Her First Fisting

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Her First Fisting

By Olivia Lyons



Rhea’s soft fingertips grazed across her sensitive skin, stroked the wetness between her legs, and aroused in her a hazy, dreamlike lust. Dirty thoughts of some man – no one in particular – flitted into her mind. The mystery man would caress her, lick her, dominate her…he’d do anything she asked to make her come.

She circled her clit slowly with one finger, enjoying the sensations that crept up on her, but not wanting to get off just yet. Her body desperately wanted a release, and she got close several times, yet backed off just before going over the edge. Delaying herself would make her orgasm even stronger, and she was a patient woman. She could make herself wait just a little longer.

The scent of brewing coffee drifted past her nose, then the tantalizing aroma of cooking food. Rhea’s mouth watered as she teased herself. Maybe her fantasy man was making her breakfast. God, men who cooked were so very sexy.

A TV turned on somewhere, and the sound of the weatherman’s voice distracted her a bit. Still, she forced herself to ignore it and press on. She was close now, and she couldn’t wait any longer.

“Oh, fuck me,” she murmured as she finally gave in to her body’s demands. The first stab of pleasure took her over, the intensity of it enough to make her moan and shake. 

And then there was a squeaking sound, like rusty metal in need of lubrication. Then footsteps, somewhere close.
Wait, footsteps?
Rhea opened her eyes at last.

There stood a man, watching her, shock and disbelief written all over his face. Without meaning it, she stared into his brown eyes as she came. This man was watching her, but she couldn’t just turn off an orgasm, and it felt so damn good that she didn’t want to, either.

She clamped her hand down over her mouth, even though she wanted to groan and swear and scream.

After this moment of bliss passed, it dawned on her that she wasn’t in her bed at home. In fact, she wasn’t even in her house.

The man, his face red and beads of sweat dripping from his brow, looked at her as if waiting for an explanation.

“Who are you, lady, and what the hell are you doing in my house?” 

She wished she knew. Then it hit her – she’d been sleepwalking again. Mortified, she buried her face in her hands and prayed the man wouldn’t press charges for breaking and entering.

“I’m so sorry,” she told him. “It’s these insomnia pills I’m taking. Sometimes they make me sleepwalk, and then I end up in very strange places.” 

His gaze fell to her underwear, which she’d thrown on the floor in her half-asleep stupor. As bad luck would have it, these ones were bright purple, with a strand of pink sequins wrapped around the waistband. They looked like something a porn star would wear. Rhea silently chastised herself for not wearing nicer panties to bed.

“So, let me get this straight.” He leaned against the wall and rubbed his temples as if staving off a headache. “You sleepwalk into other people’s homes, go to their bedroom, and then…” 

She snatched up her panties and pulled them on. Thankfully, she still wore her nightgown. She’d be even more embarrassed if she’d taken it off somewhere.

“I don’t know how I got in here. Maybe you left the door unlocked.”  

She stood and looked out the man’s bedroom window to figure out where she was. To her relief, there was her house just next door.

“That’s where I live,” she said, pointing to her home. “You know, this could have ended up way worse. Once, I got in my car and drove three towns over just to get a cheeseburger.” 

He raised an eyebrow. “While you were asleep?”

She nodded and wondered why she was sharing this with him, a total stranger. After what she’d just done, she should have bolted out his front door and never looked back. But this man’s eyes showed a flicker of curiosity and interest in her plight, so she stayed.

It helped that the guy was quite the hottie. His dirty-blonde hair stuck up in different directions as if he’d just climbed out of bed. Day-old stubble peppered his cheeks, indicating he hadn’t had time to shower or shave yet. He wore a green robe, but he’d neglected to tie it up all the way, so his muscular chest peeked out to greet her. Rhea loved seeing a man in this state, so real and authentic. Then it hit her that she’d never seen him around before. Surely she’d have noticed someone this cute walking around the neighborhood.

“I guess we’re neighbors,” she said. 

“Yeah. I just moved in a few weeks ago.” He stuck out his hand for her to shake. “Name’s Jarod.” 

Rhea held her nightgown up with her right hand, so she offered him her left instead. When their fingers touched, a jolt of something—love at first sight, maybe—coursed through her. She looked into his eyes and wondered if he felt it, too.

“Well, Rhea, this has been a fascinating discussion, but I’m afraid I’m running late for work.” 

He showed her to the door, and she couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed. She liked Jarod and wanted to chat with him more. But they lived next door to one another; there would be another chance later.

“I still wanna know how you got in here,” he said, chuckling. “I know for a fact I locked the door last night.” 

They went outside and stood on the porch for a moment. Jarod looked even sexier in the bright sunlight, and she couldn’t help but want to ask if he was single. She peeked at his hands and didn’t see a ring. Well, at least he probably wasn’t married.

“I likely climbed in through a window.” She had to force these lusty thoughts out of her head. “I’ve been known to do that before.” 

A little smile crept up on his face. “You sound like a dangerous lady. I’d better make sure to lock up tight if I want to keep you out.”

She wished he’d keep the windows open to make it easier for her to come in, actually. Oh, how she wanted to say that to him, to flirt with him mercilessly.

But she just smiled back. “Don’t worry. I’ve never hurt anyone in my sleep before. Not yet.”

Jarod’s thin garment wasn’t enough to hide the outline of his erection. She licked her lips and prayed for a gust of wind to blow his robe right open.

Jarod looked down at the ground, seemingly embarrassed by his arousal. He cupped his hands in front of his hard cock and turned away from her.

“Maybe I’ll see you around,” he said, his voice suddenly raspy. He glanced at her one more time, and Rhea swore she saw lust in his eyes. Then he went back inside and shut the door. 

As Rhea walked home, she couldn’t get his face out of her mind. She’d been ashamed at first when he caught her getting off in his room, but really, it was kind of hot. The way he’d looked right at her as she came…it made her shiver to think of it. There was something incredibly arousing about having an orgasm in front of a stranger.

He seemed interested in her, but she didn’t want to wait on him to make a move. She wasn’t the kind of woman who asked a guy out, either. So what could she do? There had to be some easy way to get one’s neighbor into bed. She just had to figure it out.


The next day, Rhea had a plan. It was sort of devious, but she wanted Jarod bad enough, and she’d do anything to get him.

She peeked out her front window and spotted his car, a blue Honda in need of a wash, in the driveway. He was home, then. Good.

The right outfit was vital for seduction, so she chose a short denim skirt that showed off her ass if she bent just the right way. A low-cut shirt would allow him a look at her cleavage – how could he resist that? Then she topped it all off with a few sprays of floral perfume.

She beat back her nervousness and approached his front door. Just as she was about to knock, though, she pulled her hand back. What was she thinking? This was a crazy idea; it’d never work –

The door swung open, and Jarod jumped back, clearly surprised to see her there. Rhea swallowed hard, knowing she’d trapped herself. She couldn’t back out now.

“Oh, hi, Rhea. You startled me.”  

He looked her up and down, then bit his bottom lip. She wondered what that meant. Maybe he was trying not to laugh at her.

She shot him her best, most flirty smile. “It’s a good thing you’re here. My garbage disposal is making awful noises. Do you know anything about those things?”

This wasn’t a total lie. She’d tossed a few orange peels down there this morning, and the piece of crap disposal always had trouble with those.

Jarod ran his fingers through his hair, which today he’d washed and neatly groomed. The smell of his shampoo wafted over to greet her, and it made her want him even more.

“I’m no plumber, but I know a little, I guess.” His eyes landed on hers. “You want me to take a look at it?” 

That’s not all I want you to take a look at,
she thought. 

“If you could, I’d be so grateful.” 

He followed Rhea back to her house, and as they stepped inside, she wished she’d taken the time to clean it up a little. The place needed a dusting, vacuuming, mopping…pretty much every chore she’d been neglecting for the past month or so. She hoped Jarod wouldn’t notice or care.

“Here it is,” she said, leading him to the kitchen. She handed him a flashlight, which she’d conveniently placed on the counter next to the sink. 

As he peered down into the disposal, she leaned over the counter, a little bit closer to him than should have been appropriate. Then she made sure her breasts were slightly exposed – not too much, though. She didn’t want him to think she was a slut.

“It’s hard to see, but I think you’ve got something down there.” His gaze shifted from the drain to her, then settled on her chest for a moment. 

She inched closer to him and peered over his shoulder. They were so close now, and she longed to press up against him, to run her hands all over his body. What would he do, she wondered, if she made a move?

“Can you get it out?” 

Jarod forced himself to look back at the sink. He took a deep breath and stuck his hand down the disposal.

“So, uh…what are you up to today?” He grabbed one of the orange peels, pulled it out, then tossed it in the trash. “It’s my day off, so I thought about heading to the park for a run.” 

Rhea adored athletic men. She liked that they took good care of their bodies and minded their health. A guy couldn’t possibly treat her right if he didn’t care about himself first.

“I might go for a swim. It really is a lovely day.” She stretched her arms and legs, and her shirt lifted up a little, revealing her stomach. “I could use the exercise.” 

She waited for him to respond. How many cues did she need to give him before he took the hint, anyway?

He retrieved another peel. As he walked it to the trash can, he cast a sideways glance at her belly.

“It’s nice to work out,” he said, swallowing hard. “But it’s not like you need it. You look like you’re in good shape to me.” 

The tension between them was starting to frustrate Rhea now. Maybe the guy had something against casual sex. Well, she didn’t care about his hang-ups. She hadn’t gotten laid in months, and she was determined to have him.

He ran the disposal, and it hummed along quietly. Rhea wished she’d thrown more orange peels down there so he’d have a reason to stay longer.

“Looks like you’re all set.” He washed his hands, dried them on a towel, and gave her a shy smile. 

“Yeah, thanks.” 

As she led him out, she couldn’t believe that he hadn’t made a pass for her. She’d practically thrown herself at him. What the hell was wrong with him? Maybe he was just gay. No, that didn’t make sense. He seemed to enjoy staring at her breasts. She doubted gay people did that.

“Let me know if you need help with anything else,” he said, then headed back to his house before she could say more. 

“But I do need help,” she said to herself as his door swung shut. “I need you to fuck me. Now.” 


Rhea climbed into bed around 11 that night. She was tired, but fantasizing about Jarod made it hard to sleep. So she reached for her anti-insomnia medication. That stuff usually knocked her out within 10 minutes. She just hoped it didn’t make her go bonkers and drive to the next state while unconscious.

Once she’d swallowed two of the pills, it didn’t take long for drowsiness to kick in. Her eyes forced themselves shut, and she fell asleep still thinking about Jarod’s hot body.


Rhea was dreaming now, that much she knew. And what an awesome dream it was. She had Jarod pinned down on the bed, and her hands trailed through his fine chest hair, then made their way down to his waist. Yet he didn’t move an inch.

She decided that she wanted to taste him before allowing him inside her. Down went his boxers, and out sprang his cock, solid and thick. Rhea wasted no time taking him in her mouth and licking every last inch of him.

“Hey,” said a sudden voice. “What…what the fuck?” 

That was Jarod. His words snapped her back into reality, and she realized with horror that she’d sleep-walked straight into his bed. Not only that, her subconscious mind thought it a great idea to suck his dick while they both slept.

Even in the darkness, she could see him gaping at her. She let him go and backed away, but she thought – just maybe – that she spotted disappointment in his eyes.

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