Blood, Body and Mind (19 page)

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Authors: Kathi S. Barton

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Blood, Body and Mind
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No one had seen any marking at all on her, other than the bruises the first days she was at the mansion.


It was four days before Sara contacted anyone—four long and miserable days without word to anyone in the mansion as to where she was, what she was doing, and if she would forgive them. Mel tried to contact Sara mentally, but she had shut her out as tightly as if she no longer existed. Aaron used a more modern method, the phone, but had as little success as Mel did.

When she finally made contact, it was to phone the Carlovettis. “Mr. Carlovetti, its Sara Temple. I was wondering if I could talk with you, please?”

Sara had been staying at the hotel out on Route Forty. It was okay as far as hotels went. It was clean and was cooler than it was outdoors. Summers in Ohio were abhorrent.

Sara, thank God! Are you all right? We’ve been so worried about you. Yes, yes of course, any time. Just let me know where to meet you.”

Now is fine,” she told him. “That is, if you have the time. But if you try to contact anyone else, I’ll know, and I’ll end this conversation immediately, all right?”

Sara had been trying to work up the nerve to call the Carlovettis for two days. She didn’t want to get them into trouble with their master, but she was running low on funds. All her extra cash was hidden in her van, which was currently residing at the mansion.

I wasn’t going to contact anyone. I believe what they did was wrong to a point. Sara, you need to contact Aaron. He’s suffering badly.”

Let him.” Sara’s heart took a hard knock at the thought of him suffering. But damn it, she was tired of everyone trying to tell her what she needed.

I was wondering if I am able to still work for your company? I need a job, and some money. I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize you or your company, so I will understand completely if you say no.”

If he said no, which she hoped he would not, she would have to move to Columbus and get a job. Now that Mel had shown up, there was no reason to hide anymore. Well, except for the High Council of Magick and the sanction to have her put to death—minor details. Hopefully, with Mel found, Sara would no longer be hunted by them.

Demetrius was silent for a long few minutes. So long, in fact, that she knew for sure he was going to turn her down. She was about to tell him to forget it when he answered her.

Yes, you have a job, so long as you want it. Sara, I’ll keep your employment quiet for as long as I can. Because we both know as soon as Aaron finds out you’re working again, he’ll want to talk to you. And if he does, then I’ll have to comply so long as you’re working for me when he finds out.”

I understand and I appreciate that. Thank you.”

Demetrius had just told her that if Aaron found out, she needed to be gone before he had to make her go see him.

I won’t let you down. I swear.” She wouldn’t either.

I know you won’t, Sara. I’ll see you tomorrow then.” He hung up first. She thought he sounded hurt.

Another week passed. Sara flew out early every evening and returned late the next afternoon, well after the highest part of the day was upon them. Demetrius had done well with her secret so far.

Demetrius had left her an email that first morning asking her to be gone well before he and April got to work. He explained that he wanted to be honest with Aaron if he ever asked if Demetrius had seen her. So she made sure she was gone before sunset every evening. In exchange for him helping her out, she took home the next day’s flights and made the roster up with a flight schedule. Personal information was never exchanged on either side.

But after nearly two weeks of careful wording on his part and planning, Demetrius slipped up.



Have you heard from Sara, Demetrius?” Aaron had been calling daily to ask the same question. He knew he wasn’t going to make it much longer without feeding. Eleven days is a very long time to go without sustenance, even for someone as old as he was.

Heard from her? No, no, I’ve not seen her. Have you?” Demetrius answered quickly.

Too quickly. Then Aaron realized what Demetrius had said. He had not said that he hadn’t heard from her, but that he hadn’t seen her. Demetrius had been lying to him. No, he thought, he’d just been asking him the wrong question. He almost laughed at the cleverness of it.

How long have you been speaking to her, Demetrius?” His voice was calm and resigned. Sara must know that he was asking about her, but apparently, she didn’t care to see him.

Since right after the party. She contacted me the Monday afterwards. And yes, I should have told you, but I couldn’, that’s not right. I wouldn’t betray her trust. Not again, not after all that she has done for me and mine.”

Loyalty was something Aaron usually admired in someone, but right now all he could think about was that Demetrius knew where she was. But he couldn’t be angry, not anymore.

Is she all right, is she safe?” He ignored the fact that Demetrius had failed to mention that he did not trust Aaron. That much was evident in the fact that he didn’t let him know about Sara’s whereabouts. He had failed on so many levels with her and the others of his Kiss—his extended family. Failing to gain trust from his first bond as master was just another on the long list of screw-ups.

Yes, to both,” Demetrius said. “Sara is flying for me during the early evening and into the late afternoon. She’s gone overnight. She needed the money, she said. I don’t know where she’s staying. A cab brings her to work, then picks her up, so I’m told. I know it’s not far. The cab fee is less than five dollars, according to Sara, round trip.”

Yes, that explains a great deal. I need to talk to her, Demetrius. Please ask her to talk to me, to see me. It’s...tell her it’s important that I... We need to talk. Would you do that for me, please?”

Aaron wanted to beg her to talk to him, but knew it would not do any good. If he had learned one thing about Sara Temple, it was she had a stubborn streak a mile wide and nearly just as deep.

Yes, sir, I’ll ask her. What...what punishment are you going to demand of me, sire? I’m not sorry for what I did, but I will pay the penalty. Whatever you see fit, I deserve. I just ask that you don’t hurt April. She doesn’t know anything about any of this. I promise you.”

Just ask her to see me, please.” Aaron hung up the phone.


When Sara got to work later that night, she changed into her flight uniform. It really wasn’t a bad-looking thing. The navy blue pants were tailored to fit her long legs, and made of the softest cotton twill. The t-shirt was short-sleeved, with a scooped neckline of a pretty robin’s egg blue. Made of silk, it clung to her curves like a second skin, and felt good at the same time. The jacket, made of the same material as the pants, had three-quarter-length sleeves, two buttons with the company logo on them, and was made to just touch the top of her pants when she was standing. No name tag or other tags marred the beautiful cut and line of the clothes. Once changed, she went into the hangar.

Demetrius wants you to wait for him to come in,” Paul Potter, one of the other pilots, said as soon as he caught up with her. “He says it’s important, and he needs to be face to face with you. Oh, he also said to tell you that you’re safe here to stay and wait, whatever that means. Got it?”

Yes. Thank you.” This could not be good. Face to face could only mean bad things were about to hit the fan. But she would wait for him.

Nearly two hours later, Demetrius came in alone. “Thank you, Sara. I appreciate you staying to talk to me.” He looked so distraught that she worried for April.

Where’s Mrs. Carlovetti? Is she all right?” She had visions of her losing the babe and nearly swept his mind to see what had happened.

Yes, she’s fine. She’s coming in later. I asked her to wait until I called her before she came in.”

Sara stared at him for several minutes. Demetrius wouldn’t look her in the eye. Understanding was slow to come to her, but she got there eventually.

He knows, doesn’t he? He’s found out, and you need to fire me, right? I’m so sorry, Mr. Carlovetti. Truly, I am. I just needed the money. I never meant to cause you problems. I’m so sorry.”

Sara brushed angrily at the tears as they fell. She hated to cry. She felt it made her look weak and stupid.

Sara, don’t do that. He does know, but it’s not what you think. No, you aren’t fired. Nor is he asking me to do anything to you, all right? Now, let’s start over, shall we? Yes, Aaron knows you’re working for us again. I screwed up this morning before I left, and he caught it. All he asked was that you agree to see him. He wants to talk to you, and to see you.”

No. I can’t see him, Mr. Carlovetti. He hurt me, as you know. I can’t...I wouldn’t even know what to say to him.”

He leaned back into his chair. He stared at her, saying nothing for a few minutes. “You’ve never let us in, April and me, have you? We’ve tried on several occasions to get you to call us by our first names, but you refused. You’ve kept us at a distance; you didn’t want our friendship so you made our relationship purely professional all these months. No matter how hard we tried, you simply shut us down. I’ve kept your secret for you, from my own mate and master, yet you still refuse to let me be your friend. You’ve never trusted that I would never hurt you or put you into a situation where you would be harmed. We know nothing about you, save what we need to know, flight plans, records, and its all business information.” Sara watched as he stood up. She had never seen him so upset before. “You know what, Sara? I feel sorry for you. More than I ever have for anyone in all my life. All you needed to do was to ask, and as your friends, because that’s what April and I feel like you are to us, we would have moved mountains for you. Yes. Yes, I do, I feel so sorry for you.” He made to leave, but before he could walk out the door, she stopped him.

Demetrius, I felt safer not letting people get close to me. I don’t know how to have friends. I’ve never had one before Melody. I don’t know how to be anything but what I am.’s my twenty-sixth birthday.” She took a deep breath. “Tell you please tell Aaron that whenever it’s convenient for him, I’ll come to see him?” Sara left the small office and went into the now empty hangar. Instead of calling a cab to take her home, she walked the three miles back to her hotel.







His lordship is in the living room, Mistress Sara. You know the way, go on in,” Duncan told her.

Sara had arrived early for her meeting with Aaron. She was not surprised by the expression on Duncan’s face. She was well aware of how she looked. When she had gotten back to the hotel this evening, she had taken a good look at herself in the mirror in the bathroom. She had dark circles under her eyes. Small wonder, she thought; she had not slept well since leaving the mansion. And she had lost weight. She had never been a good judge of that sort of thing; her clothes either fit or they didn’t. She had put the dress on that she had worn to the dinner thingy. She could easily slip it on without bothering with the small buttons. Her hair had shocked her the most; it hung in a lank halo around her pale face without any bounce or life. Sort of like she felt, she thought.

As she made her way through the main room of the house, she didn’t notice anything of her surroundings. After her talk today with Mr., Demetrius...she had been doing nothing but thinking about what he had said. He was right, she knew. She had never let anyone near her, not her heart or her soul. Her reasoning was that she could not get hurt if she didn’t let anyone close, but that wasn’t the way it worked. People tended to get in no matter what she did to keep them out.

Hello, Sara,” Aaron said from a dark corner. “Thank you for coming to see me. This won’t take long. Your...home is gassed up. I also had Duncan take it in for a tune up and it has four new tires. I thought about replacing the thing with a motor home, but I figured you’d balk at that.”

Aaron was sitting in a deep chair, in the darkest part of the room. He had asked her to come late, around ten o’clock, so without the benefit of any outside light, the whole room was pitched in deep shadows. She couldn’t see him, not well anyway.

You’re welcome. And thank you. Can I turn on a light, or a candle? It’s too dark in here.” She reached out and touched him. He was starving and weak. She sat down where he had pointed. Not to be polite, but because she was shocked at the extent of his weakness.

No, I prefer it dark, thanks. I wanted to see you again before I leave. I’m going to be leaving the country. I won’t be coming back. I’ve decided to turn over the realm to Colin to run. He’ll do a good job, I believe. I’ve made him aware of my wishes where you’re concerned. If you need anything, you can contact him, and he’ll see to it that you get it. Mel is working on something to break this bond between us, so you will be free from me soon, I hope. As for situation between you and her...I’m not sure what she is doing about the kingdom, but that is yours to resolve.” He took a deep breath before he continued. “I’m sorry for everything. I’ve thought that if I could do it all over again I’d change it, but we both know I wouldn’t have been able to. I’m too set in my ways, and all that. Do you need anything?”

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