BirthControl (20 page)

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Authors: Sydney Addae

Tags: #interracial shifter series, #bwwm hot hot interracial romance romance multicultural romance steamy, #bwwm interracial romance, #la patron series, #wolf shifter series

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There was a discernible pause as though more should be said.

“Anything you want me to look for,” Tyrese asked, settling into the leather chair.

“Watch the breeds. I’m curious what they’re doing there. How well they are integrating into society. Let me know if you see any anomalies.”

Fun job
. “Yes, Sir.”

Silas laughed. “Hey, you wanted to get out of the den for a while. You’re out.” He paused. “I have a meeting scheduled with all the Alphas tomorrow morning after Jayden and Theron arrive. I’m not sure how much to say; this situation has so many shades and shadows. But I want both of you there.”

“Where will it be?” Tyrone asked.

“My office.”

“So mom is going to be with us during the meeting?” Tyrese asked.

“Yes. My pups’ll be here in three months. It’s time Jasmine met a few of my Alphas. I’ll start with Theron, she's already met Jayden. Eventually she will meet them all, they need to know not all human breeders are the same.”

“So why not let them meet her now? Show the good when you tell them about the bad,” Tyrese asked.

“Because I’m not ready to share. Selfish, I know. Once it comes out that I finally have a litter of pups on the way, everything changes. Security, staff, everyone will want more and more information. They’ll want to see and know everything. I can wait for that. At least until this new threat is minimized.”

“Plus there’s the rebels,” Tyrone added.

Silas sighed. “Yes, the rebels who want to kill my pups and the human who birthed them. No... I’m not ready to share her with everyone yet.”

Tyrese whistled. With everything else going on, he’d forgotten about the rebels. “Any chance the rebels are working with Arianna?”

“I think there’d be more of an outcry over my litter if they were working together. Besides, Arianna’s human, the rebels hate humans,” Silas said.

Tyrese watched Samantha walk down the corridor hand-in-hand with the female she’d been with before. They turned a corner, pulled each other into a tight embrace, and kissed like they’d been apart for months. He was surprised at the level of aggression from the other woman. Samantha was pliable like jelly in the woman’s arms. Eventually she went to her knees, laid her head on the woman’s stomach, and wrapped her arms around the other female.

“Samantha’s no longer in custody.”

“Where’d she go?” Silas asked after a few silent moments.

“On her knees.”

“Knees?” Tyrone jumped into the conversation.

“Yes. She’s kneeling in front of her girlfriend.”

“Nice. Wish I could see that,” Tyrone said wistfully.

“Who’s the girlfriend?” Silas asked with suspicion.

“I don’t know. I’ll send a picture to your email.” Tyrese snapped several pictures through the security camera, and typed in the address. “They're on the move again.”

Moments later, Silas whistled. “I take that back,” he said, all traces of levity removed from his voice. “That’s Carin. Her litter mate, Geoff, is one of the top rebel leaders. I don’t believe it’s a coincidence that she’s with Samantha, or this close to my home. What I don’t understand is why she hasn’t attacked the human female or half-breeds.”

“Would her pack be nearby? Maybe they’re planning an ambush or something. Do we need to alert Theron or Jayden’s pack that rebels are in the area?” Tyrese asked, scanning all the security monitors for anything suspicious.

“Better question,” Tyrone said. “How’d so many rebels enter the state? Has Alpha McAllister said anything to you?”

“No, the Alpha of West Virginia hasn’t contacted me. I
speak with him later today and he’d better have an answer to that question,” Silas said.

“Incoming,” Tyrese said, leaning forward to get a better look at the monitor.

“How many?” Silas asked.

“Four on bikes coming in from the parking lot. I’d bet mama’s peach cobbler they’re rebels.”

“Where’s Samantha?” Silas asked.

Tyrese looked over the bank of monitors, shifting views. He caught a glimpse of the nurse who’d walked him to this room being yanked behind a wall. “I think your nurse has been taken for questions.”

“Okay. She has instructions to cooperate. You have a few minutes before they enter that room. Go to the wall with the window,” Silas instructed, his voice calm and sure.

Tyrese stood and walked to the wall. “I’m here.”

“Place your palm on the wall. It’ll feel warm after a moment, then—”

“It opened.” Tyrese stuck his head into the small hidden room behind the wall.

“There’s a box of wipes and a can of spray on the shelf. Wipe the chair, table and monitors, then spray the room. Don’t throw away the wipes, keep them with you.”

Tyrese worked quickly. “Done.”

“Good, now go into the hidden room. I’ll lock it down while I move the monitors.”

Tyrese stepped into the room. The door slid smoothly into place. “I can see out. I’m assuming no one can see in.” He marveled at how different the room looked now. The monitors had disappeared. The desk looked old, unused. Even the chair appeared beat up.

“Right. Go human-deep. I can hear everything in that room. I’m bringing up the live feed so I can see as well,” Silas said as the room darkened.

A few minutes later the handle moved slowly, and the door cracked open. Someone stuck their head into the room and then opened the door wide. “Empty.” He turned back. “Are you sure this is the room the security cam shows him entering?”

“Yeah. You saw it too.” Four men entered the room, sniffing. A moment later Samantha and her companion entered, dragging the nurse.

“Where is he?” Samantha growled at the terrified nurse.

“I…I don’t know. I was told to bring him here.” She looked around. “I’ve never even been in here before.”

“Who told you to bring him here?”

“I got a call from some doctor. He said when the young man in room 1544 left, to bring him here. That’s what I did.” She tried stepping back, but Samantha held her tight.

“Thank you. What did you say your name was?” one of the men asked.

“J…Jody.” She swallowed hard. Samantha released her.

“Thank you, Jody. We appreciate your help. We’re just upset our friend left, he’s not well and we don’t want him to hurt anyone else.”

Jody’s eyes widened. “Oh my God. Do I need to get security to help look for him?”

“We may need to do that if we can’t think of another way to find him. Any ideas?”

“All I know is the security cameras are all over the hospital, it may take some time, but you can search them and see where he’s hiding.”

“Hiding? What makes you think he’s hiding?”

“A person…a man who intends to hurt people doesn’t advertise his intent. He hides it until…” She swallowed. “That’s what they taught us…that’s why I said…”

“Good thinking. Much appreciated. You need to get back to your station before someone comes looking for you.” He nodded his dismissal. “
That’s Geoff,”
Silas said through their link.

“I think she’s lying,” one of the men said, leaning against a wall.

“I don’t smell anything. No one’s been in this room,” Samantha said, moving to the desk and sitting on the corner.

Geoff inhaled deeply again, frowning. “I think…” Geoff spun to face Samantha. “You have led us into a trap. Did your lover tell you to set this up?” He moved to stand within inches of her.

Eyes wide and frowning, Samantha stood. “What? What the hell are you talking about?”

He stared her down for a moment and then laughed. “You are such an idiot. He used you. Used you to lure us here. I’m not sure how he knew we were working together.” His eyes landed on Carin. “You. La Patron recognized you and put together this plan.” He looked around the room and spoke. “Well done, Sir.”

“What are you talking about?” Samantha asked, pulling his arm.

“Try to open that door,” He said without taking his eyes off her. Someone tried and it wouldn’t budge.

“What the…” one of the other guys said.

Tyrese watched as each person tried to open the door. The stench of their panic, and then fear, punched him in the gut. Geoff slowly sat in the chair, searching the room.

“What does this mean?” Samantha asked in a horrified whisper.

“It means, former whore of La Patron, that he knows we’re here and what we’re here to do. Somehow he got wind of our plans to eliminate…chances are someone’s on their way to send us to meet the Goddess.”

Eyes wide, hair flying, she spun around. “What do we do?” she asked, looking around the room. She pulled out her phone and dialed. “Damn you, Silas, answer the damn phone.”

The call went unanswered.

She dialed again and again and again. Tears formed in her eyes and she covered her mouth with her hand. Shaking her head, she backed up. “No…no.” She looked at Carin and slapped her hard. “Fix this, damn you. Fix it.” She threw up a trembling finger. “I’m not facing Patron over this. You told me those women had powers. You said they could control men.”

“What?” Geoff asked.

Carin snatched her so hard, their chests slapped together. “Shut up” she snarled, baring her incisors.

Growls rumbled throughout the room. Goosebumps broke out on Tyrese as the energy in the room changed.

Howls erupted as each person transformed into their wolves and charged one another. Teeth bared, Geoff attacked Samantha.

Carin jumped on Geoff and attacked.

The other wolves leapt forward, fighting the two bitches. Blood and fur flew as Carin and Samantha fought for their lives. The fighting grew intense. Blood splattered Samantha’s fur. Her movements slowed as two male wolves backed her into a corner. Carin didn’t fare much better.

Tyrese wondered if Silas controlled the fight just as he’d controlled their change. Bleeding from her wounds, Samantha bared her teeth at Geoff. He lunged.

The next instant, the wolves returned to their human form.

Blood glistening on their teeth, chests heaving from the pain, each one lay on the floor with their flesh torn in several places. Tyrese waited for them to change again to speed up their healing. “
They won’t be able to change again,”
Silas said.

Forced to feel every blow inflicted by their comrades, the group moaned and wallowed in their hurt and misery. For this moment in time, they were as human as the ones they'd tracked and killed. It was a fitting punishment.

“Quiet.” Geoff struggled to his knees and sniffed the air. Shaking his head, he chuckled. “I was a fool to get involved with this mad scheme of yours.” He looked at his sister. “We should’ve destroyed the human female and breeds while we had a chance, instead of going after La Patron’s breeder.” He spit out blood. “Bitches,” he said in disgust as a fine mist filled the room.

“Geoff?” Carin’s voice trembled.

“Not now. Maybe I’ll see you later. Or not.” His voice slurred. Within moments every person in the room lay unmoving on the floor. “
What will you do with them?”
Tyrese asked. “
They know about mom”,
he said, in case Silas had missed that important news.

I’ve sent some men to collect them. They’ve been judged and will die for their crimes against me. Stay where you are and stay human-deep. No one knows the secrets of this room and I want to keep it that way.”

Five minutes later, four men in haz-mat suits entered the room with large black bags. They shot something into the chest of each person lying on the floor, and then placed them in a bag. Within fifteen minutes the clean-up crew had left the room.

Hold tight while I clear the air in there. Then re-check the monitors, make sure everyone’s left. Instead of driving your bike back to the compound, I’ll release the hidden exit in the back of this room, it leads downstairs. Take the black SUV on the right. There are two of them, take the first one.”

Stunned by the high degree of organization, Tyrese nodded. “
Yes, Sir.”
His admiration for Silas’ abilities skyrocketed.

A panel on the desk opened and the monitors rose from a hidden pocket. Seconds later, the door slid open and he walked into the room. Amazed at all that had happened in such a short space of time, he shook it off and watched the screens. Everything looked okay. Jody was at her desk, talking to the nurse who’d taken him from the waiting room. On his way to the hidden exit, he glanced out the window overlooking the loading bay. The men took off their suits and got into the vans. Moments later, they pulled out.


Chapter Fourteen

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