Blonde and Blue (35 page)

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Authors: Trina M Lee

BOOK: Blonde and Blue
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I wrinkled my nose and grimaced even before the tequila hit my tongue. Drinking bathroom cleaner had to taste better than this. A slice of lime took the edge off, but it didn’t stop me from cursing at the empty shot glass.

“I don’t know how you can drink that shit, Jez. It’s a slap in the mouth.” Shuddering, I reached for a double shot of whiskey instead.

Jez helped herself to another tequila. “Don’t be so weak. This is the stuff that’ll show you what you’re made of.”

The table dissolved into a debate over the nastiest alcoholic drinks in existence. I was content to drink my whiskey and listen to them compare everything from moonshine to absinthe. It all sounded nasty to me.

Shaz leaned in close so I could feel his breath on my ear. “So, no Arys yet?”

“Not yet. He’ll be the last to arrive. Like always.” I couldn’t help but look toward the front entry even though I’d feel his arrival before I saw it.

I observed our fellow patrons with casual curiosity. I think I almost missed the place a little. At least I did until Casey walked in.

The tall, skinny brunette was Shaz’ neighbor. She was also interested in him, or she had been at one point. I watched her saunter through the club to the bar. She looked our way briefly, her gaze locking on Shaz. Oddly enough, I felt no real animosity toward her. All it took was remembering the vampiress that had sunk fangs into my white wolf to make Casey look like a child in comparison. All those times I’d felt threatened by her seemed so pitiful now.

Pretending not to notice Casey, I turned my attention back to the conversation. Somehow a body shots reference had steered the topic to sex and drunken one night stands. I didn’t have any one night stand experience myself.

“This one chick had a full dominatrix dungeon in her basement.” Jez said between shots. “But, I told her, no deal. I don’t play the submissive for anyone. If there’s going to be a top, it’ll be me.”

Though Shaz might never say so, I’m sure he would have been happy to listen to her sexcapades all night. Kylarai’s eyes widened slightly, and she blushed. This kind of blatant discussion wasn’t quite her style. I laughed, having heard far crazier stories from Jez than that. Zoey regarded her with a smirk. Her intense blue eyes showed intrigue.

“Oh, come on you guys.” Jez slapped a hand down on the table. “I can’t be the only one with crazy one night stand stories. Fess up.”

“None here,” I said truthfully.

“No,” her green cat eyes flashed with mischief. “But, I know you have some wild three-way stories. Do tell.”

I laughed, embarrassed as heat rushed to my cheeks. “Hell no. You’re doing a great job of entertaining us on your own.”

Shaz squirmed beside me. He was feeling the burn of being the only male in attendance. “Good Lord, I never thought I’d say this, but I almost wish Arys was here.” He laughed uncomfortably and sipped from his beer. As an afterthought he added, “And, don’t any of you dare tell him I said that.”

Kylarai tossed a lime wedge at him, aiming for his head. She missed. “I can’t believe you just said that. Never thought I’d see the day.”

“Trust me. You haven’t seen anything. Nothing has changed.” With an eye roll, Shaz downed the last of his beer and reached for a tequila shot. At the rate the booze was going down, this was going to be a hell of a birthday.

“Wait a minute.” Jez held up a hand, her grin growing wider. “Nothing? Are you saying you and the vampire don’t get a little kinky when you’re both with Alexa? Because I find that hard to believe.”

“Believe it.” Shaz spoke quickly. Maybe a little too quickly. “No kink. Ever.”

I was pretty sure he was stretching the truth on that, but I wasn’t going to say anything. It wasn’t at all what Jez was thinking, but there had been some intense moments between Arys and Shaz. Despite the fact that Shaz got off on a vampire’s bite, he clearly wasn’t ready to
that it had all started with Arys.

After few more shooters, I was laughing off Jez’ playful harassment of Shaz. Knowing she was making him uncomfortable only made her eager to continue. He shot me a questioning sidelong glance to which I just shrugged. He thought I had told her the dirty details of our encounters with Arys, but I hadn’t. She was just a clever cat.

The newest Lady Gaga song started, sending flocks of people to the dance floor. Jez was determined to be one of them. “Come on, Alexa. You have to dance with me. Anyone else coming?”

Zoey and Ky shuffled around to let her out of the booth. When I stood up to join her the tequila hit me, creating a warm tingle in my limbs. I waited for the others to join us, but they all shook their heads, happy to stay put.

Jez frowned at them, shaking her head. “Ok then party poopers. I expect to see a new batch of drinks at this table when we get back.”

Dancing with Jez felt so good after the recent chaos in my world. The dance floor was crowded, filling my nostrils with the scent of alcohol, sweat and a myriad of perfumes and cologne. Once I got moving to the rhythm of the music, I let go of everything that had happened over the past few weeks and just danced.

I hadn’t fully realized how much tension I’d been carrying around until it slipped away. I could always count on Jez to help me focus on having fun and letting loose. She was a dream. If I didn’t have her, I’d be so tightly wound that I would have spontaneously combusted long ago. I’d never been so grateful for my friends as I was right then.

We were having a great time, dancing and turning down advances from the few guys that dared to approach us. The evening was full of laughter, music and more booze than even Weres should consume. Though it wasn’t anything fancy or elaborate, our little party was a lot of fun. Until Kale showed up.

Jez stopped dancing the moment I sensed him. She stood stiffly beside me while the flailing bodies of other people bumped into us. Her smile vanished, a fierce glare in its place.

“What the hell is he doing here? Did you invite him?”

“Of course I did.” Taking hold of her arm, I led her off the dance floor to avoid getting trampled. “I didn’t expect him to show up. He never comes out with us.”

“He tried to kill me, Alexa. I’m not sure things will ever be the same between us.” Anger burned in her eyes.

I didn’t know what to say to that. I let my gaze roam over Kale, appreciating the sight of him dressed head to toe in black, his leather duster flowing behind him. I was relieved that the loud music muffled my small whimper.

“Well…” I zoned out, unable to tear my gaze from him.

His short brown hair was gelled in the front, just a little. It was simple and stylish without being overdone or dramatic. He stood near the entry, surveying the bar’s interior. No sooner had his gaze landed on us than Jez was stalking angrily across the room toward him.
Oh, shit.

I hurried after her, knowing that a tequila-fueled Jez was likely to say or do something she’d regret later. I was right. Before I could stop her, she slapped Kale with enough force to make me wince. Her hand connected with his face hard enough to be heard despite the loud music. I caught her wrist before she could land another slap or decide to turn that open hand into a fist.

“What are you doing here?” She demanded as her fury burst forth.

Kale looked her evenly in the eye while lightly rubbing his jaw where she’d hit him. “I was invited.”

“Jez, come on,” I pleaded. “This isn’t the time or place for this. If you have something to say to Kale, it can wait until you’re sober and not about to ruin my birthday. Why don’t you go back to the table?”

I didn’t have to look at our table to know both Kylarai and Shaz had taken notice of Kale’s arrival. Geez, this was awkward for so many reasons.

“You shouldn’t have come, Kale,” she hissed, her tone filled with venom. Rage emanated from her, hot and tempting as it danced along my skin.

“Jez, go back to the table and turn all that hyped-up energy into something useful. Like getting to know Zoey a little better. Hmm?” I wasn’t suggesting; I was demanding. She had every right to be pissed at Kale, but she wasn’t going to take it out on him at my birthday party.

She looked at me with those flashing cat eyes, and I stared her down. Jez was feisty and daring, but she wasn’t stupid. She held my gaze for a moment before scoffing, “I don’t do crazy broads like Zoey.”

Stifling the urge to sigh, I gave her a gentle push toward the table. “Yes, you do. Now get your ass over there before I go a little crazy-broad myself.”

After a moment of consideration, she turned to go, but not before leaving Kale with one last remark. “You tried to kill me, Kale. I owe you an ass-kicking.”

He watched her go, a pensive look in his eyes. “I completely expected that. Actually, I expected worse.” Meeting my eyes, he shrugged and offered a forced smile. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have come. She’s right. But, I’m not staying. I just wanted to give you this.”

From a pocket he produced a small box, covered in colorful birthday gift wrap. I was suddenly nervous when he pressed it into my hand. Our fingers touched briefly, and a spark of electricity passed between us before he pulled away.

“Oh, Kale you didn’t have to do this. Really.” I stared at the box, curious but tentative.

“Open it later. When you’re alone. And really, it’s no big deal. Just something I wanted you to have.” His gaze strayed past me to where Shaz watched from the table. He hesitated then pulled me into his arms. Holding me close for just a moment, he pressed a kiss to my forehead. “Happy birthday, Alexa. I wish you nothing but happiness.”

He turned to go, and though I wanted to stop him, I didn’t. Instead I turned the box over in my hands, certain that whatever was inside, it meant a lot to Kale. I returned to the table, hoping to avoid questions as I slipped the box into my purse. No such luck.

“A gift from Kale?” Kylarai inquired, her tone carefully neutral.

“Uh, yeah.” I didn’t want to look at either her or Shaz, but I didn’t have much choice. “It’s nothing, I’m sure. I’ll open it later.”

Shaz said nothing, but I didn’t miss the way his wolf seemed to creep up behind his eyes. I knew Kylarai well, and it was apparent to me there was something more she wanted to say, only Shaz’ presence stopped her.

I dove into another whiskey, seeking escape from the sudden discomfort. To my surprise Jez had slid in next to Zoey, and the two of them were leaning in close together so they could converse over the loud music. Soon Jez, with a bright pink drink clutched in one hand, dragged Zoey out to the dance floor. I was relieved to see that Jez hadn’t let Kale’s appearance ruin the whole evening.

“I’m going to reload the liquor supply and grab us a pool table. Sound good?” Shaz stood up to leave, and I moved to let him out of the booth.

Pool sounded like a good way to keep busy without awkward silences. I nodded my agreement and swallowed hard, knowing what was coming once he left. I sat there alone with Kylarai expectantly, but she only stared at me with stormy grey eyes.

“Ok, Ky. Just spit it out. I know there’s something you want to say.”

She tapped her long nails against her beer bottle, eyeing me thoughtfully. “Alright. I don’t want to make this weird, but I know about you and Kale. Shaz told me. Don’t be mad at him. He just needed someone to talk to. It came out the other day, after … after we lost Julian.”

I savored the taste of the whiskey, using it as a way to buy myself a few seconds before responding. I couldn’t be mad at Shaz. He had every right to confide in Kylarai. We were a tight-knit group. I just hated that he’d been the one to tell her. It should have been me. I should have had the guts to do it myself.

“I should have told you, Ky. I’m sorry. It was just once, and it won’t be happening again.”

She looked skeptical. “But he’s in love with you. I thought as much that night he helped us out after Zoey lost her mind. Seeing the way he looked at you tonight, I’m sure of it. So I have to ask, do you love him too?”

Choking on whiskey tends to hurt a little bit. I coughed it out, feeling embarrassed and completely put on the spot. Kylarai tried to hide a smirk as I regained my composure.

“That is not a yes or no answer. I wish it was. I feel something for Kale that is rooted in our friendship, in things we share. It’s confusing and hard to define, but it’s real. I don’t think I can give you a straight answer.”

She nodded knowingly. “So, that’s a yes.” I grimaced and she laughed. “It’s ok, Lex. I’m long over Kale. What we had was short-lived and never really got the chance to become more than deep affection. I just want him to be happy.”

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