Body Rocks [The Andersons 3] (Siren Publishing Classic) (13 page)

BOOK: Body Rocks [The Andersons 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“Yeah, I do. But your chaste side is just as much a turn-on.” He cupped her chin in his hand. “Perhaps we can do ‘naughty’ on special occasions only?”

“Oh, Daniel, how come you always know what I’m thinking?”

He grinned. “Speaking of coming. Did you come again?”

“Yes, but I doubt you would have heard. You were really shouting.”

“Mmm, I know.” Daniel shifted closer to Samantha, making the bed creak. He slid his arms around her waist. “I think I also busted the bed. It sounds like we’ll be sleeping somewhere else tonight.”

She sighed and pouted. “That’s a shame, because I like being in your bed.”

“Well, technically, this isn’t my bed. My bed’s back in…Say, would you like to come back to LA with me? I could show you around. Show you a good time. Especially in
bed,” he said, emphasizing the “my.”

Her body tingled at the thought of what a good time Daniel could show her in his bed. “Oh, yes, please. When?”

“If you don’t think it’s too soon, then how about we catch a flight today? We could be in Simi Valley, where I live, by early evening.” He sat up and rubbed a hand over his morning stubble. “I’ll have to ask your parents for permission first, though.”

Incredulous, Samantha stared at Daniel. Ask her parents for permission so she could go to LA with him? She was well over the age of consent and didn’t need her parents’ permission to do anything. He must be still in orgasmic heaven.

Apparently not, though, because an hour later she stood beside Daniel in her parents’ living room while he asked her father for permission to take her to LA.

“Are you sure you’re Ray Ferris’s son?” her father asked, just as incredulous as Samantha.

“Yes, I am, Mr. Anderson.”

“Must get your manners from your mother, then.”

“So I take it I have your permission, then, Mr. Anderson?”

Her father frowned. “Only on one condition. And that is, you drop the Mr. Anderson and call me Ross.”

He mumbled something else under his breath, and Samantha could have sworn her father said, “Or Dad.” Her mother then entered the room, also mumbling. Again, Samantha could have sworn her mother said, “And I’m Mom.” She rolled her eyes. Her parents had gone out of their way to be matchmakers with Ramona and Rex. Now it seemed they were doing the same with her and Daniel. Daniel gave no indication of whether he heard or not, and she didn’t know if she should be pleased.

“When you’re in LA, you must pop into Hollywood Station to see Frank and Joe.” Jess handed a mug of coffee to her husband before energetically flicking a duster over the photo frames on the mantel. “I know they’d love to see you. It’s about time Joe had a smile on his kisser. He’s been a sourpuss for far too long.”

“Will do,” Samantha said. A frown appeared when she noticed there was one less photo on the mantel. Her frown deepened when she realized it was Sam Carrick’s photo that was missing. Her questioning glance at her mother went unanswered, so she tugged on Daniel’s arm. “Come on, let’s take the laptop outside and book our flights.”

Picking up the laptop from a sideboard, she made her way out to the back garden, a knot of unease settling in her stomach. Something wasn’t right. She settled in the seat of the arbor, flipped the lid of the laptop open, and pressed the power button. Daniel sat beside her, his thigh brushing hers.

“Have I missed something?” he asked. “You’ve got a frown on your face the size of my cock—um, I mean dick—earlier this morning.”

“Sam’s gone.” The knot in her stomach doubled in size at the disquiet that settled on Daniel’s face. Something definitely wasn’t right. She’d noticed that rattled expression every time somebody called her “Sam.” Then in a blink of an eye, it disappeared and his face became relaxed. Still, his voice sounded strained.

“What do you mean ‘Sam’s gone’?”

“The photo of Sam Carrick, the man I’m named in memory of, is no longer on our mantel.” Her brow wrinkled in thought. “Hmm, now that I come to think of it, it hasn’t been there for some time now. I wonder why.”

“I’m sure he’ll turn up sooner or later.”

“Hmm, maybe.” Samantha smiled at Daniel, and the knot of unease dissolved into a tingling warmth that spread through her limbs and coated the crotch of her panties with creamy arousal. The amber flecks in his blue eyes had begun to glow. The same niggling memory from before skirted the back of her mind, but again, the more she tried to bring it forward, the further it receded.

She sighed and gave up, instead putting the laptop beside her. She gave the house a cursory glance—not that for one minute did she think her parents would be watching them—and then placed a hand on the noticeable bulge stretching the denim of Daniel’s jeans. She began to rub and squeeze his dick.

“What are you doing?”

“What do you think I’m doing?”

“Well, you’re not booking our flights, that’s for sure.”

She laughed. “Shall we book our flights and then go somewhere private? My house or back to the B and B?”

“Baby, I don’t think I can last that long.”

Her mouth formed an O of surprise when Daniel unbuttoned his fly and eased the hard length of his dick free. He took her hands and placed them around the rigid shaft. “I know I said earlier we’ll only do ‘naughty’ on special occasions, but can we do ‘naughty’ now? I’m so turned on, baby. I’ll be quick. Real quick. It’s the effect you have on me. I can’t get enough of you. I want you all the time, baby. You’re so beautiful and sexy and…”

Samantha’s response was to tease the slit of his dick with her thumb, making him exhale a long moan. He exhaled further long moans while she rubbed her hands back and forth along the thick length. Then she realized Daniel’s sounds of pleasure were getting louder. “Is there any chance you can come quietly?” she asked.

“Only if you come with me.”

Daniel waggled his eyebrows at Samantha and pulled her to her feet. He steered her around the back of the arbor, where he swiftly removed her panties. He tugged her down to the grass and maneuvered her over him so that her head was level with his dick and his head was between her thighs, hidden underneath her dress. “You suck. I’ll lick. And nobody will hear us come ’cause we’ve both got our mouths full.”

Any protests Samantha wanted to make about performing oral sex in her parents’ back garden were blasted away with the first sweep of his tongue across her damp pussy.
She wasn’t at all shocked at her second use of the word. In fact, it suited her. Vagina sounded so virginal, and she wasn’t a virgin anymore. Daniel had accepted her virginity with as much reverence as she had giving it to him. He’d breathed renewed hope into her once-soiled dreams of a “Happy Ever After,” and taught her that naughty sex complemented a loving relationship built on a lifelong friendship and trust.

To say she was an ecstatic and willing pupil would have been putting it mildly. Especially as Daniel was her “Happy Ever After.” He was her hero and the man she loved with all her heart.

Chapter 9


During the flight to LAX, as Daniel sat beside an excited Samantha, he decided he was definitely stuck between a rock and a hard place when his godmother’s words sounded in his head.

When you’re in LA, you must pop into Hollywood Station to see Frank and Joe. I know they’d love to see you.

Daniel bet they would. But he didn’t think visiting the police station was a good idea. In fact, it was a real shit idea. Mainly because he hadn’t told Samantha his little secret. A secret he strongly suspected that Frank Walsh and Joe Richards knew about. They had to. They’d both worked with his father and Sam Carrick, albeit at different times, and they were good friends of the family. Loyal friends, too, no doubt. However, now that Daniel knew about his half brother, and just because Walsh and Richards had kept quiet for the last thirty years, it didn’t mean they would continue to remain silent for the next thirty.

More words entered his head.
The photo of Sam Carrick, the man I’m named in memory of, is no longer on our mantel. Hmm, now that I come to think of it, it hasn’t been there for some time now. I wonder why.

So Samantha had noticed. Well, shit. That past he had wanted to let lie? It looked like it was set to explode in his face. Daniel had to tell Samantha before the shit hit the fan. He’d promised her, no secrets. And since he’d located his brain, it was a promise he wanted to keep.

“My dad hates flying,” Samantha said, breaking into Daniel’s thoughts. She shifted excitedly in her seat, pressing her nose against the small oval-shaped window.

“Yeah, Jessica’s the same.” Daniel squeezed her hand, drawing her attention back to him. “Sammy, I have something to tell you.”

Her smile was so expectant, the love shining brightly in her emerald-green eyes—and he was damned sure it was love—so breathtaking, that the words “I’m Sam Carrick’s half brother” never made it past the sizeable lump in his throat. Did she love him like he did her? His heart did a little happy dance, which then faltered when a thought occurred to him. Would she still feel the same once he’d told her about Sam Carrick?

No matter how hard he tried to convince himself that nothing would change and that their relationship was rock solid, he just couldn’t shake the feeling that that bombshell spelled disaster. Just like he suspected Walsh and Richards knew his secret, he suspected that when he told Samantha, their relationship was doomed.

He had no idea why his godmother didn’t want her children to know that he and Sam were half brothers, but a perfectly valid reason, or rather, angle, had occurred to him. Incest. He had to face the fact that if Sam had lived, there was a definite possibility that he and Jess would have married, and Samantha, Ramona, Ross Junior, and Matt would have been Sam’s children. Which made Daniel what? He tried to think but gave up. He actually didn’t know what relation that would have made him to Samantha. He just knew they would have been related in some way.

Of course, events hadn’t taken that route. Even so, Daniel believed that Samantha still might find it weird having a relationship with him. The idea of committing incest, even if they weren’t, was still a powerful reason to say no. He couldn’t take the chance that she’d think it was all bullshit, or “piffle” as he heard her say on occasions. Nor could he
face a life without Samantha, without her love. He just couldn’t. So perhaps it was best to let the past lie.


Her expression had changed from excitement to worry, so Daniel pulled himself together. “I, um, I’m glad you here. You know, that you said yes. That you agreed to come home with me.” Christ, he was making a hash of this. He inhaled a breath, blew it out, and then entwined his fingers through hers. “We’re gonna have so much fun. In and out of my bed,” he added with a wink.

She laughed. “Oh, I do hope so.” She turned her attention back to the window and let out a squeal. “I can see it! LA. We’re nearly there!”

Laughing, Daniel leaned over so his face was beside Samantha’s, his nose also pressed to the window. Their combined breath fogged the thick Perspex. “Want to join the Mile-High Club before we land?” he whispered.

She jerked her head toward him, and he caught her surprised gasp with a long, hard kiss. A bout of harsh coughing from the seat behind shot Daniel and his hard cock back down to the land of common sense. He wasn’t stupid enough to get himself and Samantha arrested, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t pretend to join the Mile-High Club with a little role-play once they got to his house. The old leather recliner in his study would make the perfect “plane” seat.

That horny thought in mind, Daniel pulled away and, settling in his seat, fastened his belt. His ears popped as the aircraft banked and began its descent. Some minutes later, the tires kissed the runway.

As the plane taxied toward its designated arrival gate, passengers got to their feet and began taking their luggage from the overhead storage lockers. That always amused him. It wasn’t like they could get off or anything. And hadn’t the flight attendant just announced for passengers to remain in their seats until the aircraft had stopped and the seat belt signs had blinked off?

With an amused smile, Daniel shook his head and turned to Samantha. She was so excited he was surprised she hadn’t leapt from her seat and skipped down the aisle by now. He’d caught several men on the flight openly staring at her, and who could blame them. Her hair was styled in the familiar topknot. Her emerald-green shift dress, cinched at the waist by a thin black belt, matched her eyes beautifully, and was teamed with a cream cardigan that ended just beneath her gorgeous breasts. She’d called it a bolero. He’d called it a damned arresting sight that made his cock ache.

Samantha’s excitement was contagious, which was a good thing, really. Especially when, after collecting their luggage, Daniel discovered the Humvee he had reserved online before they’d left Silver Creek had been given to somebody else by mistake and the staff at the car rental company had given him a VW Beetle instead. He didn’t know how a Beetle could compensate for a Humvee, but he shelved his protests and complaints when Samantha took hold of his hand and led him away.

He only had himself to blame. It had been his idea to rent a car. His own SUV was back in Silver Creek, and since the initial drive from LA to Yellowstone and then onto Silver Creek had been a bit of a bitch, he’d decided he could do without a repeat performance on the homeward journey. Hence the flight. The fact that he wanted Samantha in his bed super fast had been a no-brainer.

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