Blood, Body and Mind (16 page)

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Authors: Kathi S. Barton

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Blood, Body and Mind
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I know, I know, I’m late, but I had trouble with this bra thingy. A torture device, if you ask me. It has twenty-two eye hooks up the front. And since I didn’t try it on in the shop, I wasn’t sure how to put it on.” As she spoke, her arms moved and made her breasts move as well. He could feel the drool forming on his tongue. “Then if that isn’t bad enough, it’s mashing my entire bosom into a puffed up mass to have it spill out of the flippin’ thing. Once I got the stupid thing on, I realized I needed to take it off again. Have you ever tried to pull on stockings with boobs in your face? Not possible, let me warn you. Of course they aren’t the regular panty hose either. Oh no, they’re these sheer socks that pull up to the mid-thigh. How I’m expected to keep them up all night is beyond me! Then back into the iron maiden thing. It’s not that I don’t like the dress and shoes, but just look at these things. Why one wants to walk on their toes like this all night is beyond stupid.”

Sara had been walking down the grand stair case as she ranted. Aaron watched each step she took, looking at whatever she had been going on about at the time; bosom, chest exposure, legs. Now she stood before him, one step up so that they were eye level. She was looking at him expectantly while waiting for him to make a comment about the state of her shoes she was now showing him—or some other nonsense; he simply could not remember what she had been saying. She was his. All his, and he needed to stake his claim right now.

When she dropped the hem of the dress and stood up, he reached out and cupped his hand behind her neck, pulling her into his embrace, into his kiss.
was all he thought before he covered his mouth with hers and devoured her.

Aaron tasted her lips, pulling the lower one into his mouth, and then ran his tongue along the seam, requesting permission to enter. She leaned into him and allowed him in.

Aaron, please,” she begged, whispering desperately through his mind. He answered her by pulling her tighter against him, slipping his thigh between her legs, and cupping her ass with his other hand and pulling her harder against his cock. Need was a living, breathing thing between them now, and it was not going to be denied, he thought.

Neither seemed to realize nor care that there were people standing around them in the entrance hall, their sudden need overpowering all reason. When Colin cleared his throat for the third time, Aaron reluctantly pulled away, but did not release Sara.

Shall we turn everyone away, or can you two hold off until everyone is gone? Just say the word, and I’ll get rid of everyone who comes to the door.” Aaron turned to look at his best friend and saw his cocky grin. He smiled when Colin winked at Sara.

Aaron turned back to look at the woman in his arms who was currently turning several shades of red from her embarrassment at getting caught practically making love on the stairs. He had no doubt whatsoever that that would have been where they would have ended up had they not been interrupted.

No, Mr. Larimore, that won’t be necessary.” She blushed deeper when Aaron pulled her tighter in his arms. “I don’t know what came over me. I must have slipped. Yes, that’s it. Thank you, Mr. Mac, Aaron, for catching me. I’m okay now. Let’s get this over with, shall we?”

Before she could take a step away from him, he pulled her back into his arms and kissed her again. “Make no mistake, Sara love, you did not fall, and we are going to finish this tonight.” He kissed her again, and then pulled away from her with a great deal of reluctance.

When the first guests arrived, Sara had not left his side, not that she could have as he had not let go of her hand once since they had kissed on the stairs. She was relaying him information automatically and without much thought as to what she was telling him. Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore and laughed.

When I said to tell me everything, love, I thought you’d just send me snippets of information, not life stories.” Sara had just finished telling Aaron about a woman’s, Abby Allen’s, one-sided conversation with herself about her and her mate’s horrible experience just that evening and the human they had encountered. The human had touched Abby and she was sure that she smelled just like the human, all scented up with cheap perfume and body odor. Sara had been giving Aaron her opinions right along with the story.

I’m sorry. I know you said everything, but I’m sure you didn’t mean that mundane,” she groused at him.

No, probably not.” He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed the back of it. He watched as her pupils dilated. “But it is fun to watch and hear you get all flustered.”

No one could guess the couple was talking to each other. They likely just assumed that Sara was told to be silent, and she was obeying. She was nothing more than a snack for the master anyway, and a very nice-looking snack at that.

I’m not flustered, thank you very much. I’m reflective.”

Oh, and what’s the difference? Because I have to tell you, I’ve never been more flustered in my life. All I can think about doing right now is throwing you against the nearest wall, lifting your dress, and seeing what other delights you have under there.” He pulled her closer to him and nipped at her neck. “You never told me about what your panties are like. I know about your stockings, which I will take great delight in removing from you one leg at a time, rolling them down, inch by incredible inch, kissing the exposed skin as I go. Then there are those enticing twenty-two eye hooks that I can’t wait to open one at a time until your breast spill out into my hands and my mouth. Oh sweetheart, I want to suckle on your nipples until you come.”

Oh my,” She whispered to him breathlessly.

Yes, my dear, ‘oh my’ about covers it for now.”

Aaron could not wait to have her beneath him, riding him, naked with him, and after the last two hours of people falling at his feet, he wanted to taste her in the worse way and he was not waiting any longer, damn it. He began making his way to the nearest room with a door and a lock. His strides made short work of the otherwise long trek across the grand hall, dragging her right along with him. When they got to the powder room just off the main hall, he pulled her in behind him and shut the door. He jerked her body to his and was kissing her before she could speak, much less protest.

God, he wanted her. It was several seconds of heavy breathing and heated kisses later when he heard the door lock engage. He pulled back from her and grinned. “Good girl,” he said before he lifted her up by her bottom, sat her on the vanity of the small room, and positioned himself between her legs. When she hooked her ankles together behind him and around his hips, he nearly cried with relief. But kissing her was no longer enough. No, not nearly enough at all.

Sara, I want you now. I need to be inside of you. But this isn’t the time or the place to make love to you. Let me taste of you, baby, please?”

Without waiting for a reply, he dropped down to the toilet seat, pulled her forward to the edge of the sink, and began lifting the dress up her legs. He watched every inch he exposed of her legs, knowing that paradise was just a foot or two away. When he ran his hand up her thigh and encountered her skin left bare by the top of her stockings, he nearly whimpered with his need to touch more of her. His hands traveled further, cupping her bared ass cheeks in each hand, pulling her to him. He could smell her; her juices were already soaking her panties through. He could almost taste the nectar that was his and his alone. He didn’t go for seduction. He couldn’t, his need, their need, was too high. He bit through the tiny scrap of lace and ripped it away.
he thought, what he wanted, her. Aaron tilted her hips, leaned his head forward, and took his first taste of her creamy, wet flesh.

Please, Aaron…” she begged him.

Soon, baby, soon. I want you to come for me. Let me feel you come against my mouth. I want to taste your cum. Now, Sara, now—come for me!”

With a scream tearing from deep in her throat, she came hard, nearly squeezing Aaron’s head off from the tightening of her legs around it. He kept tasting her and taking her rich cream into his body until she fell back against the mirror over the sink. He stood up, pulling his pants open as he did, and his erection jumped forward toward her.

Sara, touch me, touch me now.” As she reached out for his cock, he took her hand in his and wrapped it around his hard shaft, showing her what he needed for her to do. The moment her hot hand touched his cock, he knew that he couldn’t last. He moved against her with each downward stroke of her hand, kissing her deeply, and thinking about what it was going to feel like once it was his cock inside of her deliciously hot pussy. He began sending her mental pictures of what they were going to do once he got her alone in his bed.

As she started sending him her own mental pictures of her need, she moved her mouth down his jaw just below the collar of his shirt, and bit. His body jerked as her teeth, while not breaking skin, clamped down on the vein in his throat. That was all it took. His fangs, already elongated from his need of her, burst forward and he struck quickly, opening the vein at her creamy neck, and came, ejaculating in her hand while her hot blood filled his mouth. When he pulled hard on her throat with his mouth, sucking more of her richness into him, she came, and with each draw from her vein, Sara came again and again until she fainted dead away from the intense pleasure.

She was out only a few seconds, but it was long enough for him to worry he might have hurt her in some way.

Are you all right, love?”

No, I don’t think I’ll ever be right again. That was incredible! I never knew...I mean I’d heard, but...I...did you...I mean I know you, you know...but did you, you know...?”

Aaron burst out laughing. He didn’t think he had ever been so happy. “Yes, sweetheart, I did. And yes, that was the most incredible experience of my life as well. I can’t wait to take you to my bed and experience so many more incredible things with you.”

Now?” She leaned forward to kiss him as she asked.

As much as I’d like to, Sara, we have a house full of guests, most of which will still need to see me before sunrise. Come with me and let’s get this over with so we can be alone.”

Aaron pulled away from her reluctantly and began to straighten her and himself up. He didn’t know how to hide the stain that was now down the front of his shirt and her dress, but Sara simply swiped her hand down over the area and they were both as pristine as when they’d came into the little bathroom, if not a little more relaxed with each other.



Aaron and Sara had become quite the topic of conversation once they returned from the powder room. Every vampire in the room could smell Sara all over the master. There was also much speculation on what she was exactly.

This lady is afraid you’ll ask for more money. Good heavens! You can take that much from each of your people?”

Sara had gotten much better at filtering out the information before she fed it to him, she thought. She was not sending him as much useless stuff and more tidbits of thoughts they were having.

I only take a percentage of what they make. It all goes into a fund for the alliance, minus two percent for my expenses. Why, how much are you talking about?” Sara stood by Aaron and watched yet another vamp pledge their solidarity to him.

She was giving the other master forty percent of their total income from their businesses. Sheesh. And the amount came to sixty thousand per year. Sixty thousand? Are you kidding me?” Sara was amazed at the amount. Especially when she considered there were times when she would go for days without food in order to pay her meager bills.

We live a very long time, so we can invest in many successful business ventures over the years. Plus, most of us have several homes, so rent and food is not a problem, nor is electric and heating as we have excellent eyesight even at night and have no need for heat or cooling. The money also pays for security and medical help. A lot of these vamps have daywalkers as help and protection. When they get hurt or injured, it’s safer for us if they see a doctor of our choice. Then there are the orphans of murdered vampires. In order to care for them, we pay others to take them in and raise them. While children are rare, the ones we manage to have are very precious to us.”

So the money paid to you stays within your realm. That’s good.” After a few seconds, she asked, “Who in this room would be using very strong magic?”

Vampires don’t have magic.”

She looked at him to see if he was joking. He didn’t appear to be. “Well of course you do, don’t be stupid. Someone is using a great deal of...I have to check something out, will you stay here?” She was just moving away from him when she realized where the magic may be coming from.

Where are you going? Stay here with me, please.” He was not in a position to follow her as he was talking with a group of men who thought it might be a good idea to open their own bank and blood bank.

I have to see about something. I can feel a magic that I’ve only felt once before. Let me see if I’m right or not. I’ll be all right. I just want to check on something.”

Sara moved her way to the front of the room, toward the great entrance hall. She gently reached for the people she had been asked to protect, searching for them in the large ball room and beyond. April and Demetrius were...ewww, were having sex in the dark corner of another room just off the main hall. Duncan was in his kitchen. And Colin...was right in front of her.

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