Big Tex (26 page)

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Authors: Alexis Lauren

BOOK: Big Tex
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Willow was speechless, and in tears.  She had been sad that she didn't have anyone to walk her down the aisle, and was so touched that Brian had offered to do it.  "Wow!  I never expected that.   It would be my honor if you would escort me down the aisle Brian.  It would mean a lot to me too."

Brian hugged Willow and whispered "Welcome to the family sweetheart."

Another knock was heard at the door, and Brian went to see who it was.  The bridal part, including Maggie were all coming to get Willow.  "Well, let's get this show on the road.  Time to get hitched!"  Willow giggled.

The bridal party lined up and waited for their processional to play.   Brody smiled from the front of the church, as he waited to catch a glimpse of his bride.  It seemed to take forever for the bridesmaids to get down the aisle.  Finally, after Sierra reached the alter, the music changed, and she appeared as if in Brody's dream.  He had never seen someone so beautiful, and he was pleased to see her on the arm of his father.

Willow looked down the aisle, and her eyes met with Brody's.  He looked so gorgeous, and he was going to be hers for the rest of their lives.  Her heart seemed to skip a few beats when she saw him, and her stomach fluttered like it did when she first realized she was in love with him.  Willow barely realized that she was moving as Brian guided her down the aisle.  Her main focus was on Brody, and the rest of the world was non-existent at that point.

Brody felt as if the world was moving in slow motion.  Willow looked like she was floating, just like in his dream when she was in the hospital.  He could barely breathe as he waited for her to get to the alter where he was.  As Brian and Willow stopped a few feet away, Brody went to them to get Willow and bring her the rest of the way to the alter.

"Nervous?"  He whispered.

"Not a bit.  You?"  She whispered back.

"Nope.  You look unbelievable gorgeous and I love you so much."

"I love you too, hot stuff."  She whispered as he took her hand and led her to the priest.

The ceremony went rather quick, neither one hearing much of what the preacher was saying.  They were too lost looking into each other’s eyes and squeezing their hands for reassurance.  They said their 'I Do's', and exchanged their beautiful Tiffany rings that Willow got in New York.

Finally, much to Willow and Brody's delight, the preacher pronounced them Mr. And Mrs. Brody and Willow Harris, and said, "Brody, you may now kiss the bride!"  Brody didn't wait to be asked twice.  He pulled Willow into his arms, and his lips met hers in a sweet but passionate kiss.  The guests clapped and cheered as they kissed, then they walked back down the aisle, to wait in the receiving line for their guests to greet them leaving the church.



Chapter 20 Let the Fun Begin

Willow and Brody sat in the limo cuddling on the way to the reception.  The photographer had kept them and the wedding party at the church for 45 minutes after the guests had left, then sent them on their way, telling them he would get more pictures at the reception.  The wedding party was following in a different limo, giving Willow and Brody some time to be alone.

"Can you believe it?  It's legal now, Mrs. Harris."  Brody said, his eyes shining.

"Yup, but that's Mrs. Country Boy to you."  Willow laughed.  "Seriously though, I couldn't imagine anyone more perfect to spend the rest of my life with."  She leaned over and touched her lips to Brody's.

"Have I told you how beautiful you look today?  I thought my heart was going to stop when I saw you walking down the aisle.  And with my dad no less.  That was a surprise."

"It was a surprise to me too.  He came to my room before the wedding and offered.  It was really sweet.  No one would ever believe it, but your dad is just a big teddy bear."  Willow smiled, remembering her conversation with Brian before the wedding.  "So, you like the dress then?"

"Love the dress!  But I love the way you look in it even more."  Brody said.

"You're looking pretty GQ today too.  Good thing you have that wedding band on, I don't want to have to beat any women off you."  Willow teased.

"I don't think that will ever be a problem.  This ring will never leave my finger.  Besides, I only have eyes for you!"  Brody said as he held up his left hand, admiring his newly acquired wedding band.  Brody moved so that he could lay his head in Willow's lap.  He looked at her stomach, and ran his hand over it.  "How is our little baby today?  Going to give mommy some time to enjoy herself at our reception?"  He asked her stomach.

"You know, you're going to be a great father."  Willow said with tears in her eyes.

"And you will be a wonderful mother too.  Do you think we'll have a girl or boy?"

"I don't know, but it really doesn't matter to me.  I'll be happy with either, as long as it's healthy."  Willow said.

"Yeah, you're right.  Besides, both sexes have their advantage.  If it's a boy, I can teach it sports, and how to work on cars and stuff.  If it's a girl, then she can be daddy's little girl.  I'll take either."

Willow laughed.  "Girls can play sports too you know!"

"I know, I know.  Thank god you're here to point stuff like that out to me."  Brody joked as Willow playfully punched his arm.

The limo stopped and Brody sat up.  They looked out the window and realized that they were at the reception.  Brody kissed Willow deeply, then opened the door.  He stepped out first, then turned and offered his hand to help her out.  "Here we go Mrs. Harris!"  Brody said, then stopped her for another kiss.

"If you keep doing that, we'll never get in there!"  Willow said in mock protest.

"Hey, it's our party.  Who cares if we're a little late?"  Brody replied.  "I mean, look at my bride.  Who wouldn't want to spend every single minute kissing her?"

"Me for one!"  Micah said as he walked up to the newlyweds.  "No offense Willow, I just think we should leave that job to Brody."  They all laughed and headed towards the doors to go inside.

Once inside the doors, the wedding party lined up, and the DJ introduced them as they walked into the ballroom.  When it was finally the bride and groom's turn to be introduced, all of the guests got to their feet and cheered.  Brody led Willow to the dance floor for their first dance as husband and wife.

As he took his new wife in his arms, Brody smiled wide.  Green Day's "Time of Your Life" began to play.  Brody tightened his arms around his bride, and sang softly in her ear.  Both of them had tears forming in their eyes, as a big screen lit up behind them, showing pictures of them throughout their relationship.  They became lost in each other’s eyes, and lost in their kisses, not realizing the song had ended until they heard everyone cheering for them again.  They dried each other’s tears, then walked to the head table where the rest of the wedding part was waiting for them.

Dinner was served right away because Brody knew Willow would be starving by then.  He wanted her to have as much energy throughout the day as possible.  They sat and ate their meal, occasionally interrupted by the clinking of everyone's glasses, requesting a kiss from the bride and groom.

After dinner, Brody brought out a bottle of the special "Champagne", and poured a glass for Willow, and one for himself.  "Brody, just because I can't drink doesn't mean you can't either."  Willow whispered.

"I know, but I don't need to drink tonight.  I'm more than happy to be drinking the sparkling cider with you."

Willow smiled and kissed her husband.  "Have I told you lately that I love you?"

"Not in the last 5 seconds, but I never will get tired of hearing it."  Brody said as he looked into her emerald green eyes.

Micah cleared his throat from behind them, causing Willow and Brody to turn and look at him.  Sierra stood by his side, and both of them were holding their champagne glasses.  "Sorry to interrupt, but I thought we could make the toast now, then cut the cake."

"Works for me, go to it buddy!"  Brody said.

Micah and Sierra both went to the DJ booth.  Micah grabbed the microphone first.  "Excuse me, can I have everyone's attention?  My name's Micah and I'm Brody's best friend and best man.  I've known Brody since we were younger, and I have to say, I don't think I have ever seen him as happy as when he's with Willow.  When we were kids, Brody used to tell me that he was never going to fall in love, and that girls had cooties.  I guess a lot has changed since then.  Cooties never looked so good, did they man?  Willow, thank you for coming into Brody's life and making him happy.  I hope you both lead a happy and healthy life together.  Cheers!"

Micah handed the microphone to Sierra.  "Hi everyone, I'm Sierra Lockheart, and I'm Willow's best friend and Maid of Honor.  Her and I've known each other since middle school, and have been virtually inseparable since.  My parents died just after we graduated from high school, and Willow and her family took me in.  She is the sister that I never had, but always wanted.  Hell, Willow and I are so close that we both met wonderful men at the same time, and both moved from our lives in New York to be with them here in Texas.  Brody, you are one lucky man…I just hope she doesn't wear you out too much.  You have her whole heart, so cherish it.  Willow, you will make a wonderful wife, and someday a mother.  You'll always be my best friend and I love you!  Cheers!"

Everyone yelled "Cheers!" and drank from their champagne.  Willow and Brody walked over and hugged Micah and Sierra, then went to the cake table.  Everyone gathered around them, taking pictures of Willow and Brody standing next to the cake, and also of them both holding the knife cutting the first slice.  Brody took two pieces of cake and put them on a plate, holding it between them.  They both picked a piece off the plate, and held it to each other’s mouth.

"Be good Country Boy!"  Willow said, warning him not to smash it in her face.  Brody got a devilish look on his face as he brought the cake closer to her mouth.  He allowed her to take a bite of it, then he moved it so that some of the frosting smeared on her lips.  Willow let Brody take a bite of his cake, then feeling the frosting all over her mouth, she smeared the whole piece on his face.

Brody looked at her, shocked.  She smiled innocently and ran from the table onto the dance floor.  Brody caught up to her, and turned her around so that she was looking at him.  She began laughing when she saw the cake smashed all over his face.  He pulled Willow closer to him, and planted a big kiss on her which caused her face to get smeared with cake too.  Everyone watched and cheered the couple on, and flash bulbs went off as everyone took pictures of the scene playing out before them.

After everyone had their cake, the DJ began playing music for everyone to dance to.  Brody kept filling his and his wife's glasses with their special champagne, and no one had a clue that Willow was pregnant.  When Brody noticed Willow getting tired from dancing so much, he had the DJ stop the music so Willow could rest for a little while.  They did the 'Tossing of the Bouquet' to keep things rolling with the reception.

As the single girls were called out to the dance floor, Willow noticed that Brighton was missing.  She saw her in one of the back corners, sitting on Jordy's lap, so she went to the DJ booth and took the microphone.  "We'll get the show on the road as soon as my new sister-in-law gets up here and joins the rest of the single women.  Come on Brighton, Jordy isn't going anywhere yet!"

Brighton made her way to the dance floor, face red at being called out.  She was pushed up to the front because she was so reluctant to be there.  Willow turned her back to the group of women and tossed the spare bouquet over her head.  Willow was keeping her bouquet of a bunch of red roses, tied at the stems with a white ribbon, and used a spare bouquet of red carnations and roses to toss.  Brighton watched as the flowers landed right in her hands.  She didn't even have to move to catch them.  Willow laughed when she turned around to see who had caught them.  Brody started to scowl, wondering who would have to put the garter on his sister's leg.

The girls left the dance floor, and a chair was pulled out into the middle.  Brody led Willow to the chair, and sat her down.  He got on his knees in front of her as the DJ played a sexy song.  Brody reached up and pulled Willow's head down to his as they met in a searing kiss before his hands started their journey up her skirt.  He turned to the crowd and said "Don't worry, we're married.  I'm allowed to put my hands up her skirt."

Willow smacked his arm playfully as she blushed.  She crossed the gartered leg over the other one, and felt Brody running his hands up her leg.  Their abstinence from sex over the past couple of weeks was really getting to Willow, as she began to tingle feeling Brody's hands on her legs.  He finally reached her garter, and instead of pulling it down her leg, he pushed it up higher, so he could get a little feel of the warmth between her legs.

"Brody!"  Willow yelled softly, a little embarrassed.

An innocent smile crossed Brody's face as he relented and began to lower the garter off Willow's leg.  As he slipped it over her foot, Brody took her lips with his again.  "I couldn't help it.  I was right there, and it's been too long!"  Brody whispered in her ear.

Willow laughed and walked off the dance floor to sit down at the head table and watch the garter toss.  All of the single men were brought to the dance floor, and no one needed any coaxing to get out there.  Brody turned his back to the men, winded his arm up, and tossed the garter.  All of the guys were elbowing each other, trying to get to the garter.  When Brody turned around, he saw a pile of guys on the floor, all scrambling to get the prize.  One by one, they all returned to their feet, and finally Jordy lifted the garter in the air victoriously.

Brody brought the chair back out to the dance floor, and when Brighton and Jordy walked over, Brody pulled Jordy aside.  "Don't forget, that's my little sister."  He warned.

Jordy nodded with is mouth suddenly dry, then walked back to the chair Brighton was sitting in.  Willow came down from the table to stand with Brody next to the DJ booth.  The sexy music began playing as Brighton crossed her left leg over her right.  Jordy nervously fumbled with the garter and finally got it over her foot and started to drag it up her leg.  When he got to her knee, Brody cleared his throat loudly.  Jordy looked over at him and kept going, but only a little higher.  He stopped when the garter got three inches above Brighton's knee.  As he kissed Brighton's hand, thanking her for being a good sport, Willow went and got on the microphone.

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