Read BirthControl Online

Authors: Sydney Addae

Tags: #interracial shifter series, #bwwm hot hot interracial romance romance multicultural romance steamy, #bwwm interracial romance, #la patron series, #wolf shifter series

BirthControl (18 page)

BOOK: BirthControl
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He howled as she tightened her inner walls.
You take it
. His eyes opened and they stared at each other as he increased his speed.

She tightened her walls again. His jaw clenched, but he never took his eyes from her or slowed down.

That tell-tale itch began low in her core. Her breath hitched as it grew. Her lids drooped as her heart raced.

“Look at me.”

She had a hard time making out his garbled words, and gazed up. Huge, sharp, pointy teeth crowded his mouth. His tongue seemed longer than normal and his eyes blazed with a weird green light.

Stiffening, her eyes widened. She reined in a scream as he leaned down and bit her. His body bucked and shook as he found his release inside her. The shock of seeing him so close to turning into a wolf while on top of her left her breathless.

Her thoughts scrambled. What the hell was she doing having sex with an animal? More like a man-animal. His eyes weren’t normal. And his teeth, oh my God.

Breathing hard, he remained sheathed in her. For the first time since they’d been having sex, she wanted him off and away.

“Give me a minute.” His voice was still garbled, but she did understand him better. She closed her eyes tight, not wanting to see him like that ever again, especially not in bed.

The bed moved slightly but he didn’t. “Jasmine?”


He placed his hands on both sides of her chin and squeezed. “Look at me.”

Inhaling, she opened one eye and then another. His eyes were still that disturbing wolfy-green. A few of his teeth were still long and pointy. He waited until she'd looked everywhere without meeting his eyes.


“What?” Her voice a mere whisper.

“This is me. I’m wolf. And I need you. Can you give me what I need?” he asked in that no-nonsense tone she hated. It always seemed to make her actions appear immature.

They stared at each other a moment longer. Heart racing, she swiped her bottom lip with her tongue. His eyes followed the movement and his cock twitched inside her. She gasped softly at the full feeling. Her lids lowered as her womb clenched repeatedly.

“Jasmine?” There was a thread of impatience in his tone.

“Give me a minute,” she snapped. Her vaginal walls throbbed.

He groaned and dropped his forehead to hers. “Yes or no. Will you give me what I need?”

Focused on scratching that damn itch that had returned with a vengeance, she rotated her hips, taking more of him. “Oh…yes. Right there.” Using his hardness she bucked up, making small thrusts against her sweet spot. “Damn…that’s so good.” She moved his ass with her hands in time with her movements.

She slapped his backside to get him to move faster. When he didn’t, she opened her eyes in frustration. “Move. I’m close.”

“I asked you a question.”

“I’m answering you. Give me what I need, damn it,” she growled.

His eyes widened before a large wolfish grin split his face. “Yes, Ma’am. Do you want to lead or can I take it from here?”

Frowning, she slapped his ass again. “Move, dammit. Stop playing.”

He laughed or howled. She wasn’t sure which because at that moment he thrust down into her, stealing her breath.

Stroke for stroke, she matched his thrusts. “I’m…yes. That’s it…”

He growled low in his throat, the deep vibrations sent a shudder through her, all the way to her core. This time when she saw the sharp teeth, and longer tongue she squeezed his ass. “More,” she snarled while tightening her inner walls.

The bed shook with the force of his thrusts.

Pleasure rolled from her toes, up her legs, and spiraled across her back. Stiffening, she tried to scream, but no sound formed as her body shook beneath the force of her orgasm. For a moment, she couldn’t breathe or speak, instead she was thrown into a place she’d only read about. Boneless but feeling so damn good, she floated back to reality and a stinging pain in her neck.

“Ummm…that was soooo good,” she murmured like a sleepy drunk, ignoring the kisses he placed on shoulder. “How do you do that?”

“What? Bite you?”

“No. I get that.” She paused, trying to think past the lethargy dragging her down. “How do you bend like a pretzel to reach my neck? You’re much taller than me.”

“I change into a big wolf, I’m flexible.” He placed another kiss on the spot where the pain had been.

“You’re a fucking amazing big wolf. My pussy thanks the dog in you.” She smiled at her joke.

He moved down and placed kisses all over her stomach. “Sorry if I was rough, but this bitch has the sweetest snatch.” The babes moved a bit. Silas leaned back, his brow arched.

Unable to help it, she laughed. He had the most adorable incredulous expression on his face. “They don’t appreciate you calling their mama a bitch,” she said smugly.

He glanced at her and then back at her stomach. “They do that a lot?” There was a bit of awe in his voice.

“More the past few days than before.”

“You’ve been stressed.” He rubbed her belly and laid his cheek on the mound. “Listen up, I’m your Alpha and you need to take it easy on my bitch.”

Although pleased that he claimed her as his, she still hit him on the top of his head. “Watch it, wolfie.”

His hand snaked up her body and pinched her nipple. “Wolfie? I don’t think so.” He placed another kiss on her stomach and rose on his elbow. “Thank you.” His voice had deepened and his eyes had returned to a calm blue.

Clearing her throat, she met his stare. “For?” A hopeless romantic, she wanted to hear him say it.

“For my pups. Your babies. For going to great lengths to make sure they survive. The Goddess chose well with you and I’m glad she did.”

As declarations of feelings went, that was pretty lame, but she accepted it with a nod.

“Plus, you calmed my wolf. I was in a bad way when I got here this morning. It’s been a few days since I laid between your thighs. Once we hit the compound, my wolf smelled you and took over. I thought I scared you –”

“You did. For a moment I wondered what the hell was I doing beneath a wolf.”

His brow rose. “And then?”

Her lip curled. “Your dick moved. My body explained the rest to my mind in explicit detail.”

He laughed and slid up beside her, spooning her into a more comfortable position. “Rest, sweet Jasmine. Rest.”

“I will as soon as I figure how to get these bitches to shut up.” She looked over her shoulder. “Teach me how to block them out.”

“What? Who?” He leaned up and looked down at her.

“I hear voices, didn’t Rese tell you?”

“Yeah, but I thought it was Arianna. You’re hearing other voices?” He sat up and pulled her with him.

“Last night, this morning. Not while you were inside me though.” She grinned to lighten the mood.

“As much as I’d like to, I can’t be there all the time. What are they –” His cell beeped. “Hold on, it might be the hospital.”

Tired, she snuggled back into the blanket. The muted women’s voices were a constant buzz in her head, sort of comforting in a strange way. She yawned, completely wiped.

“What?” Silas stood, grabbed his pants and pulled them on.

She looked over her shoulder at the pinched look on his face and groaned. Something bad had happened, again. Her heart grieved for him, seemed like he couldn’t get a break.

“Where?” He barked into the receiver while slipping on his shirt. “Damn it, follow them and do not let them take his blood. Say it’s against his religion or something. Do whatever you have to, just stop them from working on him until I can get him transferred to a shifter hospital” he yelled into the phone as he ran out the bedroom door.

“Rone? Rese?” Silas called out.

Jasmine thought about going to find out about the newest crisis, but discovered she was too tired. Instead, she lay listening to the voices talk.

“Sir?” Tyrone asked as he came down the staircase pulling on his jacket. Tyrese followed not far behind.

Silas snapped the phone shut wishing it were Samantha’s neck. “Jacque was picked up on the main road leading to the compound by an ambulance.” He felt the twins’ confusion through their links. He held up a finger as the call he’d just made to the director of the Were hospital answered.



“I need you to set up a patient transfer to LB. I just received word that my assistant Jacque has been taken to Jenks Memorial. I’ve instructed Samantha to tell them she’s his sister and that it’s against their religion for blood to be taken or given. Hopefully that’ll buy us some time. How soon can you go pick him up?”

“I’ll get right on it. Thirty minutes tops without traffic.”

Silas relaxed slightly. “Okay, make it happen sooner if possible. How’s Jayden and Theron?”

“Coming along well. They should be leaving tomorrow, ready to travel the day after. I assume they will be convalescing at your compound.”

“Yes. But why’d you ask?”

“Although their injuries are healing, they are not completely healed and need more down time before flying or running great distances. Sitting in one place for too long might cause complications. Complications I’d rather avoid if possible.”

“Thanks. I’ll take care of it.” Silas’ mind race with various scenarios. He waved to the living room chairs and took a seat with the twins. “I received a call from Samantha. She claims she was on her way to see me when she saw a man wobbling on the highway before he fell. Several cars stopped and by the time her car reached the scene she heard sirens. She only stopped because she saw the tattoo on the man’s arm and knew he was one of mine.”

The skeptical looks on the twins’ faces probably mirrored his the first time he'd heard her accounting of what happened.

“According to her, the ambulance came and took him away. She told them she was his sister and on her way to visit him. She’s following the ambulance to the hospital and called me on the way.”

The three men sat in silence.

“I should go to the hospital see what’s happening,” Tyrese said into the silence. Silas and Tyrone looked at him.

Tyrone laughed. “You’d kill her and not think twice. I should go to keep an eye on Jacque.” Tyrone and Tyrese stood at the same time.

“You just got back in town. I need to stretch my legs a bit,” Tyrese said. He and Tyrone stared at each other a bit before Tyrone nodded slowly.

“Okay.” Tyrone looked at Silas. “You agree somebody needs to go make sure everything’s above board?”

Silas nodded. “I need to set some things up before you get there. I have wolves on staff for this type of emergency. Beckford will contact them to prep Jacque. But I’ll need to set up a side tour. Leave in ten minutes, with the drive time, everything should be in place. Mask your wolf just in case one of the human females is nearby.”

“The last time we met the human female, she knew I was a breed,” Tyrone said, looking at Tyrese. “Maybe you should sit this one out chief, could get sticky.”

“I hide my scents, both of them better than you little chief. Plus, I need to get a better understanding of what we’re dealing with. You have an idea of their scents, I don’t. I’ll walk the courtyard and then leave.”

Silas shook his head. “Open the window. Catch the scent from here. There might be someone watching. No need to chance them recognizing you later.” He stood and wiped his hands. He needed to focus on setting a trap for Arianna and updating his Alphas on the latest happenings. Inhaling, he deciphered every scent in his compound and strengthened the wards. But first, he wanted to deal with Jasmine’s voices.

“Yes, Sir.” Tyrese turned and left them in the room.

Silas smiled at Tyrese’ eagerness to leave his mom’s den. He knew the young wolf needed to get out in the air and there wasn’t much he could’ve done to stop him from going outside. This hospital assignment would suffice, besides he intended to monitor Tyrese at all times.

“I’ve got to account for every wolf who was involved in this fiasco. Their Alphas have to be notified.”

“I thought if a mated wolf died, his mate died as well,” Tyrone said.

“That’s true. But I still give an accounting to the Alpha so that the pair can have a dignified service of honor.” He gazed at Tyrone. “Every wolf who died this weekend, died with honor. They reacted to something beyond their control. We make sure that’s plain. I’m not sure how much I intend to tell regarding the incident, but I am clear that each wolf was honorable.”

Tyrone nodded. “What do you want me to do?”

“You’re going to work in Jacque's office. Let me know when you get to the hall leading into the administration section and I’ll give you a passcode, it’ll lock behind you. Once you go into his office, lock the door and turn on his computer. I’ll get you through his passcodes. Then I want you to pull up all the employees who were still here when Arianna came. There should be a form letter in his files. Create a letter for each person, shouldn’t take long. Then bring them here. I have the lists from Theron and Jayden, but they are coming tomorrow and will determine what happened to their pack members.”

BOOK: BirthControl
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