Body Contact (Hands On #2) (3 page)

Read Body Contact (Hands On #2) Online

Authors: Cathryn Fox

Tags: #erotica, #erotic romance, #sexy, #Entangled, #Scorched, #Cathryn Fox, #student/teacher, #teacher, #teach, #sex lessons, #football, #opposites, #opposites attract

BOOK: Body Contact (Hands On #2)
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Passion rattled his brain, and he rocked against her, dry-humping her right there for all to see. “You’ve got me so hard, I’m about to come in my pants,” he whispered into her mouth. “Are you wet for me?”

“Yes,” she murmured, her sexy voice surging through him.

“Yeah, how wet?”


“So wet that if I took these pants off you, my cock would slip right inside?”

Her fingers dug into his shoulders. “Mm-hmm.”

“Are you going to take me nice and deep? Let me plunge and fuck the way I want?”

“Yes,” she whimpered, practically gasping for her next breath. Damn, he loved seeing her like this.

“I’m going to take you so fucking hard… But you’re going to have to show me you deserve it first.”

“How?” she asked.

“By obeying me. Doing everything I tell you to do.”

She nodded, and he pushed her hair from her face as he powered upward, his cock so hard, he barely had any blood left in his brain.

“What do you want me to do?” she asked, a new excitement in her voice.

He put a finger between her legs, and through her pants, applied pressure to her clit. Her muscles tensed, her skin flushed, and her fingers scratched his back. “It’s what I want to do. To you.”

Before he flipped her over and buried his mouth between her legs, he gripped the sides of her head and urged her back. He could see raging desire reflected in her eyes as they swept over his face. She was completely lost in him, in this moment, and had totally forgotten they were in a playroom with an audience.

Dark need gathered in the pit of his stomach. He sucked in a breath, trying to draw oxygen back into his lungs. “Danielle,” he said, his voice harsh, needing to snap her out of it.


“Look around.”

She lifted her head and froze in his arms when she saw the audience that had gathered.

He narrowed his eyes and held her face. “How does that make you feel?”

“I’m not sure.”

“You’d better examine your responses deeper. These are the fetishes you didn’t understand, yet wanted to.”

“I’m not used to anyone looking at me, or even noticing me. It makes me feel self-conscious, I guess.”

“Okay, good. That’s a start to understanding. But I want you to know this. You’re being noticed now. These people see what I see. A beautiful, sensuous woman. One they want to watch and admire. That’s why they’re all seated out there.”

Her breath came out fluttery, and she looked around again. “You think so?”

“I know so, and there is nothing wrong with what they’re doing, or what we’re doing.” Her shoulders relaxed a little. “Now, consider what you’re feeling. Does it make you feel treasured, special, to know everyone is out there because of you?” He gave her a playful wink, and added, “Does it make you feel sexy—worshipped even?”

“I think it does make me feel a little hot.” She shook her head. “I thought the attention would be awkward, but now I’m not so sure. I can’t say I want to go any further than kissing right now, but I can see the appeal of this fetish.”

“Exhibitionism is something different to everyone. It’s not deviant behavior, like some think. It’s just sexuality, and being open and honest about how things make you feel.”

“That’s so interesting. I never would have thought that. Maybe you should be teaching the class.” A slight smile touched her lips. “How does this make you feel?” she asked, her face taking on a new glow as she realized her new power.

Possessive. Jealous. Desperate to get you alone so I don’t have to share you with the world.

He lifted his hips, pressing his cock harder against her pussy. “You tell me.” She gave a soft, breathy laugh, and he said, “Are we done here at the club, or do you want to explore anything else? If not, there’s something else I want you to see.” He helped her from his lap and they stood. She put her hand in his, as if it was the most natural thing to do. When they stepped out of the room, their presence was met with smiles and nods of appreciation.

Strolling through the crowd, he led her to the back of the club, where rope play and discipline took place. He was anxious to see her reaction, especially to the bondage. They rounded a corner, and her eyes widened when they came across an observation room where a woman’s arms were secured above her head, her ankles shackled in place by chains. A man walked around her, slapping a flogger against his hand, explaining her infractions and the reason she was being punished.

Danielle’s eyes went wide. “Is that how you plan to tie me up?” she whispered, a nervous anticipation in her voice.

“Not right away,” he said, loving how open and accepting she was of this place. The man drew the flogger back and smacked the woman’s ass. The sub squeaked out a cry, but when her dom warned her to be silent, her lips pinched shut.

“She’s being punished,” Jack explained.

Danielle nodded in understanding. “She disobeyed her dom.”


“Do you think she did it on purpose? I read that bratty subs misbehave to get punishment.”

Jack chuckled. “Maybe.”

“She looks like she’s going into subspace.” She leaned forward, watching the sub carefully, her eyes narrowed in thought. “I think she must have disobeyed on purpose.”

He shook his head. She really did have a lot of book knowledge on the subject. He let her watch for a long time, then said, “Come with me.” Linking his fingers in hers, they walked the dim hall. She stopped when she saw a woman in suspension ropes.

“Oh my God,” she whispered. “That’s amazing.” She angled her head, as if trying to figure things out. “How did they ever…”

As her voice trailed off, he glanced through the glass, taking in the horizontal suspension of the woman and the way her body was open to her Dom.

Jack put his mouth to Danielle’s ear. “I think it’s kind of sexy.”

“Are we…?”

“No, we’re not.”

“Okay.” She relaxed, sounding relieved.

“Don’t worry, you’ll like what I plan to do to you.”

A fine shiver moved through her, and he slipped his hand around her waist, pulling her ass against his hard cock. Christ, this place had a lot of nakedness, but suddenly the only naked woman he wanted to be looking at was the one in his arms.

“Have you seen enough?” he grumbled into her ear, so damn anxious to have her alone.


He led her back outside, and as a streetlight fell over her, she glanced up at him. “I never understood voyeurism or exhibitionism until tonight. Thank you for taking me. I could never have gone in there without you, Jack. Actually, I don’t think I could have done any of that with anyone but you.”

“It was my pleasure,” he said, a big part of him overjoyed that he could be the man she needed. “I’m glad I was able to do that for you.”

He fitted her with his helmet and climbed on his bike. Her hands wrapped around his waist and linked as he drove her home, anxious to get her alone and continue his lessons. After parking near the curb, they made their way up to her apartment. Once inside, she turned to him and touched his face, a new easy intimacy between them as he soaked in her warmth. He covered her hand with his. Fuck, she was the sweetest girl in the world. His heart crashed against his chest at the barrage of emotions bombarding him. “Want to know what I’m going to do for you now?”

She nodded. “Yes, please.”

He scooped her up, and she gasped. “Instead of telling you, I’d rather show you.”

Chapter Two

Danielle yelped and wrapped her arms around Jack’s neck as he led her to her room. There was a new intensity about him, a new closeness between them that she felt deep in her chest. Taking her to the club had somehow changed things between them, created a new bond.

His grin turned wicked, mischievous as he gently tossed her on the bed and stood back to look her over, his gaze dark with desire. A burst of heat raced through her veins.

Would tonight be the night he finally took her virginity?

God, I hope so.

“Where are the ropes?” he asked. “Still in the box in your living room?

Her pulse leaped, thinking about all the things she’d seen tonight. How would he bind her? “Why?” she asked. “Are you going to tie me up now?”

“Yeah.” He advanced slowly and put his finger at the base of her neck. He trailed it lower, between her breasts, down her stomach, stopping at the top of her pants. His eyes went to hers. “I want to do things to you, Danielle. I want you at my mercy while I explore your body and show you how good I can make you feel. So tell me, where are they?”

She swallowed and nodded toward her dresser. “Top drawer, next to my panties.”

He angled his head. “You want me to get them?”

“Sure,” she said.

“You don’t mind me going through your intimate things?”

“No. I don’t have anything to hide from you.” Except that maybe, she was really starting to like him. A little too much. “Besides, everything we’ve been doing has been kind of intimate anyway.”

As he crossed the small room, her glance fell to his backside, and she admired the way his jeans hugged his ass. He opened her top drawer and rooted inside until he found the nylon ropes. “Tonight I’ll just tie your hands and keep your legs free.”

“Okay,” she squeaked, as she visualized herself tied to the bed, naked, his to do with as he pleased. Arousal hit her like a punch.

Jack seemed to have misread her. “Scared?”

“Maybe a little.”

He wrapped and unwrapped one rope around his hand. “You do trust me, right?”

“Yes.” And she could hardly wait.

“Okay then, get in the center of the bed, hands above your head. I want you wide open for me when I climb on.”

She shifted, suddenly remembering. “Wait, this won’t hurt your knee, will it?”

He stilled. Emotions flickered in his eyes, then vanished as the muscles along his jaw rippled. The rope tightened on his hand, his knuckles whitening. That’s when she realized her mistake. Her throat squeezed. Now was not the time to remind him of his injury, or that his future as a quarterback looked bleak.

Recovering quickly, he said, “I’m fine. Now, hands above your head.”

She lifted her hands, relinquishing her control, and he tied one to the headboard, pushing a finger between her wrist and the silk to check the tightness, then secured the other. She writhed and examined her body’s responses. Breathing rapid. Pulse racing. Blood warming. Oh, yeah, she liked this. She especially liked the hungry way Jack was looking at her. It made her feel like she was special to him. But she wasn’t, she quickly reminded herself. This was sex. Nothing more.

He unbuttoned his shirt, then shrugged out of it. It swooshed to the floor, and her fingers curled, wanting to rub her hands over his hard muscles. Why had she agreed to be bound again? A knowing grin touched his mouth as his gaze went to her wiggling fingers.

“Soon,” he said. “Tonight is all about me touching you.”

She forced her eyes to his. “Are we going to have sex?”

His lips curled. “If you consider my mouth, hands, and tongue on your body, touching and tasting you everywhere—and I mean everywhere—sex, then yes, we’re having sex.”

Her breath escaped in a hiss. His low, sexy words were so full of promise, she couldn’t stop a shudder from moving through her.

“But I’m not putting my cock in you. That’s not happening tonight.” He slid on the bed and climbed over her body. Strong hands brushed her hair from her face, and his lips moved over her cheeks, nose, eyes, and mouth. Soft, barely touching as they delicately skated over her skin. She lifted slightly, opening her mouth to his, but he shook his head and pushed her back down. His lips caressed hers, a light brush that tickled and aroused her even more. He moved to her chin, her neck, just breathing over her flesh. She wiggled, her body wanting more, but he was hell-bent on taking his time and driving her insane.

He shifted, and his big fingers toyed with the top button on her blouse. “So pretty.” He popped the button. “Everyone wanted you tonight, sweetheart. But I’m the lucky guy who got to take you home.”

“I didn’t want to go with anyone but you,” she murmured back, and he froze for a second. Then, his total control back in place, he slid his fingers downward, releasing the buttons one by one. His hot breath left goose bumps on her flesh as his breathing changed, became harsher, more labored as warm lips feathered over her flesh.

All this near-kissing was damn well killing her.

Her fingers curled in the silk holding her captive, and she was about to beg when the whisper of cloth shimmering over her skin stole her voice. Warm shivers skittered through her as Jack inched her top open to expose her body. Intense eyes studied her, looking their fill, then he touched her bra. A small tortured sound caught in his throat as he ran his thumb over the silk, ever so gently stroking her hardening nipples.

“Lift,” he said, and she arched into him. Deft hands slid around her back and in one swift move, he unhooked her bra. She whimpered when he pushed it upward, exposing her breasts. The heat in his eyes licked over her flesh, and with excruciating slowness, he leaned down, running his nose over her skin and breathing her in.

“Jack,” she murmured, wanting, needing more.

His tongue snaked out, and heat surged inside her. Oh God, yes. The soft blade of his tongue circled her nub, and she lifted again, but he pushed down on her pelvic bone to still her. He spent a long time licking, tasting—an easy glide of his tongue that burned her from the inside out. Lust ambushed her when he finally closed his mouth around one nipple, sucking deeply, and she writhed with shameless need.

“You like that?” he asked.


He paid homage to her other breast, then kissed a path downward. She reveled in the warm strength of his body pressing down on her as he stopped to linger around her sensitive belly button before reaching the band of her jeans.

“I’ve been dying to get you out of these all night,” he said. He lifted his head until their eyes met. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to taste you.”

Her heart skipped at his words, and she was about to ask
long when he shimmied lower to unhook the button on her jeans. The nerves along her spine tingled at the hiss of the zipper, and she felt a brief burst of panic. Her muscles stiffened, and she forced herself to relax, a hard task considering she was about to be completely naked while tied to the bed. Her pulse jackhammered.

“Relax,” he whispered. “You have nothing to be nervous about. I’m going to take good care of you.”

She looked into his eyes, and when she saw the tenderness in them, her worries ebbed away. He tapped the sides of her legs. “Lift your hips for me.” She lifted, and he peeled her jeans down and tossed them away. His fingers trailed back up her legs, heat fanning out from every inch of skin he touched.

He hooked his thumbs under the silky band of her panties, and she sucked in a quick breath as he inched them down. But when he reached her mid-thighs, he drew back abruptly. She swallowed uneasily.

Undisguised shock, and something else, something that she couldn’t quite identify, lit his eyes. His nostrils flared, his gaze never leaving her pussy. “You…you don’t shave.”

His words doused her in apprehension, and her stomach seized. She’d spent hours grooming earlier, shaving her legs and her underarms and plucking her eyebrows. Why hadn’t she shaved down there? It wasn’t something she’d ever felt the need to do before. In fact, she actually liked her curls. But she would have shaved had she known it was going to be a deal breaker for him. With unease exploding in her, she tried to scramble upward, but he grabbed her legs, his fingers biting into her flesh in a firm hold as he stilled her.

Unguarded eyes met hers. “Do you have any
idea how sexy this is?”

“What?” she asked quickly, her lust-infused brain racing to keep up. She took a moment to process. “You like it?” She looked at the juncture between her legs, then her gaze went to his. “I thought…”

“This.” Air seemed to leave his lungs as he brushed his thumb through her damp waves, nudging her clit. “This is so sexy.”

She absorbed his words, and he slid her a look, his gaze dark, possessive, a deeper need backlighting his eyes. With a new urgency, he tore her panties from her legs, then gripped her thighs to widen them. He shifted to better position himself, and spent a long time looking at her. She squirmed, feeling spread open, vulnerable, but also needy and desired as he gazed at her as if he was going to eat her alive. She supposed he was.

“You have the prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen. So natural and sexy.” He stroked her again, tracing light circles over her bare skin. Hot sensations shot straight to her core. “And look how fucking wet you are for me.” His nostrils flared, and his eyes squeezed shut for a moment. “Do you have any idea what that does to me?” Danielle’s pulse jumped in response. Those dark eyes of his glinted knowingly, as if he was ready to take this game of full sensual freedom to the next level. “When I finally take you, when I drive my cock into that sweet pussy of yours, I’m going to own you. You’re going to be so hot and wet for me, I’m going to possess every fucking inch of you. And you won’t be nervous or afraid. No, you’re going to be begging me for it. And when you do, I’m going to ram my cock into you so hard, you’re going to forget your own name. But believe me, you’ll never forget mine.”

Oh. My. God.

“Jack,” she cried out, unnerved and excited as she absorbed what he was saying, hanging on his every word. She writhed, wanting his hands on her.

“That’s right. You just keep saying my name.”

He stroked the outer edges of her nether lips, his touch lighting up her nerves in a way she had never felt before. Questing fingers spread her, stretching her lips to expose her pink wetness.

“Fuck,” he growled. He pushed his face between her legs and pressed his mouth hungrily to her sex.

The gesture was so intimate and arousing, she gasped and pitched forward. He deepened the kiss, and her pleasure spiked. Her fingers clutched the ropes tighter as his lips claimed her pussy. Honest to God, it was the most erotic thing she’d ever felt.

His tongue licked and probed and she moved beneath him, grinding her sex against his face, a shameless need taking control of her body.

He gripped her hips, licking her sex from the bottom all the way to the top, fueling the need building in her. With skilled precision, he focused on her sensitive clit, tormenting her as he sucked it into his mouth and dragged the engorged nub between his teeth.

“Jack.” Her whisper of need curled around them as her shoulders came off the bed. She rocked against him, the muscles in her stomach bunching. “Don’t stop,” she said, surprised she could find her voice. “Please don’t stop. That feels so incredible.”

He licked and sucked and spent forever between her legs. It was as if now that he’d finally reached a coveted destination, he had no intention of leaving. As he educated her in the ways of pleasure, she wasn’t sure how much longer she could take of this deliciously torturous foreplay.

“Sweet,” he whispered from between her legs. He lifted his head, his mouth wet from her arousal. “I love the taste of you.” Her heart leaped at the desperate edge behind his words. He buried his face in deeper and kissed her with a savagery that told her his control was failing. She lifted herself higher to see him, a little thrill going through her to learn that pleasuring her also gave him pleasure. She found that idea fascinating. Would the reverse be true? Would she like taking his cock into her mouth?

Those thoughts were for later, however. Right now, she needed to concentrate on how she was feeling, the sensations he was bringing out in her. She rocked against him, nurturing the lust running through her veins, letting it build higher and higher, no barriers, no inhibitions to block its way.

Jack inched back and she almost whimpered with the loss of his mouth, but he stroked her with a finger before slowly sliding it inside. He pressed gently, opening her in the most glorious ways. The width of one finger made her feel so full, but she couldn’t think about that, not when he brushed the rough tip of that finger over the bundle of nerves inside her.

Heat pooled low in her belly, and a loud moan built of sexual frustration broke the quiet. Jack chuckled, a smug sound of sweet satisfaction. “Like that?”

“Yes,” she answered. Even though his mouth and fingers were all over her, her body was craving something far more intimate from him. Tension built, and she whimpered as her body broke down and gave in to everything she was feeling.

He flattened his tongue and ran it over her clit. She watched, transfixed, following every sweet movement. Her toes curled as his lips claimed her, branding her with his heat. He pumped his finger and her muscles spasmed, sucking him in deeper.

He changed the pressure and tempo, and her mouth opened, but no sound came. The world around her seemed to still. Nothing existed but this man and what he was doing to her. A tremor ripped through her, and a strangled sound caught in her throat. She sucked in air, taking deep, panting breaths as she let go, her muscles clenching hard around his finger.

“That’s it. Come for me. Just like that.” Jack moaned, his hot breath washing over her clit and stoking the fire inside her.

She tugged on the ropes and concentrated on the delicious points of pleasure as she rode out the waves. Jack stayed between her legs, fostering her orgasm and drawing out the pleasure with his tongue and fingers. When her body finally stopped shaking, she collapsed and struggled to refill her lungs.

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