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Authors: Norma Jeanne Karlsson

Blackness Within (49 page)

BOOK: Blackness Within
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I’m dying laughing now right along with Sully.

“We kept it to the bedroom, man. You’re good,” Sully responds for me with a bright chuff.

“I’m not good. I’m grossed the fuck out. You said you were gonna talk to her. Is this how you talk? If so, we need to set some boundaries in our friendship, dude.”

Before Sully can respond through his continuing chuckles, Blake continues.

“And you. Brent fuckin’ McAllister! Once you take a long shower and I disinfect this place, we need to talk.”

“Nothing to talk about, Blake. He apologized. It was sweet and I understand why he didn’t fight for me that night. He had a full-ride scholarship. If he got in a fight, got in trouble…it would’ve jeopardized his future. I wasn’t worth the risk,” I explain before scooting away from Sully’s grasp so I can sit up and face my brother fully.

“That’s a sweet apology? Are you nuts? He said you weren’t worth the risk?” Blake asks incensed.

“It was our first date and we were young, Blake. It was his whole future. Why would he risk everything for me? Sully couldn’t do it when you were strung out, I had a stolen baby and the Vojtech Bratva was searching for me. You forgave Sully and let him ambush me last night. Why doesn’t a teenage boy get that same courtesy?”

Sully sits up next to me, but makes no move to come closer to me. I’m solely focused on my brother and his raging eyes.

“Because this motherfucker’s been fightin’ for you for months. He knew he fucked up and has been killin’ himself to make that shit right. He took care of me. He took care of Zeus. He got Butch to put his life at risk to find a way to save you. He beat his fists bloody to get you out of a burning building at my side. He deserves you and has done everything to make sure he’s earned the right to stand here last night and
me to give him the chance to make shit right with you. I didn’t give him a free fuckin’ pass. I gave him you because I trust him to take care of you like only I can. Brent McAllister doesn’t deserve to breathe the same air as you because he hasn’t earned that joy in life. O’Sullivan has,” Blake finishes and I feel tears pricking the backs of my eyes.

I want to hug my brother with force, but I’m naked and I don’t think he’d appreciate that.

“Come here,” I croak.


“If you don’t come to me, I’m comin’ over there butt ass naked,” I warn.

Blake tiptoes through room trying to avoid imaginary sex pools on the floor before he settles on the very edge of the bed after checking it for contamination.

I launch into his arms, keeping the duvet around my chest.

“I love you so much, Blake. I’m glad I have my brother back. The brother I spent my life looking up to. The brother that protected me even if it put his safety at risk. The brother that loved me when no one else did. Thank you for coming back to me.”

“Never leave you again, Tosh. I was a selfish fuck. I’ll never be that again. Love you,” he mumbles into my hair as his arms crush the breath from me. “You smell really bad. I can’t keep huggin’ you when you smell like sex.”

I snicker and let him set me back. His eyes sweep around my face and then lock on my neck.

“You gave my sister a fuckin’ hickey? Really?” Blake asks in horror.

I reach my hand up to the spot Blake’s staring at and feel a blush dot my cheeks. A hickey? We really were crazy last night.

“It was a good talk,” Sully responds cockily.

“I’m gonna go get some Febreze. Please don’t be naked or humping when I get back.”

“No promises,” Sully mutters as he pulls me back to him.

Blake’s eyes flare in fear as he stands and practically runs from the room. He stops in the doorway and turns back to us with a serious face.

“I’ve never seen my sister happy like she is right now. Thank you for givin’ her that,” he whispers to Sully.

“Thank you for trusting me with her,” Sully replies with genuine gratitude in his voice.

Blake nods at Sully and then beams a healthy smile at me. My beautiful lion, proud and strong. Then he leaves the room, pulling my door shut with a soft click.

“That’s not how I pictured waking up,” Sully says as his mouth feasts on my neck.

“You were hoping for eye boogers and drool?” I tease.

Next thing I know, I’m on my back and Sully’s settling his hips between my legs.

“Two of my biggest turn-ons in life,” he snarks and then captures my mouth in a searing kiss that makes my toes curl.

My face and lips are sore from last night, but I move past the pain to enjoy the pleasure. When his large rough hand palms my boob, I moan into his mouth as his tongue caresses mine.

I reach between us a grab his massive dick, stroking him from root to tip. His hips thrust into my hand a few times before he tears his mouth from mine and devours my neck. I urge him toward my entrance, needing to feel him inside me again.

He obliges this time. Last night was about healing, this is about hot morning sex. Slowly, he pushes forward and my hand drops away to latch onto his tattooed shoulders. His muscles tense with every thrust of his hips beneath my fingers. I hiss sharply as his teeth tug my nipple just as the hot burn of my orgasm begins at my toes, dancing up my body until my core bursts and I scream out Sully’s name.

He doesn’t let me come back down, my body still tremoring, as he powers forward holding my ass with one hand, the other tweaking my nipple. His hot mouth licks and suckles my neck up to my lips where he molds his to mine.

I plunge my hands into his hair and hang on for dear life as the man I love consumes me. His tongue plunders and his length drives into me, hard and fast. I pull his bottom lip between my teeth and groan as I do. His hand has left my nipple and is now expertly stimulating my clit. I arch into his touch aching for more of the muscular man above me.

He gives me more.

He gives me everything.

My second orgasm steals my breath and leaves me blacking out in ecstasy. A growl roars from his mouth into mine as he forces himself deeper and then empties himself inside me.

Panting and heaving, Sully rests his forehead to mine and then places a chaste kiss on the tip of my nose.

“Good morning,” he breathes out contentedly.

“I think it’s good afternoon. But whatever it is, it’s certainly good.”

“I’m back!” my brother screams before exclaiming, “You two better knock it off. I know what you’re doin’!”

I giggle as Sully chuckles.

He’s still inside me watching me with soft chocolate eyes.

“I’ve known this exists in the world. I see it with Kid and Kellerman. Then Kieran found Quinn. I’ve watched Kat and Cooper. But I’ve never had this kinda good, Grey. Never this sense of peace. I know I fucked up in January. What you said to Blake earlier…” he trails off.

“Sully I was just makin’ a point to my brother. I’m not holding that moment against you. You hurt me that day. But you’ve spent months makin’ that hurt go away. You’ve been kind and gentle with me while I’ve been difficult and pushing you away. You never forced the issue until last night. And it was time. I sat at that dinner with Brent and thought about you all evening. I’ve been fighting myself as much as you. It was a pointless battle because I want you.”

“I’m not a fan of the idea that you were on a date, but I’m happy to know I was the one on your mind and not that douche. Enough talkin’ about other men while my dick’s still in you,” he grunts.

“You think you might wanna let me up then?”

“Nope,” he pops his
and settles further into me.

“I’m dripping,” I whisper, wanting to get a shower.

“Grey, I don’t want you washin’ my come off you. I like it there. I like my dick in you. I like feeling your soft skin against mine. Lay here with me.”

I no longer feel the need to take a shower.

“’Kay,” I say through a sigh, closing my eyes.

Sully shifts a little so he isn’t smashing me and then lays his head in the crook of my neck, his warm breath tickling my skin.

I continue to run my hands over his back as his breathing evens out. I continue to explore his back, counting his ribs as I move across them. I lightly trace the skin where he proudly displays his name. As he begins to snore, I shift a little and run my fingers across his square jaw up to his ebony hair, smoothing it back. He’s breathtaking when he’s awake, but there’s a softness as he sleeps that makes my stomach coil.

The fighter is gone while he sleeps and all that remains is this gentle man that loves me. I take in the sight for as long as I can before pressing my lips to his dark stubble-covered cheek and sliding away from him.

When his dick slips from inside me, I want it back. That’s a sick thought, but I’ll own it. I want him inside me, filling me with his passion and love. I’m tempted to climb back next to him, but my bladder has other ideas.

I wrap myself in a robe, grab some clothes to put on and hurry across the hall to relieve myself and shower.

Once I’m done, I slip into Blake’s old KU T-shirt that hits just above my knees along with some terry cloth shorts that hug my ass, not that you can see them. I pile my hair on top of my head and move to find my brother.


When I enter the living room-dining room-kitchen area, it smells like bleach and freesia. I find Blake stretched out on the couch, flipping through the channels.

“No work today?” I ask before flopping down next to him.

“New project starts tomorrow.”

He sits up and pulls me under his arm. I cuddle into his side, laying my head on his broad shoulder. Zeus hops up next to us and crawls into my lap as best he can.

The three of us sit in silence, watching a “Law and Order: SVU” rerun. I feel so good right now, I can’t find the words to express it. So I pull Blake a little tighter and pet Zeus a little more.

“Happy, Toshy?” my brother murmurs into my hair.

“More happy than I’ve ever been. It was worth it, Blake. Goin’ through what I did with Roman. It was all worth it.”

Blake crushes me in his arms and presses a firm kiss to my head before returning to the show.

Sully sleeps while Blake and I spend the afternoon together. I wore my man out. I snicker to myself at the thought. When it’s time for me to get ready for my shift at the hospital, I head back to my room.

I consider letting Sully sleep and decide that’s the nice thing to do. I creep around the room, grabbing my scrubs and work stuff, stealing a few glances at the massive naked man in my bed. The sheets are pushed down to his waist, showing the slightest hint of his butt as he sleeps on his stomach. His broad tattooed shoulders are relaxed as his breaths flow from his swollen lips.

I wish I could climb in bed with him.

I sigh and turn back to my closet. I dig through the limited amount of stuff I’ve acquired while living here with Blake, searching for a mock turtleneck tank. I need to cover the purple love bite on my neck.

“What’re you wearin’?” Sully’s sleepy grumble scares the shit out of me and I jump.

“Stop doin’ that!” I screech while turning to heave my scrubs at him.

They smack him in the face and he tosses them to the end of the bed. His brow is furrowed as he takes in my loungewear. He looks annoyed. Maybe he wants a woman that looks like she just stepped out of the pages of a magazine at all times. If that’s the case, he’ll be highly disappointed with me.

“What are you wearing?” he asks again, enunciating each word.

“Uh, clothes, Sully. You should try it sometime,” I snark.

I move to the end of the bed where he discarded my scrubs and gather them up in my arms. Then I head to my dresser to find the damn tank that can hide my purple neck.

“Who’s T-shirt is that?” Sully clarifies his inquiry.

“Mine,” I huff as I dig through my drawers.

“And who’s was it before it was yours?”

His voice is at my back now, an irritated, clinched-teeth voice.

“Why are you bein’ a dick about my shirt?”

I spin to face him, finally finding the tank.

“You spent the night with me inside you and you’re standin’ in front of me in another man’s shirt. Not the way I wanna see you.”

“It’s Blake’s shirt. I sleep in his old shirts. Always have. When I didn’t have my brother, it made me feel like a piece of him was with me.”

The shitty look on his face fades to be replaced by an apologetic one.

“Sorry,” he says softly.

“Uh huh,” I huff, moving to walk around him.

“Don’t,” he warns. “Don’t walk away from me. I’m sorry. That was a dick move on my part. I’m not used to feelin’ possessive of a woman. It’s gonna take some time for me to do this the right way. That was the wrong way. I’m sorry, Grey.”

He pulls me against his glorious naked body and I lay my cheek on his rippling pectoral. I relish the feeling of being apologized to. I’ve gotten a lot of apologies lately and each one reminds me that I don’t have to work for them like I did with Roman. These people genuinely mean what they say and I deserve to hear their words.

“I need to get ready for my shift,” I mumble into his smooth skin.

“I’ll grab a quick shower and drive you.”

He sets me back from his embrace, gifting me the sight of his growing dick. I quirk an eyebrow at him and he shrugs.

BOOK: Blackness Within
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