Blindsided (The Fighter Series Book 1) (25 page)

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Authors: TC Matson

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Blindsided (The Fighter Series Book 1)
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Levi: Have I told you I hate playing dress up?

I beam reading his text, breathless from digging through my bottomless pit. Yes, breathless. I did say I was going insane trying to find it, right?

Me: You’ve mentioned it a time or two. I bet you’re mouthwatering.

Levi: I always am. You having a good day?

Conceited ass.

Me: Played dungeon queen with Holly shopping in the dark in search of blood.

Levi: You know I only want to be with you?

My face falls.

Me: I don’t like where this is going.

Levi: There’s going to be photographers meaning Allison will be in my pictures.

I puff out air. I freaking hate it.

Me: I don’t like it, but it’s the package I signed on for.

Levi: I don’t like when you say that. This will be the last event I do with her. I’ll make it right when I get back. Talk to you when the date from hell is over.


I stare at the phone scared to reply. It hurts knowing he has to be with her, someone he’s had a relationship with. Regardless if it’s “work” or not, I’m bitter about it. I can’t help how I feel. I can only control how I handle it, and right now, slamming my things back into my purse feels like the best thing to do.



Dinner with Blain was exactly what I needed. We’ve been done for ten minutes or more, but we’ve remained here at the table for longer catching up with one another. Of course we haven’t missed much since we live with each other, but I didn’t know he’s been trying to show Lacy that he’s a good guy. Unfortunately for him, his past haunts him and she’s refusing to give him a chance. I can’t say I blame her. He has a record with the ladies around here.

I’m trying to keep my food down as he tells me how he performed a surgery with Dr. Aisner when something behind me catches his attention causing him to lose his train of thought. I turn, following his gaze and gasp.

Posing for the cameras is Levi in a black suit, a royal blue shirt that’s unbuttoned a few from the top, and his sneakers. His suit strains against his muscles showing off how large his arms are, how stocky his chest is. He’s sporting his normal faux hawk…he’s absolutely stunning. Unfortunately, on his arm ruining the sight is Allison, dressed to match him. Her brown hair has loose waves sculpting her ten pounds of makeup. The royal blue dress pushes her boobs together showing off her cleavage with a slit that exposes her hip and all of her right leg. They both look amazing smiling for the photographers.

“Paige, it’s just for show,” Blain reminds me, but his words don’t help the torture of jealousy that’s racing through me.

And although Levi’s hands are in his pockets, Allison has her hands all over him, running them down his chest, leaning her head on his arm. I feel like my heart is being mauled, shredded into threads. My insecurities are flaring, spewing over like a volcano, shooting the pain out and over my skin.

Every few steps, they stop and pose giving her more opportunity to grope him. They pause one last time in front of his fighter poster and I watch in horror as she cups his face and kisses him. He doesn’t jerk away or try stopping her. He stands there and kisses her back.

My world crashes around me. Indescribably awful pain engulfs me. My soul writhes. Silence plugs my ears but has left me listening to the very thing that just shattered. Tears sting my eyes and I jerk from my seat having seen enough.

“What a show, huh?” My voice shakes as I try to hide the hurt, but it’s too late. I hurry toward my room locking the door behind me and dropping on my bed.

“Paige?” Blain says through the door.

“I’ll be ok. Just leave me alone, please.”

It doesn’t take long for my devastated tears to spiral into anger. Lying here isn’t doing anything but pissing me off more, so I hop up and begin pacing the floor. I should’ve known better. I should’ve known that he couldn’t do it. He is who he is, why would he change? I’m riddled with questions, shaking in rage. I’m so pissed. Pissed at myself for letting myself fall for it. Pissed at him for pushing me face first into his little web of games. This isn’t what I deserve.

I grab my phone and dial the only person I know who can make it better. I haven’t talked to him in days, which isn’t highly unusual, but right now I need him.

The phone rings several times then I melt into his voice.


“Hey, Daddy.” I try hard to not let my voice wobble, but I know I just failed.

“Baby girl, what’s wrong?”

I squeeze my eyes closed willing myself to be strong. “Nothing. I just haven’t talked to you in a while,” I lie.

Dad laughs. “Did my tattoo on my forehead reappear from when you were little? I swear I scrubbed it off.”

When I was little and did something wrong, and tried hiding it, he’d always ask me if he had “stupid” tattooed on his forehead. I’d laugh back then and nothing has changed. I let out a small giggle. “No daddy, I don’t think you’re stupid. Do you care if I come home for a few days?”

“What kind of crazy question is that? Of course you can.”

“I’ll be there tomorrow morning if that’s ok?”

“You know you can talk to me about anything right?” he asks.

“I’ll be fine, Daddy,” I tell him.

“Stubborn and strong just like your mother,” he chuckles. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

We hang up and I wipe the damp streams my hot tears left behind, and then start packing my bag. Heartbreak…I remember now why I’ve kept myself guarded.



I wake up to my alarm buzzing, still sprawled out on top of my covers just the way I dropped down onto them and cried myself to sleep. I did my fair share last night, but now…now I’m done crying. I refuse to waste any more tears on him. But I do plan on running from the hurt for just a little bit. Isn’t it pathetic?

I pull myself from the bed and head to the shower only to be stopped by the purple light on my phone indicating I have a text.


Levi: I’m home. You up?

Levi: Call me when you wake up no matter what time it is.

Levi: I’m secretly wishing my texts wake you.

Levi: Last text, I promise. Hope you sleep good.


Fuck him. I shake my head tossing the phone on my bed and finishing my one-stop shower trip. Hot water stings my skin as I step in, the steam awakening my restless mind, and I waste no time hurrying to get out. I’m ready to hit the road.

Hair and body washed, Levi quietly cussed, dried off and dressed in comfy clothes….and I still feel like shit. I’m excited to see Dad. I haven’t seen him in a few months, so catching up will not only feel great, it will also clear my head. Dad’s always had a knack for unknotting my thoughts and straightening me back out. He’s helped me come through bigger wars than this, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to break over someone again.


Me: I’m not sure you can make things right when you get back.


I’m just about out the door when Blain jumps off the couch digging his palms in his eyes. “What are you doing?”

I thought I was quiet enough. I thought wrong. I pull my shoulders back and clear my throat. “I’m going to Dad’s for a few days.”

His face wrinkles up. “You’re running from it, Paige.”

“Yes, I know.”

I’m not scared to admit it.

He stands conflicted with worry then wraps his arms around my shoulders. “Be careful. You’ll figure it out but don’t do it without talking to him first.”

I step back annoyed. Of course he’d have Levi’s back. “I know what I saw. I’m sure you can find it on the Internet by now. Not too much he can explain. What will be his excuse? That he did it for charity, or it was just for show? I wouldn’t do it to him and I demand the same respect back, Blain.”

He pulls his hands up like he’s surrendering. “Calm down. I know he’s in the wrong, but he still has the right to explain.”

I rock back on my heel shoving my hand on my hip. Now I’m getting pissed. “Is this an instance of bros before hoes?”

He rolls his eyes. “Paige, you’re my sister. Get a fucking grip, would ya?”

I shake my head. “Sorry, I’m just…” I trail off opening the door and pulling my duffle bag strap over my shoulder. “I’ll be back in a few days.”



This town hasn’t changed a bit in six years since Blain and I moved. Blain’s house beside ours still has the big oak tree in the front yard, the same one he and I used to climb when we were younger. Daddy’s house is still yellow with the stump remnant of an Oak tree that he got mad at and decided to cut the whole thing down. Every time I’ve visited him, I’ve tried telling him to plant another tree but whatever that oak tree did to him scarred him for life. He refuses to even think of another tree.

I walk up the stepping stones, the morning air crisp, the white stones crunching beneath my flip flops. I tap lightly, scared he might still be sleeping since the sun only rose about an hour ago. There’s a rustle behind the door then it flings open. Daddy’s green eyes light up with a matching smile.

“Sweet girl,” he exhales squeezing the breath out of me. He pulls back and swipes some hair that fell in my face and kisses my forehead.

“Hey, Daddy,” I say.

“Come inside,” he says grabbing my bag and lugging it in.

The smell of the house brings back memories of when I lived here when I was younger and when Mom was here. Regardless of the time of year, this house has always smelled fresh and clean like after a slow and steady rain shower. I’ve always loved it. Blain and I used to run through the house driving everyone insane from us laughing and cutting up just like any eight year old would do. Pictures of Mom, the family, and me line the walls in the frames they’ve been in for more than fifteen years. Dad hasn’t changed a thing.

“Coffee?” he asks and I can’t help but look at him like he’s stupid. “I guess that was ignorant, huh?” He chuckles pouring the dark liquid into a burgundy mug.

I inhale the aroma before taking a sip and allowing it to rush contentment throughout me.

Daddy drops to his chair, leans his elbows on the table and flashes a lopsided smile. “So…who is he?”


“Still playing that game?” he interrupts me.

There’s no use. Father’s intuition… “His name is Levi. It’s nothing, Daddy. I just saw something I didn’t want to see, that’s all.”

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