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Authors: Christopher Simpson

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Washington to Heidelberg, September 28, 1948 (top secret), 862.00/9–2848.

Heidelberg to Washington, September 30, 1948 (top secret), 862.00/9–3048.

LaVista Report

Vincent La Vista, “Illegal Emigration Movements in and Through Italy,” with appendixes, May 15, 1947 (top secret), FW 800.0128/5–1547, RG 59, NA, Washington, D.C. Cited herein as
La Vista

Lodge Act

“Explanatory Background Information for the Guidance of Consular Officers in Implementing Section 2, Subsection (d) of the Displaced Persons Act,” February 24, 1950 (confidential), AG 383.7 1948–1949-1950, RG 407, NA, Washington, D.C.

Office of Intelligence and Research

External Research Paper, Series 3, No. 76,
The Russian Solidarist Movement
. Office of Intelligence and Research, Department of State, December 10, 1951.

Poppe Case

For documentation concerning the Poppe case, the following records are available at RG 59, NA, Washington, D.C. (correspondence designated “secret—sanitized” was obtained through FOIA):

“For [Carmel] Offie from [John Paton] Davies,” March 8, 1948 (secret), 800.4016 DP/3–848.

“For Offie from Davies,” March 18, 1948 (secret), 893.00 Mongolia/3–1848.

“For [James] Riddleberger from [George] Kennan,” October 22, 1948 (secret—sanitized), 861.00/10–2248.

“Personal for Kennan from Riddleberger,” November 2, 1948 (secret—sanitized), 861.00/11–248.

“Personal for Riddleberger from Kennan,” signed also by Robert Joyce, May 3, 1949 (secret), 800.4016 DP/5–449.

Rauff Case

Jack D. Neal to USPOLAD, Berlin, September 17, 1947 (top secret, no foreign distribution), 740.00116 EW/8–1147 Secret File, RG 59, NA, Washington, D.C.

Vajda Case

211.6415 Vajtha
, Ferenc/7–2050, with attachments, obtained by the author via FOIA.

Department of State cable Budapest to secretary of state, January 10, 1948 (secret), no decimal file number, obtained via FOIA, with attached memorandum by Richard Wilford titled “Recent Developments Concerning the Establishment in Madrid of an Anti-Communist ‘Eastern European Center,'” December 20, 1947 (secret).

800.43 International of Liberty/7–1548, July 15, 1948, RG 59, NA, Washington, D.C.

State Department Interrogation Mission

“Russian éMigré Organizations,” United States Political Advisor for Germany, May 10, 1949 (secret), 861.20262/5–1049 Secret File, RG 59, NA, Washington, D.C.

Six, Franz, and Mahnke, Horst. “Investigation Report,” April 30, 1946, State Department Propaganda Investigation Team, RG 238, NA, Washington, D.C.

Twardowsky, Fritz E. A. von, interview by State Department Special Interrogation Mission, October 3, 1945, Box 745, Entry 179, G-2 ID MIS-Y records, RG 165, NA, Washington, D.C.


Department of Defense. Office of Public Information. Press Branch report on Edwin L. Sibert, April 3, 1952. Washington, D.C.: Center for Military History.

——. Press Branch report on Walter Bedell Smith, July 31, 1951. Washington, D.C: Center for Military History.

Joint Intelligence Committee. JIC 575/1D, “The Defector Program.” CCS 385-(6-4-46) (Section 21), RG 218, NA, Washington, D.C.

Joint Intelligence Committee. JIC 634/1, “Vulnerability of Soviet Bloc Armed Forces to Guerrilla Warfare,” September 8, 1953 (top secret), available on microfilm through
Records of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
. University Publications of America, Frederick, Md.

Joint Chiefs of Staff. JCS 1735/104, “Escapee Provision of the Mutual Security Act of 1951” (top secret), CCS 385 (6-4-46) (Section 31), RG 218, NA, Washington, D.C.

——. JCS 1844/144, “Civil Affairs and Military Government Plan in Support of the Joint Outline Emergency War Plan for a War Beginning 1 July 1952” (top
secret), available on microfilm through
Records of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
. University Publications of America, Frederick, Md.

——. JCS 1969, “Estimate of Indigenous Force Levels for Unconventional Warfare Programming” (top secret security information), CCS 385 (6-4-46) (Section 76), RG 218, NA, Washington, D.C.

Joint Strategic Plans Committee. JSPC 808/59/D, “Psychology Strategy Board Request for List of Problems to Be Considered,” (top secret) CCS 385 (6-4-46) (Section 25), RG 218, NA, Washington, D.C.

——. JSPC 808/67/D, “Service Responsibilities for Covert Operations and Guerrilla Warfare” (top secret) CCS 385 (6-4-6) (Section 26), RG 218, NA, Washington, D.C.

Joint War Plans Committee. JWPC 432/7 “Tentative Over-all Strategic Concept and estimate of Initial Operations—PINCHER,” June 18, 1946 (top secret), RG 219, NA, Washington, D.C.


Otto Albrecht Alfred von Bolschwing. “Report of Investigation,” September 25, 1970 (secret); form OSI6, file HQD74(32)-2424/2.

Otto Albrecht Alfred von Bolschwing. “Statement of Civilian Suspect,” December 22, 1970 (secret); form 1168a.


Augsburg, Emil. INSCOM Dossier No. XE004390 I6B036 (secret).

Barbie, Klaus.
Special Interrogation Report No. 65
. File CI-SIR/66, subject: Barbie, Klaus (top secret).

Berzins, Alfreds. INSCOM Dossier No. XE 257645 D 25A 2664 (secret).

Boldyreff, Constantin. INSCOM Dossier No. D-3675 20B85 (secret), also code-numbered 84221 3248.

Brunner, Alois. INSCOM Dossier No. XE 064584 I7B025.

Buchardt, Friedrich. INSCOM Dossier No. XE 077406 D 216906.

CIC CROWCASS correspondence. INSCOM Dossier No. XE 004643 D 20B 102 (secret).

Dragonovic, Krunoslav. INSCOM Dossier No. XE 207018 (top secret).

Grombach, John Valentine (Jean Valentin Grombach). INSCOM Dossier No. 81177870 (secret).

Hilger, Gustav. INSCOM Dossiers No. XE-00–17-80 I6A045 and No. 84066.3224(secret), also designated INSCOM Dossier No. XE 001780 D 20A042.

Lebed, Mykola. INSCOM Dossiers No. C 804 3982 and No. D 201967 24B2190 (secret).

Operation Brandy. INSCOM Dossier No. XE080352 Z 17D105 (secret).

Operation Circle. Investigation of Illegal Emigration Movements. Case No. 4111, CIC Rome Detachment, Zone Five, December 26 (?), 1946, (secret).

Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists. INSCOM Dossier No. ZF010016(secret).

Poppe, Nikolai N. INSCOM Dossier No. 84107.3224 (secret).

Ratlines. CIC agent Paul Lyon, “Rat Line from Austria to South America,” July 12, 1948 (top secret), and Paul Lyon, “History of the Italian Rat Line,” April 10, 1950 (top secret), obtained via FOIA.

Rauff, Walter. INSCOM Dossier No. XE 216719 I9B001 (secret).

Rudolph, Arthur. INSCOM Dossier No. AE 529655 (secret).

Shandruk, Pavlo. INSCOM Dossier No. D 148204 25 B/679 (top secret).

Skorzeny, Otto. INSCOM Dossier No. XE00 0417.

Thayer, Charles Wheeler. INSCOM Dossier No. X8889748 (secret).

Vajda, Ferenc. INSCOM Dossier No. XE232094I9C003 (secret).

Verbelen, Robert Jan. INSCOM Dossiers No. AE 502201 and No. H 8198901, with accompanying cables (secret).


Central Registry of War Criminals and Security Suspects (CROWCASS)

U.S. Office of Military Government, Berlin Command. CROWCASS,
Wanted List No. 14
, November 1946.

Copies of the now rare CROWCASS index books are available at Boxes 3690 and 3692, RG 59, NA, Washington, D.C., and at Box 1720, RG 153, NA, Suitland, Md.

Code Word Assignments

Designations for Operations Panhandle, Credulity, Dwindle, Apple Pie, etc.: P&O file 311.5 TS (Section I, II, III), 1948, in 1946–1948 Decimal File (top secret), Records of Army General Staff, RG 319, NA, Washington, D.C. See also 1949–1950 decimal files.

John S. Guthrie memorandum for the secretary, Security Control Section, JIG, “Subject: Assignment of Code Word,” November 21 and December 8, 1947 (top secret), P&O 311.5 TS (Section II), 1948, 1946–1948 Decimal File, RG 319, NA, Washington, D.C.

Enemy POW Interrogation Records

Supreme Headquarters of the Allied Expeditionary Forces, “CounterIntelligence Screening of the German Armed Forces,” March 1945 (secret), folder GBI/CI/ CS/091.711–2 (Germany), “C.I. Control and Disposal of German Forces,” Box 110, Entry 15, RG 331, NA, Washington, D.C.

Gehlen, Reinhard. “Report of Interrogation: Gehlen, Reinhard. 28 August 1945” (secret), Box 472, Entry 179 (G-2 MIS-Y records), 1943–1945, AC of S, G-2 Intelligence Division, RG 165, NA, Washington, D.C. Includes “Basic Personnel Record no. 3WG-1300: Gehlen, Reinhard,” in the same folder.

Goettsch, Werner. “Final Interrogation Report No. 8: O/Stubaf Goettsch, Werner, July 24, 1945 (top secret), U.S. Forces European Theater Interrogation Center. Obtained from the CIA through FOIA.

Jung, Igor. “Preliminary Interrogation Report, Source: Jung, Igor,” U.S. Seventh Army Interrogation Center, July 12, 1945 (confidential), Box 721 A, Entry 179 (G-2 MIS-Y records), 1943–1945, AC of S, G-2 Intelligence Division, RG 165, NA, Washington, D.C.

Köstring, Ernst. “Final Interrogation Report: Kostring, Gen D Kav, CG of Volunteer Units,” U.S. Seventh Army Interrogation Center (ref: SAIC/FIR/42), September 11, 1945 (confidential), Box 721 A, Entry 179 (G-2 MIS-Y records), 1943–1945, AC of S, G-2 Intelligence Division, RG 165, NA, Washington, D.C.

Köstring, Ernst. MS C-043: “Eastern Nationals as Volunteers in the German Army.” Foreign Military Studies records of RG 338, NA, Washington, DC.

Poulos, Georg. “Preliminary Interrogation Report: Poulos, Georg, OBST (Col), Greek Police Volunteer Bn,” U.S. Seventh Army Interrogation Center (ref: SAIC/PIR/61), June 27, 1945 (secret), Box 721 A, Entry 179 (G-2 MIS-Y records), 1943–1945, AC of S, G-2 Intelligence Division, RG 165, NA, Washington, D.C.

Schellenberg, Walter. “Interrogation Summary No. 1989: Walter Schellenberg,” Office of U.S. Chief Counsel for War Crimes Evidence Division, April 30, 1947, with text in German and summary in English.

Skorzeny, Otto, “Consolidated Interrogation Report (CIR) No. 4, Subject: The German Sabotage Service” (interrogation of Skorzeny and his adjutant Radl), July 23, 1945 (confidential); “Annex No. III: Invasion Nets in Allied Occupied Countries”; and the attached “Consolidated Interrogation Report (CIR) No. 13, Subject: Asts in the Balkans,” pp. 5–8, 17–18; all of which are in Box 739, Entry 179 (G-2 MIS-Y records), 1943–1945, AC of S, G-2 Intelligence Division, RG 165, NA, Washington, D.C.

Twardowsky, Fritz E. A. von. Interview by State Department Special Interrogation Mission, October 3, 1945, Box 745, Entry 179 (G-2 MIS-Y records), 1943–1945, AC of S, G-2 Intelligence Division, RG 165, NA, Washington, D.C.

Polish-Ukrainian Military Staff. “Final Interrogation Report,” U.S. Seventh Army Interrogation Center, August 28, 1945 (confidential), Box 721A, Entry 179 (G-2 MIS-Y records), 1943–1945, AC of S, G-2 Intelligence Division, RG 165, NA, Washington, D.C.

Guerrilla Warfare

Joint Strategic Plans Committee. JSPC 862/3 “Proposal for the Establishment of a Guerrilla Warfare School and a Guerrilla Warfare Corps,” August 2, 1948 (top secret), P&O 352 TS (Section 1, Case 1), RG 319, NA, Washington, D.C.

——. JSPC 891/6 “Joint Outline War Plans for Determination of Mobilization Requirements for War Beginning 1 July 1949,” September 17, 1948 (top secret), P&O 370 1 TS (Case 7, Part IA, Sub No. 13), RG 319, NA, Washington, D.C.

George F. Kennan correspondence with General Alfred Gruenther, April 27, 1948 (secret), P&O 091.714 TS (Section 1, Case 1) (top secret), RG 319, NA, Washington, D.C.

“Comments on Proposal for Establishment of a Guerrilla Warfare Group, Appendix ‘B'” (top secret), P&O 350.06 TS through 381 FLR TS 1949 Hot Files, RG 319, NA, Washington, D.C.

Lodge Act

“AG 342.18 GPA Subject: Enlistment in the Regular Army of 2500 Aliens,” June 1, 1951 (secret), RG 407, NA, Washington, D.C.

“File No. ID 907, Analysis of Available DP Manpower,” February 25, 1948 (top secret), P&O 091.714 TS (Section 1, Case 1), RG 319, NA, Washington, D.C.

“AGPT-P 342.18 Screening of Lodge Bill Personnel for Special Forces Activities:
Special Orders Number 68,” March 23, 1954, with enclosures (confidential), AG342.18 1948–1949-1950, RG 407, NA, Washington, D.C.

“AGSE 342.18 Subject: Enlistment in the Regular Army of Aliens,” November 7, 1952, Special Regulations (restricted—security information), AG342.18 1948-1949–1950, RG 407, NA, Washington, D.C.

“(M) 342.18 (10 Apr 52) Priorities and Special Qualifications for Enlistment of Aliens Under Public Law 597” (secret—security information), AG 342.18 1948-1949–1950, RG 407, NA, Washington, D.C.

Psychological Warfare Operations

For documentation concerning psychological warfare, the following records are available at RG 319, NA, Washington, D.C. (declassified in sanitized form following author's FOIA request):

JCS 1735 series. “Guidance on Psychological Warfare Matters” (secret), Box 10, Entry 154, U.S. Army P&O Hot Files 091.412TS through 334WSEGTS.

Major General Charles Bolté to Brigadier General Robert A. McClure, July 7, 1949 (secret), Box 10, Entry 154, U.S. Army P&O Hot Files 091.412TS through 334WSEGTS.

Brigadier General Robert A. McClure to Major General Charles Bolté, July 20, 1949, with enclosure and subsequent correspondence (secret); Box 10, Entry 154, U.S. Army P&O Hot Files 091.412TS through 334WSEGTS.

Colonel R. W. Porter to Major General R. C. Lindsay et al., “Psychological Warfare Study for Guidance in Strategic Planning,” with annex, March 11, 1948 (top secret), P&O 091.42 TS (Section I, Cases 1–7), Hot Files.

Army Chief of Special Warfare Brigadier General Robert McClure, “Memorandum to Asst. Chiefs of Staff G-3, subject: Staff Studies,” June 12, 1951 (top secret) decimal file 370.64 1951–1954, Box 15.

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