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Authors: Christopher Simpson

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Selected Archival Sources

Selected declassified U.S. government records of interest now in the National Archives (NA) or available through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).


U.S. Department of Commerce. Office of Technical Services.
Report of the Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee
. Washington, D.C., 1944.


Case Records

. v.
Vilis Hazners
. Board of Immigration Appeals, file no. A10 305 336.

. v.
Liudas Kairys
. U.S. District Court Northern Illinois, civil action 80-C-4302 and U.S. Immigration Court, Chicago, Ill., file no. A7 161 811.

. v.
Talivaldis Karklins
. U.S. District Court Central California, civil action CV 81 0460 LTL.

. v.
Bohdan Koziy
. U.S. District Court Southern Florida and U.S. 11th Circuit Court of Appeals docket no. 79–6640-CIV-JCP.

. v.
Edgars Laipenieks
. U.S. Immigration Court, San Diego, California, file no. All 937 435 and U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals docket no. 83–7711.

. v.
Boleslavs Maikovskis
. U.S. Immigration Court, Manhattan, New York, and Board of Immigration Appeals, file no. A8 194 566.

. v.
Otto Von Bolschwing
. U.S. District Court Eastern California, civil action no. 81–308 MLS.

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Assembly of Captive European Nations. FBI File No. 105–32982.

Barbie, Klaus. FBI File No. 105–221892.

Intermarium. FBI File No. 65–38136 serials 117 and 132.

Grombach, John Valentine. FBI File No. 62–221892.

Hilger, Gustav. FBI files nos. 62–118313 serial x2; 64–31609 serial 227; 100–358267 serial 6; 100–364882 serial 48; 100–412348 serial 24; (deleted file no.); 105–70374 serial 4551; 105–115409 serial 3; 109–12-232 serial 408; and 105–10868.

O'Connor, Edward Mark. FBI File No. 62–88018.

Vajda, Ferenc. FBI file nos. 40–83378-A; 62–118313 serial x2; (deleted file no.); 65–62842 serials 89, 99; 77–63190 serial 8; 100–89-35 serials 48, 76, 79; 100–392404 serial 2; 105–0 serial 2346; 105–11044 serials 11, 12, 20, 23; 105–11669 serial 70; 105–22605 serial 1; (deleted file no.).

Immigration and Naturalization Service

Council for a Free Czechoslovakia classified file, “Memorandum for File 56347/218,” May 6, 1953, INS Subversive Alien Branch, obtained via FOIA.

Office of Special Investigations

U.S. Department of Justice. Office of Special Investigations.
Digest of Cases in Litigation July 1, 1984
. Washington, D.C.: 1984.


Assembly of Captive European Nations

For documentation concerning payments to émigré leaders, the following records were released through FOIA:

Uldis Grava, American Latvian Association, to President Richard Nixon, January 14, 1972.

Lucius D. Clay, Radio Free Europe, to Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, October 10, 1971.

Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, to Lucius D. Clay, Radio Free Europe, November 1, 1971, with attached correspondence.

Six-hundred-page dossier of State Department records from 1954 to 1970 concerning the assembly.

ACEN Lobbying Activity: ACEN to Senator John F. Kennedy, March 3, 1958; ACEN to John F. Kennedy, March 17, 1958; Kennedy reply, April 24, 1958; ACEN to John F. Kennedy, July 1, 1960; Kennedy letter to ACEN chair Peter Zenkl, July 13, 1960; All at John F. Kennedy Pre-Presidential files, Legislative file: “Captive Peoples,” Box 687, John F. Kennedy Library, Boston, Massachusetts.

Albanian Case

Robert Joyce to Walworth Barbour, May 12, 1949 (top secret), 875.00/5–1249, RG 59, NA, Washington, D.C.

Boldyreff Case

American Consulate General, Casablanca, Morocco, “DP Resettlement Project in French Morocco,” October 7, 1947 (confidential), with enclosed report, 800.4016 DP/10–747, RG 59, NA, Washington, D.C.

Erdely Case

Heidelberg to secretary of state, August 21, 1948 (confidential), 862.20211/8–2045, RG 59, NA, Washington, D.C.

Eurasian Institute

For documentation concerning the Eurasian Institute, the following records are available at RG 59, NA, Washington, D.C.

“For Offie from Davies,” May 27, 1948 (secret), 800.43 Eurasian Institute/5–2748 secret file.

“From Tehran to Secretary of State, attention John Davies,” re: Ulus and Sunsh, July 27, 1948 (secret), 800.43 Eurasian Institute/7–2748 secret file.

“Department of State to AMEMBASSY, Tehran,” re: Sunsh, July 27, 1948, also dated August 10, 1948 (secret), 800.43 Eurasian Institute/7–2748.

“For Davies from Dooher,” re: Ulus, August 12, 1948 (secret), 800.43 Eurasian Institute/8–1248.

“Department of State to AMEMBASSY, Athens,” intitialed by Kennan, October 12, 1948 (secret), 800.43 Eurasion

Hilger Case

For telegram traffic, the following records are available at RG 59, NA, Washington, D.C.

Berlin to Washington dispatch marked “Personal for Kennan,” September 25, 1948 (top secret), 862.00/9–2548.

Heidelberg to Washington dispatch marked “For Kennan,” September 27, 1948 (top secret), 862.00/9–2748.

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