Body Rocks [The Andersons 3] (Siren Publishing Classic) (15 page)

BOOK: Body Rocks [The Andersons 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“No, I’m with you. Besides,” he added with a teasing grin, “as I’ve just demonstrated, there are plenty of other ways of giving and receiving pleasure.” He waggled his fingers. “I have ten of these. They could equate to ten orgasms.”

“Then there’s also your delicious mouth,” she murmured, shifting to straddle him and again making the recliner wobble.

“Mmm, that, too. You’ve also got a delicious mouth. However, I don’t think my chair will take a sixty-nine. I’d doubt you could even do it on a real plane seat anyway. We’ll just have to stick to using our hands. And very nice hands you have, too,” he finished on a groan when her fingers curled around the hard shaft of his dick.

Daniel closed his eyes and let Samantha take command. A couple of pumps of her hand later and hot semen spurted from the slit of his dick onto his belly. He produced a kerchief from his jeans pocket, but she ignored it and licked him clean instead. His salty male essence still in her mouth, she turned her attention to his penis, twirling her tongue over and around the slit, lapping up the remainder of his seed.

His semi-erect penis hardened when she took him in her mouth, sucking and licking all the way to the back of her throat. One of his hands curled around the arm of the recliner, the other weaved its way through her hair, cradling her head in his palm.

“Baby, baby,” Daniel moaned, his hips jerking, the recliner wobbling. “Can’t hold back.”

Groans of satisfaction and creaks of protest filled her ears. Then to Samantha’s surprise, another load of hot semen filled her mouth. She swallowed every drop and then released him from her mouth with a soft pop. Her heart swelled at the sight of his contented, dreamy expression. She smiled. “Have we landed yet?”

His eyelids slowly opened, the glowing amber flecks stealing the breath from her lungs. “Yep. And now I’m moving our fantasy to the car rental desk.”

In a heartbeat and with an alarming creak from the recliner, Daniel swept Samantha up into his arms, deftly got to his feet, and deposited her on the desk. Her laughter dissolved the unease clenching her stomach. Why had the missing photograph of Sam Carrick just passed before her eyes?

Chapter 10


Daniel frowned. Okay, so the sight of bare kitchen cupboards was not exactly favorable to his growling stomach. Neither was an almost-empty refrigerator. He sighed and closed the door on a can of beer, a leftover triangle of moldy ham and pineapple pizza, and a lettuce that had seen better days. Two warm, slender arms then slid around his waist, and the subtle rosy fragrance that was Samantha turned his hunger into a different variety.

He liked Samantha in his home. In his bed. Waking up with her curled in his side made him hot, hard, horny, and happy. He inhaled deeply and turned around. Wearing the T-shirt top of his pajamas—he wore the bottoms—bed-ruffled hair, and a sleepy smile on her face, Samantha tilted her mouth up for a kiss. He readily obliged, pressing his lips to hers and sweeping his tongue around the warmth of her mouth. He swallowed her soft mewl as she tangled her tongue with his.

“Mmm, morning, baby,” he murmured, nibbling on her bottom lip and running his hands down her back to cup her bare ass. “Thought you were still asleep.”

“I was. But I’m hungry. What’s for breakfast?”

“Sorry, baby. My cupboards are bare. But listen, there’s a bakery a couple of streets away that sells these amazing bagels. Coffee’s not bad, either. Why don’t you go back to bed, and I’ll go out and grab us some.”

“Or we can go together.”

“Yeah, okay. They have tables outside. And it is a nice day.” The telephone on the wall just to his right then rang. “Hang on. I’ll just get this.” He answered the call. “Hello?”

“Wheel, it’s me, Darcy,” was the rushed response.

Daniel frowned at Darcy’s nickname for him. For the three years that he and Darcy had been friends, he still wasn’t sure if he liked it or not. “Are you okay? You sound a little out of breath.”

“Do I? I can’t imagine why. Um, can I ask you a question? I’m in Silver Creek, and—”

“Are you, now?” He chuckled, the reason for Darcy’s breathlessness quickly becoming as obvious as his hard cock. Darcy had crossed paths with a certain police officer. He asked the question anyway. “Have you met Matt yet?”

“Yeah. That’s who I wanted to ask you about. Is he okay?”

Daniel placed his hand over the receiver and spoke to Samantha. “It’s Darcy. She’s a friend of mine. We work together. You don’t mind me talking with her about Matt, do you, baby?”

Samantha shook her head and stepped back. “No, of course not.”

“Darcy, he’s more than okay. He’s a good friend, and I’d trust him with my life. I know he’s a cop, but you’ll have no problems with him. In fact, Matt is just what you need at the moment. He’s a fuck-’em-and-forget-’em kind of guy.” He winked at Samantha. “The L and R words are not in his vocabulary.”

“R word?”

“Relationship, Darcy!”

“Oh, right.” There was the sound of a deep exhale of air. “Well, I might give him a try then.”

“Enjoy the ride. And keep your arms and legs in the vehicle at all times.”

“Droll, Ferris Wheel, very droll.”

Laughing, Daniel replaced the receiver. “Darcy, like you, had a rough time with her last boyfriend,” he explained to Samantha, drawing her back into his arms. “She’s in need of some serious fun, and since Matt said all he’s interested in is hot sex…Well, they should get on like a house on—”

He stopped when a tremor rippled the linoleum beneath his bare feet. A stronger one followed, clinking his display of branded shot glasses and swaying his kayak suspended from the ceiling above.

Alarmed, Samantha’s eyes flew to the swinging kayak. “Is that thing safe?”

“As safe as my earthquake-proof house,” he assured her. “I’d say that was a three-pointer. Nothing to worry about. We experience them all the time.”

“Oh, okay.”

She didn’t sound convinced. “You’re safe,” he again assured her. He threaded his fingers through her hair, tilting her head back and dropping a kiss on her exposed throat. “So, baby, for your first day in LA, and after we’ve had breakfast, what would you like to do?”

Her emerald-green eyes shone with excitement. “Shopping!”

Daniel pulled a face. “Do we have to?”

She grinned. “You haven’t any food, Daniel.”

“Oh, grocery shopping. Yeah, I can do that. We need condoms, anyway,” he added with a hunger-driven kiss that soon had her panting in his arms. “Are you wet for me, baby?” He dropped to his knees before her and lifted the hem of his pajama T-shirt. The dark chestnut pubes that hid her pussy were damp. He parted the curls with his thumbs, exposing her to him. Her musky scent filling his nostrils, he swept his tongue across her pussy in broad strokes before drawing her beaded clit between his teeth.

“Daniel, I…”

“Shhh, baby. I’m hungry. For you.”

“I’m hungry, too, Daniel, but for food.”

Something in Samantha’s tone told Daniel he wouldn’t be eating her pussy until later. Sighing, he gave her clit one last delicate nip and then rose to his feet. “Okay, point taken.”

She smiled. “We’ll have breakfast at that bakery you told me about, and then after buying groceries…” Her smile turned sly. “…We’ll really hit the shops.”

“Hit the shops, where?” he asked, instantly getting the feeling he wouldn’t be turning cartwheels at her answer.

“Rodeo Drive!”

Nope, definitely no cartwheels. Daniel grimaced. “Christ, what is it with women and shopping?” he grumbled as Samantha poked and prodded him back to the bedroom. “Jessica’s got more shoes than a blasted store, and still she buys more!”

“Shoes aren’t my thing,” Samantha airily responded as she dressed.

“Well, that’s all right then.”

He continued to grumble while he pulled on faded jeans and a Hard Rock Cafe T-shirt. He stuck his feet into his sneakers, grabbed the VW keys from his dresser, and followed Samantha out the door, watching the enticing sway of her hips under her calf-length blue chambray skirt. Teamed with the scoop neck, white lace top she’d worn on his first night in Silver Creek, and her hair pinned into the topknot, he knew he’d be walking around with a permanent hard-on all day.

Something other than his cock rose the moment Daniel stepped outside. The hairs on his arms. Goose bumps also pricked his skin. Opening the passenger door for Samantha, he quickly scanned the area, but again saw nobody. Even his nosy neighbor’s curtains weren’t twitching. Just who the fuck was watching and following him? And why?

An ominous feeling developing in Daniel’s gut told him he wouldn’t have to wait long for the answers.


* * * *


Samantha had quickly realized during their trip to Helena that Daniel, as with her brother, Matt, wasn’t a fan of shopping. What she hadn’t realized—probably because on that occasion he’d kept his opinions to himself—was how much of a whiner he was. Heavens, he grumbled about everything. Well, not so much when buying groceries and condoms at the supermarket, but as soon as they got to Rodeo Drive he started in earnest, finding fault with everything from the weather to the traffic, to the haughty designer boutiques and the snobby assistants.

The designer boutiques she couldn’t really argue with—they were in the area of Beverly Hills known as the Golden Triangle—but she didn’t consider them haughty. They were just upscale labels. Neither did she find the assistants snobby. She tried to point this out, but Daniel huffed and puffed and moaned some more.

He did, however, perk up a little at the exclusive lingerie boutique on Rodeo Drive that they were now in. A subtle flowery potpourri scented the air of the store, which was decorated with a wallpaper pattern of thin ribbons of pink and white, with clear glass shelving and chrome rails. Samantha thought the carefully arranged displays of bra and panty sets, babydolls, teddies, and slips were all beautiful, yet there was only one item that caught her eye.

Taking the pink silk chemise from the rail—even the white padded silk hanger was beautiful—she showed it to Daniel, but he wasn’t paying attention because his eyes were on the middle-aged woman with coiffured brown hair and an equally coiffured pale-blue suit standing to one side rather like a sentry. Samantha had to admit the woman had quite a snooty air about her and was eyeing Daniel’s faded jeans and Hard Rock Cafe T-shirt with distaste.

Samantha didn’t regard Daniel’s attire as distasteful. He was simply gorgeous. Moisture pooled between her legs, and her nipples became tight, achy points at the way the T-shirt stretched over Daniel’s muscular pecs. It was short-sleeved, too, and fitted nicely around his tanned biceps. And the way his faded denims hugged his rear…Heavens, she was glad the store had air-conditioning. It no longer shocked her that Daniel didn’t wear underwear. It gave her a thrill instead.

“An excellent choice, my dear,” said a woman’s voice, disturbing Samantha’s arousal and her wanting to do incredibly naughty things to Daniel in the changing room. Heavens, she was turning into a sex-crazed harlot!

Not that Samantha thought Daniel would mind. She glanced his way. No, he definitely wouldn’t mind. His attention was now solely on her and the pink whisper of silk in her hand. She felt her nipples stab at the lace of her bra when he very slowly and very deliberately ran his tongue over his lips.

“Would you like to try it on, my dear?”

Samantha gave the middle-aged, coiffured woman a smile and a nod and was waved to the rear of the store and the two changing rooms. There was a pink-and-white striped upholstered chair between the two doors. Daniel made to sit down, but the woman stopped him with a shrill “Do
sit there!” Her nose took a snooty lift. Obviously nothing other than tux pants were going to grace the seat pad.

Daniel crossed his arms over his chest and glared, but stayed on his feet. Samantha smothered a laugh and entered the changing room on her left. The same subtle flowery potpourri hung in the air, but the pattern on the wallpaper wasn’t pink-and-white stripes, but tiny sprigs of pink flowers.

She pulled off her clothes and slipped the chemise over her head. It slid down over her skin like a breath of fresh air. Her erect nipples were clearly visible behind the silk. She nibbled her bottom lip, knowing there wasn’t a thing she could do about them.

“Christ, I feel like Richard Gere,” she heard Daniel grumble. Then he mimicked, “Stores are never nice to people. They’re nice to money.”

She smiled, recognizing the quote almost instantly.
Pretty Woman
was one of her favorite movies. She poked her head around the changing room door. Daniel was standing not more than five feet away. “You’ve seen
Pretty Woman

“Let’s just say me and Dad were curious when Mom and Jessica had a girls’ night in.”

“And what did you think?”

“Not a lot. I can’t understand why anybody would want to make a movie about a millionaire businessman picking up a hooker. It’s kind of pervy, don’t you think?”

She could see Daniel’s point, but she still liked the movie. “Richard Gere didn’t exactly pick Julia Roberts up. He was lost and asked her for directions.”

“Obviously he’d never heard of GPS.”

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