Bought and Trained (2 page)

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Authors: Emily Tilton

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Bought and Trained
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“You have been a bad girl, Rose,” Leo said, “and your bottom will have to pay the
price.” Slowly, so that she could see exactly what he was going to do, he moved his
right hand between her thighs. He laid his middle finger just where he knew her little
clit lay hidden. Her mewing became a little whimper, as, ever so slightly he urged
the finger further down, between the wood of the chair and her pert little bottom

The mewing through the gag turned into little sobs of shame and frustration. Leo knew
from long experience that she was trying desperately to figure out what she had done,
and who it was who had put her in this horrifying situation. The continual litany
of “You’ve been wicked, naughty, bad” was a key element of the psychological part
of the training: Rose would be able to find the essential rightness of living her
submissive nature if it began from the realization that being called a ‘bad girl’
was something she craved and needed. The next step would come when she realized that
she was not, in fact, a bad girl at all; she was not being punished for wickedness,
but rather because she wanted to be punished. That stage sometimes took years, though.

“A very, very bad girl,” Leo murmured, into her ear, and gave her a light caress,
up and down her cunt lips. Then, abruptly, he withdrew his hand and stood up.

“Alright,” he continued, “I’m going to take your gag off. Then I’ll untie you from
the chair. You’re going to get up and show me that you’re a good girl by taking off
all your clothes for me.”

Along with the fear now, Leo could see that her desire was beginning to take firmer
hold. The idea of taking off her clothes for him had, as he had known it would, ignited
a little spark in her pussy.

“Does that make you wet, Rose?” he asked, as he reached behind her head to unfasten
the strap he had buckled around the dishtowel.

She shook her head violently.

“Lying to me isn’t the kind of thing a good girl does,” Leo said. “Once those clothes
are off we’re going to have a little check, and we’re going to see whether you’re
telling me a fib right now. I bet you know what happens to girls who lie to me, don’t

Leo took the dishtowel out of her mouth.

“Tell me, Rose, what do you think happens to girls who lie to me?”

“They get spanked,” she whispered.

“Good girl,” he said. “Now do you want to save yourself a spanking by telling me the
truth about how wet you are?”

“Oh my God,” she said. “I… I can’t…”

“Last chance,” Leo said. “Is your pussy wet, Rose?”

“Yes,” she whispered, “but… but that doesn’t mean I want any of this.”

“Oh, I know,” Leo said. “It will be quite a while before you want this. Or, let me
put that another way. It will be quite a while before you tell me that you want this.
Really, it will be quite a while before you can tell yourself that you want it. For
now, all that I’m looking for is for you to be a good girl.”

He untied her.

“Do you remember what you’re supposed to do now, Rose?” he asked.

She nodded. “Do I have to?”

“Yes, Rose, if you want to be a good girl for me you have to.”

She stood up from the chair, her jeans still around her thighs, exposing the sexy
lace panties even more fully to Leo’s admiring view. Leo sat on the couch, not taking
his eyes off her. He had wanted to see her without her clothing since the first time
her photo had crossed his desk. Trembling, and unable to look at him, of course, she
pulled her pink T-shirt over her head, and dropped it to the floor.

She was wearing a cute little lace bra to match the panties. Her breasts were, as
most of the Institute’s clients preferred, on the small side, but definitely distinct
and very pert.

“Lovely,” Leo murmured. Rose’s eyes flashed up to meet his just for a moment. She
blushed crimson, instantly, and lowered her eyes again.

“Take the bra off now, Rose,” Leo said. He watched her reach her hands behind to unhook
it, and then couldn’t suppress a little sound of arousal in his own throat, when she
shrugged the bra off and onto the floor, and he could see the lovely pink and white
curves of her breasts, with their little pink nipples surmounting them, bouncing just
the tiniest bit with the motion of removing the bra.

She heard the sound, and it seemed to send a shudder through her.

“Even lovelier,” Leo commented. “Lower those sexy panties now, please.”

Rose’s hands moved to the waistband, and her fingers began to tug downward, but then
she stopped.

“I can’t…” she said. “I want… I want to be a…” She gulped, and her brow furrowed in
the battle against herself that Leo knew was raging inside. She whispered, “I want
to be a good girl, but… please don’t make me take off my panties.”

Leo reacted instantaneously, as he knew he must. He got up from the couch and grabbed
Rose’s left arm and twisted it behind her back. He did it casually, but he could see
the effect it had instantly upon Rose. The fear and desire in her eyes rose together
to engulf her.

Using her left arm to control her, he pushed her down over the chair that she had
been tied to.

“This is a shame, Rose,” Leo said. “You almost showed me how good a girl you can be.
But it seems like you’re a naughty girl after all.” He got the rope again and with
skill born of much practice, he tied her over the chair, bottom up, with her arms
and legs secured to the legs of the chair.

“I hope you didn’t pay very much for these jeans, Rose,” he said. He pulled a pair
of surgical shears from his bag, and began to cut the jeans off her legs.

“What… what are you doing?” she asked.

“I’m doing what needs to be done with a naughty girl,” Leo replied, calmly. “Maybe
next time you won’t be so slow to take off your clothes for your master.” He cut along
one outside seam of the jeans, all the way, and then the other, and they fell away
from her into pieces when he tugged at the denim.

“Don’t be mad at yourself, Rose,” he said sardonically. “You were going to have your
first spanking sooner or later.” He looked down at her backside, offered to him helplessly
over the chair. The lace accentuated her lovely bottom so well that he decided to
keep her in her panties for a bit.

“I think a girl’s first spanking should always be with the open hand, don’t you, Rose?”
He let the question stay rhetorical, as he began to spank her.

“Oh God, oh God, oh God,” Rose wailed through deep, panting breaths, as the first
dozen or so blows landed hard on her panty-covered backside.

“Are you going to be a good girl for me now, Rose?”

“Yes!” she screamed.

He kept spanking, as he continued, “I think we had better have you address me properly
from this point on. You are to call me ‘Master.’”

He ripped her panties down to her knees, and kept spanking the already very red bottom.
The cheeks bounded delightfully under his hand.

“Yes, Master!” she screamed.

“I wish I could believe that, Rose,” Leo said. “But you’ve already disobeyed too many
times. I think you need a taste of what real discipline is going to be like in your
life from this point on.”

“What?” she yelped.

Their research on Rose—much of it of course supplied by Rose herself before she had
been hypnotized—indicated that the cane was a very important implement for her. Leo
went to fetch his from his bag.

“Rose,” he said, as he did so, “do you know how teachers used to punish schoolgirls?”

“Oh, no…” Rose said.

“I think you must,” Leo said, “judging from the book I found in your dresser drawer.
Tell me, Rose, what’s the best way for a teacher to punish a schoolgirl?”

“The cane,” whispered Rose.

“Yes, indeed,” Leo replied. “And this weekend, here, and then later at the Institute,
I and your program-officer are going to be your teachers. And, when you are naughty,
you are going to be receiving some old-fashioned discipline.”

Chapter Three



Her backside was positioned perfectly, so he brought the cane down, hard, so that
she would know what he meant. The wail that came from Rose’s throat as she had her
very first taste of real discipline was delicious.

“Do I have to gag you again, Rose?” Leo asked. He gave her another hard stroke with
the cane, and saw with satisfaction that the first one was already becoming visible
as a proof of his skill. Rose would be able to contemplate her punished backside very
profitably that night during her review session, and in each review session for the
next few days. Leo liked to give the cane as soon as possible, as a kind of level-setting
for new concubines. It meant that care would have to be taken with spankings, but
there were so many other ways to discipline a concubine that Leo felt the visible
marks, as perfect as he could make them, that lasted, and stung whenever the girl
sat down, and gave her the chance in bed every night to run her fingers along them
and think about how she had earned them and why she was in the program, well worth
the trouble.

She screamed again. Leo put the cane down on the couch. He fetched the surgical shears,
and with two little snips, freed Rose’s panties from her legs. He walked around so
that he was standing in front of her, as she looked up at him with the tears streaming
down her cheeks.

“Open your mouth, Rose,” he said, gently. She shook her head. “Last chance before
I make you, sweetie,” he said, just a tiny bit more sternly. She shook her head again.

Leo moved a little to the side. The satisfyingly damp, ruined panties were in his
left hand, and he brought them to Rose’s helpless face, and rubbed them over her mouth,
and her nose and her eyes. Then he started to spank her, with moderate force, with
his hand again.

“Naughty girl,” he murmured. “You are a very, very naughty girl, Rose.” Through her
closed lips she was emitting little whimpers.

Without warning, Leo delivered a spank with the full force of his arm, on Rose’s sit-spot,
and when she opened her mouth to scream, as he knew she would have to, he popped the
ruined panties inside.

“There we go,” he said. “There’s no nicer sight than a naughty girl with a panty gag,
is there?” He stood up in front of her again, and looked down into her face, looking
up at him with fear and discomfort and, yes, the lust he was looking for, that she
couldn’t hide. The red lace peeping out of her mouth made her look a picture of girlish
wantonness used for man’s pleasure.

“Now that you’re gagged again, sweetie, I’m going to give you your full twelve with
the cane. Then we can talk again about being a good girl.”

She shook her head frantically, and mewed through the lace, but Leo went back to his
position. Mercilessly, he gave her nine more with the cane, as she gasped and shrieked
into her gag. Her bottom writhed over the chair, making it rock back and forth. Her
arms and legs strained against the ropes; by the ninth stroke Leo had to hold her
down despite the bonds because her desperate movements were threatening to overturn
the chair. Her head reared back, then, and her blond hair thrashed from side to side
as she shook it as if to refuse the discipline she had earned. He stepped back to
survey his work.

It was really one of the finest rows of weals he’d made, he thought. He put the cane
down, and left Rose there to sob and to consider, while he went to get his provisions
from his van.


* * *


When he moved back into Rose’s field of vision, he was carrying a beer and a sandwich.

“Now, Rose,” Leo said, “it’s not my intention that you should be hungry or thirsty.
That’s not the kind of discipline that we’re interested in, in our program. So I’m
going to take your panties out of your mouth now and ask you whether you’re hungry.

Rose nodded miserably. Leo put down his beer and took the edge of the ruined panties
between his thumb and forefinger. He pulled them out of Rose’s mouth, and set them
atop her head.

Rose shook her head wildly, and the panties flew off, but Leo picked them up and put
them back on top of her head.

“No, no, Rose,” he said. “That
the kind of discipline that we’re interested in, in the program. Those panties are
going to stay on top of your head until I’m satisfied that you understand how important
it is to be a good girl for me. If you try to shake them off again, it’s going to
be the cane for you. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” Rose whispered.

“There we go,” Leo said. “Now, are you hungry, Rose?”

“No,” Rose said.

“Alright,” Leo said, “but I’ll keep asking. Usually when a girl is being trained,
in the beginning, her body is too overwhelmed for the first few hours to think about
food. But I think in an hour or two your hunger is going to hit you like a ton of
bricks. I want to make sure you know, though, that it would be very foolish to try
not to eat as a way of defying me. That kind of defiance gets punished very severely.
Also, I’m going to untie you in just a moment, and have you drink a glass of water.
You may even have something harder if you like, as well. I see you have a bottle of
wine open, and I brought beer. But the water is not optional. One of the most important
things of all for a new girl is to make sure she stays hydrated. So I’m afraid I’m
going to be in the bathroom with you when you pee.”

“What?” Rose asked desperately. Her head moved in a jerk that brought the panties
down to the floor again. Leo tsked, and gave her a hard spank across both cheeks.

“Naughty,” he said. “Rose, why do you think your panties are on your head?”

“I don’t know,” Rose said, with an attempt at defiant refusal to answer such a humiliating

“Let me ask you a question, then,” Leo said in a friendly tone. “Does a modern girl
who gets to make her own decisions about her life—and in particular her sex life—wear
panties on top of her head?”

“No,” Rose whispered.

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