Blindsided (The Fighter Series Book 1) (31 page)

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Authors: TC Matson

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Blindsided (The Fighter Series Book 1)
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God, that sounded bad.

I quietly tell Levi I’m heading to the bar to grab a drink as he continues to chat with a group of men about new regulations that are to come next year…I think.

I’m not interested in what they’re serving on the little black trays in the fancy little glasses that the big-breasted waitresses are carrying. All I want is a soda, and the look the bartender gives me takes me back to when Levi asked for a glass of water. I was baffled, completely caught off guard and by this bartender’s expression—he isn’t used to hearing it either.

“What man would let you out of his sights? You’re phenomenal,” a deep, thick voice says beside me.

I turn and immediately the ground washes out from under me. Towering above me, staring back at me are the most startling, pale blue eyes soaking me in. He has brown hair with the right half dyed blond and a red streak running lengthwise. Dressed in an oxford blue button up with sleeves rolled up to his elbows revealing both arms full of tattoos is a barrel-chested, musclebound, very attractive man charmingly smiling at me.

He sticks his hand out for me to shake. “I’m Ryker.”

“Paige.” My voice quavers as his hand encloses mine.

His icy pale irises gleam with a mystifying lure. “Paige,” he says slowly as if he were tasting it. “Just as beautiful as the lady who owns it.”

“Thank you,” I say pulling my hand back.

“So, Paige,” he leans his elbow on the bar dropping himself to my eye level. “I apologize for being so forward, but you are the most beautiful woman here.”

I can’t help but laugh. He’s full of shit.

“Look around you.” He waves his hand around the crowd. “They’re all fake. But you,” his eyes drop to my toes then back up leisurely, “are not and it’s the most remarkable trait a woman can have. All natural is a breath of fresh air. Sensational.”

I blush. Dammit.

His lips quirk up into a grin that is inviting and warm.

Mentally shaking the fog out of my brain, I shift my weight to my right foot. “Did you read the gentlemen’s guide of pickup lines?”

He chuckles under his breath. “I tell it like it is. No bullshit, Paige.”

I look up and tap my finger on my lips then back to him. “I think that was chapter two, paragraph four.”

His shoulders shake from laughter. “All natural beauty with a sense of humor. You’re like a dream come true.”

“And it’s a fucking dream you won’t be having,” Levi growls, coming from out of nowhere, and steps beside me.

Quickly, Ryker turns toward him, squaring his shoulders and pressing his chest out. Levi has destruction in his eyes. His face is stoic with his fists at his side.

Ryker looks to me then back to Levi. “She’s with you?” he asks pointing his finger at me.

Levi nods, saying nothing with flared nostrils.

Ryker drops his head back laughing. “Did you drug her? Something as alluring as she is doesn’t deserve a disaster like you.”

There it is—that cocky, I’m about to kill you grin. My heart pounds in my throat as I drag my hand over the bumps of his tense abs. “Come on, baby,” I say but his attention doesn’t dislodge from Ryker. “Don’t sweat it.” I pull his wrist and wrap it around my hip. This time he looks down at me and I playfully scrunch my nose. “Let’s get out of here.”

He leers at Ryker, not answering him, then grasps my hip and walks away without another word. His stride is fast-paced and I’m almost in a jog to keep up with him as he makes his way through the throngs of people.

“You’re gonna make me break my damn ankle in these heels if you don’t slow down,” I plead, but he ignores me.

Stepping out of the building onto the less crowded sidewalk, he lets go of my hip and clutches my hand. There aren’t many reporters left, not as many photographers, only a few stragglers. He’s galvanized, clenching his jaw, seemingly detached from the world around him, pissed as he impatiently waits for the limo.

I reach to touch his arm, “Levi, don’t let him—”

Quickly I’m interrupted with a very daring look, snagging my words. I’m not going to dare that and quickly shut up.

The limo pulls up and he jerks the door open and waits for me as I get in, then follows right behind me. The moment he slams the door, he hits the button rolling the window between us and the driver up and grabs my waist pulling me onto his lap forcing me to straddle him. Immediately, he claims my mouth, kissing me hard and fiercely.

“I’ve spent two fucking hours watching every man in there eye fuck you,” he growls against my lips bunching my dress around my hips.

“The driver,” I exhale.

“He can’t see shit,” he groans biting my shoulder.

I drop my head back and moan at the slight sting that’s exciting my body. He tangles his fingers in my hair and pulls me back to his mouth in a ravening mania, overwhelming my every nerve and winding up my muscles.

Frantically, he unbuttons his pants and pulls out his erection, then grabs my thong and rips it off with one tug. I yelp at the pinch, but before I can contest the fact he just trashed my favorite one, he lifts me and shoves into me. A guttural sound thunders from his throat as he fills me completely.

I’m rocked with a sudden fullness. A sharp pain causes me to push up, but he steadies my hips and bucks underneath me. I grip the back of the seat for leverage and begin sliding up and down, riding him.

“So fucking good,” he grinds out resting his head back.

I press down to meet his upward thrust raising my face to the roof of the car, bouncing and falling onto his lap.

“Look at me, Paige,” he bites.

I roll my head forward and am met with a wicked set of dark eyes. His teeth are gritted, and his breaths are harsh and jagged as I continue to bury him deep inside of me. He grabs my breast through the material of the dress kneading hard, and focusing on my nipple. My body is starting to surrender to my orgasm, my legs beginning to stiffen, my insides tightening up. He grabs my hips again, and drives upward, pushing himself as far as my body will allow.

“Levi,” I whisper in a weak attempt to warn him but it’s too late, I’m there. A victorious grin creeps across his lips and his thrusts become powerful and frenzied bringing me over the edge.

“Oh!” I cry out as the wave of ecstasy rolls through my body and I shatter.

His hold tightens and he slams into me, bucking wildly under me as I mewl his name breathing inaudible words from the intensity of my orgasm. He thrums as he spills inside of me, burrowing deeper, plunging us into perfect bliss.

Passion scurries across my skin and throughout my body, and I fall against his shoulder panting. I can feel his heart pounding, his chest rising and falling as he catches his breath.

He tucks a finger under my chin and pulls my face to his. “I don’t ever want to see you talking to him again.”

Surprised, I wrench back, intimacy instantly being replaced with exasperation. “Excuse me?” I push off him bounding to the seat pulling my dress back down.

“You heard me,” he candidly says, tucking himself back into his pants.


The limo comes to a stop at the hotel and I’m out the door stomping toward the revolving entrance with my heels in my hand. A firm hand snatches my arm and twirls me around.

“I mean it, Paige. I don’t ever want to see you speaking to him,” he says too sternly for my liking.

If it was possible, steam would roll from my ears right now.

I jam my finger into his chest. “Screw that! I do as I please.”

“The fuck you will,” he snaps.

I yank out of his grip and stand up straighter. “What happened to the placid man I fell in love with? If you can’t trust me, then we need to part ways right now. I will not ever and I mean ever be treated like a possession.”

“You’re my possession,” he roars, his face turning red from his anger.

“The hell I am! I’m your girlfriend, nothing more, nothing less. It gives you no right to tell me what I can and cannot do. Where the fuck did these insecurities come from? I don’t tell you who you can or cannot talk to and you’re the one surrounded by beautiful women. Why, Levi? Because I put my fucking trust in you!” I scream.

He rights himself and clenches his jaw.

“What was that?” I point to the limo behind him. “Some gratification? Were you marking your fucking territory? Well, let me tell you something,” I shove my finger into his chest again. “I refuse to be just something you claim, something you think you have ownership of. I’m on your side. Maybe your ego fogged up your memory, but until you get that shit in your head, I do not want to see you again!” I boom turning on my heel and pushing through the door into the lobby.

The moment my shaky finger hits the elevator button, its doors open and I step in thankful I didn’t have to wait. I’m relieved I said what I said, but fearful that he’ll come and it only get worse. I slam my palm against the floor number then finally look up just before the doors slide shut. He looks irate but vanquished with his hands at his side just watching me leave.

I stomp down the hall and enter our room, quickly stripping from the dress and changing to more comfortable clothes. I wash my face and brush my teeth, then slide into the bed, reeling from the immature stunt he just pulled. I feel used and manipulated. Hot tears sting my eyes. I’ll be damned if I’m going to cry over this. I squeeze my eyes shut listening to the pounding tempo in my chest. I take deep breaths slowing my pulse, wiggling my toes to focus on anything but what’s replaying in my mind. I’m beyond mad. I feel like screaming. I feel…empty.

Chapter 37


Son of a bitch! Paige is livid, madder than hell at me, but fuck it. The man between me and my championship was hitting on her and she was eating it up like a chocolate freaking cake. Laughing and giggling…I watched her mouth drop when he introduced himself. I watched her playfully say whatever the hell she was saying. Something inside snapped and a roaring possessiveness splintered out of me.

Knowing my boundaries, I knew better than follow her up to the room, well aware our tempers would clash, so I just let her go. Instead, I’m headed to Adam’s room.

The moment he opens the door, I push past him, still fuming and head straight to the freezer. He’s bound to have something to drink in here, and look at this…Tequila. I pull the top and tip it up feeling the cold burn slide down my throat.

“Whoa, dude! What the fuck is wrong with you?” he says ripping the bottle out of my hands.

“Ryker…” I glare then head to the couch dropping down on the piece of shit. His room is so damn small. I’ll get claustrophobic before too long in here.

“And? You deal with shitheads all the time. What’s so different about now?”

“The motherfucker was hitting on Paige.”

“Good!” Adam says and I scrunch my eyes at him. “Two things. First, you have something he likes so pat your damn self on the back. And second, he’s pissed you off. Ha! The shitter has been loaded.”

I don’t respond letting his words penetrate my mind. I hate fighting when I’m mad at someone. Emotions get in the way, jumbling the best of my training. Harvey has drilled it in my head to never let your emotions get the best of you and keep your cool.

I’m still pep talking myself when Adam interrupts the thoughts. “Where is Paperweight?”

“Enraged,” I say impassively.

“Dude…” he pauses watching me grab the bottle and tip it back again.

“Apparently I fucked up,” I hiss letting the cold heat take its path.

“Well then,” he shrugs. “Bros night it is.” He grabs the bottle and smirks before taking a swig.


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