Blue (20 page)

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Authors: Jesilyn Holdridge

BOOK: Blue
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The suite had three rooms in it. One for Justin, one for Blue, and one for Meganlynn. She looked over her room and saw that she did not have a telephone or anything like that. She needed a key to get in and out of the room, which meant that she could not get out of the room without one of the guys. She guessed that they would also lock her room so she would be in there until they let her out. She really did not care; all she wanted was to type. She plugged in the mp3 player to the computer and put all of her music on it.

“I guess that I better put all of my suitcases on here,” she noticed that Blue had placed them under her bed. Then she went into the bathroom and put all of her celebrity-style cosmetics away. Then she looked at what else was in her in her bags. She put all of her books on the bookshelves.

She had bought hangers for all of the shirts and pants that she had bought. She hung-up the black and white corset tops. Her grey, white, and purple one-shoulder tops were hung in a straight line. She bought a white, belted, rose-print top; a grey, white, and black spaghetti-strap shirt; another one-shoulder top; and a black top with an empire waist. The normal, plain long-sleeved shirts that she bought were grey, white, light pink, and white. Then she bought five v-neck short-sleeve tops that were black, grey, purple, white, and jade. There were five solid basic tank tops that were white, grey, black, jade, and purple. Then there were the lace-trim tank-tops. There were eleven of these in black, grey, white, purple, red, tan, khaki, blue, denim, coral, and dark grey. She bought several different kinds of long-sleeve shirts with different designs including roses, feathers, butterflies, and other kinds of different things. After all of her shirts were hung-up, she looked through the bags to find where the one that was loaded with her pants from the same store was.

She hung five pairs of velvety sweat pants in the colors of pink, blue, black, purple, and dark blue. Then, she hung her different plaid skirts. Meganlynn honestly hated skirts with all of her might, but Blue had made her buy them, and she was not exactly thrilled about it either.

The shoes were next. They all were heels because that’s what Blue had wanted her to wear. Twelve different kinds of boots went into her closet, all neat and clean. Twelve different kinds of dressy shoes went into the closet along with her boots. Then the rest of the shoes were heels that were all over one and a half inches high. Then, she went over to the other bags and got all of other things out. She had never hung so many things that she had needed before. She figured that Blue and Justin had either placed the room under her name or under someone else’s name. She was sitting on her bed then she finally, got up, got into sweatpants, and then got into bed and fell asleep.

“Meganlynn! Wake-up! Breakfast!” apparently it was morning. She was being yelled at by Blue and Justin to get out of bed.

“What?” she asked once she got up and went into the bathroom to get ready.

“Breakfast!” yelled Blue.

“Okay, well, I’m not hungry.”

“I don’t care, get out here and eat!”

“Fine, I’ll be out in about five minutes.”

“Okay! Be as quick as you can!”

“Yeah!” Meganlynn got her hair brushed and her clothing on. She put on jeans, along with four other shirts underneath a sweatshirt.

Meganlynn went out of her room and into the kitchen. When she looked around, she saw that the room was painted dark and the curtains were shut. All of the normal furniture was gone and all of the happiness, that is if there was any to begin with, was gone from everything. She saw a dress in the corner of the room.

It was a dark purple dress that was floor length. It had ruffles on it and looked as though it feathered out like a bird when it was in pain or shock. The dress had spaghetti straps on it and would make anyone look as though she was a total gothic person.

“Meganlynn,” said a deep, dark, voice. “Put on the dress,” Meganlynn picked up the dress and started back to her room. “No, Meganlynn, there is plenty of room. Dress out here, please.”

f I would’ve known t
his was going to hap
pen, I would never h
ave gotten out of be
Meganlynn thought as she slipped the dress on.

“You will be happy here,” Blue said. “Just keep quiet.”

How in the wor
ld am I supposed to
be happy here?
she thought as she could make out his figure walking away.

“Now, you are going to marry me at the end of this ceremony.”

Oh, y
ou two are definitel
y going to Hell if y
ou don’t get saved!
She thought as he told her this.

“Let the ceremony begin!” he yelled.

Can’t they hear you
downstairs? And what
in the world is tha
t supposed to mean t
hat I will ‘fall in-
love with you and th
en marry you?’ There
is absolutely no wa
y ever that I would
want to marry you. I
f Johnny was here, t
hen that would be a
different story. I d
on’t want to marry a
nyone in this room.
Blue started to chain her down to the table.
Get off of me!

“Okay! She is in her wedding dress and there is love in the air.” A shadowy figure moved in the corner of Meganlynn’s sight. She could not see anything but the figure moving forward.

kind of love is in t
he air?
Meganlynn wondered.

“Sir, Mr. Priest, please don’t wait, she just loves me more than she has ever loved anyone. Please, we are very ready for this,” begged Blue.

“Sir, I can honestly say that many things have crossed my path, and I have seen many people love one another as much as you two love each other. This will not be anything different from a normal wedding, I suppose.”

“Very well. You must keep her close to you. This being that you treat her really well. She still has her brain, she has just forgotten everything about her old love that she knew. Now, let her be here, and I will make you two married forever and all eternity.” Meganlynn suddenly noticed a streak of lightning and a loud boom of thunder.

Lord, help
me. I don’t want to
marry him. I don’t w
ant to marry anyone
in here. Well, unles
s Johnny is in this
room with me, in whi
ch case, he’d better
be saving me!
she thought to herself.

The priest performed the wedding ceremony. Meganlynn tried to object but when that part came around, Blue just asked him to skip right to the “I do’s.” Meganlynn was crushed because she had hope at one time that she was finally going to get away from him. She had another chance. She said no when he asked her if she wanted to marry him, and the priest ignored her. He went with Blue’s answer no matter what she said.

“Do you feel any different?” Blue asked Meganlynn once the wedding was finally over.

in the world am I s
upposed to say? Yes?
Why, yes, I feel to
tally and completely
different! Yeah rig
She thought to herself, not knowing what to say.
To keep alive,
well, and at least p
artially living, I b
etter agree with him

“Yes, I do. I love you,” Meganlynn answered with a sweet and faithful voice.
Yeah, I love you,
as much as that lov
e potion really work

Wow, I guess a p
erson of the world c
annot compare to the
power of the Lord.
Please, Lord, protec
t me from these evil
people. I think tha
t Satan would truly
bless them here on E
arth, but down in He
ll I think that he i
s going to condemn t
hem harder than any
of his other servant
s due to the fact th
at they tried to for
ce the religion on m
e, but yet, they sti
ll couldn’t because
I was too strong of
a Christian. Yeah, t
here will be some co
ntroversy there! Hel
p me, please, Lord,
I need to get out of
here. I need to be
back on the real wor
ld to be able to kee
p my soul and my rel
igion here in the wo
rld. I know that oth
er people will keep
the Christian religi
on alive, but still,
I would like to go
home or at least to
the prom before I di
e. I would like to t
ell Johnny that I lo
ve him and tell my p
arents and everyone
else that I love the
m also. Please, Lord
, let me get out of
this situation!
I hope you burn forever,” Meganlynn told him.

“Yes, well, God does not exist, otherwise you wouldn’t be here,” Justin said.

“God does exist, and I won’t be here much longer.”

“How do you know this? You’re just a girl.”

“I may be ‘just a girl,’ but I am a very smart girl at that. The only stupid thing that I did was date you.”

“Shut up! You little blonde, you don’t know anything that is good for you, including me.”

“Yeah, you were totally the best thing that ever happened to me,” she answered back sarcastically.

“I know I was.”

“No, the best thing that ever happened to me is either up in Heaven sitting on His throne, or back at my house with my family waiting for something with me to happen because He truly loves me.”

“Who are the two best things that ever happened to you?” Blue asked once he had heard the conversation between Justin and Meganlynn.

“God for one, and Johnny for two.”

“Yeah right. Johnny’s probably at your house freaking out because he can’t find a date for prom. You are just under the impression that he wants to go with you.”

“You’re a jerk.”

“And you just figured this out?”

“No, I’m just now saying it.”

“Why didn’t that work?” Blue yelled once Justin had began walking back toward him.

“You should have told me that she already found her true love. I can’t do the spell if she already has found him, but I can cast a spell on her to become more like you so then her true love will fall out of love with her.”

“Do you have any spells that would turn her ugly for the prom?”

“Ugly as in all of the way?”

“No, ugly as in figure.”

“Yes, I do. She will turn back from the old hag form at midnight.”

“Okay, so we’ll just have to leave the prom before then.”

“If she doesn’t see her actual love, she will believe that he doesn’t love her anymore and that he isn’t worth it any more. Be there for her, and she will forcefully fall in love with you.”

“Sounds good. Now, Meganlynn, you must lie back down on the table.”

“I’d rather die.”

“Maybe, but you still need to lie down.” Justin pushed her back down onto the stone table. She fell onto it as though she had just died all of the suspense.

“Okay, let’s get this one on the road. Take her from light. Take her to darkness. She is no longer pretty, but now is ugly!” She was seen as ugly to the men that were in the room, but to the other people that were in the world, she was even more beautiful than ever before.

“Okay, the prom awaits us, Ms. Ugly Betty. Go pack your things we will be leaving after the prom.”

“Okay.” She went and packed her things silently.

Johnny got his things around for the next day of school. After he was done, he set out in search of GPS that had been set for Meganlynn’s phone alone. He had never really been in a situation like this before. He knew that the prom was only hours away by now, but he had every intention of finding her. He wanted to find her with every ounce of energy that he had in him. He looked far and wide all night long. He figured that she had to be somewhere in the city, but he had no such luck in finding her. Then, he went back home for rest and sleep before the big day tomorrow.

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