Blindsided (The Fighter Series Book 1) (4 page)

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Authors: TC Matson

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Blindsided (The Fighter Series Book 1)
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Mason rushes to my side, excitement highlighting his expression. “Holy shit, Paige. Do you not know who that was?”

“Am I supposed to?” I ask confused.

“Are you kidding me? It’s Levi Stiles!”

“And exactly who is that?”

“Levi Stiles? The Leveler? Only the best fucking fighter in the MMAT. He’s like fifteen and two, or something like that. He’s damn good.”

“Oh,” I jerk my head back in surprise. “Well, that explains his conceited ass ways then.”

Mason shakes his head, dumbfounded at my reply and heads back to the other side of the bar to answer the calls of thirsty patrons.

Levi Stiles wants to take me out on a date? Well, more like he wants to get in my pants, but still, a man like that interested in me? Does he think I’m an easy target? Hate it for him but that’s not my style.

“Tonic Hill!” Mason and several of the people at the bar shout, breaking up my thoughts.

We’ve done this trick so many times that I could do it in my sleep. Instantly, I grab the tequila bottle and toss it at Mason right as he throws me the rum, shoving a vodka bottle into the juggle. We toss the three for only seconds before I toss in a bottle of gin. Hoots and screams surround the bar rooting us on as we juggle between the two of us. Simultaneously, Mason and I each grab a glass, setting them on the bar just in time to catch the next flying bottle. We tilt the liquor perfectly allowing the liquid to spill into the glass, doing this through all the bottles. One at a time we finish and set the bottles back in the rack, grabbing the soda hose and topping it off. Next up, we slam a cherry into the drink. Cheers roar out as I slide my glass down the bar to a cheesing Mason.

My heart is racing from the adrenaline. I love doing that drink. It’s the hardest trick and proudly, Mason and I invented it. We practiced it using open water bottles over and over for hours every week until we got it perfect. We showed it to Craig, the owner, and Jim, our manager, and they both were so impressed that it’s now on a large chalkboard sign above the bar properly named the Tonic Hill.

“Hell yes!” Mason yells out. “We haven’t done that in months!” He wraps his arms around my waist, picks me up and twirls me. Setting me back down, he grabs my head and presses a kiss on my forehead, then bounces back to his side of the bar. I can’t help but to laugh at his eccentric act.

Thoughts of Levi crawl back into my mind. Wondering if he saw the trick, I scan the crowd in search of him. I spot him on the second floor with the perfect view of me behind the bar and his eyes are trained on me. My heart slams against my chest. I’ve been busted sneaking a peek, but unfortunately, there’s a blonde bimbo on his lap attached to his neck. Trying to seem nonchalant, I flash a quick smile then drop my view back to the people at the bar.

Finally, the bar has slowed down allowing Mason and me to wipe up all the sloshed drinks and water rings. Everyone is enjoying the music, gyrating on the dance floor or conversing at the tables. Usually deeper into the night, the bar slows as everyone becomes infatuated with the person they’ve picked up or brought. Friends chat with each other, girls dance on one another…I love watching how people act after several drinks.

I see Blain pushing through the crowd en route toward me and just like a giddy little sister, I can’t help but grin ear to ear.

I jump up on the cooler on my knees and lean over the bar giving him a kiss on the cheek. “What are you doing here?”

He leans on his elbows. “Checking on you.”

“It’s work. You know I do this all the time,” I remind him.

“Doesn’t change the fact I hate you working all these hours.”

“Annnd?” I draw out the word. “I’ve known you long enough to know something is up.” I giggle.

He rubs the back of his neck. “I pissed off Kris,” he admits.

I bust out laughing. “What did you do this time?”

“I didn’t do it,” he chuckles holding his hands up. “My damn phone did. Nosey ass went through and read all my texts.”

“Oh hell! I can only imagine the eyeful she got with that.”

“Let’s just say she won’t be back.”

“Why didn’t you delete the messages or put a lock on it?” Told you I know the games men play.


Appearing out of nowhere, Levi steps beside Blain and bumps into his shoulder, interrupting him. Twisting toward the intruder of his personal space, Blain is met by a glare of daggers.

Blain blinks and takes a surprised step back. “Dude! You’re Levi Stiles.”

Levi doesn’t blink nor does he acknowledge he has a fan. He’s unyielding. “Thanks. I forgot my name there for a second.”

Smart ass.

“You ready for tomorrow?” Blain asks ignoring the asinine comment.

“Yeah,” Levi answers impassively. “So how do you know Paige here?” He nods his head my way keeping his view on Blain. “She your girlfriend?”

Damn he’s bold!

Testosterone flares. Bursts of the man-packed hormone darts through the air as both men bow up and push their chests out.

“Dude, she’s like my sister,” protective Blain replies.

Levi’s shoulders relax, the bow in his chest deflates, and the tension in his jaw disappears. Blain looks between him and me several times, I guess trying to figure out what the hell that was all about.

“It’s not what you think,” I say, rushing to Blain’s thoughts.

“She won’t let me take her on a date,” Levi informs Blain.

“She’s not stupid.” Those three words from Blain’s mouth conjure another testosterone storm.

Levi pushes off the bar facing Blain, tension rolling off his body in waves. Both men are the same height but poor Blain has the disadvantage, being outweighed by at least fifty pounds. And let’s not forget, Blain doesn’t have the training Levi apparently has.

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Levi barks.

“That you’re wasting your time,” Blain replies.

“Alright, boys. That’s enough,” I pipe in. “No use getting all big headed for no reason.”

Levi is murdering Blain with his glare. If looks could kill.

“Did you need something, Levi?” I say trying to divert his attention.

He turns to me and softens his expression. “No. I stopped in to make sure you were good.”

“I can promise she’s in good hands,” Blain says, but Levi’s eyes never leave mine.

I feel a sharp draw—one that pulls from under my rib cage, around my back and through my legs. It takes my air, my thoughts, and causes my heart to flutter. As wonderful as it sounds, I don’t like it one freaking bit. He stays fixed on me for several seconds then winks and walks away, not bothering with Blain any longer. I watch him make his way through the crowd and disappear before I slide my eyes to Blain and let go of the breath I’ve been holding.

“Levi Stiles wants to date my lil sis. What the hell is wrong with you?” Blain snaps.

“Me?” I point to myself. “I’ve done nothing but turn him down.”

“That’s what I’m saying. I’m not a girl, but I’m sure if I was, I’d lay down on my back for that,” he throws his thumb over his shoulder.

I tilt my head. “Weren’t you the one just saying if I did I would be stupid? Besides he’s used to that, don’t you think?”

He studies me for a moment, contemplating what to say next. You can see the gears turning, his jaw muscles twitching to speak. He finally settles on, “I’m headed home. Call me if you need me.”



Last call was thirty minutes ago and the final drink rush has just ended. I haven’t been able to bring myself to look around for Levi. I’m scared I’ll get busted again. Mason, on the other hand, has made it very clear that Levi has been watching me like a hawk even while being preoccupied with a few different women. I’m lying if I say that doesn’t bother me. If he’s so damn interested in me, why would he waste another woman’s time and lead her on? Again, I’m just not that type of girl.

I reach over and wipe off the counter when I spot Levi walking toward me. His royal blues are honed in on me as he takes his shirt over his head, tossing it to the side. The sight of his perfect hard abs and his chest muscles flexing with each swing of his arms cause my every organ to stop functioning. His bare skin glistens with pure raw sexy as he leans over the bar.

“Have a good night, Paige.”

I blink, knocked out of my little daydream. He squints with a knowing smile. “Um. Yeah. Thanks! You too.” I try staying level headed, but my voice doesn’t sound so convincing. I’m a saturated nervous wreck.

The blondie from earlier walks up beside him and runs her hand across his waistband, whispering something in his ear. I fight the urge to reach out and smack her as a sting pangs in my chest.

“Have fun,” I snip.

“Do I sense some jealousy?” Levi chuckles.

Throwing my head back, I over dramatically laugh. “Of what? Her?” I nod toward the blonde. “At least you’ve remembered my name without me having to spread my legs to get it. So, no. I am not jealous. I couldn’t care less.”

He arches his left eyebrow and flashes the sexiest sideways smile. “Sassy ass,” he says reaching in his back pocket and pushes a blue envelope at me. “I’d like to see you there.”

And again, just like that, he walks away with the damn last word.

Chapter 4


Last night Levi gave me tickets to his fight tonight. A sweet gesture, but I had to work. Plus, just the thought of going made me feel uneasy, made me feel that I was giving him a different idea than what was really going on. Have I thought about him all day? Unfortunately, yes, but as my night at Tonic became busier, the less he dominated my thoughts.

I don’t feel alone as I walk to my car. All the hair on the back of my neck is standing on end, and my skin is being attacked by pins and needles. I quicken my steps and pull my purse close reaching into it to find the cool metal. The feeling intensifies and I swear I’m almost in a full sprint, yet my car is backing away. Times like these remind me why I bought a gun—sometimes keeping it locked in my console of my car, other times carrying it. Nowadays, you don’t know when you might need it.

“You shouldn’t be walking out alone,” a deep voice behind me states.

My heart jumps into my throat, startling me, and I twirl around to the sound, pulling my gun out of my purse—aiming to kill.

“Whoa! Whoa!” Levi throws his hands up.

“What the hell are you doing following me to my car?” I squeak through the fear.

He drags his teeth across his lips, lowering his hands. “A woman with a gun, now that’s sexy as hell. Do you even know how to shoot it?”

“Do I need to show you?” I snap.

“Easy, Paige, I’m not going to hurt you. I just wanted to see you since you didn’t come to the fight. I won, by the way.”

“That’s nice.”

He nods toward my hands. “Can you put the gun away?”

I study his body language, his stance, and pay close attention to my gut. Dad always told me to listen intently to what my gut says. It’s never wrong and I should never, ever dismiss it. I don’t feel as if I’m in danger. He looks relaxed with a touch of tension, which of course I
have a gun sighted on him. My gut doesn’t tell me I should fear for my life, so I comply and lower it to my side.

His beautiful royal blues blaze in a soft confidence as he rolls his shoulders to ease the tension. “I looked for you,” he says calmly.

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