Blue (18 page)

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Authors: Jesilyn Holdridge

BOOK: Blue
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“You can’t control anything that you want me to forgive you for!”

“I do not need your forgiveness.” Her voice then got very cold, deep, quite, and serious.

“Look at you, you’re pathetic!”

Her mother walked in the room and stood between the two teens. “That’s enough!” her mother shouted at Justin. Justin stepped back away from her mother.

“What do you expect me to do? What do you mean that you don’t need my forgiveness? Don’t you need it to get to heaven?”

“No, I need to forgive you because it could keep me from Heaven. I don’t need you to forgive me at all.”

“Then guess what?”

“What?” she asked sarcastically.

“You deserved to lose your virginity.”

“No she didn’t!” her father shouted as he stepped in front of Justin.

“I guess you would say that.”

“Why?” he asked, giving him the death stare.

“Because your daughter is such a bitch that I really don’t mind saying it to your face or her face.” He turned to see Meganlynn. “The truth hurts, huh?”

“No, not for me.”

“Why not?”

“Because that’s not the truth.”

“No, it’s not!”

“No, I forgot that I help anyone whenever I possibly can. I forgot that I absolutely am nice to anyone when I can be. I didn’t tell on Blue for a month because I was giving him chances to stop doing his crap! I can honestly say that I forgot that I will talk to anyone even when they absolutely hate me. I’m sorry that I forgot that I’m conceded, and it’s not my fault. Do you see where I’m going?”


“Well, why don’t you just try to understand? I know that you have the brain the size of a peanut, but you can concentrate on something long enough, then maybe you’ll actually understand it.”

“You slut!” he shouted as he walked near the door.

“Please just let me go,” Meganlynn pleaded as she watched him walk out the door of her room.

“If I do, and it is out of anger, then I will lie on the witness stand.”

“Go right ahead, they can then get you on that also!”

“They may be able to, but it would so be worth it!”

“Hope you have a fun time in Hell then.”

“Oh trust me, I will.”

“Why? Because you can then rape any girl that you possibly want to?”

“Yeah, and I’m sure that Blue would be even happier in there because he could actually keep someone safe in there.”

“Just like you could keep me safe?”

“Yeah, and trust me I could.”

“But you won’t.”


“How am I in less need of protection than I was last year?”

“Because last year you dealt with the sexual harassment that you asked for, and this year you got everything else that you deserved.”

“No, I didn’t ask for any of this to happen.”

“Well, we also know that you deserved all of the things that you got.”

“No, she didn’t,” Meganlynn’s mother said as she walked over to the door. “No one deserves to be raped. Not if you’re a murderer and not if you’re a Christian girl.”

“Fine, I’m sorry.”

“Thank you,” Meganlynn’s father said to Justin. “Now, apologize to Meganlynn.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Thank you, but you need to apologize to Meganlynn,” her mother said to him.

“I am very sorry for hurting you Meganlynn.”

“You’re sorry for what?” Meganlynn asked him.

“I’m sorry for just standing there while Blue was doing all of the horrible things to you.”

“And what else?”

“There’s more?”

“How about all of the things that you just said to her?” her mother asked.

“Okay, I’m sorry for all of those things that I said also.”

“I forgive you.”

“You what?”

“I forgive you for saying all of the mean and horrible things earlier, but you just stood there while Blue did everything to me. You’ll have to understand that I just can’t get over that in a second. You were there, and you didn’t even have the common courtesy to try to get him off of me or to try and get someone that could’ve helped. I can’t get over that.”

“I don’t know how you can’t forgive me for that.”

“You were standing right there watching him do everything to me.”

“You were right there also.”

“No dip! I was the one who was being raped.”

“Well, you still could’ve gone and got someone.”

“Even though that may be the case, I don’t care. I was the one who was scared to get out of the car with my nice and loving boyfriend. I knew that he couldn’t even go past the gate because he wasn’t a member of the band. We knew that Blue was going to do something to me right after he left. Unfortunately, it was right after I walked through the gate whether he was gone or not.”

“But still—”

“But still what? What could I have possibly done?”

“You’re right, you were the innocent one. You were the one that wasn’t at fault. You were the one that was hurt the worst.”

“I was! I am that person that you just described!”

“Yeah, I was the one who was hurt the worst.”

“Not unless you were killed by Blue, which you wouldn’t even be here if that was the case then you would probably have a worse experience, only yours would be for an eternity because you would be in Hell.”

“How do you know that?”

“Because you were standing right there watching, and I highly doubt that you would ever even ask God for forgiveness. The only reason that you were acting like you were saved was to get in my pants.”

“Why don’t you just shut-up, you lost your virginity to Blue.”

“Not willingly.”

“It doesn’t matter. God will probably send you to Hell for giving it away.”

“He is a caring God. He is a loving God. He is a forgiving God. He will love me no matter what because He is a loving God. He will absolutely love me even though this was ‘my fault’ or at least it was to you.”

“Yeah right, I’m as much of a Christian as you are.”

“I am a Christian.”

“You don’t act it.”

“Yeah right.”

“Is that why you won’t sit on my lap?”

“One of the reasons, the other is because I just don’t feel like sitting on someone’s lap that I know is not going to be my husband for the rest of my life.”

“When we get old enough, you and I are getting married.”

“Yeah,” she answered sarcastically.

“Hah, you’ll never make it to Heaven. I should be your husband.”

“Oh, and why?”

“Because I am the best guy that you could ever get.”

“And I’m supposed to believe this why?”

“Because you’re stupid. You’re a blonde. You’re a woman.”

“Excuse me?”

“You’re a woman; you’re supposed to be stupid.”

“You try being a woman, you’ll find out how incredibly smart we are.”

“Yeah right.”

“Just get out.”


“Because I’m too stupid to sleep anyway.”


“Should I be nervous?” she asked, cornering Justin out of the door.

“Why?” He backed to where he was finally out of the doorway.

“I can’t remember how to breathe.” She shut the door in his face and went over to her desk.

Justin looked at the door. He was mad, angry, and upset. She was horrified that she was acting like this. Meganlynn had never acted as though she actually had a brain. He touched her doorknob and turned it.

“What?” Meganlynn asked as she was typing on her computer. Justin shut the door behind him very quietly.

“Why would you say that you and Justin would never get married?” Justin asked in a voice that he tried to make sound like her mother’s.

“Because he’s disgusting, and he’s just like Blue,” she answered.

“He’s not disgusting.” She turned around to find Justin standing behind her.

“What do you want and why is my door closed?”

“I want you, and because we are actually going to do something other than kiss.” His hands reached out and grabbed her. He threw her on to her bed. “With your two broken legs this is going to be quite the issue.”

“What is?” Meganlynn asked as she sat up straight on the bed.


“You know that I would never ever even think about doing anything like this with anyone but my husband.”

“Maybe, but I am your future husband.”

“No you’re not.”

“Yes I am.”

“There is no way in—” He hit her.

“I am going to be your future husband and we are going to have sex tonight.”

Meganlynn woke-up with her pants off of her legs and Justin gone. She wanted to know what had happened.

he really rape me?
She thought to herself as she grabbed the clothes that were laying on the ground.
don’t have any clot
hes on and I’m all j
ittery. He did. He h
ad to. Great, I’ve b
een raped again. I’m
calling Johnny, I h
ave to. Wait, Johnny
may have e-mail. I’
ll get on and see if
he does.
Meganlynn picked up one of her pillows to sit on in the chair and noticed a note left by Justin.

My love,
she read.
love you with all o
f my heart. Even tho
ugh I wasn’t the one
that got your virgi
nity, I know that yo
u would’ve given it
to me anyway. I love
you with all of my
heart. I am also goi
ng to say that if yo
u ever don’t get mar
ried to me when I as
k, then I am going t
o do the same thing
that I told you I wo
uld do if you yelled
for your parents. I
will kill your fami
ly and make you watc
h them all die a slo
w and painful death.
Then I will lock yo
u in a room with a l
ot of pictures of yo
ur relatives that di
ed for the rest of y
our life. I will kee
p you alive until yo
ur heart finally giv
es out, and then you
can go to your ‘God
,’ and I will probab
ly be in hell just a
s you have said, but
I will never leave
you alone. You shoul
d know that with how
obsessed I am with
you. I really do lov
e you more than anyt
hing. Get over Blue;
he was just as obse
ssed with you as I a
m. You and I will be
together one day an
d by the way, you ar
e no longer allowed
to wear white with a
clear conscience. I
love you, and you w
ere so much fun last
night. Love, Justin

Enjoy Justin.
She sat there in the quietness of her bedroom. Then, she pulled on her clothes. She was hard at work on her book when her parents walked in.

“Are you ready, sweetheart?” her mother asked her.

“Yeah, I guess.”

“Okay, are you feeling better today?”

“Not really. Is Justin going with us?”

“No, but I have someone better that is coming with us today.”


“Well, let’s just say that you miss him a lot.”

“Okay. How much longer until we pick him up?”

“He’s staying in Detroit, so about three hours.”

“Okay, should I take my notebook or something to do?”

“Yes, we are going to the Cincinnati Mall, so yes you should.”

“Okay, I’ll grab my stuff and then I’ll be right out.”

“Okay, we’ll be right out there.”

“Okay.” Meganlynn started to get her stuff around. Her mother sat down on her bed.

“What happened yesterday when Justin shut your

“He threatened and raped me.”


“He did the same thing that Blue did, only minus the sexual harassment, and beating, and plus the threatening that if I didn’t marry him then he would, well, it says on here,” she handed her mother the note with the details on it. Her mother read it, and looked up at her daughter, surprised when she was done.

“Meganlynn, why didn’t you yell or something?”

“He would’ve done what he said in that note.”

“There is no way that you are going marry him.”

“I know.”

“Does he believe this?”

“Yeah, but if I show the judge and lawyer that, there is no way that he will ever see the light of day again.”

“Isn’t that the necklace that he got you?” she pointed to the cross that was around her neck.

“Yeah,” Meganlynn said as she looked down at it.

“What does it say again?”

“It says:
e Lord is my Sheppar
d. Ye, though I walk
through the valley
of darkness, I shall
fear no evil for th
is my Sheppard.

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