Blindsided (The Fighter Series Book 1) (22 page)

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Authors: TC Matson

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Blindsided (The Fighter Series Book 1)
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“So how’s that sexy hunk doing?” Holly wiggles her brows.

“I like knowing you fantasize about my boyfriend,” I reply lightheartedly.

She grabs her hand against her chest and inhales deeply. “You give me something to live for, Paige,” she says overdramatically laughing.

“That’s sad.”

“I know. You have both men I fantasize about in arm’s reach. Now that Levi is out of the question, I’m onto Blain.”

“Holly, you know—”

“I’m not his type,” she interrupts. “I can always try to make me his type. You never know, he might like it after he dips into it.”

“Omigod. No! Shush!” I quietly shriek laughing. “I need bleach for my eyes.”

The door chimes and Holly leans back looking out to the restaurant. “Oh yay. She looks stuck up and too sleazy for this place. Let’s go get run to death for a dollar tip,” she sighs exiting out to her table.

I snicker at her remark. Hell, my table is just as bad.

Trying to be as nice as possible, I smile setting the check down for the businessmen when a sinister high-pitched giggle echoes from across the room. It’s enough to pique my interest, and when I turn my pulse stops. Sitting with her long brown hair wrapping her face, a neon orange tank top pushing her boobs under her chin, and a pound of makeup on is Allison with a bleached blonde equally dressed.

What the hell is she doing here?

Let’s be a polite bitch, why don’t we? I fake a smile as I walk up to the table. “Hello, Allison,” I say in my best bubbly tone.

Her eyes drop to my Chucks then back up, her face scrunching in disgust. “A waitress? Now that’s a surprise. He usually goes for more attractive women like us,” she motions her hand between her and Blondie.

Does kindness really kill a bitch? Because it’s taking everything not to reach out and smack her. “I don’t want him for his money,” I scoff.

“Oh!” blondie says. “Me neither. I wanted him in bed.”

I can feel the hurt burning into my cheeks spreading to my chest. They’re vindictive. Allison snickers. “We both did. Remember that time when we—”

“I get it, Allison,” I interrupt before I puke on her lap. “No need for details.”

“Oh, but it was fun,” blondie bites her fingernail.

Wonder how this fork would feel in their eyes?

Holly returns with their drinks and sets them down on the table. This is my perfect escape. “You girls have a good lunch,” I grit turning and walking away.

“Girls? We’re women. Perfect in all the right spots just like Levi likes,” Allison says to my back. “And trust me, he likes all my perfect spots.”

That stops me in my tracks forcing me to take a deep breath and count to ten before turning to face the nightmare. “Is that right? Last time I checked he’s at my house waiting for me.” It’s a lie but she doesn’t know it…I hope.

“He’ll be done with you soon and crawling back to me before you can figure out what he’s all about,” Allison sneers.

Will I lose my job if I wrap my fingers around her throat?

“Get out now,” Holly demands pointing at the door.

“Excuse me? I’m not leaving until I eat,” blondie replies offended.

“You will not be eating here. You do not get to come in and act like this. Get out. Now!” Holly yells.

I’m frozen. I’m not scared, not afraid, but I sure as hell have no clue what to say, so I tighten my lips, soften my eyes, and smile at them smugly.

Allison huffs and slides out of the booth, stopping nose to nose with Holly. “I’ll call your manager and have you fired today.”

Holly pretends to be surprised. “Geez, that hurts so much. Paige,” she turns to me. “I saw she hit you. Would you like to call the police?”

Allison gasps. “You wouldn’t?”

“Try me,” Holly tells her.

I’m fighting laughter. Allison’s expression is priceless. I don’t see with all that makeup on how her eyebrows can jump so high as her face falls. She jerks her purse strap onto her shoulder and stomps directly to me. “He went to Maine a month or so ago. Ask him who was in the bed when he was texting you…taking care of him.” She gives me a once over again. “You don’t compare to what he deserves.”

I lunge, ready to let her face meet the floor when Holly jumps in between us pushing me back yelling she isn’t worth it. Allison blows me a kiss then stalks out the door with the pissy blonde on her heels.

Reality sinks in. There are customers here and I lost my cool in front of them. I let
get to me. I glance around to everyone’s eyes on me and humiliation soaks to my soul.

“I’m sorry,” I tell everyone rushing to the back.

I’m taking steady breaths trying to slow my adrenaline and focusing on the white wall when Holly comes around the corner.

“Geez, what a bitch. Don’t let her get to you like that,” she tries to calm me.

“I hate his damn past. I fucking hate it.” My voice wobbles and hot tears begin to pool.

“Good thing she’s his past because if that was his future, esh, I feel for him.”

I know she’s trying to lighten my mood, but right now it’s only annoying me so I don’t respond wiping the tears that have fallen. I absolutely hate being so mad that it makes me cry. It only infuriates me worse knowing she got under my skin like she did.

Thankfully, Holly leaves me alone and allows me to get it together. I pull my shoulders back willing myself to calm the hell down. In a vain attempt to gather my thoughts I do the first thing that comes to mind—silverware. I slam the napkin down, then jab the fork, spoon and knife in the middle and roll.

Stupid bitch.

Napkin, silverware, roll.

I don’t compare to what he deserves,
hateful bitch. And what the hell is wrong with the way I look. Just because I’m not five eight with a banging tight body, and legs that go on for miles, doesn’t mean he deserves better. At least, I’m not screwing every man out there.

Napkin, silverware, roll.

“I went ahead and closed out your table,” Holly says handing me the miserable tip they left.

“Thank you,” I say tossing the utensils in the bin.

“She’s jealous, Paige. Levi wants you and not her. Don’t let her do this to you.”

I glance up. “I hate having that shit thrown in my face. I’m good, though,” I sigh lying through my teeth. “Really, I’m fine now.”

“Good!” she chirps. “Quitting time is just around the corner.”

“I’m working Tonic tonight.”

“Ooh, even better. Hot college boys, drunk and throwing money at you. Geez, what I wouldn’t do to be you sometimes.”

I stifle a laugh.

“You should wear the sluttiest thing you own. Do you even own slut material? Probably not,” she shakes her head. “I’ve got things you can borrow.” She hits her forehead with the palm of her hand. “Shit would fall right off you. If that don’t scream slut, then I don’t know what will.”

“And why do I want to look like a slut?”

“Makes me feel better when I have men eating out of my hand,” she shrugs.

“Holly, you’re a waitress. Everyone eats out of your hand,” I quip.

“Ruin my own little fantasy, why don’t ya. You’re so evil. Evil I tell you!” she says cracking up sauntering back out to the floor.

Chapter 27


Holly was right—Tonic is just what I needed. This place is slam packed, which gives me no room to think about what happened today with Allison. I’ve been here for four hours and patrons keep coming. There haven’t been any breaks, no stops, no quick pauses, no time to catch my breath. Don’t get me wrong— I’m not complaining about it. The tips are pouring in, but I’d like to know what in the world is going on.

I tried getting ahold of Levi after I left the restaurant to let him know what happened, but I guess he was still at the gym. Even though he has a few months until his next fight, he continues to train, keeping up his stamina and focusing on staying in shape.

“The best for the best, right, Paige?” Mason sarcastically yells at me over the crowd.

“You won’t complain when you’re lying on top of your money snuggled to your fiancé,” I joke.

He considers the thought for a moment and smiles wolfishly. “Can we be naked when we do it?”

“It’s your fiancé, your body and your money. Do what you want, but keep me out of your thoughts!” I jest.

“Hopefully, I’m the only one in your thoughts,” his sexy voice fills my ears before I look up to see him.

Levi is leaned against the bar with his dimples broadcasting his adoration, his soft eyes eating me away. I feel giddy, like I need to exert energy and jump up and down, maybe even over the bar to wrap my arms around him. Instead, I force myself to remain calm but offer up a wide, toothy grin.

“Hey!” Before he can say anything, I grab a cup and add water to it, setting it up on the bar for him. “Oh wait!” I hold a finger up grabbing a pink umbrella shoving it into the drink. “There. A Levi Special.”

His lips quirk to the side and an ache of lust shoots through my legs causing the ground underneath me to wobble. Oh, if he only knew what he did to me.

“Having a good night?” he asks.

“It’s been crazy. What’s going on tonight?” I beg myself to stay together, filling another order.

“Guess everyone had the same idea at once,” he says over his cup just before taking a sip.

“I guess,” I shrug. “Oh, I had a lovely visit today.”

“I don’t remember seeing you earlier,” he says curiously with a big grin.

“Your girl, Allison, stopped by the restaurant. Is she always that rude?”

His jaw muscles tick and he bounces his head from shoulder to shoulder. “What the fuck?” he mumbles. “Why is she here?” he grits between the tense muscles of his jaw.

“Apparently to bless me with her presence,” I retort.

“Come see me when you get a break. We’ll talk more.” He acknowledges the people around him. It’s my cue to shut up until later. He winks then saunters away, but by his purposeful steps, I know he’s pissed and on a mission to get to “his” table.

It’s been about an hour since I’ve spoken to Levi. The crowd at the bar has been insane as people are still piling through the door. He’s been hanging out with Adam and Blain, laughing and cutting up. Usually when I try to sneak a peek, he’s looking back at me. I swear there’s something in his eyes, something I think we’re both scared to recognize. Behind his gaze is restrained tenderness, the very silhouette of warm devotion as if he’s pouring his feelings into me. Although there’s the possibility it could be a figment of my imagination, I’ll hallucinate it until I see and feel something different. I could be setting myself up for heartbreak or launching myself onto cloud nine.

I’m sliding a beer to a man when I spot an unwanted person with a very unwelcoming and spiteful stare perching on the bar.

a bartender? What a nice touch considering he doesn’t like to drink,” Allison spews.

I ignore her bitterness and continue to take orders from the other people. I will not allow her to get me riled up as she did at the restaurant, but I do want to slap the shit out of her.

“Can you make me a Sex on the Beach or do I need to slide down to the hunk and get him to make me one?”

I cut my eyes at her remark, then quickly begin to make her drink, daring her to be a bitch. I’d love to accidentally spill a drink in her face, messing up her heavy makeup and botching her stupid pretty red tank top. I get why she’s popular with the men—she’s gorgeous with everything flawless—perky full boobs, bubbly ass, and fine-tuned thighs. She has a pristine body with brown bold straight hair that shines with the lights in the club. I guess that’s why she gets paid the big bucks to hold numbers up and strut her ass around the ring.

I set her drink in front of her with the most facetious yet innocent smirk I can conjure up. She doesn’t say anything, doesn’t bat an eye, and fucking hell, doesn’t even pay for it. She just steps away like it’s me who owes her something. And the hell with trying to argue with her—I’m not going to. I hold so much animosity with a twinge of jealousy against her, I’m not so sure I’d be able to hold myself back. That could get ugly.

I watch her amble straight to Levi and park her ass on the stool beside him instantly leaning in close. A sting devastates my heart and I swallow hard trying to ignore the feelings, but I can’t peel my eyes away. Like a hawk, I watch their moves. As she twists to him, he grabs her arms, putting her back on her seat then says something with a very wicked shit-eating grin. Her eyes widen as he shakes his head and disappears into the crowd, leaving her mouth gaped open.

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