Body Contact (Hands On #2) (5 page)

Read Body Contact (Hands On #2) Online

Authors: Cathryn Fox

Tags: #erotica, #erotic romance, #sexy, #Entangled, #Scorched, #Cathryn Fox, #student/teacher, #teacher, #teach, #sex lessons, #football, #opposites, #opposites attract

BOOK: Body Contact (Hands On #2)
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Tenderness filled her eyes, and her hand lifted to press against his cheek. Her lips curled in a slow, inviting smile. “It’s not just because of your dad. I want you to come. I’d love for you to see the place and hear what you think. Your opinion is important to me.”

The sun beat down on them, but the heat of the rays was nothing compared to the warmth of her hands, the trust she had in him. Overwhelmed with what he was feeling, he rubbed the tight knot of tension in his chest and glanced at the books in her hands. “Where are you going?”

“The college. They assigned my classroom and I wanted to go by and check it out.” She held the books up. “And do a bit of reading.”

“Let me walk you.”

Worry shadowed her eyes as she pointed to his leg. “It doesn’t look like you should be walking.”

“I’m fine,” he said, playing it cool. “Just finished PT. Walking is good, believe me.”

She pressed her lips together and eyed him skeptically. “Okay. But what about your bike?”

“I’ll come back for it.” He took the stack of books from her and flipped through them. “
The Heart of Desire
Sexual Health
Nuances of Pleasure
.” He winked. “We’ll talk more about that tonight.” He turned to the last one. “
Meaningful Sex
.” He read the back cover, which explained how establishing bonds could enhance intimacies and relationships. To him, sex was for physical release, nothing more. “Hmm.”


He stacked the books under his arm and reached for her hand. As they started toward the college, he said, “Not sure I’d know what to do with that last book.”

She stopped walking and turned to him, her look incredulous. “Are you kidding me?”

“What?” he asked, giving her a dubious glance.

She laughed. “Jack, everything you’ve done has been meaningful so far. From taking it slow, to showing me around the club and letting me experience things at my pace. The way you’ve been trying to make me comfortable, not just with the language but with my own body. That’s all meaningful to me.” In a move he was becoming familiar with, she touched his face again. “I don’t think any other guy would have made it so special for me.”

He stared at her, expecting to see a mask of professionalism in place, but instead, he just saw Danielle. Sweet, sexy Danielle who’d just opened up to him as a woman, not a researcher. Did she even know that? The real question was…would he have taken the same approach with anyone else? Would he have taken it slow or just pounced that very first night?

Feeling a little off his game as he mulled that over, he started walking again, and she fell into step beside him. When they reached the campus, they walked through the halls, but saving his knee, they took the elevator to the second floor. Once at her classroom, she unlocked the door and stepped inside, Jack following behind her. Cheers could be heard outside the window, and Jack walked over to see the football field below.

His stomach clenched, and his knee took that moment to throb. A soft hand on his shoulder grabbed his attention, and he turned to Danielle, working to wipe the worry from his face. She pointed at the man surrounded by a group of high school teens.

“That’s Liam. He’s the football coach here.”

“Looks like fun.”

“You love the game, don’t you?” When he nodded, she said, “You’re good at it.”

“I was,” he said.

“You will be again.”

He turned from the window and sat in one of the chairs. Danielle lowered herself into the seat across from him. His thoughts raced. “What if I’m not?” he blurted out. “What if the league doesn’t renew my contract?”

“That would be devastating.”

He nodded, and she remained quiet. “Yeah.” Pressing one foot into the floor, he tipped his chair back on two legs. “But at least then I wouldn’t have to put up with the bullshit.”

“Tell me about that.”

“So much crap goes on behind the scenes. What the public sees is the game, and it’s the game I love. Not the other stuff.”

“The other stuff being, if you’re injured, you’re done.”

How astute. “Exactly.”

“The game is the only thing you can control, Jack.”

“I know.”

She folded her hands in her lap, her eyes moving over his face. “Do you even enjoy that anymore?”

“Yes. But it’s hard to play and enjoy it when you know one injury can ruin your life.”

She lifted her chin, a challenging gleam in her eyes. “Your life, or your job?”

A noise sounded outside and he looked toward the window again. “Football is my life.”

“What would you miss?”

“The game.”

She leaned into him, her eyes serious. “What about the fame, the money, all the women throwing themselves at you? Would you miss that? Or would you just miss playing?”

“I have enough money, and no, I wouldn’t miss those other things.”

“Jack,” she said, putting her hand on his knees. “If playing is what’s important, you don’t have to be in the NFL for that.” When he remained silent, she added, “Tell me why you wouldn’t miss those other things.”

He scoffed. “You wouldn’t understand.”

“Try me.”

“Those women don’t want me. Not the real me, anyway. They want me because I’m famous and can buy them things.”

“So what would make you happy, Jack?”



He stayed quiet for too long, so she pressed, “What would it take to make you feel fulfilled?”

Clearly not money or fame. And he did miss being around his family. Someday, he’d like to settle down, have what his parents had. The only problem was that no woman saw him for who he was. Besides, being on the road was hell on a relationship. He’s seen it happen to his buddies, seen the strain and the heartache when it didn’t work out.

So what did he want?

“I just want football to be a part of my life,” he finally responded, sure as shit he couldn’t have it all.

She opened her mouth to say something, but a knock on the door stopped her. She got up from her chair and walked across the room to greet one of the campus’s professors. After a quick introduction and exchange of pleasantries, Jack left her to work, and made his way back to his bike, going over their conversation. It actually felt good to talk to someone who was interested, to open up to her. He’d pretty much kept everything inside. Outside of his family, no one wanted to hear about the negative things going on in his life. He couldn’t imagine any woman ever sitting down with him and letting him share. Then again, Danielle was a therapist who wanted to specialize in family counseling. So he guessed that listening to people was part of her job.

Wait! Had she just gotten into his head without him knowing?

Chapter Four

After spending the afternoon helping his dad in the bay and thinking about his conversation with Danielle, Jack finished showering and made his way to her place. There were things she’d said to him that afternoon that he couldn’t quite get out of his head. She made him question what was important to him, what he really wanted.

He glanced up from his bike to find her waving to him from her window, and his heart gave a little start. He could really get used to that. He hurried up her stairs—well, as fast as he could go with his bum knee—and she opened her door before he reached it.

The smile on her face, the warm expression in her eyes as she gazed at him, nearly brought him to his knees. “I’ve got good news,” she said, beaming.

He followed her into her place and locked the door behind him. “So do I,” he said.

“You do?” she asked.

He looked her over, trying to remember what it was he wanted to say as he took in all the soft swells beneath her pretty yellow sundress.

“Yeah,” he said. “But ladies first.”

She clapped her hands together. “I booked a viewing for Saturday, and Violet is able to make it.”

He wrapped his arm around her and dragged her to him. “I talked to Dad this afternoon, and he said he’d be happy to come and take a look.”

Her eyes cast down for a brief second, and she coiled a strand of hair around her finger. “You sure he doesn’t mind?”

“Positive.” Jack touched her hands and placed them at her sides, a growl catching in his throat. What was it about that gesture that did the weirdest things to him?

She chuckled. “Oops, sorry. Forgot.”

“You don’t need to be sorry. But unless you want me to rip your clothes off and have my way with you right here on the floor, I’d suggest you quit it.”

Her eyes went wide, and something that resembled need flashed in the depths of them. Jesus, don’t tell him she liked that idea, because at this point in their relationship, it probably wouldn’t take much for him to forget his plan and just give her what she wanted. Okay, what he wanted, too. But he didn’t want to be a selfish bastard. Not with her.

She took a step back, and he matched it, passion and possession gripping hard. Her small hand touched his chest, fingers splayed. There was a new mischievous look in her eyes as her tongue darted out, a sexy reminder that she’d been practicing with a damn Popsicle. A burst of envy shot through him. Envy? Christ, he had to be all kinds of crazy to be jealous of a fucking Popsicle.

“As intriguing as that sounds…” she said, but then stopped. Her gaze followed the path her hand was taking as she slid it down his chest. The heat from her fingers went right through his T-shirt as it moved lower like a damn heat-seeking missile locked on its target. She stroked his stomach, stopping near the bulge in his pants. “Tonight is about you.”

He laughed, loving when she was honest and open. “Actually it’s about you. I’m just the one reaping the benefits.”

Her head tilted, making her hair fall forward. “Violet said she doesn’t really like giving blowjobs, but I think I might.”

“After tonight, all you’re going to think about is having my cock in your mouth.”

She put her hand over him and squeezed. “You’re pretty sure of yourself.” His dick throbbed under her ministrations, aching to the point of pain.


She smiled. “Then let’s go find out.”

“Lead the way,” he said, his pulse hammering at the desire reflected in her eyes.

She slid her hand into his and walked him to her bedroom. He could hardly believe how comfortable and right this all felt. He was about to teach her how to suck his cock, for Christ’s sake. They should both feel weirded out about the whole damn thing, yet it felt like the most natural thing in the world.

They reached her room and she walked to her bed. She sat and crooked her finger, calling him closer.

He walked up to her. “First things first. I think you’re overdressed.”

She looked down. “What do my clothes have to do with anything?”

He grabbed her hand and hauled her up. Then he pulled his phone from his pocket and swiped his finger across the screen. Her eyes went wide.

“You’re texting? Now?”

He turned on some tunes, keeping the volume low, and she stared at him, curiosity dancing in her big eyes. “You see,” he instructed, “most blowjobs start with a striptease.” He placed his phone on the nightstand and sat on the bed to watch.

She laughed and planted her hand on her hip. “You’re full of it.”

“Is that any way to talk to your teacher?”

“It is when you’re trying to trick me into stripping for you.”

“You’ve never done this before, right? So how can you say I’m lying?”

“Because I’m not an idiot.”

“Far from it,” he said, trying to keep from grinning.

“I could call Violet,” she contested.

“Or you could just strip,” he challenged right back. “Let me see your pussy.”

A pink flush raced up her neck. She stared at him for a long moment, then something in her relaxed. “Okay.” She grabbed the hem of her dress, and he nearly bit off his tongue. “But don’t think you’re getting off that easy. You’ll pay for this.”

He chuckled. “First, I’m pretty sure I
get off pretty easy, and second, I look forward to the payback.”

She rolled her eyes and tugged on her dress.

“Slowly,” he instructed, settling himself deeper into the mattress.

She moved her hips to the beat and dragged her dress up her thighs. He growled, his cock aching in his jeans. Maybe this wasn’t such a great idea, after all. Maybe he should have skipped the foreplay and let her put that sweet mouth of hers on him, once and for all.

Her dress lifted higher, showcasing sexy black panties he planned to rip from her hips. It triggered a craving unlike anything he’d ever felt before. The silky smoothness of her stomach beckoned his touch, and he sucked in a quick breath. She just might be the death of him.

She peeled the dress over her head in one fluid motion, and it fell to the floor in a whispering
. Had she been practicing this, too? She stood before him naked, save for her panties and matching bra. His mouth watered like Pavlov’s dogs, and he forced himself to breathe slowly. Resisting the urge to haul her to him, he sat on his hands, waiting for her to continue.

Sexual energy rippled between them as she took a measured step toward him. He shook his head to stop her, and she arched a brow. Needing her naked more than he needed his next breath, he said, “You’re not done.”

“Undress with me,” she said.

Her lips twitched with smug pleasure when he pushed to his feet. He removed his boots and reached for his belt buckle. She watched his movements carefully, her hands behind her back, as if she was waiting for him to catch up. He pulled open his belt and released the button on his jeans, shoving his pants down, though favoring his knee as he removed them.

Leaving his boxers on, he tugged his T-shirt over his shoulders, and her eyes darkened as they moved over his body. She undid her bra, releasing her perfect breasts, then hooked her thumb in her panties. His heart thumped, dying to see her sweet curls again.

With little finesse, he bent forward, pulled his boxers to his ankles, and discarded them. He heard a gasp when he stood to his full height, and he found Danielle staring at his cock, a look of awe in her eyes. It filled him with pride and reminded him she’d never been with a man, and had never seen one naked—in the flesh.

He gripped his cock at the base and pumped it in his palm. Pre-come glistened on the tip, and he dipped into it for lubricant. Her mouth open slightly, she blatantly stared, and he pumped harder. Her fingers twitched, and she wet her bottom lip.


“Yeah,” she said as she devoured him with her eyes.

“If you want to touch, you have to take off your panties for me.”

“Okay.” In a move that was so damn sexy, he nearly shot off in his palm, she bent forward and slid the scrap of lace down her legs. Once she was completely bare, he sat on the edge of the bed, and their gazes met. He gestured her closer and she walked up to him. He grabbed a pillow and tossed it on the floor between his feet, then put his hand on her shoulders, touching her lightly, an easy nudge. She sank to her knees, landing on the pillow in front of him.

“Comfortable?” he asked, impatience thrumming through him. He breathed deep, struggling for some semblance of control as a naked Danielle put her hands on his thighs. But Jesus, how could he be expected to remain calm when she was about to wrap that sweet fucking mouth around him? A man could only take so much.

“Yes.” She blinked, and the way she stared at his cock with such hunger nearly did him in. “Can I touch?”

A sound caught in his throat, half laugh, half cry. “If you don’t, I might just die,” he said, his dick so hard, his crown was a strange shade of purple.

She reached out and lightly traced her index finger down the length of him, and his cock jumped. She chuckled slightly and drew back.

“So soft,” she murmured.

“Ah, not quite.”

She grinned. “I mean your skin is soft and warm.”

“Not the same as a Popsicle, huh?” he said.


He took hold of her hand and wrapped her fingers around him. Then, closing his eyes, he squeezed his fingers, showing her he how he liked it.

She shifted on the floor in front of him, settling herself deeper between his legs. He pulled his hand away, and his teeth clamped as she gathered him in both hands. She stroked, running her palms up and down the length of him.

“Like this?”

“Fuck. Yeah.” He pushed her hair from her shoulders and gathered it in one hand, wanting to see her face the first time she took him in her mouth.

“I’m going to lick now.”


“Okay,” he croaked out.

She leaned in and with excruciating slowness, she circled her tongue around his crown, taking all the time in the world to explore his every groove and hollow. She licked the tip, sliding that hot tongue of hers over the pre-come dripping from his slit. She moaned in delight, and he shuddered, his hand gripping her hair tighter.

“Fuck,” he muttered.

“You like that?”


She gave another torturously slow drag of her tongue, then widened her mouth to accommodate his thickness. As her mouth closed around him, it took everything he had not to push to the back of her throat.

She made a sexy noise and began rocking her body, taking him as deep as possible, then pulling out again. His body jerked, and she went back on her heels. She stroked with her hand again, her touch feathery light.

“Show me how you do it again.”

“Yeah?” he asked, surprised he could actually speak.

She nodded eagerly. “I’m a visual learner.” The heat in her eyes intrigued him.

“Really,” he said, seeing right through her. “You sure it’s not because watching makes you hot?”

Her face flushed hotly, and a sheepish grin curled her lips. “Maybe.”

Jesus, she’d come so far, so fast. “So if I do this”—he gripped his cock and pumped—“it’ll make your pussy wet for me?” Her breathing changed as sexual tension hung heavy between them.

“Yes,” she said. “It will make my pussy very wet.”

He pumped harder and reached down to gather his balls.

She watched carefully. “Why do you pull your cock away from your body like that? Does that make it feel better?”

“Yeah, it adds a bit of pressure.” Her lips twisted, a look of concern moving over her face. “What?” he asked.

“I was just thinking about when you come. Do I swallow?”

Her words nearly made him lose control. “No,” he answered quickly. “You pull back. I’ll come on my stomach.”

“Is that what you normally do?”

“Yes.” Her honesty and openness floored him, and a riot of emotions he had no idea how to handle settled in his chest.

Her eyebrows rose. “But guys like it when girls swallow, right?”

“I don’t know what other guys like.”

“Do you?” His hand stilled on his cock. “I just want to learn,” she said. “I want to understand. And I want to make this good for you.”

“Jesus, Danielle. Believe me, it doesn’t matter what you do, it’s going to be good for me,” he said. “But I want you to pull back. You don’t need to swallow.”

She looked down for a moment, her nose crinkled. “Do other girls do it for you?”

“No,” he said, not wanting to think about anyone but her.

Nodding, she turned her attention back to his cock. “Can I try now?”

Fuck, yes. “Sure,” he croaked out. Her hands wrapped around him, and he bit down on his cheek as his entire body came alive under her care. The second her warm hands closed around his cock, his blood raced. Oh, he was so fucking done for. No way could he last when she touched him like that. She stroked him, fist over fist. Watching her work his cock had to be the sexiest thing he’d ever seen.

With intense concentration, she parted her lips, her breath warm on his flesh as she leaned in. She gave a quick lick of his tip, and he shuddered as heat streaked through him.

“Is that good?” she asked.


Her mouth closed around him, and his cock sank into her heat. She took him deep, until he hit the back of her throat. She choked a little, and he gripped her shoulders to ease her back.

“Easy, Danielle. Not so deep.”

She nodded and sucked him in again, taking full possession as she began to work that perfect mouth like a finely tuned instrument. One hand worked in tandem with her mouth, and any further instructions died on his lips. Who the hell was teaching whom here?

She began an exploration, running her hand between his legs as she rolled her tongue around his bulbous head. Her hand connected with his balls, and she lightly stroked him, cupping them as if she was examining the texture and weight. They drew up into his body, and her finger slid a little farther back.

What the fuck?

She lightly circled his back opening as she greedily pumped her mouth around his cock. He knew she was a fast learner, but come on, this was taking fast to a whole new level—and he wasn’t just talking about her.

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