BirthControl (17 page)

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Authors: Sydney Addae

Tags: #interracial shifter series, #bwwm hot hot interracial romance romance multicultural romance steamy, #bwwm interracial romance, #la patron series, #wolf shifter series

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Silas sat in the room watching over his two Alphas. They had taken repeated blows to the head. Their spinal cords sustained damaged from the hanging. The doctors had done all they could to repair the damage. It was a miracle of the Goddess they still breathed. Silas had shared blood with them to assist in their healing. Both had pack members en route to stay with them.

Arianna’s face and name was placed on the equal of an FBI most wanted list. At some point she’d have to recharge and either submit to a wolf, or one of the wolves she’d held in thrall would kill her. Not that it mattered to Silas. He closed his eyes in memory of the bloody scene he’d instigated to free his Alphas. There were too many lost lives behind her jockeying for power.

“How is he, Sir?” Silas recognized the pain in Callum’s voice and wished Jasmine was here for the young man as she’d been when he first turned.

“He’s resting. The doctor’s waiting a day to make sure the surgery went well, and then he’ll be allowed to shift to speed the healing. We’re…optimistic your Alpha will have a full recovery.” He waved Callum closer. “Touch him.”

With hesitant steps, Callum made his way to Jayden’s side, extending his shaking hand to his father’s arm. When he made contact with his Alpha’s flesh, the young man sobbed silently as his grip tightened.

Silas’ heart ached. He’d failed his men. They were his sons, an important part of him. Moments later, the room filled with men from both packs. The heat and energy soothed Silas as nothing else. Together they touched and offered comfort to their leaders. Surprisingly, the pack surrounded him as well, offering healing touches, strengthening him in the midst of his sorrow.

Jayden’s eyes opened and found his. Cautioning the healing Alpha not to speak, Silas greeted him through their link.
How do you feel?
Silas asked.

Not as bad as before, but I’m not ready to run.”
Jayden closed his eyes and Silas thought he’d drifted back asleep. “
I heard you, Sir,”
Jayden whispered.

Silas asked, trying to make sense of the comment.

When we were taken, beaten, and then hung. I heard you in the back of mind, calling me. Demanding I survive…”
He stopped.

Silas inhaled deeply to retain his composure.

It… it saved me. Just knowing you were there. I felt your pain when I couldn’t feel my own. Your anger when I was numb.”

Silas closed his eyes. He’d been late, got to them after. “

La Patron, I feel your sorrow, but you need to know you saved my life and my sanity today. You fed me hope. When your anger exploded over the wolves in the compound, the heat from it warmed me because I knew I didn’t have to wait much longer. You have no idea what that means when you think you’re dying. You saved my life, La Patron
,” Jayden said insistently through their link.

Silas pinched the bridge of his nose as he released a pent up breath. “
his never should have happened. If I had been there, this could’ve been avoided.”

No, Sir
.” A strong voice flowed through his link.

Silas’ eyes snapped open and met Theron’s. Heart racing, Silas blessed the Goddess that both his Alphas had survived.

Jayden is right, Sir. You saved us and I shall never forget that. My job is to serve you. You called, I answered. And had today ended differently, it’s still an honor to have answered your call.”
Theron stared at him.

Touched, Silas nodded and relaxed in the chair. It was late. He’d go to the compound tomorrow. Right now, he needed the warmth and familiarity emanating in this makeshift den.

“It was different,” Jayden said after a few moments of silence. His scratchy voice sounded as though he were in pain.

Talk to me here.
Silas instructed they speak mind to mind.

Jayden nodded and closed his eyes. “
The pull she had…it wasn’t the same.”

Silas glanced at Theron, not wanting to mention what happened with Jasmine at Jayden’s compound. She’d gone into heat and Silas'd had sex with her to keep the other wolves away, at least that’s what he told her at the time. In truth, his wolf went berserk over Jasmine’s mating scent, and he had to claim her or go mad.

It was tainted, smelled rotten,”
Theron said joining the conversation. “
Nothing like our bitches.”

Silas relaxed now that Jasmine wasn’t in the equation.
Tainted? Rotten?
Those were strange words for attraction.

Remember the human whore…”
Theron said through their link, wincing as he tried to sit up slightly. Immediately, members of his pack were there to assist him. “Thank you,” he told his pack after he settled. Then he looked at Silas and resumed their mental conversation. “
The whore who called the other human females?”

Silas nodded, wondering what other critical clues had he discarded from that interview.
She sent out a mating call when you walked in the room.

Silas remembered. She had spoken seductively to him, but his wolf wasn’t interested and he'd dismissed it.
been something off with her scent. Something not quite right. He should’ve questioned her ability to use her scent on demand right then, but he’d assumed she was mentally unstable. The Goddess said he’d need his ears to ferret out the truth and he’d failed.

Shutting down the counterproductive thoughts, he refocused on the conversation. “
I remember. She said there were more of them.”
His brow creased as he thought back to that time in Theron’s holding cell.

Plus, her words had a bitter taste like the bitch today. But the bitch at your compound was a hundred times more potent, and stank like a cesspool. The men were miserable, I read it on their faces, but they couldn’t break whatever hold she had on them. My men begged for death even as they kicked me over and over,”
Theron said with disgust.

Same here.”
Jayden looked at Silas, his eyes conveying he understood Silas’ concern. “
Like I said, this was different. I’ve never smelled or sensed anything like this before.”

A wave of relief rolled through Silas at the knowledge he wouldn’t need to kill the mother of his pups. Jasmine was different; she only cared about her family, not his nation. If she was different, that meant not all of the human breeders were their enemies. Weeding through the lot was going to be a difficult, if not impossible job.


Nervous over Tyrone and Silas’ safety, Jasmine barely slept through the night. Worse, she kept Tyrese awake with her questions and pacing. Now he sat slumped in the dining room chair, sipping coffee. The last time she’d asked him if Rone had contacted him, he’d snapped at her. And even though he immediately apologized, she knew her paranoia was getting to him. She desperately wanted to rein it in, but fear was an ass kicker that gave little respite. To make matters worse, her babies were super active, treating her stomach as though it was made of stretchy rubber.

Rubbing her stomach, she glanced at the clock. It was almost nine. No matter what Rese said, she was going to call Rone. He had to be okay. She simply needed to hear him say it.

“Are you finally going to get some sleep?” Tyrese asked as she turned to go in her room.

“Huh?” She stopped as scrambled messages accosted her mind. The screams hit her like hurricane force winds knocking her forward. She grabbed the edge of the chair to remain on her feet.

“Mom,” Tyrese yelled as he grabbed her arms and pulled her back against him. “What?...what happened?” He stood in front of her, his eyes wild as he looked her over. “Are you okay? What’s wrong?”

Unable to speak, she held up a finger and listened. Someone, somewhere was in a lot of pain. The sound came again, but this time she expected it and was able to absorb the sound. “What’s happening?” Eyes closed, she whispered.
Help me.
The softly spoken words were filled with pain.

Jasmine’s eyes flew open.
You heard me?
Confused, she looked at Tyrese, who returned her stare, frowning.
Yes. He’s looking… for me. Help me… please. Help…
The words trailed off.

Jasmine shook her head. “I heard a woman screaming. She says someone’s looking for her. She asked for help.”

Tyrese’ hands dropped from her shoulders as he continued to stare at her. His silence and stare unnerved her.

“I heard her screaming and it hurt. That’s why I almost fell.” She waited for him to ask questions.

He continued to frown and stare.

“Okay. I’m hearing voices and you’ve got nothing to say?” There was a sound at the door. The next moment Silas and Tyrone stepped in. Unsure she was seeing correctly, she rubbed her eyes and looked again. “Silas? Rone?”

“Yes,” Silas said, although he remained near the door while Tyrone walked to her, picked her up and spun her around.

“Mom.” He placed a long kiss on her cheek.

“Rone.” She closed her eyes in his embrace, inhaling his scent. “I’m so glad…glad you’re here.” Her voice caught and he held her tight for another moment. Stepping apart, she touched his face, appreciating his smile. “Thank you for coming home, safe. I appreciate it.”

“I told you I would. Can’t break a promise to my favorite woman.” He placed another kiss on her cheek, and stepped back to embrace Tyrese.

She looked at Silas, who remained near the entry. “Jacque? Cameron?”

“Haven’t found them yet.”

Her hand flew to her mouth. “Are they…?”

“No. I would know if they were.”

“Thanks man, for holding fort,” Tyrone said to his brother. “I was scared those sons of bitches would break through even though Patron said they couldn’t. I couldn’t focus worth shit knowing what was happening here,” Tyrone said..

“Language,” Jasmine said absently. Hand on stomach, she watched Silas walk toward her. Heat flashed from her nipples to her core as his eyes completed a slow sweep over her.

She took a step back from the predatory gleam in his eyes. “Silas?”

“I need to …see you… privately.”

Her nipples pebbled with the knowledge of what he wanted. “Okay.” She looked at her sons who were talking a few feet away. “I’m going to bed now. Maybe I can get some rest now that you two are here safe,” she told Tyrese and Tyrone.

Silas’ lips quirked as his brow rose. “We’ll talk later, Rese. I’m going to help your mother rest.”

Her lack of response to his outrageous comment was a testament of how tired and relieved she was that he and Rone were back. She glanced at her sons, but all she saw were their backs walking in the opposite direction.

Silas backed her up against her bedroom door without taking his eyes off her. “You couldn’t sleep?”

She licked her dry lips. “No.”

His palm rested on the door above her head as he captured her eyes. “Okay, I understand, but that’s not good for you or my pups.”

She narrowed her eyes. He smiled and it did all kinds of tingly things to her lower region. “Babies.”

He pushed the door open and followed her inside. Before she took two steps his arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her back flush against him. The hard length of his cock greeted her lower back. He rubbed the stiff staff up and down, breathing hard at the contact. One hand squeezed her breasts, the other lay on her rounded stomach.

Eyes closed, she leaned against his chest, weakened by her hunger for him. Her fingernails scraped the fabric on his thighs. “Silas,” she whispered brokenly, trying to transmit her need to him.

He spun her around and took her mouth in a brutal kiss. Her hands rested on the globes of his ass. Squeezing, she pulled him closer as his tongue tangled with hers. Growling, his eyes glowed a brilliant green when he pulled back, lifted her, and carried her to the bed. Moments later she lay naked beneath his gaze.

Instinct told her to remain still while he sniffed and touched her body everywhere. When his face reached the juncture between her thighs, he ground his nose into her slit.

“Silas,” she yelled, trying to push him away.

His hands held her immobile as he continued bathing his nose with her juices. She felt him inhale repeatedly and then his tongue followed suit. With long swipes, he licked her from her ass to the top of her pussy.

Moaning, she opened her legs wider.

He placed his hands beneath her thighs and lifted her slightly from the bed, holding her in place while he continued his mind-blowing assault. Trembling with pleasure, her head rolled from side to side.

“Oh…Silas. Yesssss.”

He did something with his tongue and sucked hard. Her mind blanked. Her back arched as intense pleasure rolled through her. Before she regained control of her thoughts, Silas slammed into her.

Her eyes shot open at the burn of the stretch of his cock. Eyes closed, his face was contorted in a grimace. His neck muscles stretched as he thrust repeatedly into her. Shifting slightly, she moaned as he hit her spot.

“Take it,” he said in a guttural voice that told her his wolf was close to the surface. She widened her legs and thrust upward.

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