Body Contact (Hands On #2) (6 page)

Read Body Contact (Hands On #2) Online

Authors: Cathryn Fox

Tags: #erotica, #erotic romance, #sexy, #Entangled, #Scorched, #Cathryn Fox, #student/teacher, #teacher, #teach, #sex lessons, #football, #opposites, #opposites attract

BOOK: Body Contact (Hands On #2)
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But when she pressed a finger against his ass, lust exploded inside him. He gripped the sides of her head, holding tight as it bobbed back and forth. Christ, her probing finger really shouldn’t feel that fucking good. His muscles bunched and his cock tightened, her mouth working over him with urgent need.

She made a sexy noise, then let him pop from her mouth. She angled her head and licked along the length of him, scorching his flesh as she explored with her tongue. Pressure brewed deep in his groin, and he resisted the urge to pump his hips to get in deeper. No matter how desperate he felt, he wanted her to set the rhythm and pace.

His breath came in a ragged burst, blood flowing hot and heavy in his veins. “That’s so fucking good.” She looked up, her eyes locking on his. His heart nearly stopped when he saw the raw desire in her baby blues. He loved watching her, loved the way she was enjoying this. It touched something deep inside him. “You’re so good at this.” She made a sexy noise, his praise urging her on. She sucked him back in again, taking him deeply, intimately.

He closed his eyes against the pleasure as she teased his cock in and out of her mouth. As he reached his breaking point, he fisted her hair, tangling her long locks through his fingers, ready to pull her away before he released. His blood bubbled from the heat she was generating inside him.

Overcome with need, the world closed in on him and he began moving with her, pressing easily against her mouth, seeking more…everything. Her hands raced over his cock, and he squeezed his thighs, holding her tight between his legs, never wanting this moment to end. With pressure building, coming to a peak, he began panting, taking deep quick breaths that pulsed through his body, firing every nerve.

His cock swelled, and air ripped from his lungs as pleasure like he’d never felt before swamped him. Why the fuck was everything so much better with her? Shuddering in surrender, he gripped her hair to pull her away as his climax hit hard, but she refused to budge.

Holy fuck.

His composure vanishing, he let loose a growl, and she moaned in surrender as he released in her throat. The warmth of her mouth intensified his climax, and she stayed between his legs, drinking him in until he stopped pulsing. She eased back, and his body jerked, his cock ultrasensitive after that powerful orgasm.

Working to keep his hands from trembling, he pulled her to him. He fell back on the bed, pulling her down with him, then repositioned them on the mattress, settling her beneath him. She smiled up at him, a gleam in her eyes, as her body softened under his. He took a deep breath to center himself and calm his pounding heart.

“That was amazing, but you weren’t supposed to swallow,” he said, even though it was the most erotic thing he’d ever experienced. “Why did you do that?”

Her fingers glided over his shoulders, and his muscles bunched. Half-lidded eyes met his. “You’re giving me a lot of firsts, and I wanted to give you one, too. Besides, I liked it.”

He rolled off her and pulled her close. She settled her head on his chest, and he wrapped an arm around her. “Yeah?”

“Yeah. I think you’ve ruined me. I’m not going to be able to stop thinking about your cock.”

His heart squeezed, and a flash of possessiveness moved through him. It was an honor to be her first. He was humbled that she’d gift him with her body and virginity, but Jesus, having her drink him in rattled him to his very core. There was some primal part of him that wanted to fill her with his seed, to leave his mark on her.

“I can’t say whether I’d like it with another guy, but I liked it with you.”

He pinched his eyes shut, not wanting to visualize her with anyone else. His fingers squeezed, wanting to beat the living shit out of any man who came within two feet of her. It was ridiculous, really. He couldn’t expect her not to use her newfound skills on some other guy. He felt a quick flash of panic and swallowed, struggling to fight down the rising jealousy.

She trailed her fingers over his stomach, then swirled them around his nipple. He twitched beneath her touch. Needing to think about something else and dispel the image of her with another man from his brain, he redirected the conversation. “What’s with the ass play?”

She chuckled easily, comfortable with herself now. “I read about it. Did you like it?”

He twisted his face, and she laughed harder. “The jury is still out.”


“Would I lie to you?” He ran his hands through her hair, dragging her impossibly closer.

She snuggled in and lifted her face to his. “Thank you for doing this for me.”

“Ah, thank you,” he returned, emotions thickening his voice. Her grin was self-satisfied, and he couldn’t help but laugh. “Look at you, all proud of yourself.”

“I like being able to do that to you.”

“Oh, do you now?”

“Yeah.” She ran her hands through his hair.

“Well then, feel free to do it anytime.”

“Seriously though, Jack. I really appreciate all of this. It was a great night, and I had fun.”

“Was?” He slid back over her. “What do you mean was? Do you somehow think it’s over?”

She writhed beside him, her eyes lighting with curiosity. “There’s more?”

“What kind of a gentleman would I be to walk away leaving you all hot and bothered?”

“A sorry excuse for one,” she teased back. “That’s what.”

“That’s right.”

Desperate to reacquaint himself with her body, he kissed her, his tongue sinking inside, then withdrawing. He lashed against the sides of her mouth, then tangled his tongue with hers. Pulling back, he swished it over her lips and teeth, seeking an even deeper intimacy. He slid his hand down her body and touched her pussy. When he found her curls damp with passion—for him—he knew he was in trouble.

So much fucking trouble.

Chapter Five

Danielle stretched, and as her muscles ached, a beautiful reminder of her night with Jack, she peeled one eye open and reached across the bed to find it cold and empty. She sat up and glanced around the room, but Jack was nowhere to be found. Had he left in the middle of the night? Sneaked out under the cover of darkness? A pang of loneliness nipped at her soul. She drew in a quick breath and let it out slowly, upset with herself for letting her emotions get the best of her. But how could she not feel something
with a guy like him
She threw up a mental shield, knowing better than to go there.

A noise sounded in the other room. Jack? He was still here? Her heart leaped. Damn. Hadn’t she just told herself not to let her emotions run away with her? She slid from the bed and grabbed her robe. It wisped over her shoulders as she tiptoed down the hall. She rounded the corner and her breath caught when she found him in the kitchen, dressed only in his jeans as he whipped up a pan of scrambled eggs. He looked warm and sated this morning, and so darn right standing there in her small apartment, that she couldn’t help but smile.

“Morning,” she said quietly. The grin that lit his face when he turned to see her weakened her knees.

“What are you so happy about?” he asked.

She finger-combed her hair. “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe the three orgasms you gave me last night.”

He laughed and pointed to the coffeemaker. “Grab yourself a cup.” She glanced at the clock, calculating how much time she had before she had to get to the college. Maybe they still had time to go for that fourth orgasm. She mentally kicked herself to get her head on straight. Honest to God, the man was turning her in to a nymphomaniac.

“I didn’t mean to wake you,” he said, bringing her back to the moment.

“You didn’t.”

“I was going to surprise you with breakfast in bed.”

God, could he be any sweeter? “Oh, how thoughtful. I’ve never had breakfast in bed before.”

“If you want to crawl back in there, we can fix that.”

“No, that’s okay. I’m up now.”

“Another time, then,” he said.

“Shouldn’t I be bringing you breakfast in bed?” she asked. “Considering all you’ve been doing for me.”

“After the way you sucked my cock, I should be preparing you a gourmet meal.”

“You really liked it, huh?” she said, her chest filling with pride.

“‘Liked’ would be an understatement.”

She chuckled, loving the open honesty between them, as she reached into the cupboard for two mugs. Her fingers closed around the handle on the coffeepot, but the hand sliding around her waist stopped her. Jack pulled her to him, and she placed her hand on his bare chest, enjoying the feel of his strong heartbeat.

“How are you feeling this morning?” His hand slid down to close over her sex through her robe.

“Sore, but good.”

He dipped his head and lightly brushed his mouth over hers. “Too sore to go the distance tonight? To finish what we started?”

Her body quivered, anxious to be with him. “No. I want to,” she said quickly. Probably a little too quickly. “I’ve been thinking about it, a lot.”

He chuckled lightly. “And I’ve been thinking about all the ways I’m going to take you. After tonight, we’ll still have another whole week to try out all kinds of different positions.”

“What’s your favorite?”

“I’m pretty sure any position with you will be my favorite, but we’re going to start with missionary. I think it will be the most comfortable for your first time. Then it’s no holds barred,” he teased, reaching around her back to give her a smack on the ass.

She yelped, even though her robe buffered the slap. He laughed. “That reminds me, I’ve yet to give you a proper spanking.”

Her insides trembled, but it wasn’t from fear. “You want to spank me?”

“Sure.” His eyes flared hot, and he winked. “After last night, I kind of thought you’d be open to the idea.”

Her mind raced back to the things she’d done to him last night, then skipped to the BDSM club. She’d enjoyed watching that girl get spanked, had wondered what it would be like to have Jack’s hand come down over her backside. A week ago, she wouldn’t even have considered it, but now, well, now she was all about experimenting.

“Are you going to put me over your knee?”

“You bet I am.” Grinning, he reached into the cupboards for plates, and she poured the coffee with shaky hands. The toast popped. He buttered it and placed it on the plates. She followed him to the small dinette table, unable to take her eyes off his ass.

She sat across from him and bit into her piping-hot eggs. “These are delicious.”

He smiled. “Eggs are easy, but I like cooking. My mother just never let me in the kitchen.”

“Why not?”

“I said I liked it. I didn’t say I was good at it.”

“I like it, too.”

“Oh yeah? Then Mom will love you.” As soon as the words left his mouth, he stiffened. “I mean, she’s lived with three sons, a husband, and all of our friends, who never seem to leave. Even Corky, the dog we had growing up, was a male. Too much testosterone. She’s dying for a little female company in the house.”

“Your mom sounds nice. But who named your dog?”

He rolled his eyes. “Luke, but he was only twelve. Then again, he still acts it.” He eyed her carefully. “You sure you still want to come Sunday?”

She studied him for a moment, taking in his sudden unease. “Only if you want me to.”

“I do,” he said. “Just be prepared to be smothered by my mom and teased by my asshole brothers and best friend. You’re going to hate it.”

“I’ve never been smothered by a mother before.”

His head snapped up, his eyes apologetic. “I’m sorry, that was insensitive of me.”

“That’s okay.” Understanding he didn’t mean anything by it, she slid a piece of egg into her mouth, chewed, then swallowed. “Does she smother all the girls you guys bring home?”

“No, none of us have ever—”

“You’ve never brought a girl home?” Her heart thumped, but she knew better than to read too much into things. She wasn’t going to get her hopes up that there could be more between them, only to have it shattered when he left town. She knew she wasn’t the kind of girl people kept around for any length of time. Soon enough, he’d be on the road again. She reached for her coffee, needing the caffeine to clear her head.

He shrugged it off. “Sam was being a shit, and I kind of got roped into it.”

Danielle nodded and sipped her coffee as she worked to rein in her emotions.

“I know what you did yesterday at the college,” Jack said.

She stared at him over the rim of her cup. Did he have any idea how good he was at redirecting a conversation?

She schooled her features into polite professionalism. “What did I do yesterday?” she asked, even though she was fully aware that she’d played counselor and coaxed him into opening up to her.

“You dug around inside my head.”

“Me?” she asked, feigning innocence, her mind racing back to their conversation about his career, and her talk with Liam after Jack had left. Jack hadn’t come right out and told her that he didn’t want counseling. But she was intelligent enough to know he wasn’t comfortable with the idea. She really hoped that he wouldn’t get upset and tell her she’d overstepped boundaries. But she’d wanted to do something for him, to help him feel whole again and show him that he was important, worthwhile, even if he never went back to professional football. “I’d never do that.”

He laughed. “You know, I’m starting to think you’re not so innocent, after all.”

“Hey, I never claimed to be innocent. All I ever said was I was inexperienced in bed.”

He reached across the table and put his hand over hers. “Can’t say that anymore, though.”

“No, you’re right. But I can still say I’m a virgin.”

“Not for long.”

A quiver moved through her as she thought about what it would be like to feel him inside her. Just a few days ago, that scared the living hell out of her. But she wasn’t that same girl anymore, thanks to Jack.

He brushed his thumb over her wrist. “Are you nervous about it?”

“No, I’m actually looking forward to it.”

He gave her a playful grin. “Enough to beg for it.”

She arched a brow. “You want me to beg you, Jack?”

“I want you so hot and needy that by the time I take you, you’ll do anything for it. I want to hear my name on your lips, Danielle. I want you to be fully aware that it’s me who’s taking you.”

Was there ever any doubt?

Just then her cell buzzed and she glanced at her purse. “Probably Violet. She likes a morning play-by-play.”

He laughed. “I’m looking forward to meeting her on Saturday. I think.”

“You’ll love her.” She bit into her toast and brushed the crumbs from her fingers. “What are your plans for today?” she asked, broaching the subject carefully.

“Therapy, then I’ll stop by and help Dad at the shop.”

“Think you can spare an hour around one?”

“Sure, why?”

Instead of telling him, she said, “Can you come by the college? Have lunch in the cafeteria with me?”

“You want me to eat in the cafeteria? Are you trying to finish me off before I can finish you off?”

She laughed. “No, just come by at one.”

He agreed, and they both turned their attention to their breakfast. Once they’d finished, they cleared the dishes, and she checked the time again.

Standing in the kitchen, she put her hand on his chest, once again noting his strong heartbeat. “I better get showered and get moving.” Her fingers slid down to his stomach, then she turned and made her way back to her bedroom. As much as she hated to break contact, she knew if she didn’t, she’d never get to the college. Jack followed, grabbing the rest of his clothes from the floor once he reached her room. She watched as he pulled his T-shirt on, and warmth spread between her legs when his muscles flexed and relaxed again. For a big strong guy, he moved with grace, in bed and out.

“I’ll see you this afternoon.” He pressed his lips to hers, his kiss so warm and sensual, it felt real, as if there was something truly meaningful between them. Her heart missed a beat, and she swallowed against the tightness in her throat. When had soliciting his help turned into so much more than research? She should probably put a stop to this before it went any further. Heartbreak was a high price to pay for two weeks of research. But if she wanted the job, and all the benefits that came with it, she had no choice but to continue.

“And tonight,” he added. “I’ll pick you up at seven. We’re going out to Lucien’s first.”

“That place is expensive, Jack.”


She shook her head. “You don’t have to take me there.”

“But that’s exactly why I want to do it. Besides, my best friend Jamie is the chef. He’d kill me if I took you anywhere else.” She opened her mouth to protest, but he pressed his lips to hers to seal them. Then after a good, thorough kiss, he left her apartment.

Feeling breathless, Danielle hopped into the shower. She washed and dressed quickly, then stepped outside to walk to work, enjoying the warm morning sun shining down on her. She took the long way, going past the downtown house she hoped to soon make hers. Excitement welled up inside her at the thought of opening her own practice, but when she saw a couple viewing the property, her heart sank. Even if Jack’s dad found it sound, she wouldn’t be able to put an offer in until her finances were in order. That could take weeks. Then again, she did have that trust fund. Could she bring herself to ask her foster parents?

With a little less spring in her step, she hurried to class and spent the better part of the morning reading and making notes for her upcoming lectures, drawing on all the things Jack had taught her. Unease moved into her stomach every time she glanced at the clock. As it neared one, she climbed from her chair and walked to the window to see Liam working with the group of high school boys. She watched for a minute. Jack said football was his life, and she hoped what she had planned would give him purpose over the next couple of weeks.

A noise at the door heralded someone’s approach. She spun, and Jack lunged for her. She squealed as he scooped her up. “I was trying to sneak up on you.”

She put her hands on his shoulders. “What are you, twelve? Now put me down, before you hurt your leg.”

“My mom always says boys never grow up, they just become bigger boys.”

“I’m really going to like her.”

Jack’s lips found hers, and he gave her a warm, sensual kiss. He gestured with a nod toward her desk. “Have you ever thought about doing it there, with me?”

She whacked him. “No, and I’m not about to. I need this job.” As soon as the words left her mouth, her mind went back to the couple viewing her house.

“What is it?” he asked.

“On my way to work today, I saw a couple looking at the house.”

“Shit,” he said. “What did they look like?”


“I saw people looking the other day, too.”

“You didn’t say anything.”

“I didn’t want you to worry.” He drew her to him. “If it sells, something else will come along.”

She nodded. “I know. I never should have set my heart on it.” A noise outside the window reminded her of her purpose this afternoon. Not wanting to dwell on the possibility of losing the house, she grabbed his hand. “Come on.”

“You’re seriously going to make me eat cafeteria food. Let me take you somewhere nice.”

“No, you don’t have to do that. Not for me.” She tugged on his hand, dragging him to the elevator. They rode to the first level, and she took him out the back door, onto the football field.

He shaded his eyes from the sun and looked around. “What are we doing out here?”

“Just hear me out, okay,” she said quickly.

He frowned. “Danielle, what are you doing?”

She waved to Liam, and he waved back. He said something to the group of guys—high school teens who practiced on the field during the summer months—who all started running drills, then made his way over to where she and Jack were standing.

“Don’t be mad, but Liam was looking for an assistant and I told him you might be interested in the job.”

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