Betting Against the Odds (3 page)

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Authors: Sabrina Morgan

BOOK: Betting Against the Odds
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She smiled at me leaving when I turned around I saw Anna with a big ass smile on her face and Luke with a smirk, “What the hell are you two looking at?”

Anna reached towards me, “She is amazing and you sir are going to fall in love with her.”

I shook my head no well Luke added, “You know I fell in love with Anna when helping her with her list,” I sneered at him when he laughed, “Just saying.”

I shook my head ignoring them but I couldn’t shake the feeling that something big was about to happen and it all started with her.

Ch. 3: Krabby Patty Time (Penelope’s POV)

That night I got home to my house well the house my parent’s left me since they are never home. It wasn’t even really a house more like a small mansion which is just a waste of money but what do I know I am only 18 years old. I opened the door calling out a greeting knowing it’s hopeless no one was home even though I told my parents I had a doctor’s appointment today.

It was pretty damn sad that they don’t care about me even before the disease my mother was always on my ass about my weight I was never taken out to any of their public affairs because she was embarrassed about my looks. Then I got diagnosed and both my parents swept me under the rug they didn’t want anyone finding out about their defective daughter so I was never mentioned again; when mentioned all they said was I was in college that’s it.

I cleared my throat trying not to cry it was useless to cry when no one will be there to comfort me. I opened the fridge pulling out a Dr. Pepper and a piece of strawberry pie. I know not the healthiest eater but hey I am dying might as well eat what I want right?

I went upstairs to my room putting my snacks on the night table so I could pick out a movie to make me laugh and forget about all the sadness. I decided to geek out pulling out my Harry potter collection. I put the first one in grabbing my snacks and settling into my blanket getting nice and cozy.

I don’t know how many hours passed all I know is that Harry Potter: The Goblet of Fire was half way done when my phone dinged.

I looked down at it not sure who would be texting me when my mouth automatically curved into a smile seeing the name: Matt.

I opened the text bracing myself for what it might say I of course thought he was calling to cancel on me for tomorrow I mean why would someone that hot talk to me? I closed my eyes opening them up slowly looking down at the screen.

Hey Love, Just texting to see if you made it home okay? Oh yea Anna wanted to know do you want us to bring anything tomorrow for the KrabbyPatty’s? I can’t believe me a grown ass sexy man like me is really going to make and eat a fictional sandwich

I read through his text trying not to laugh at his rambling but I found it kind of cute and awkward.

I texted back:
Hey Matt, I am fine thank you for checking up on me. No, you can tell Anna we will go shopping tomorrow for everything. Oh and don’t worry Matt I think because of your sexiness you will make eating a Krabby Patty extremely hot that everyone will want one ;)

I sent the text before I had a chance to think twice about what I wrote him. He didn’t text back right away and I was starting to regret the message. I mean for goodness sakes I called him hot and now he is probably regretting even talking to me the fat girl.

I threw my phone on the floor pulling my blankets over my head trying not to cry which was utterly ridiculous.

I didn’t open my eyes again until the morning light slide into my room basking me with warmth.

I stood up yawning looking at my clock damn it was already 11; shit they were supposed to be here in an hour and I wasn’t even ready. I threw the blankets off of me jumping up towards my closet opening it trying to find a perfect outfit for today I need casual but sexy you know?

I pulled out my worn jeans that fit my curves just right and a white tank with a long blue plaid sleeve shirt over it. I put on my boots for the weather. Looking in the mirror I brushed my hair out and added some foundation and lip gloss to my face. I am not really a makeup kind of girl. There done. I looked okay I was about to change again when my doorbell started ringing. I ran downstairs taking a breath before opening the door.

Anna stood there in jeans and a wool sweater behind her was Luke looking dangerously handsome in jeans and a leather motorcycle jacket. I smiled at them hustling them inside when I saw Matt walking up he looked even hotter than he did yesterday in a plain black t-shirt and jeans that hugged his butt just right. I looked up at his face his smug smile making me blush red. I turned around fast towards Anna and Luke. Damn, I can’t be caught drooling over him especially after my stupid text message.

Anna spoke first, “Damn girl you could have told us you were rich. I mean I am too because of my grandparents but damn you make me look poor,” she laughed as Luke whistled his agreement.

“You know Pen when I first saw you I think I fell in love so how about we drop these two and we get hitched,” Luke said with a wink.

I blushed and started stuttering when Anna started laughing but it was Matt’s reaction that stopped the jokes. He slid his arm around me glaring at Luke, “Naw dude she is mine plus she already told me I was sexy.”

That was all he said and the whole bottom floor beneath my feet opened up to swallow me whole. I can’t believe he told them. Jezuum I am so embarrassed. Anna must have noticed because she pulled me out of Matt’s arm changing the subject.

“So we have to go grocery shopping right? So do you have the ingredients?” Anna asked.

I smiled, “Yea let me run into my room to get it be right back,” I ran upstairs opening my drawer were I put the paper at containing what I needed. I was about to leave the room when I saw my phone laying there where I threw it last night.

I picked it up slowly not wanting to face it or Matt but a flashing light made me click on my phone. A new message from Matt last night a couple hours later but he still wrote back. I clicked on the message reading it:

LOL… I love your honesty, love. By the way I think you eating a Krabby Patty would be sexier than me eating one. See your sexiness tomorrow can’t wait ;)

I blinked at the message surprised and humiliated I was about to walk downstairs when someone cleared their throat I knew it was Matt before I even turned around.

“Hey love, I came to check up on you,” I put my cellphone in my pocket Matt’s gaze following the movement he looked back at me, “So you never texted back to me.”

I gave him a blush as I tried to form a coherent thought before he laughed reaching out to pull on my ponytail, “It’s cool I kind of texted you a little late I was hanging out with some friends.”

I gave him a small smile trying not to think about whether his friends were females or not, “Well let’s go shopping. I can’t wait to see how the Krabby Patty comes out.”

He laughed, “Probably like a regular cheeseburger,” I hit him in his stomach with my elbow sticking my tongue out at him.

He just laughed all the way down the stairs.

I stopped once we got outside noticing two very scary looking motorcycles siting there gleaming like the devil in disguise.

“Umm what the hell are those?” I squeaked out loud.

Luke laughed, “That there Pen is my baby you wanna ride?” he gave me a slow sexy wink that had me blushing well Matt grabbed me around the waist pulling me towards him.

“Naw dude she only gets to ride on mine,” he pulled me to his bike well I shook my head digging my feet into the dirt.

“Uh Uh nope I am not going on that it is a death machine,” Anna gave me a push.

“No girly you have to try it I was all like “hell no” with Lucas, too. But it is worth it believe me,” I took a deep breath looking at Matt.

He pulled a helmet over my head helping me strap it on nice and tight as he helped me up on the bike sitting in front of me.

“Hey we will meet you at the grocery store on 9
street,” Matt yelled to Luke who nodded an okay.

He started the bike up and the rumbling made by thighs clench in fear and pleasure. Matt grabbed my hands placing them tightly around his waist, “Hold on to me tight, love.”

It was scary and thrilling and scary. I actually screamed when he went faster and by the time we made it to the store I was boneless.

He helped me down putting an arm around my shoulder as I tried to catch my breath. He let me go for a second as I took a step forward my head growing dizzy and my eyes blurring. I tried to keep my balance but I tripped my face almost hitting the pavement but Matt grabbed me tightly jerking me back towards him.

“Whoa love are you okay?” he asked me gently well he held me.

I tried to relax, “I’m sorry. I just got a little dizzy no big deal.” I tried to play it off the best I could but he didn’t look like he was buying it.

He let me go but threw his arms over my shoulder well we walked into the store well we waited for Anna and Luke.

They arrived kissing each other like there was no one around them. I cleared my throat as Matt laughed, “Come on we will split the list up.”

I took the list out showing them the ingredients:

    Sesame Seeds
    Bottom bun
    Chum (Food)
    Pickles (Food)
    Tartar Sauce
    Secret sauce
    Top bun


We split up grabbing all the ingredients and making our way back to my house. I led them to my kitchen as we placed all the ingredients on the counter.

Anna looked over at me a smile on her face, “So we couldn’t actually find chum food and I don’t know Planktons number so we just got some chili,” she held up the bag waiting for approval.

I grabbed them putting it next to the tomatoes, “Awesome. So that is all of it except for our secret sauce which I have here,” I threw down a bag of spread from McDonald’s Big Mac’s.

Matt and Luke started laughing when Anna said, “Hey that’s a great idea and since we are making Krabby Patty’s I think we should get into the mood,” she held up a spongebob dvd and I couldn’t help but squeal in excitement.

I put in the portable television set well we got ready to cut the condiments and the boys went in the back to grill up the burgers. I turned the television up singing along with the theme song, “He lives in a pineapple under the sea SPONGE BOB SQUAREPANTS…”

Anna and I were singing at the top of our lungs laughing out loud when the boys cleared their throats. Luke spoke first, “Damn that is hot seeing you two dance around like that how about you try that in skimpy pajamas next time.”

Matt shook his head agreeing his eyes burning into me making my skin prickle with heat. They put the hamburgers on the table well we each went to work making our Krabby Patty’s. The end result was: Matt was right they look like regular cheeseburgers. Damn we needed the Chum food.

We all sat their eating Matt and Luke both ate three cheeseburgers each well I baffled at how people that fine looking could eat like pigs.

I was about to grab another burger when my phone started ringing I was going to ignore it when the machine picked up.

“Penelope its Mrs. Rose I was calling to check on you. Has your parents called you yet? Probably not don’t fret darling they are cold-hearted people,” I stood up rushing to the phone trying to cut it off her voice still going, “Oh before I forget darling how was the doctor’s appointment anything good did the MR-“ I unhooked the machine from the wall feeling my cheeks flush.

I turned to look at my new friends; Anna and Luke both looked concerned but Matt look pissed. I cleared my throat, “Sorry about that I have been having headaches she always worries about me.”

They all shook their heads slowly well I sat back down pulling out my list, “So we did this one next one is having a drink with celebrity, how are we going to do that?”

Matt spoke, “I have an idea I will meet you guys here in next Saturday when I don’t work we will be crossing off the next two things on your list, Love.”

I agreed trying not to feel so disappointed that I have to wait whole week to see him again.

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