Blue (6 page)

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Authors: Jesilyn Holdridge

BOOK: Blue
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“Afraid that I’m going to steal her away are we?”


“Maybe I should go and tell her for you, shouldn’t I?”

“Sure, go ahead. That is if you can even get a word in before she calls security.”

“I’ll get a word in.”

“Yeah right, believe whatever you want to believe.”

“I’m going over there now.”

“Go ahead, I want to see you come out, screaming like a little girl.”

Blue screeched as he turned and walked into the jewelry store. At the same time, Meganlynn came out, and Justin pulled her toward their next destination: the shoe store.

“Hello there, sir,” said the cashier to Blue. “How may I help you?” There still wasn’t anybody in the store. Blue was startled to see that there wasn’t anybody in there, especially Meganlynn. Blue thought long and hard for a minute and then had an idea pop into his mind; he was going to get Meganlynn something.

“I’m looking for something for some one that I like, but she doesn’t have any idea that I like her, and she’s absolutely obsessed with witchcraft.”

“Want to say it with her favorite symbol then?”

“Yes, I would.”

“Then come over here.” The cashier pulled out a star with a circle around it. There were black diamonds that were placed in the circle, and it also had black-hills gold for the star with one of the blackest of black diamonds that Blue had ever seen in his life in the middle of it.

“What do you think of it?” the cashier asked.

“I love it and so will she.”

“Good, that will be three hundred dollars.”

“I can’t do that. Can you settle for about thirty?”

“No, sorry, can’t. I may be going out of business but I still need to take the sticker price for them, this is the final price.”

“Whatever, thanks, but I better get going before she can get too far away from me.”

Meganlynn and Justin were trying on shoes. They held the dress up to her when she had the different pairs of heels on. The dress was long on her anyway, so she had to get a very high pair of heels.

“I like these that I have on.” She looked at the five-inch high heels’ fake diamonds as they sparkled on her feet. The shoes had the crisscross just like the dress did. They were silver and had a golden cross where the crisscross was. The shoes didn’t exactly cover her feet at all, and all of the shoes there had fake diamonds and sparkles all over them.

“Sure, so do I,” Justin said back very rudely noticing that Blue was around and getting very upset about it.

“What is your problem?”

“Nothing! Nothing is my problem!” he shouted back at her.

“I’m just trying to be a good girlfriend and see if you’re okay or not, that’s all.”

“You’re so not a good girlfriend!” Justin was totally upset about the whole thing with Blue, and plus, he had just saw a couple of the guys that were passing by the shoe store checking her out as they walked by. In fact, a couple of the guys actually walked back and past her again just see her, and one person had actually come into the store to get a good look at her.

“How am I not a good girlfriend to you?”

“You only care about how many guys you meet, flirt with, and how many flirt back! Oh! And I almost forgot, your stupid writings! That’s all that you care about!”

“No, it’s not, and you know it,” she said in a calming voice. Justin then realized what he had been doing when he saw a tear run down Meganlynn’s face.

“Look, sweetheart, I’m sorry,” he said, taking a step toward her as she took a step away from him.

“No,” she whispered.
Just get away from me,
was what she was really thinking. She loved him deeply, but she also knew that this was going to happen sooner or later, so she had to end it right here and right now since he was yelling at her.

“What!” he screamed in her ear.

“I don’t think that we should see each other anymore.”

“Why not?”

“You just yelled at me; why shouldn’t I want to end things here and now?”

“Because we’re meant to be together.”

“I know, Justin, we’re meant to be together, but maybe not until later.”

“But I want to marry you and have children with you.”

“Yeah, well, me with you is never going to work out and you know it. You had to have known that this day was going to come and kill you one day. You just had to.” A tear was running down her face and into her hands as she walked up to the cash register and paid for the shoes.

“What do I do now? Do you have your phone?”

“Yes, I do. Call your parents tell them that you were a jerk, I dumped your sorry butt on the ground, and also tell them that we are no longer having dinner with you guys tonight. You can come to the party but, thank goodness, we are allowed to sit next to whomever we wish on the way to band camp tomorrow. The ride should be fun wouldn’t you say?” she asked sadly.

“Please, Megan, forgive me.”

“For what?”

“I don’t know, just forgive me.”

“Learn what you did, make your heart right with God, and then maybe we’ll talk.”

“Fine! Be like that you dumb—blonde!”

“Yeah, that’s a sure sign of intelligence, telling a girl that she’s a dumb blonde when she just got her book published.”

“Oh, you probably slept with the guys of the corporation for that publishing deal!”

Right at that moment, Meganlynn’s parents walked around the corner to hear Justin screaming and Meganlynn crying. They also saw Meganlynn cry and try to turn away from him, but he wouldn’t let her go even though she was telling him to.

“Get your hands off me! You’re no better than Blue!” she shouted and then Justin released her immediately. She decided that she should just walk away from him and go with her parents.

“Come on, Justin, I’ll take you home,” Meganlynn’s father told him.

“Fine,” he said, walking out the door. Meganlynn looked up at her mother’s face and her mother could see the tears in her eyes.

“Why don’t you tell me about it over a pretzel, okay?”

“Yeah,” cried Meganlynn. They then walked over to the pretzel stand and bought pretzels.

“What happened to you Meganlynn?”

“He just started to yell at me, and it scared me. Then he called me a dumb blonde. Then I said that sounds really intelligent by calling someone who just got their book published a dumb blonde, and then he said that I slept with all of the guys just to get my book published. I mean, with everything that I’m already going through, isn’t that enough?” she asked, crying into her hands.

“You’d think wouldn’t you?” her mother asked with one of her eyebrows getting higher than the other when she heard her daughter finally speak.

“I mean with everything that I’m already going through, isn’t that enough?” Meganlynn asked, seeming to breath heavy and starting to cry.

“Yes.” She wept and then lay her head down on the table.

“What do you mean ‘
with everything
that you’re already
going through, isn’
t that enough?’”
her mother asked her. Her daughter looked up at her and pondered whether she should really tell her mother or not.

“Everything that’s been going on between Blue and me for the past two days.”

“What has been going on?” Her mother’s voice got low.

“He started sexually harassing me again.” Meganlynn then cried out and put her head back onto the table to cry.

“Then what did Justin say to you?” Her mother took a deep breath with her lips getting thinner and thinner.

“I think that Justin was mad. He was kind of acting like it. I can’t stand to have him mad at me. And the worst part of it is that I don’t really know what he’s mad about.”

“Wait, Justin was mad?”

“At me, and he never gets mad at me.”

“Well, then, I think I know what he was pretty upset about.”

“What?” Her mother pointed toward the one person that she didn’t want to see, the one person that she didn’t want to hear about, and definitely the last person that she even wanted to remotely think about.

“Blue,” her mother said as she was pointing at him.

“What’s he doing here?”

“I don’t know, but I can tell you that Justin was probably just trying to cause a scene so he couldn’t hurt you as bad or even at all.”

“Oh,” she said, starting to cry. She remembered every memory that they had had together and all that she had loved about him. She really wanted him back, to feel that touch that he had given her, and that she had experienced and loved about him. She needed Justin back with her.

“Are you going to see him soon?” her mother asked her.

“Tomorrow, and if he’ll let me, I guess I can get him back then.”

“Okay, Justin was really nice, and you didn’t see the signs that he had given you.”

“He didn’t give me any signs, he just kind of drug me toward the shoe store, but I mean—I figured that was just because we had been short on time.”

“Well, I guess we’d better get your dad on the phone and see what’s going on with them.”

“So, why did you say that she had slept with every guy in the company to get her book published?” Meganlynn’s father asked Justin as they were driving out of the parking lot of the mall.

“I didn’t know what to say,” he started off. “It—”

“And you think that was the right thing to say?”

“No, but I mean—I mean—”

“Look, you were mad, I get it, but look don’t go off calling my daughter a whore.”

“Look, he was standing right behind her!”

“Who was standing right behind her?”

“Blue! He’s been harassing her all week. Plus, I thought she was going to find someone else once she goes off on her publishing career, and Blue was stalking her, and I was just mad and scared all at the same time.”

“Blue was behind her?”

“I caused a scene because he was right behind her, and I wanted to protect her.”

“Thank you, I guess, but why didn’t you come and get us? I mean we were only a phone call away.” her father said once again. He couldn’t believe that Blue would go to this much trouble just to get her attention. It was so stupid for him to do, and he was sure that Blue knew it.

“Yes, he was standing right behind her. I didn’t want to scare her. I wanted to protect her and he had already followed us to her safe haven and I didn’t want to make her feel more uncomfortable than she already had.”

“Okay, how close was he to her?”

“About five feet away.”

“So, he was standing right behind her, and then he was coming up closer and closer?”

“Sort of.”

“If he wasn’t doing that, then what was he doing?”

“He was just staring at her for no apparent reason, and it was making me feel really weird. He had that look as if he was going to take her and rape her. He really wants her sexually and nothing else. He was looking at her like no other girl that I’ve seen him look at. I mean, when he was looking at Holly Taylor, he never looked at her with the same intensity as he did with Meganlynn. And quite frankly, I miss her. I’ve never looked at her like that, sir.”

“I know. You look at her with love and compassion.”

“So, what are we going to do about today?”

“Well, I think that we can safely say that you were just trying to protect Meganlynn, but I still don’t know if she wants to talk to you or not.”

“I know, making a scene was probably a really stupid thing for me to do.”

“Well, yeah it was probably one of the stupidest things that you could do but it kept Blue away from her.”

“Really, how?”

“You were trying to protect her from something that you knew was going to harm her. I appreciate that very much,” he said then, turning the car back around.

“Where are we going?” Justin asked again.

“We are going back to the mall we just left.”


“Well, I think that Meganlynn deserves to hear the truth from you and not from anyone else.”

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