Body Rocks [The Andersons 3] (Siren Publishing Classic) (10 page)

BOOK: Body Rocks [The Andersons 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“Why not? You’ve been parading yours in front of my face.”

She started to protest, but shut up when she noticed just where her hand had come to rest—right on Daniel’s groin. Daniel smiled at the pink that colored her cheeks. His smile slipped when she snatched her hand away.

Matt grinned and, placing his hat on his head, rose to his feet. “And on that note I think I’d better get back out on duty. Laters, you two.”

“Much later,” Daniel murmured. He winked at Samantha and placed her hand back on his groin. “Don’t be embarrassed. I’m not.”

“Somehow I didn’t think you would be.” She gave his cock a gentle squeeze before removing her hand again, much to his disappointment. “What do you want to do tonight?”

“As long as I’m with you, I don’t mind. What takes your fancy?”

“I thought we could stay at home and watch a DVD. I think we’ve got some popcorn. What do you think of
How the West Was Won

He frowned. “The western? Okay, I’m game, but I wouldn’t have thought it was to your tastes.”

“Yes, well, James Stewart, George Peppard, and Richard Widmark all starring in the same movie?” She fanned herself with her hand. “Phew, I’m in absolute heaven. I simply adore handsome heroes, and I’ve always had a crush on those three actors. I’ve not dented your macho pride, have I?”

He shrugged with mock despondency. “I s’pose I can always lust over, er…”

“Debbie Reynolds,” she offered when he faltered for a name.

“Yeah, her. What about Matt?”

“We’ll lock and bolt the door on him.”

Daniel laughed out loud and wrapped his arms around Samantha, pulling her closer to him. He nuzzled her neck and breathed in her subtle scent. “Why, Miss Anderson, I do believe you’re showing a decidedly naughty side.”

“No, it’s just the only person I want to share my popcorn with is you.”

“Ah, sweet.”

“Actually, I prefer it salty.”

“I wasn’t talking about the popcorn.”

“I know. And stop doing that.” She giggled when he once again licked the sensitive spot behind her ear. Giving him a gentle shove, she wriggled out of his arms and stood up. “Come round about eight?”

He cocked his brows in surprise. “What, you’re leaving me?”

“I’m sure you can manage not seeing me for a couple of hours. Besides, you need a shower.” She laughed when he made an over-the-top show of smelling his armpits and keeling over on the sofa. “Idiot!” she said, bending down for her shopping bag and to give him a kiss on the lips. “See you at eight.”

“Don’t even think about changing out of that dress for tonight.” Then, once Samantha had left the shop, the teasing grin disappeared, and Daniel became serious. “I love you, baby.”


* * * *


Sharp on eight, Daniel arrived at Samantha’s house. He was squeaky clean, having just spent the last hour in the shower. Not because he was dirty—well, his mind was—but because Samantha in her black, spaghetti-strap dress had given him a permanent hard-on all day and he needed some sort of release. So if cleanliness was next to godliness, then he should be up there in heaven right beside the main man himself.

Before he even raised his hand to knock, the door opened and Samantha huffed out, her luminous, emerald-green eyes flashing a certain kind of fire that had his heart thumping and his cock hardening. He seriously began to regret telling her not to change the dress.

“Change of plans,” she snapped even before he could open his mouth. “Matt has parked himself in front of the TV and is refusing to budge. Apparently he wants to watch the LA Galaxy game.”

“Soccer?” he asked, instantly placing the name of the team Samantha spoke of. Soccer, or football as his mother, Scarlett, called it, was the only sport she would watch. She’d been born in Chelsea, a borough of London, England, and supported Chelsea Football Club and more recently, the New York Red Bulls. Daniel had to admit because of his mother’s enthusiasm, he’d taken a liking to the sport himself. Still, he frowned. “I didn’t know Matt was a fan.”

“He isn’t. Honestly, I could—”

He silenced her by placing his fingers over her mouth. “Shhhh, it’s okay. We’ll do something else.” He smiled and looked upward. The full moon gave him an idea. “Let’s take a walk to the lake. It’s been a while since I’ve seen it with a full moon. And I promise not to turn into a werewolf.”

She returned his smile, linked her arm through his, and they took a slow walk to Silver Creek Lake, situated behind her parents’ house. The crunch of the gravel on the path beneath their feet, the chirping crickets, and the occasional hoot were the only sounds breaking up the still air.

They stopped in the clearing where the picnic benches were located. Daniel gave Samantha a reassuring hug and then walked down to the lake’s edge, marveling at the silvery glow that the moon cast over the water and surrounding trees. He inhaled deeply, the scent of pine trees reminding him of spending Christmas with his parents and his sister in New York. It aggrieved him that he had missed out on the last one because after completing some geological survey in Iceland, he couldn’t fly home, as the airport had made the rare decision to close due to extreme temperatures.

“Do you know,” he said over his shoulder, “I’ve seen some breathtaking sights in my travels, but nothing beats the beauty of this place.”

Daniel turned away from the lake and wandered back over to Samantha. She was now sitting on the edge of one of the tables. She looked happy and relaxed, so he parted her legs slightly and stood between them, his mouth claiming hers in a passionate kiss. They stared into each other’s eyes as their tongues mated.

His desire beginning to build, Daniel left her mouth and nibbled along her jawline to her earlobe. Giving the secret spot behind her ear a quick flick, making her shiver but shiver in a nice way, he tongued down her neck, along her collarbone, back again to the other side, then to the hollow of her throat. He inhaled deeply. “I’ve been trying to place your perfume. And do you know what? You smell like the roses from my mom’s garden.”

“That’s because my perfume is made from those very roses. Your mom’s quite an expert at making perfume, and she gave me a bottle for Christmas. It’s called ‘Roses at Twilight.’”

“Three cheers for Mom.” He stared at the dress. Catching her consenting nod, he slipped the spaghetti straps off her shoulders, took hold of the bodice, and tugged. Tugged it down, down, down until…
Oh, yeah, baby
. Gorgeous and a joy to behold in the light of the silvery moon, those wonderful breasts of hers popped out for his eyes to feast upon. He licked his lips at the coral-hued, pebbled nipples. “Baby, you’re beautiful. Can I touch you?”


* * * *


Daniel’s request to touch her breasts always made Samantha want to ask for more. He’d never once used his hands or his fingers to stimulate any other parts of her body, specifically the area between her legs. But then again, she hadn’t touched him either. Oh, well, perhaps tonight was the night when things would change.

She nodded. “Yes.”

Daniel gave her a quick and light kiss on the mouth before lowering his head. His warm mouth enclosed one erect nipple, sending a shiver of anticipation through her. She uttered a soft mewl when his tongue rolled over the tight bud, licking and sucking, while his fingers played with the other one, lightly pinching and caressing it with a feathery rub. She uttered another soft mewl when he switched positions, the cool air teasing her wet nipple before he covered it with the warmth of his hand.

Samantha arched her back, eager for more, and Daniel was just as eager to give. He pushed her breasts together with his hands and dragged his tongue across each of her nipples. He switched to suckle on her right nipple, and his fingers traveled.
Down the dress, toward the hem they went, then under and up, trailing over her knee and up one thigh.

She tensed and shivered in anticipation when Daniel neared the top of her inner thigh. Oh, tonight was definitely the night that things were going to change. She again shivered in anticipation, but Daniel obviously misread her tension and halted his upward finger trek.

He gave her erect nipple one last roll with his tongue and straightened. His smile held a teasing quality.

“Are you a shaver or a waxer?”

“Am I what?” she asked, bemused.

“Yeah, you know, your legs. ’Cause if you shave, then you’re better at it than I am. I’m always nicking myself. Not my legs, of course, but under my chin.”

She laughed and sifted her fingers through his hair before resting them on his solid shoulders. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to tense.”

“Do you want me to stop?”

“No. I like your fingers.” She took a large breath and let it out slowly. “I’d like them to go all the way.”

“You’ve got it, baby.”

Daniel continued with his journey, moving up, up, closer, closer…And Samantha nearly passed out with excitement when his fingers hooked in the side of her lacy boy shorts and pulled them down her legs and off past her shoes. Her excitement died an instant death the moment she noticed his face. Her underwear dangling from his fingers, Daniel’s expression was one of shock as he stared at them. They were clean, weren’t they? No unpleasant odors?

She nervously swallowed past the lump in her throat. “What, Daniel? What?”

He blew out a long breath. “I think I’ve just died and gone to heaven.”

“You have? Why?”

“Boy shorts are my favorite. Especially lacy ones the color of soft turquoise.”

She laughed as he stuffed her panties into the back pocket of his jeans. His hands immediately went back up under her dress to rest on her thighs. He didn’t move until she nodded her consent. One hand stayed on her thigh, the fingers of his other inched higher to where she knew she was wet for him. She jerked slightly when the tips of his fingers touched the moist curls covering her clit. He paused.

“No, Daniel, don’t stop. I’m okay.” Smiling, Samantha lightly brushed her lips across Daniel’s. Then in a bold move, she lifted her hips up and shifted closer until she quite literally sat on Daniel’s hand. It wasn’t enough. She needed to feel him touching her. She squirmed against his palm, his calluses exciting her, and a long keening mewl worked its way out from her throat when he pushed one finger up into her.

Daniel stared deep in her eyes, those glowing amber flecks taking on a hypnotic light. She wanted to look away, but couldn’t. Wouldn’t. Not when she wanted him to see how he made her feel. How comfortable she was with him. How she wanted him to make her come.

“Your pussy’s so wet, baby.”

He’d uttered the word with such tenderness she didn’t find it vulgar in the least.

“And so tight,” he said, adding another finger.

Tight? Could Daniel tell she was a virgin? Samantha didn’t believe so, yet she knew with certainty that the time for revealing her virginity was fast approaching.

She must have masturbated a zillion times, using two fingers inside and one on her clit, but Daniel’s fingers were in a different league altogether. Perhaps it was because they were larger than hers. Or that they went deeper. They filled her completely, touching parts—sensitive parts—she believed existed but hadn’t found herself.

With every stroke of his extremely skillful fingering, she felt her body responding. Her breath came out in pants as his fingers moved faster, the squelching sounds making a testament to how wet she was. Then his other hand, the one that was resting on her thigh, moved across and she felt his thumb brushing over her clit. Once. Twice. Three times. Then more times than she could count.

Samantha spread her legs wider and…Her world shattered. Repeatedly crying out his name, her head lolled back, and she gave in to the sizzling waves of rapture rocking her body.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, her orgasm subsided. Daniel withdrew his hands from under the dress and wrapped his arms around her so she near enough melted into him.

“Oh, baby, that was…” He trailed off, seemingly lost for words.

Samantha lifted her head from where it was buried in his neck. Mmm, he smelled so good, of the outdoors, bergamot, and peppermint. And now her nose twitched at his delicious aroma mingled with the scent of her juices. “Incredible?” she suggested.

“Incredible. Amazing. Awesome. Mind-blowing. Yeah, I like that word. Mind-blowing.” He grinned and brushed his lips across hers. “I’d like to do that again. Make you come. Blow your mind.”

“And I’d like you to do it. I want you to make love to me and make me come again and again. But…”

“But what, baby?”

Samantha drew back and bit her lower lip, feeling more than a little nervous as she straightened her dress. The time had arrived. “I’m a virgin.”

Chapter 7


Samantha’s admission did three things to Daniel. Stunned him. Turned him on beyond belief. And angered him.

Stunned him because he couldn’t believe he was going to be the first man to experience her creamy, wet pussy muscles squeezing his cock.

Turned him on beyond belief because…well, because he couldn’t believe he was going to be the first man to experience her creamy, wet pussy muscles squeezing his cock.

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