send electric shocks to her loins.

If she had not been gagged, she would have been saying, “Oh, God… oh, God…” but the
gag, in taking away her voice, seemed to free her body to shudder at the feeling for
endless seconds of that terrible pleasure that Master Leo had started forcing upon
her the previous afternoon, and which it seemed was now her lot in her new life as
a concubine.

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