Big Tex (29 page)

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Authors: Alexis Lauren

BOOK: Big Tex
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Brody and Brighton walked in not long after, laughing and teasing each other.  Brighton looked like she was floating on air.  "Hey, we're back!"  Brody yelled.  He looked over at Willow and saw how tired she looked.  He went and sat on the couch next to her and gave her a peck on the cheek.  "How're you feeling?"

"I'm a little tired, but your mom and dad have been taking good care of me."  Willow said, trying to stifle a yawn.

"Well, we're going to head out now.  It's been a long day and I think we're all tired.  Thank you for the trips, I'm sure we'll see you again before we head to Europe…I just love the sound of that…before we head to Europe!"  Maggie said, squealing with joy.  She bent over Willow and kissed her cheek.  "Don't get up, we'll see ourselves out."  She gave Brody a kiss on the forehead and ruffled his dark hair.

"Thanks guys.  Brody, take good care of her!"  Brian said.

"I will, don't worry.  Your welcome guys, and thank you for our gifts too."  Brody said to his mom and dad.

"Wow, how can I ever thank you guys enough for my car and the trip to New York?  You are the best brother and sister-in-law that a girl could have!  I love you guys so much!"   Brighton said, hugging Willow and Brody again.  "I'll come over tomorrow and visit, ok?"

"Sure, we'll be here!"  Brody said.

Brody's family left, leaving just him and Willow in the house.  "If you're too tired, we can exchange our gifts tomorrow or something."  Brody said to Willow.

"What, did you forget to buy me a gift and you just want to have some time to go out and buy something?"  Willow teased.  "I'm feeling better now.  I think the ice cream your dad got me helped a little, but I'm still kind of hungry."  Willow said.

"I have the perfect thing for that then."  Brody said as he got up and ran into the kitchen.  He came back with a pack of Hostess Chocolate Cupcakes and a glass of milk.

"Mmm…my favorite!  You always know when to bring out the big guns, don't you?"  Willow asked, drooling over the cupcakes that Brody was holding.  "Are you going to tease me all day or let me have them?"  She asked impatiently.

"Sorry.  I didn't mean to tease you."  Brody unwrapped the cupcakes and handed them to her.

"Now, how about some presents?"  Willow asked after she ingested the cupcakes.

"Ok, here's the first one."  Brody handed Willow and envelope.  The handwriting on the outside said, 'To Mommy, Love the Twins.'  Willow grinned as she opened the envelope.  Inside were ten gift certificates, each for one day at the spa.  "You get to go whenever you want.  They give you a facial, a massage, a pedicure and manicure, a mud bath, and something else that I forgot.  I figured you'd want to go as much as you can before the babies are born, then go a few times after the babies come."

"That's great!  Thanks, I could definitely use a few massages, I know that much!"  Willow said.

Brody handed Willow a small box.  She opened it up and found a key.  "What's with keys today?"  Willow joked.  "I already have a car Brody."  She gave him a questioning look.

"I know you have a car, but that's not what that key is for.  It's for this."  Brody took out a picture from the drawer in the coffee table in front of the couch and handed it to Willow.  "It's a cabin, just outside of New York City.  It's ours, and we're going there next week.  I figured everyone else will be gone, why shouldn't we go somewhere.  I checked with your doctor already, and he said it's still safe for you to fly."

Willow hugged Brody as the tears fell from her eyes.  "It's ours, as in you bought it?"  Willow asked.

"Yes, we own it.  It's pretty rustic right now, but it does have heat, electricity and running water.  I'm going to do some major reconstruction on it, but it'll do for now.  Now, any time you want to go back to New York, you'll have somewhere to stay."  Brody told her.

"You're simply the best husband in the whole entire world, you know that?"  Willow asked as she kissed Brody all over his face.  "It's time for your presents."  Willow said, getting up off the couch and grabbing Brody's hand.  She led him to the locked game room that he hadn't been allowed to go into for the past week.  She unlocked the door and turned the light on.  Brody's old pool table had been replace with a bigger, fancier model.  Instead of looking like it belonged in a bar, the pool table had wooden sides with intricate carvings throughout.  Beyond the pool table was a new foosball table, and standing against the wall was a full sized, refurbished Pac-Man arcade game, with two large pinball machines on either side.

"Wow, you made the game room a real and true game room!"  Brody said excitedly.

"You don't mind that I got rid of your old pool table, do you?"  Willow asked.

"Not at all.  This one is awesome!  I have never seen anything so cool as this table."  Brody told her.

"Well, I'm glad you like it.  I wasn't sure."  Willow said nervously.

"I love it.  Now, how about you go sit on top of the pool table, and I'll be right back?"  Brody suggested.

Willow looked at him confused, but did as he said.  She sat on the edge of the table, praying that it didn't collapse underneath her.  She watched as Brody came back with the video camera.  He set it up on a stand, then hit record.

Brody slowly walked over to Willow and stood in front of her.  He began to unbutton Willow's shirt as he kissed her deeply.  He finally got enough buttons undone and pulled it over her head.  He cupped her breasts as they overflowed in her bra.

Willow pulled at Brody's shirt and broke away from him to lift it over his head.  He lowered Willow to lay her back on the pool table, kissing down her neck and stomach until he reached the waistband of her pants.  He gripped the top of her pants and slid them down her legs, stripping out of his pants as soon as hers were off.  Brody knelt down so that his face was level with the edge of the table top and went to work on Willow's 'center', only stopping after he felt the wave of pleasure rush through her.  He stood up and pulled Willow back up to a sitting position, bringing her closer to the edge of the table.

Brody kissed her deeply as he entered her, sending a shutter throughout Willow's body.  He stood in front of her, pumping wildly as she arched her back with pleasure.  Willow screamed Brody's name as she rode through another orgasm, sending Brody over the edge himself.

As soon as Brody came down from his euphoric high, he walked over and turned the camcorder off.  He walked back over to Willow, picked her up and carried her up to bed.  She was completely drained and fell right to sleep, cuddled in Brody's arms.

Willow and Brody spent New Year’s at their new cabin.  It wasn't as rustic as Brody had first thought, but it wasn't luxurious either.  It was a rather spacious two bedroom log cabin, situated on a mountain, next to a lake.  Brody planned on expanding it by adding two more bedrooms and another bathroom, and increasing the size of the master bedroom.  Though there was already a fireplace in the living room, Brody wanted one in the master bedroom too.  He also planned on putting a hot tub just off from the living room, overlooking the lake.  Their week at the cabin was quiet and relaxing, and just what both of them needed.

When they got back to Texas, they were happy to see that everyone else was back too.  Maggie and Brian fell in love with Europe and couldn't wait to go back.  Brighton enjoyed her time in New York, but only because she got to spend time with Jordy.  Micah and Sierra were tanned, but not much had developed in their relationship, or non-relationship.  Sierra was still adamant that they see other people, even though she still hadn't dated anyone else.  Micah looked tired and frustrated, but tried not to show it.

A month later, Willow and Brody were sitting in the doctor's office again.  Willow's stomach was getting big at this point, and she was becoming increasingly uncomfortable.  She was having a hard time sleeping at night, and it was getting harder and harder for her to move around.  She wasn't sure if she could wait 3 more months for her babies to be born.

The ultrasound tech came to the waiting room to get them and led Willow and Brody back to the small, dark room.  "Ok, you know the drill.  Are we finding out the sex today?"  She asked.

"Yes, it's part of my husband's birthday present."  Willow said as she winked at her husband.  She lay down on the table and lifted her shirt over her stomach and pulled her pants below her bulging belly.

"Ok, we'll see what we can find!"  She said as she spread some gel on Willow's bare stomach.  She moved the wand around, trying to get a clear picture of the babies.  "Well, their hearts are beating strong.  I see four hands and four feet.  Are you sure you want to know the sex?"

"Yes, we definitely want to know.  Can you tell what they are?"  Brody asked.

"Well, I see a couple of extra appendages.  It appears to me that you're having boys."  The tech said.

"Twin boys?  Oh man, we're in for it now!"  Willow laughed.  She looked over at Brody who had a huge smile spread across his face.  "Happy Birthday Country Boy!"

Brody leaned down and kissed his wife.  "Are you happy?"

"Extremely."  Willow said as tears came to her eyes.

After the tech finished and printed out their pictures, Willow and Brody left the doctor's office and went to one of the home stores to get paint for the nursery.  "Now that we know we're having boys, we can get started on their room."  Willow said.  They picked out a soft blue color, and got some white too.  "Sierra said that as her present to us, she's going to decorate the nursery.  All we needed to do was get the paint."  Willow told him.  "And, since that chore is done, it's time to move onto your birthday present."  Willow said.

"I already got my birthday present.  I got to find out the sex of our children."  Brody said.

"Well, I got you something else too."  Willow said.  Once they got back to their house, she led Brody to his study.  She opened the door and there sat a beautiful antique architect table and matching desk.  "I hope you like it, I can't take it back.  I can't take the sex of the babies back either, so you're stuck with both!"  Willow said.

"I love everything.  You're so good to me!"  Brody said as he leaned over and kissed her.  "This has been the best birthday ever!"

March came, and Willow was waddling.  By the time of her baby shower, Willow was on partial bed rest.  Her doctor was being overly cautious with her, since she was so small before she got pregnant and now she was carrying twins.  He didn't want her to go into labor before the babies could handle it.

Sierra had spent the last couple of weeks decorating the nursery, painting the walls blue, with white clouds starting at the top of the walls and heading up the ceiling, with bits of blue sky peeking through the fluffy white clouds when you looked up.  She had placed decorations throughout the room, making it look like a boy's nursery.  She had really helped Willow out since Willow wasn't allowed to do much.

The day of the baby shower, Maggie, Brighton, Stella, and Sierra were all running around the house trying to get everything organized.  Willow spent the whole time in bed, wishing she was able to help them.  As the guests started to arrive, Brody brought Willow down from their bedroom.  He was going to stay with Willow even though guys weren't usually welcome at showers.

Willow and Brody opened presents and were overwhelmed at the generosity of their friends and family.  They played a few games that were standard at baby showers, and ate a big lunch.  Brody was teased relentlessly by all the women for being the only man there, but he told them he was proud to sit by his wife at the baby shower.  Everyone was impressed at how good Brody was to Willow.  Some of them had known him since he was little, and he had never doted on any woman that way.

After Willow yawned a few times, guests started filtering out of the house.  She felt bad, like she was driving people away, but she just couldn't hide her fatigue.  Brody brought her back upstairs and sat her in the rocking chair in the nursery.  He went back downstairs and reappeared with Maggie, Brighton, and Stella, all carrying things for the babies.  They set the cribs up and the dressing table, letting Willow direct them on where she wanted everything to go.  Stella washed all of the babies clothes', then brought them back up so they could be put away in the dressers.  By the end of the day, the nursery was complete and just waiting for a set of twins to fill it.

Later that night, Brody and Willow laid in bed discussing baby names.  "Well, I don't want their names to be too close.  I hate it when people name their twins 'Bill and Phil' or 'Jim and Tim'.  I want them to have individual names…I want them to realize they will always be individuals, rather than just one part of the twins.  Does that make sense?"  Willow said.

"I understand.  I know there's a lot of twins out there without their own identities, and that's something you want for our boys…you want them to be themselves and not just 'one of a set'.  I completely agree."  Brody told her.

"Well, how about Michael Brian for one of them.  Your middle name and your dad's name…do you like that?"  Willow asked.

"Yeah, that'll work.  I like Justin William too."  Brody said.

"Ok, that was easy.  Why do people always think it's so hard to come up with names for their kids?"  Willow laughed.

Brody put his and on Willow's large stomach.  "Well Justin and Mikey…how do you like your names?"

Willow jumped as one of the babies kicked her.  "I'm not sure if that was a good kick or a bad kick, but they'll get used to it!"  Willow said, rubbing the spot where she was kicked.  "They'll either be soccer players or football players.  Someone's got a pretty strong kick!"

"Hey!  Be good in there!  Don't make me have to punish you before you get out of mommy's belly."  Brody mock threatened the babies.  "Man, the disobedience in there!"

Willow laughed and kissed Brody goodnight.  She rolled on her side, with the help of Brody, to the only position that was at least semi-comfortable for her to sleep in.  'Not too much longer until I can sleep normally again!'  Willow thought as she drifted off to sleep.  'Hopefully!'


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