Body Rocks [The Andersons 3] (Siren Publishing Classic) (20 page)

BOOK: Body Rocks [The Andersons 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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She nodded, purring like a cat. Daniel was out of the room faster than a rocket. Laughing, she closed the lid of her case and moved it onto the floor. She removed her shoes and was just unbuttoning her dress when Daniel returned with a tray laden with wedges of fruit, a carton of plain yogurt, the squeeze bottle of honey, the tub of Ben and Jerry’s toffee-fudge ice cream, and the wine.

He approached and placed the tray on the bed. “For once I’m gonna leave your hair up,” he murmured thickly as she flicked the last button free and the dress fell from her body onto the floor. He swept a hot gaze over her as she removed her bra and stepped out of her panties. “Damn, I hope I can last. I’m so hard.”

Her eyes fixed on the erection tenting his sweatpants. “So I see.”

“No, you can’t.” Daniel tore his T-shirt over his head, kicked his sneakers off, and shoved his sweats down his legs. They, too, were kicked to the other side of the room. “Now you can see,” he said, standing proud, his dick equally so.

She boldly reached for him, but he sidestepped out of the way. He picked up a wedge of lime from the tray and squeezed it, the juice dribbling over her breasts. He then got down on his knees before her. She shuddered, and a mewl of delight worked its way up her throat at the cool sensation of the lime and the heat of his tongue licking a line down between her breasts and over to one very hard nipple. First he suckled, then he gently nipped, and her legs buckled beneath her. He caught her and firmly held her as he lowered her down onto the mattress, his mouth now suckling and nipping her other nipple.

When Daniel was satisfied he’d licked her clean of lime juice, he moved to rest his back against the headboard and sat with his legs wide open in front of her. He patted the space between his thighs. The long, thick length of his dick stood upright, almost signaling for her full and undivided attention. “Come here, baby. And bring the wine. I wanna get drunk on you.”

She brought the ice cream and a spoon with her instead. She smiled at the way his eyes flashed hot amber, love, and just a touch of wariness. Taking the lid off the tub and digging a healthy dollop of ice cream out with the spoon, she offered it to his mouth, teasing him by moving the spoon out of reach whenever he went to enclose his lips around it.

“Minx,” he said, grabbing her hand and shoving the ice cream into his mouth. He swallowed and smacked his lips. “Toffee-fudge. Mmmm-mmm. My favorite.”

Samantha’s smile turned sly and, digging out another dollop of ice cream, purposely turned the spoon over. It landed right on target. She collapsed into a heap, laughing hard, as Daniel shot from the bed, yelping at the ice cream sitting squarely on the head of his dick.

“Christ, that’s cold!”

“Well, they don’t call it
cream for nothing!”

“Minx!” he growled. “I’m so gonna get you back for that!”

Wiping the ice cream from his dick with his finger and eating it, he then launched himself at her. With a loose grip on her wrists, he rolled her onto her back, spreading her legs wide with his knees. He immediately let go of her hands and reached for the carton of yogurt.

“Daniel, no!” she protested, but laughed harder at the way Daniel waggled his brows in a mock sinister fashion when he tore the lid off. This was going to be so wicked, but nice.

Scooping up an equally healthy dollop of creamy yogurt in his hands, Samantha shrieked and her hips instinctively rose upward as he smeared his chilled and thickly-coated fingers over her pussy. Then he circled his thumb around her clit, and suddenly the yogurt no longer felt cold. In fact, with his fingers slipping through her fleshy folds, probing and finally penetrating, combining the thick yogurt with her own creamy arousal, it was darned hot.

Fingering her pussy with slow, tantalizing plunges, his thumb pressed continuously on her clit, Daniel rested on his free elbow above her, watching her. “That feels incredible, Daniel,” she moaned, not willing to break eye contact by closing her eyes.

He kissed her, slowly and languidly. “I love you, baby,” he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. “Trust me.” He withdrew his fingers and replaced the sudden emptiness she felt with the long, hard length of his naked dick. “I’m the virgin now,” he said. “You’re the first woman I’ve ever made love to without wearing a condom.”

He must have felt the small degree of reservation tensing her body because he stopped. “If I make you pregnant, then I will stand by you. I will not leave you. You mean everything to me, Sammy. And so will our baby. Trust me.”

“I trust you.” He pushed deeper, filling her completely. Melting into a thousand happy and loved pieces, her climax fast approaching, Samantha drew her legs up, wrapping them around Daniel’s waist, the balls of her feet on his buttocks. Tears sprang to her eyes at the expression of intense pleasure that crossed his face.

“Oh, baby. Can’t hold out for much longer…It feels—you feel wonderful.” He pressed a kiss to her temple, clearly trying to hold on to his control. “I promise next time to take it slow. I…”

“Oh, for heaven’s sake, Daniel!” Suddenly feeling frustrated, her climax hovering just out of reach, she squeezed her inner pussy muscles around his dick. “Fast and hard now. Slow and tender later.” On a rough groan, his control obviously lost, Samantha soared into heaven as Daniel pumped his hips, his own climax producing five or six pleasant-feeling spurts of hot, thick fluid pooling inside her.

Even before her warm and tingling body came floating back down to earth, Daniel was raising her again, kissing her with slow, smoldering passion, his hands wandering from her breasts and down to where they were intimately joined.

He stroked her clit, and then with an inaudible murmur, he scooped her up in his arms, heading out of the bedroom and down the hall into the bathroom. Samantha buried her face in his neck, nibbling on his earlobe and stroking his lower lip with the forefinger of her free hand. He took her finger into his mouth and gently sucked on it.

Sliding the cubicle door open, he set her on her feet, then stepped in himself and closed the door behind him. His shower really wasn’t built for two, so it was a bit of a squeeze. Not that she minded. He turned the faucets, and warm water from the oversized shower head rained down. “Say something,” she said.

He nibbled the corner of her mouth. “You’re very sticky and very yogurty.”

“Mmm, I wonder why.”

His expression turned angelic. “Yeah, why is that, do you think?” He laughed at her dramatic eye roll. “Sammy, my baby, I love you.”

She smiled. “And I love you, Daniel. However, I do have one complaint.”

He nibbled a line down her throat. “Hmm, what’s that?”

“I like my showers hot. And this water’s nowhere as hot as I like it.”

The amber flecks in Daniel’s eyes glowed as he flicked the faucets to adjust the temperature. Steam immediately filled the small space. He picked up the soap from the corner shelf and, rubbing it between his palms, created plenty of lathery suds. He returned the soap to the shelf and then gently and thoroughly washed her, paying particular attention to her breasts and between her legs.

Yogurty suds gurgled down the drain, but Daniel’s fingers lingered. Samantha arched her back, moaning softly when he gently plucked at her hard nipples with the fingers of one hand while the others rubbed back and forth along her pussy from her clit to the crease of her bottom.

His large hands then cupped her buttocks. His thumb circled her back hole and then dipped inside, teasing her, the ripples of heated delight zipping straight to her womb. Her limbs suddenly grew heavy. He lifted her. Sliding up the slick tiles, she instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist. It took her a moment to realize the rock-hard length of his dick had filled her pussy once more. His thumb pushed deeper, making everything tighter and almost painful with the pleasure she knew was about to come.

He rested his forehead against hers. “How’s that, baby? Is that hot enough for you?”

Oh, yes, definitely. In fact, the dual penetration was that hot, Samantha decided she might follow the yogurty suds and melt down the drain, hopefully taking Daniel with her.


* * * *


The silky slide of his unsheathed cock inside her hot, creamy pussy felt as memorable as the first time. Daniel hadn’t lasted long then, and he didn’t think he would this time, either. His cock was harder than steel, and the sound of Samantha’s soft mewls and the feel of her pussy muscles squeezing his thick shaft were damn near ball-breaking. But I’m not gonna come, he vowed. Not until he had made slow love to her in every conceivable position and she was drained of cum to coat his cock with.

Unfortunately, he should have realized that fingering her ass might well trigger a hard climax for both of them, which was exactly what it did. Even as she came, her pussy fisting his cock, his balls drew up tight against his body and his cum rushed up his shaft and out through the slit in torrid, back-bending spurts. He shouted and ground his pelvis into hers, his body rocking from the force.

“Christ!” His body felt drained, yet wired for more, his still-hard cock practically humming for it. “Christ!” he again said.

“Oh, Daniel, I love you.”

Samantha’s words came out in pants, crushing her luscious breasts into his chest with every heavy exhale. He could actually feel her heart hammering to the same beat as his. Then she gave him an openmouthed and wide-eyed kiss, and his temperature rocketed. He flicked the water off. “Hold on, baby,” he told her, and she nodded in understanding.

Her arms and legs wrapped around him, Daniel carried Samantha back to his bedroom. Pressing her down onto his bed, he couldn’t give a fuck that his sheets were soaked from the water dripping from their bodies. His vow was all that mattered.

For hours, he made slow love to Samantha in every conceivable position until she was a soft, trembling mass of perfect woman in his arms, and she had been drained of cum to coat his cock. It was only then that he allowed himself to climax, his own cum spilling from him in the same torrid, back-bending, loud, pelvic-grinding, body-rocking spurts.

Chapter 14


Later that night and well into the early hours of the morning, they again made unhurried and unprotected love.

Samantha sighed as the last wave of her climax faded and softly stroked the damp hair at Daniel’s nape. His breathing against her neck was heavy. His body trembled over hers. And his seed inside her was warm. She again sighed and ran a finger down his back, making him shudder. “I can feel the earth move.” His muffled laughter against her neck sent little shudders down her own body.

Then, all of a sudden, there was a roaring sound, and the bed lurched violently to one side.

“What the…?” Daniel lifted his head just as the bed lurched to the other side. The roaring got louder. The bed lurched back and forth, scoring deep scratches in the wooden boards. The walls shook, dismantling the floor-to-ceiling shelves and spilling his books in every direction. Windows cracked and shattered, the glass littering the floor as the boards creaked and splintered. “Oh, Christ! Earthquake!”

Bolting from the bed, he grabbed her and shoved her to stand in the bedroom doorway, holding her shaking body tight against him with one arm and placing the other on the doorjamb to brace himself.

“Daniel,” she whimpered above the sounds of destruction.

“It’s okay, baby, it’ll be over soon.”

But the violent tremors went on and on, until Samantha began to doubt they ever would stop. Then, just when she thought her bones were going to be shaken from her body, the ground stilled. An eerie silence followed before the air was filled with the screams of people outside. Samantha knew how they felt. She also wanted to scream, but nothing came out, only some sort of strangled whimper.

“It’s over,” Daniel repeatedly murmured as he wrapped his arms around her and took them to the floor. Once his eyes had adjusted to the darkness, he glanced around and spotted his sweatpants under a pile of books. He made a grab for them and quickly put them on. He also located his sneakers. “Baby, listen. I’ve got to go and turn the gas off. You stay here.”

“No, I want to go with you.”

He shook his head. “I’ll only be a minute.” He stood to leave, but then crouched down again and gave her a quick, hard kiss on the mouth. “I love you.”

Scared beyond stiff, Samantha watched Daniel striding down the hallway toward the back of the house and disappearing. A few seconds later, she heard some loud crashing and the sound of him cursing. “Daniel?”

“It’s okay. I just stubbed my toe on my blasted kayak, which is no longer on the blasted kitchen ceiling!”

She smiled, the sound of more cursing easing her fright somewhat. She found counting calmed her further. She’d just reached fifty when Daniel reappeared. He hobbled slightly.

“Just call me Hop-along Dan,” he told her jovially. He paused by the bathroom to rub his foot.

And that’s when the second quake hit.


“Stay there!” he ordered above her screams.

A new sound silenced Samantha. A groaning, creaking, cracking sound. Then one side of the house, the side where Daniel was bracing himself in the bathroom doorway, completely and utterly collapsed, throwing up clouds of dust and burying him under plasterboard, wood, bricks, and roofing tiles.

BOOK: Body Rocks [The Andersons 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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