Betting Against the Odds (20 page)

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Authors: Sabrina Morgan

BOOK: Betting Against the Odds
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Matt’s POV:


Penelope has been in a coma for a month already and there still wasn’t any sign of her waking up nothing at all. We all took shifts seeing her as my friends and family forced me to leave my wife every once in a while to sleep or eat. But I couldn’t. Didn’t they understand I couldn’t survive without her why would I want to?

I walked into the hospital floor pass the nurses who all gave me pity looks of sorrows as I opened my wife’s room door seeing Elaina holding her hand crying. She looked up at me her eyes tired and red rimmed like mine. She gave me a sad tight smile that didn’t meet her eyes, “Hey Matt I was just talking to my girl here telling her she needs to wake up before I go to her house and steal all of her shoes and sell them to some rich people she does not like.”

I gave a short laugh at Elaina, “Penelope would hate that she would say to give them to the homeless before handing them to rich girls,” Elaina smiled, “Yea I know that’s why I said I was trying to scare her awake,” she gave a sigh looking at her watch, “I have to go to work now but Matt keep talking shit to her believe me it will piss her off enough to wake up and slap you.”

I gave her a nod. Elaina always made me feel better she never asked how I was or told me what to do because she knew it didn’t matter not until our girl woke up. I went to the bed bending down to kiss my wife’s cheek, “Hey love I am here now,” I sat down grabbing her hand, “I am not going anywhere. Baby I need you to give me a sign or something let me know you are still here with me. Please my wife. I love you.”

I held on to her hand longer when nothing happened, no sign…nothing. I was losing faith I didn’t want to but I was so tired and I was scared that I would never get to see my beautiful wife’s eyes on me again. I felt my hand squeeze. In confusion I looked down at my hand noticing Penelope’s fingers tightening around mine. A sign. She gave me a sign.

I pushed the call help button as a nurse ran in I smiled at the nurse, “She grasped my hand so fucking grasped my hand.”

The nurse called the doctor as I sat with my wife allowing myself to be hopeful again.

Penelope’s POV:


              I stood staring at the girl named Lacy, “Am I going to die?” Lacy gave me a sad smile, “I was told that it was up to you if you choose to live or die.”

I didn’t know what to say, “Who are you? Why are you here with me?” she looked over at Matt and Elaina who were talking to each other, “I am Lacy Lucas’s sister. I died almost 4 years ago from Leukemia,” my mouth fell open as I took her in she was so young, “I didn’t know I mean he doesn’t talk about it much.”

She smiled, “My brother tries to be strong for his self and Anna but I know he still cries at night sometimes when he thinks no one is listening but know he cries for me and you. I am here to guide you to heaven or to guide you back to earth. The choice is yours it has always been your choice.”

“Will I be okay if I go back to earth?” she shook her shoulders lifting them slowly, “I don’t know you may be or might not I know if you choose to go to Heaven you will feel no more physical pain but your heart will still hurt from leaving him.”

What if I go back and I am worse? What if Matt ends up resenting me for my illness? Can I go back with nothing but “what ifs”? I was contemplating my decision when I felt his hand hold mine, “Give me a sign” he whispered to my body as I watched him. Hope leaving his eyes as I laid there not moving and that’s when I decided I couldn’t leave him I love him too much. I wasn’t ready. I put my hand on his forcing my body to react to his touch when I saw him stiffen looking at my fingers. He pushed a button the nurse running in as my husband smiled a smile of hope telling her that I grabbed his hand.

I looked toward Lacy who was smiling as she watched the people run into my room her eyes lingering on Luke and Anna, “I made my choice,” I whispered she looked back at me smiling widely, “I know do me a favor tell Lucas that I am fine. I am happy. I will be with him at his wedding.”

I smiled, “I will,” I peered at my body not sure what to do next. I turned around to ask Lacy but she wasn’t there no more. Okay so what now. I leaned down to my body peering at my face when I felt a pull. My body got sucked back in to darkness that heavy feeling hitting me again. But this time when I opened my heavy eye lids I came face to face with icy blue eyes looking down at me, “Matt”, I croaked out.

Matt’s POV:


              The nurse called the doctor in as he checked her over as he let me know that her activity seems to be picking up which was a good sign. I grabbed my phone calling Elaina who told me she would let everyone else know what was going on.

About 15 minutes later everyone ran into the room wanting to see Penelope I caught Luke pausing by the door looking at a spot in the corner of the room his eyes shut in confusion. But when I was about to ask him if he was okay he opened his eyes clear of confusion and made his way to me. I sat there telling everyone what happened as looks of happiness and hope shined through their faces. I peered back down at my wife praying for her to wake up when I saw her eyes flutter open striking gray eyes looking up at me. I couldn’t move I just sat staring at her but the she said my name, “Matt.”

I jumped up from my chair telling someone to call the doctor as I held on to my love, “Oh love thank goodness baby I missed you so much. I love you wife. I love you.”

She couldn’t speak the tube making it near impossible Doc came through his eyes shining with tears as he checked Penelope. He made everyone leave but me as he pulled the tubes from her one by one to assess if there was any sort of problems. Penelope asked for water which I happily gave her the water helping her drink it as Doc gave her tests and spoke to her about how she feels.

“I am tired,” she croaked out drinking more water, “How long have I been asleep?” she asked looking at me.

“A month love you have been asleep a month,” she laced her fingers through mine tears falling down her cheeks, “I am so sorry Matt.”

I shook my head giving her a kiss, “It doesn’t matter you are here you woke up love.”

Doc spoke next, “We are going to take you to do some MRI’s so we can check on the process of the tumor so we can see if the surgery worked or not.”

She glanced at me in fear, “It’s okay love we can do this. You will be fine I promise.”

The doctor left telling us we have thirty minutes before I go get my scans done. I opened the door letting everyone in as they held her and talked to her. Everyone was crying there wasn’t a dry eye anywhere.

“Luke,” I heard Penelope call his name as Anna and him moved towards her smiling, “When I was asleep I had this weird dream I could hear Matt and Elaina but there was a little girl with me she was beautiful,” everyone was listening to her intently as she talked, “She had blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes she said her name was Lacy.”

Anna gave a gasp as Luke cried, “Lacy my sister is she okay?” Penelope held his hands, “She is fine. She wanted you to know that she was very happy and that she will be there for your wedding.”

Lucas broke down crying as Penelope held him crying with him. Her eyes met mine and I knew that we would be okay even if we had to fight every day to keep going we will win.

Doc came in to wheel her away as she gave us all a wave.

I sat back waiting for the results when Doc came in to talk to us Penelope digging her fingers into my palm. She was scared so was I, “Well the results are back and it is a miracle it looks like everything is fine there was no damage causes by the brain bleeding,” I smiled at Penelope as she spoke up, “What about the tumor Doc?”

He didn’t answer right away making my heart drop, “Well it is a miracle the tumor is completely gone. It doesn’t even look like there was one to begin with,” I gave a laugh as Penelope held me crying happily.

I kissed her my wife, my love, my light. We were going to live long and happily.


Ch. 22: Epilogue (5 Month’s Later)


              I was stuffing myself in a pale blue dress when I felt two hands wrap around my waist stopping me. I gave a laugh as he kissed the back of my neck softly making me sigh in with pleasure as his tongue flicked over my ear, “Hey love I want to fuck you so take of that dress,” I pushed him away with my butt, “Matt we don’t have time we are going to be late and then they are going to kill us,” he growled smacking my ass hard, “I don’t care I want to fuck my wife before we go you know tomorrow will be a year since we first met?”

I smiled at him dropping the dress and my panties bringing him in between my legs as I sucked on his bottom lip, “It is so sexy that you know that baby now I want to fuck,” he gave me a winning smile as he thrust into me with no warning what so ever. I grabbed on to his shoulder as he kissed me, “Tell me you love me,” he whispered pulling my hair, “Oh God Matt I love you,” he bit my neck, “Good I love you too.”

We were ten minutes late as I ran into the room full of ladies all giving me a look Elaina handed me my bouquet of flowers, “Damn girl you need to calm down you two screw like rabbits,” I gave her a push but pulled her back to me whispering in her ear, “Are you okay El?”

She shook her head yes smiling but I knew she wasn’t something was wrong she has been quieter lately and we hardly talk anymore and her eyes just seem so lifeless. I didn’t like it at all but I wasn’t going to push her so will tell me when she is ready.

I looked towards the bride as Anna stood in her Cinderella ball gown wedding dress smiling brightly as we told her it was time. I gave her a kiss, “I am so happy for you two,” she held me tightly, “I am glad I met you Pen.”

We all took our places as Elaina made her way down the aisle first I noticed standing next to Matt was Cole. We haven’t seen him in like three months I was actually surprised he came. I saw his eyes linger on Elaina a look of concern on his face. Hmm he must see it too. I started down the aisle giving my husband a wink as he gave me a smirk. I couldn’t help it I flipped him off as the audience laughed making me blush Luke just shook his head giving me an amused look. The crowd stood up as Anna made her way down the aisle led by her brother Johnathon who was freaking hot if I wasn’t married I would be all up on that and well if he wasn’t gay. I saw Jake smile widely as he watched Anna but I knew his smile was all for Johnathon who happened to be newly single. Hmm it seems that I had some matchmaking to do with those two and with El and Cole. I smiled a smug smile as I planned in my head when I met Matt’s stare as he shook his head no already reading my mind I just gave him a huge smile knowing I will get my way.

The wedding was beautiful and the place they picked was awesome I guess Anna’s parents got married here when they were younger and it was on Anna’s bucket list. They exchanged the traditional vows as I kept my eyes on my husband smiling at him. It hasn’t been easy I have had some lingering problems such as my hands and feet giving up on me my muscles needed to be reworked to hold me. I haven’t heard from my parents at all Matt telling me what happened. Mrs. Rose works for me at my new company that helps people of all ages get through health issues. It was hard to get started but it has been growing with patience and volunteers helping. I was happy.

“You may kiss the bride,” the preacher announced as Luke pounced on Anna kissing her so aggressively I thought they were going to do it right there until Janet cleared her throat gathering their attention. Luke just smiled as Anna blushed making the crowd laugh.

The reception was lovely as was the toasts Matt held me in his arms as we danced, “I love you my wife but you have that maniac look on your face,” I gave him a push as he twirled me around, “What are you planning?”

I smiled, “Well first I am going to set up Jake with Johnathon and then I am going to set up Cole and El but first I have to figure out what is wrong with her.”

My husband gave a laugh, “You are a pain in the ass leave them alone but you are right Elaina has seemed very I don’t know lost.”

I shook my head yea but my eyes were drifting to a blonde head who was leaving an envelope on the presents. She looked around caught me staring and gave me a wink, “Christy?” I said out loud Matt stopping the dance, “What did you just say?”

I grabbed him as we made our way to our friends telling them we needed a family meeting; Johnathon included. I stopped by the table picking the envelope up as we stood by a pool, “The day I had my brain bleed I ran into Isabella and some other girl. I was going to tell Matt that night but I forgot well Isabella threatened me and the girl she was with was blonde and she said her name was Christy,” Anna’s eyes grew wide as she grabbed her husband’s hand, “She told me to let you know that she was  going to be seeing you soon Anna. I have a bad feeling about those two and not to mention hat scary man that was with them.”

That got Cole’s and Matt’s attention, “What did the guy look like?” Cole asked, “Um I don’t know he was big and he had his hair slicked back I couldn’t see his eyes he was wearing glasses. He looked like one of the mobster dudes that you see in the movies. He just stood there looking at us it freaked me out,” Matt gave a curse turning to Cole.

“Gio,” Matt growled his name the boys all tensed up but what surprised me the most was Elaina’s response, “Gio” she whispered, “Do you mean Gio Perez?”

Cole stepped to her slowly, “How do you know Gio,” she didn’t answer him making him mad, “How the fuck do you know Gio?”

She stared at him a fire lighting her eyes but then it faded, “I live in the ghetto everyone knows about Gio, Cole. We poor people know to not mess with him,” Cole seemed to like that answer but I knew better I knew when El lied her right eye twitched and she was twitching.

I cleared my throat loudly gaining everyone’s attention, “I just saw Christy again she put this on the present table,” I held up the envelope as Anna took it ignoring Luke and Johnathon.

She opened it reading it out loud:

“Hello dear,

Did you think the game was over? I am sorry to tell you it isn’t it has just begun watch out cousin I am coming for you and I have friends who want to see you and the others go down. Enjoy your wedding but remember I have eyes everywhere. Oh Matt and Penelope; Isabella says hi she is sorry that you didn’t die in peace. Oh and for Cole our boss says to let you and Matt know that the debt isn’t paid.

Well goodbye for now. Oh wait one more message for an Elaina a message for you: Mind you’re businesses or I will destroy your pathetic family.”

We all stood there not speaking knowing that things just got serious. We put the note away as members of the family came to talk to us. We put on smiles knowing that tomorrow we start planning. I held on to Matt as I watched Elaina slink away through the crowd Cole’s eyes never leaving hers. I have a feeling that those two need each other more than they want too. My husband pulled me into his arms whispering into my ear.

“I love you Penelope Collins.”

“I love you, too Matt Collins.”










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