Blue (15 page)

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Authors: Jesilyn Holdridge

BOOK: Blue
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She finally got the rest that she had needed and wanted. It only took four hours to fly from Arizona back to Michigan, and three of those four hours had passed. She got to sleep for the last fifty minutes with her head on Justin’s shoulder. She dreamt of last year, the good parts. She had many reasons not to trust him. He had been there when Blue was raping her, but then again with the performance in the bathroom, how could she not trust him? He was the person that she loved, and she wanted more than anything to trust him again.

“I’ll never let you go,” Justin whispered to her as they were all waiting for Mr. Nolls to come from the high school. “You’ll stay right here in my arms.”

“I know.” Meganlynn snuggled up to him even more. She let him hold her and love her. She went through all of the good memories with him, everything that they had done together. She needed all of the good memories that she had left because she felt so helpless sitting next to Justin. Justin seemed to be okay to Meganlynn, but there was something about him that just did not seem right.

Her friends all passed by the seats to make sure that she was alive and breathing. Blue was up with the pilot and Mr. Nolls. The flight attendant made her routine visits while she was going back and forth to the different seats. Through all of it, Meganlynn slept. Justin was right next to her watching her sleep to make sure that she did not die. He also wanted to say some things that he wanted to tell her while she could not hear him.

“Please prepare for landing,” the flight attendant said, and Justin had to wake Meganlynn.

“Meg,” he said touching her. She needed to put her seatbelt on.

“What?” she asked sleepily.

“You need to put your seatbelt on, baby.”

“Okay.” She got back up and put it on. Meganlynn was now in Justin’s hands for safety, and he, at least, knew it. As the plane landed, he got ready to carry Meganlynn and have his two other friends carry both of their carry on luggage. When the plane landed, he knew that he had to get Meganlynn off the plane.

He carried her off. He hurried to the helicopter that would soon hold Meganlynn’s dying body.

“Here she is!” he yelled once he had got the chance to run off the plane and place Meganlynn on the stretcher.

“Okay!” he heard a paramedic say.

“Justin,” she whispered. He then held her hand.

“Please, Meganlynn, don’t die.”

“No, dying would be too easy.” A smile came on her face. She was going to live. He then watched her go when they rolled her away and she went to the hospital.

He saw Blue was coming off the plane and going with the police. Lizzie, Morgan, and Taylor were looking for either Meganlynn or her parents to see what had happened to her. They never thought of going to Justin, she hadn’t talked to him since they had broken-up. Then, Meganlynn was suddenly gone from his sight.

“You moron,” he said as he walked to Blue who was standing in the doorway of the police car.

“How am I such a moron?” Blue asked as if Justin had had something to do with this the whole time.

“You raped her.”

“Point being?”

“You raped her!”

“Yeah, and there’s a problem with that?”

“There’s a huge problem with that!”

“What did I do to the poor little rich girl that you didn’t?”

“You beat, raped, and threatened her. I never did any of that!”

“Wow, now denial. Tut, tut, tut, tut, no one knows what to do with you there Justin.”

“I don’t care. You come within five hundred feet of her, and I’ll call the police.”

“I am in police custody right now, and I will have to be there for the trial since you will most likely be pressing charges against me. She dropped them the first time.”

“That was her decision, I’m sure she’s going to want to press them now that her parents are there by her side.”

“She’ll just drop them all again.”

“She won’t have a choice with all of her family and friends behind her.”

“I don’t think she’s going to have all of her friends by her side.”

“She’ll have most of them by her side.”

“Guess who she was going to date and has moved up here?”

“I know that she misses that Johnny guy, and I know that she knows a lot of people.”

“Guess what: She still loves him.”

“She hasn’t exactly committed her love to me.”

“Still, aren’t you at least a little bit in love with her still?”

“Yes, but I betrayed her. I was talking to you. I hurt her more than anything.”

“And you finally figured out why, wow even I knew why she dumped you.”

“I’m done.” He shut the door in his face. Blue was driven away by two police officers that were taking him to the county jail house.


The paramedics rushed Meganlynn into the emergency room. She was hurting more than she had ever had before.

“How is she doing?” Justin asked walking into the waiting room.

“We don’t know yet. She’s in the operating room,” her mother cried. “Who did this to her anyway?”

“Blue, he did everything.”

“And you were where?” asked her father, sternly.

“We broke up. I was talking to Blue. She was so upset that she broke-up with me. I was surprised, and yet mad that she dumped me.”

“Well, why weren’t there to protect her? Why were you not there when she needed you? Where was your head?” He began shouting at Justin.

“I wasn’t there because someone else was. I was off hanging out with my friends when she needed me. My head was somewhere off in the clouds thinking about how much I loved her and how much I wanted her back. I know that I was wrong.”

“You were really wrong to do that!” His wife then put her hand on his arm to tell him that this was not the place for everything to happen.

“I know that I was being stupid. I knew that we were going to get back together, and I was sad when we stopped going out. I wish that I would not have been there talking to Blue, but I was. I hope that I get the chance to get to tell her that myself.”

“I think you will. I think you will get to tell her that line.”

“Blue really did a number on her, sir,” he answered, scared.

“I know. Hope that you can tell her that, and if she doesn’t make it, then you can make sure that she knows when you are saying good-bye to her at her funeral. And know that I will partly blame you for this happening to her if she dies. Especially since you were not there for her when all of this was being done.”

“Okay, sir.” They were sitting down while they waited for the doctor to come back and tell them what was going on with Meganlynn. They waited for about three hours before another word was said. Many doctors came out and then left with other families. Finally, Meganlynn’s doctor came out.

“She seems to be all right. We want her to stay overnight and see how she reacts to the medications,” the doctor told them.

“Can we see her? Is she awake yet?” her mother asked in a panicking voice.

“She’s not quite awake yet, but she will be soon,” the doctor explained as she wrote something down on the clipboard that she was carrying.

“I don’t care, can we see her?” Meganlynn’s mother asked.

“Yes, you may see her, but only you three.”

“Thank you.” Justin walked down the hallway and into the room that Meganlynn was in.

Meganlynn’s mother and father ran over to her daughter and hugged her. Justin just stood and looked at her when she slept.

After they were done, they sat in the chairs for hours waiting for Meganlynn to wake. She was asleep and everyone was getting hungry.

“Justin,” her mother started.

“Yeah?” he responded.

“Will you stay here with Meganlynn while we go and get food that he can actually eat?”

“I will.”

“Thank you.” Meganlynn’s parents walked out the door and went to get food. He just wanted to be there when Meganlynn was waking up.

“You know Meg,” he spoke as she was sleeping. “I have always loved you. I think that I always will. You are the one thing in my world that I would say completes me. You encourage me so much.

“You may think that I am a horrible guy, but I’m not. I do love you more than anyone. I want to be the one to hold you, love you. I want to wake every day of the rest of my life and see your face.” He was crying.

“Then why didn’t you just say that in the first place?” Meganlynn whispered.

“I tried, but I just couldn’t get the right words to come out,” he answered truthfully.

“What happened to me since the flight?” she asked.

“You’re talking,” he said, pausing for a minute. “You’re talking!” He reached over to her bed and then gave her a hug just as she was sitting up.

“Yeah, you’ve been carrying on a conversation with me.”

“Yeah for like two seconds! But you’re awake! You’re awake!”

“Yeah.” She could barely talk because Blue had kicked her in the throat so hard. “But—what did I break?”

“He broke a couple of ribs and he ripped a couple of muscles so bad that they had to sew them back together.”

“How did Blue do it?”

“You didn’t let him do anything Meg; you were trying to get away.”

“But it was my fault, Justin.”

“How was this your fault?”

“Because I was the one who was asking for it, and I let it happen. If I had wanted to stop it then I could have.” Meganlynn was trying not to cry.

“That is a lie, Meg. You know that. Was it your fault when he first sexually harassed you?”


“Were you asking for that?”


“How in the world were you asking for this?”

“Because it was the second time that this has happened in a year, and it can’t possibly be all his fault.”

“And why not?”

“Because I’m always wrong! I was asking for it.”

“If you are always wrong then you are truly wrong about this. You didn’t ask for it.”

“Were my parents here?”

“Why wouldn’t they be?”

“Because they don’t exactly care.”

“What did Blue do to you?”

“Everything! He did everything!” she screamed.

“Yeah, I know that. You’re going to hurt yourself even more than Blue has already. Your dad can’t eat anything here, and they were really hungry.”

“I don’t know what I’m thinking anymore.”

“I know.” He sat down at the side of her bed and held her.



“Did you really mean all of those things that you were saying?” her eyes begging for him to say that they were true.

“Why wouldn’t I?”

“I don’t know.”

“You were wondering weren’t you?”

“Pretty much.”


“Yeah.” Justin just assumed that she was getting the doctor after they heard Meganlynn doctor’s name was called over the loud speaker.

They waited for a few more minutes. Justin had to tell Meganlynn everything that had gone on during that day. She remembered some of it.

“I love you,” he said. That was the first time that Justin had said that to Meganlynn in a long time.

“I love you, too,” she said back kind of scared, fearing that he would start laughing at her and reject her just as he had before. She had missed him. She sat up in her bed and thought about everything that had happened on the plane, but she was confused about everything that had happened there.

“How are you now that you have woken up?” the doctor asked Meganlynn as she walked in.

“Good, I think,” Meganlynn answered, sounding confused.

“Really? Can you remember enough to tell the police anything right now?”

“I don’t think that I can.” Meganlynn was trying to remember anything that she could. “Okay.” The doctor did not know what to do. “What can you remember about the plane ride?”

“Not much.”

“I remember more than she does,” Justin told her.

“Okay, but that’s not going to help us,” the doctor replied.

“Justin, stay here with me please,” Meganlynn pleaded.

“I think I know what is going on with you.”

“What? Please, someone tell me.” Meganlynn had a worried look on her face and looked from the doctor to Justin back and forth. Justin knew what the doctor was saying.

“Does she have that?” he asked the doctor.

“Have what?” Meganlynn asked looking back to Justin.

“I don’t think so,” the doctor replied.

“Oh,” Meganlynn replied, sitting back in her bed.

“She remembers some stuff.”

“Yeah,” Justin told her. He sat down next to her because he knew that this was going to be hard for her to remember. The doctor, moved closer to the two of them.

“Can I send the cops in?” the doctor asked Meganlynn.

“Yeah.” She nodded her head along with the doctor to show that she did understand. Then a small tear inched its way down her cheek and onto the bedspread. The doctor left the room.

“You did really well, Meg,” Justin said after she had left the room.

“Really? Because I lied.”


“When I said that I didn’t do anything.”

“How did you lie there?”

“Because I said that I didn’t do anything. I really probably could’ve stopped it if I had wanted to. I did provoke it. I deserved it. It was nothing anyway, horseplay really.”

“Horseplay got you raped, beaten, and some of your bones broken?”

“I did it when I dressed the way I did. After all, I did wear shorts.”

“You were only there for two days, and there isn’t any way that Mr. Nolls can put you in marching band.”

“Yeah, I know, maybe I can learn a pit part.”

“I hope that even if you don’t then you can at least do something.”


“Meganlynn, you didn’t do anything when he was doing all of his crap to you. You kept your mouth shut, which is all that you are guilty of, and nothing other than that. Now why do you seem to think that you are at fault for everything that he did to you?”

“I know that’s probably a pretty stupid thing for me to think.”

“I’m going to be honest and say yes, it is a pretty stupid thing for you to think.”

“Thanks, I guess, for telling me the truth.”

“Anytime you need it.” He smiled.

“I know.” Then the two police officers came in.

“Hello ma’am. I’m Officer Whimby,” he said, pointing to himself. “And this is Officer Dugly,” he said, pointing to the other officer standing to his right. “We are here to take your statement.”

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