Read Big Tex Online

Authors: Alexis Lauren

Big Tex (27 page)

BOOK: Big Tex
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"Wait!  Did you just put it on her left leg?"  Willow asked and Jordy nodded.  "Sorry buddy, but you need to take it off, it's supposed to go on her right leg."

"What!?"  Jordy yelled.

"She's right man.  Sorry, got to do it all over!"  The DJ announced, sharing a smirk with Willow.

The DJ started playing the music again as Jordy took the garter off Brighton's leg and moved it over to her right leg.  The whole time, Brody kept hovering closer and closer, glaring at Jordy.  When Jordy finally got the garter onto Brighton's right leg, the DJ said into the microphone, "Gotcha!"

Both Brighton and Jordy blushed furiously, and made their way over to Willow.  She held up her hands in front of her and pleaded her case.  "Come on, it was funny!  Besides, you got to spend some more time by her legs, right Jordy?  You didn't mind, did you Brighton?"  Everyone laughed and Brighton and Jordy hugged Willow.

"Can I have one last dance with my wife before we have to run and catch a plane?"  Brody asked as he made his way over to where Willow was standing with Brighton and Jordy.

"It would be my pleasure Country Boy!"  Willow said and let Brody lead her to the dance floor.  As Brody pulled Willow close, she said, "Thank you for everything Brody.  I love you so much, and I am so happy to be your wife.  You have made me the happiest person ever."

"And you've done the same for me.  Who'd have thought that when I saw you standing in that bar, slamming those shots, that I was looking at the love of my life?  I know you didn't like me at first, but for me, it was love at first sight."  Brody told her.

"No, the problem was that I did like you, and I didn't want to.  I didn't want to admit to myself that I felt that way, and I tried to push you away.  Thanks for not letting me get rid of you."  Willow smiled and laid her head on Brody's shoulder as they dance to "When You Say nothing at All" by Alison Krauss.

When the song ended, they said their goodbyes to everyone and headed back out to the limo.  Their suitcases were already packed and waiting in the trunk of the limo so they could head straight to the airport to catch their plane for Hawaii.  Because they were going to be flying first class, Willow didn't feel it was necessary to change out of her wedding dress for the flight.  There would be plenty of room in the seats, and she was quite comfortable anyways.  Besides, she only wanted to take it off when Brody was ready to make love to her for the first time as husband and wife.

As they got off the plane in Hawaii, Brody grabbed their carry-on luggage.  Inside the airport, there were natives of Hawaii waiting for them with leis.  After the necklace of flowers was placed around their necks, Willow and Brody went to collect their luggage.  Brody carried most of it, but Willow took the one that was on wheels and dragged it behind them.  Their limo was waiting outside the airport, ready to take them to their hotel.

When they finally got into their room, Brody set the suitcases aside and scooped his wife into his arms.  "I don't think we'll be leaving the room the whole time we're here.  I can't wait to ravish you!"  He said as he sucked on her neck and brought her towards the bed.  Brody set Willow down with her feet on the floor and stood behind her.  "Do they made these damn things frustrating to the new husband on purpose?"  He asked, slightly annoyed at the small buttons that ran down Willow's back.

Willow laughed at Brody's impatience.  "Sorry, but trust me, when you get them all undone, it will be so worth it!"  She promised.  More and more buttons were being opened, and Willow could feel Brody's hands brushing softly against her skin as he made his way down her back.

Finally, after all the buttons were undone, Willow turned around and worked on the buttons of Brody's tuxedo shirt.  She pushed his shirt and jacket off his shoulders in one movement and watched as both pieces of clothing fell to the floor.  She ran her hands along his chest, feeling his muscles rippling underneath her fingers.

Brody gently pushed the spaghetti straps of Willow's dress down her shoulders and let the dress slowly slip to the floor.  He held Willow's hand as he helped her to step out of the dress.  Brody picked it up and laid it across one of the chairs, then went back to Willow and laid her on the bed.  He slowly peeled her white stockings off her legs, and pulled her thong off too.

Brody looked at Willow as she lay there naked.  "I have never seen a more beautiful sight."  He said huskily, as he took his pants, shoes, and socks off.  He moved to lay next to Willow on the bed, but Willow stopped him.

"Unh-uh!  There are to be no clothes on when you are in this bed.  Get those boxers off!"  She yelled playfully.

"Yes, Mrs. Harris, whatever you say Mrs. Harris!"  Brody mocked.  He slid his boxers down his legs, then climbed into the bed with Willow.  "God, I can't wait to be inside of you!"

Brody began kissing Willow all over, taking his time to give her the pleasure that she deserved.  After she climaxed, Willow rolled on top of Brody and began pleasuring him with her mouth.  Just before he was about to explode, Brody pulled Willow up to lay next to him.  He captured her lips with his as they met in a passionate kiss.  Their tongues rubbed against each other as the heat between them grew.

When neither one thought they could hold back any longer, Brody asked Willow, "Will I hurt you and the baby if I get on top of you?"

"I don't think so, but if it doesn't feel right, we can just switch positions."  Willow said breathlessly.

Brody positioned his body over Willow's and entered her slowly.  He wanted to take his time and make sweet love to his new wife.  When his whole length was inside her body, Brody felt Willow climax again, and stopped his movement to wait for her body to settle.  He also wanted to allow his body to adjust to the feeling of being inside of her again, or else he was going to lose it right away.

When he felt they had both regained their control, he started moving again.  He kept his eyes looking into Willow's the whole time he made love to her.  He could see the passion and love in her eyes as she looked into his and saw the same thing.  When he saw her near the brink of another orgasm, he sped up so they could share the feeling.  They kept their eyes locked on each other as they both rode the wave of their climaxes.

After the spasms subsided, Brody rolled over, staying inside of Willow and laying her on top of his body.  After a few minutes, Willow sat up and straddled Brody's hips.  He gasped at the feeling and put his hands on her hips, moving them back and forth slowly.  He could feel the pressure building up again in both of them as she rocked her body over his.  They shared another intense orgasm before she climbed off his body to lay next to him.

"I love you so much Mrs. Country Boy!"  Brody said to Willow, wiping the sweat off her brow.

"I love you too honey.  See, I told you it'd be better if we waited."  Willow said, still trying to catch her breath.

"Are you ok?"  Brody asked as he ran his hand over her stomach.

"Yes, actually I'm fine.  Just a little tired.  I think the baby is a little hungry too."  Willow told him.

"Well, you rest, and I'll call up some room service for you, ok?"  Willow nodded to him as she curled up on her side.  Brody drew the blankets over her naked body, kissed her cheek, then went and called for some food to be brought up.

Half an hour later, the food was brought to their room and Willow woke up as soon as she smelled it.  She ate everything on her plate, then brought Brody back to their bed for another intense love-making session.  She fell asleep after and didn't wake up until the next morning.

During their weeklong stay in Hawaii, the newlyweds barely left their hotel room.  They went to the beach for a little while each day, and visited a few of the small shops near their hotel, but they spent most of their time in bed with each other.  When they finally headed back to Texas, Willow and Brody were well-rested and well-pleasured.  Willow was feeling better now that she was heading into her second trimester, and Brody was excited to be able to tell everyone about the pregnancy.

When they walked off their plane in Texas, they were greeted by Brody's family and Sierra and Micah.  They all chatted excitedly about their trip and the wedding, then headed back to Willow and Brody's to catch up with everything and open wedding presents.

As they sat in the game room, Willow took Brody's hand and turned to Micah and Sierra.  "Hey guys, we have to tell you something."  She looked at Sierra and Micah and smiled.  "Brody and I are going to have a baby!"

"Wow, that was fast!  You just got back from your honeymoon today and you know already?"  Sierra asked.

"Um, not really.  I'm 13 weeks pregnant.  We knew before the wedding, but we wanted to wait until the second trimester to tell everyone."  Willow said.  "The only people that knew were me, Brody, and his family."

"Wow, congratulations!  You guys all must be so excited!"  Sierra said and jumped up to give Brody and Willow a hug.

"Yeah, congrats.  This is a big step, huh?"  Micah asked.

"It's definitely a big step, but it's one that I think we're ready for."  Brody said.

"Oh!  So that's why you've been feeling so shitty lately, and taking so much time off work!"  Sierra smacked her forehead, as if she was having a 'Duh!' moment.

"You got it.  I've been really sick with morning sickness, and tired like it's no one's business.  I'm feeling a lot better now though."  Willow said.  "But, I'll still probably take it pretty easy at work."

"I don't blame you.  Your stomach doesn't look any bigger though."  Sierra said.

"It's probably from her getting sick so much.  Poor girl, when Brody would go to work, I'd come over to keep her company, and she spent most of her time in the bathroom."  Maggie laughed.

"Yeah, definitely not the most fun thing in the world.  But, it'll be worth it in the end!"  Willow said, cheerfully.

"Well, we have our own bit of news."  Micah said as he looked at Sierra.  "It's not quite as good as that, but it's good for us."

"We've decided to see other people."  Sierra said.

"Huh?  What are you talking about?"  Willow shouted.

"Relax.  Really Willow, it's the best for both of us.  We just decided that we're better off as friends.  I think we both love each other, but we're not in love.  Being at your wedding really helped us to see that.  We saw how much you two love each other and how you couldn't wait to spend the rest of your lives together, and we realized that's not what we have."  Sierra said.

"But you guys live together!"  Brighton said.

"And right now, we'll continue to live together, but we'll see how that works out in the future.  Really you guys, Micah and I are both very happy with this decision."

Willow looked at Brody, and neither one of them knew what to say or do.  "Well, as long as this is what you both want.  And you both know, that if either of you ever need a place to stay, you're more than welcome to come back here."  Brody offered.

"We're fine for now.  We'll see how everything works out, but thanks."  Micah said.

"Well, now that we ruined the party, I think we're going to head out.  Willow, I'll call you or see you at work or something, ok?  Take care of yourself!"  Sierra said as she hugged Willow.  "Sorry about telling you this now.  We didn't mean to be downers."

"You take care of yourself too, and you didn't ruin anything!  Let me know if you need anything.  Oh, hey, how about shopping soon?  I won't be able to wear these clothes forever.  They're already getting snug.  Want to help me look for a new wardrobe soon?"  Willow asked.

"Sounds great.  Just tell me when."  Sierra said and then turned and left, with Micah following behind her after he said his goodbyes.

"Wow, do you really think they're both okay with this?"  Maggie asked.

"I'm not sure, but if not, we'll find out soon enough."  Willow said.

"Well, I'm sure you two would like to be alone, so we're going to head out."  Brian said, gathering the rest of his family and heading towards the door.

"Thanks for everything, we really appreciate it."  Brody told his parents before they left.  He then turned to his wife and said, "So, we're alone, and it's our first night in our house as husband and wife.  How would you like to spend the night?"

"Oh, I have a few ideas.  Grab the ice cream and meet me in the bedroom."  Willow said and ran upstairs, leaving Brody staring after her.  'Sounds like it'll be another interesting night!'  He thought and went to get the ice cream.  He was loving married life already.


Chapter 21 Double Trouble

Willow and Brody sat in the waiting room of the doctor's office, nervously waiting for their names to be called for Willow's first ultrasound.  "We won't be able to see too much this early anyways, mostly just the heartbeat."  Willow told Brody.

"Well, as long as we see the heartbeat, I'm fine with that.  I just want to make sure our baby's ok."  Brody said, squeezing Willow's hand in reassurance.

Their name was called a few minutes later, and Brody and Willow walked back to the ultrasound lab.  The technician handed Willow a sheet and told her to undress from the waist down and hop up on the table with the sheet draped over her legs.  The tech left the room for a minute leaving Willow and Brody some privacy while she undressed.

Willow did as she was told, and after she laid down, Brody came over to her and held her hand, and rubbed her belly with his other hand.  "You know, I'm not saying that you're getting fat or anything, but you've definitely popped out in just the last two weeks.  I can finally tell you're kind of pregnant."

"Well, I'm a little more than kind of pregnant Country Boy!"  Willow laughed.  "But I can tell more now too.  I'm not able to fit into any of my clothes anymore, so I need to go shopping soon.  It's amazing how fast I've been growing without all the morning sickness.  Think you can put up with about 6 more months of me growing?"

"You've never looked better.  I can't wait until you're big as a house!"  Brody said sweetly, just before the tech walked back in.

"Is this your first ultrasound Mrs. Harris?"  She asked Willow.

BOOK: Big Tex
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