Betting Against the Odds (12 page)

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Authors: Sabrina Morgan

BOOK: Betting Against the Odds
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The girl glowed white as she pointed to the mirror where she wrote the word “light” in the mirror. I was about to ask her what she meant when Matt came in the room looking between me and the girl who was now disappearing.

“Holy fuck was that her or am I tripping,” I gave a sarcastic laugh, “No it was her and I think we should go now.”

We ran down the stairs into the car not speaking until we got to the hotel room. We took showers got dressed holding each other tightly as we slept trying not to think about what we saw but the word “light” kept replaying in my mind.

              By the time March 4
rolled round Anna and I were ready to put our plan in motion at the Mardi Gras parade first step was our sexy outfits. We decided on a black skirt for me with a form fitted pink shirt and to top it of hot pink heels. I curled my hair did my makeup I looked like a plus size porn star which Anna agreed declaring step one done.

Step two was to meet the boys down at the parade next to the café shop we go to. We got our stuff making sure we looked okay no lipstick on teeth or toilet paper on shoes. We made our way to the boys as Luke pulled Anna to him well Matt just gave a long stare looking me up and down making my body heat in response. Damn this man for his overheated stare.

I smiled at him well we watched the colorful floats going down the street people throwing beads and flashing their breasts for beads well men flashed their butts. It was hilarious and fun but I wanted some beads too. I looked towards Anna who gave me a nod; we knew this was going to piss the guys off but we didn’t care. We stood together lifting our shirts in unison flashing the float going by as people cheered throwing us handful of beads which we hurried up and grabbed putting them on us. Matt grabbed at me pushing me out of view, “What the fuck were you thinking showing everyone your breast. God damn it Penelope you fucking make me crazy.”

I gave him a what the fuck look as I pulled away from him grabbing Anna who was glaring at a red-face Luke, “Come on let’s go dance and have a good time.”

We went into one of the random bars hopping on the chair getting the bartenders attention asking for 6 shots of tequila and a beer chaser. By the time we downed all 6 shots the boys found us moving around us grabbing a beer and watching us. Luke and Anna made up fast as they grinded on each other dancing with each other; Matt on the other hand looked like he was ready to bend me over his lap and smack my ass not that I would protest…much.

I was about to ask him something when a big breasted tall blonde Barbie came over to him moving her hands all over him, “Come dance with me hot stuff I can give you a good time,” she purred as I gagged.

Matt glanced at me in worry as I whispered, “That’s not all she will give you,” Matt gave a short laugh as the blonde glared at me, “What the fuck did you just say fatty?”

I smiled a fake smile at her, “I said you two should go boogie,” she took a second to process and turned back to Matt, “See your sister doesn’t mind.”

“She’s not my-“ he was about to correct her when a guy interrupted him, “Hey I was wondering if I can buy you a drink?”

It took me a minute to comprehend that he was talking to me like seriously a whole minute, “Me!” I practically yelled at the hot sexy man standing in front of me I gave him a little pinch as he grabbed a hold of my hand smiling, “Sorry had to make sure you were real because if you weren’t I would have to stop drinking.”

He called the bartender over buying me another beer as Matt sat there glaring at us until the blonde pulled him up on to the dance floor. I watched him for a second as he held the girl by the waist grinding his lower hips on her butt. I grabbed my beer downing it grabbing Mr. Hotty McPants pulling him to the dance floor as I let myself feel the music. I pumped my gracious backside into his lower hips as he held me tighter whispering in my ear. I can’t tell you what was said because Matt was looking at me a look of pure rage on his face and I had to smile at that it seems the plan is working out that is until the blondie put her lips on his and he kissed her back. I paused pushing the hottie off of me as I ran to the door not even pausing to see who was calling me I ran all the way to the hotel closing myself into the bathroom.

I looked at my makeup stained face: Plan failed.







Ch. 12: Carve Name in Tree(Matt’s POV)

              I woke up the next day head pounding reaching over for Penelope but coming in contact with nothing. What. I rubbed my eyes finding myself in a different hotel room I glared down at my naked body looking for any signs of what the hell I did or who I did. The bathroom door opened as I closed my eyes preparing myself for my stupidity.

I opened my eyes coming face to face with…Luke. “What the fuck Luke why am I in your room and not with Penelope.”

He gave me a snort, “You don’t remember do you?”

I shook my head no, “All I remember is being pissed at Penelope for showing her breast,” really fucking magnificent breast I shake the thought from my head, “going to the bar where oh…”

“Mmhm where you danced and made out with a beach blonde woman right in front of our dear Pen’s innocent eyes. Broke her heart she ran all the way back to the room not letting any of us in until Anna got through to her I on the other hand had the job of picking your dumb ass up and dragging you here.”

Damn it I made a fist, “What do I do?”

“I don’t know man. I don’t know but something fast.”

I kept that thought in my head for the rest of the week because that is how long it took for Penelope to even look at me and the only reason she did was because we sat together on the plane on our way to Ireland.

              St. Patrick’s Day was a week away and that is all we had to spend in Ireland before we headed to Australia. We made our way to a very cozy looking cottage we grabbed two rooms but Penelope and Anna was sharing this time. It made me sad and pissed off that I was now in the dog house with her it wasn’t like we were dating she was flirting with another man and everything herself. I needed to make this better and fast I have too. I watched her take out a map plotting everything she wanted to see for this week staring with a trip to the shops…of course.

We walked the streets taking in all of our surroundings, “It’s beautiful,” I heard her say as she glanced around but my eyes didn’t leave hers.

We were staying in County Cork surrounded by beaches and different places to see. We made our way to the English Market that was actually known famously because of Queen Elizabeth II visiting in in 2011 and to be damn honest it was an amazing place to shop and the girls were in heaven. I decided that I would ask to speak to Penelope away from our friends telling her exactly what I feel and what she means to me.

“Hey Penelope do you think we can go for a walk so we could talk about the whole thing at the Mardi Gras,” I felt her tense up at my words as she gave me a fake smile, “There is nothing we need to talk about Matt we had fun that is the point of this trip right to have fun?”

I gave her a quick nod, “No that isn’t the point the point of this trip was for me to spend time with an amazing girl that walked into my bar and told my brother off,’ she looked away as I gently put my hand to her cheek making her look back at me, “Please just let me explain…please.”

“Okay St. Anne’s Church is where we could go but keep up we have a lot of steps to walk up on,” I smiled, “Game on”

We left Anna and Luke to shop as we walked towards the steps, “Holy shit that is a lot of steps,” Penelope slapped my arm, “Don’t cuss it’s a church.”

I gave her a guilty smile as we started or trek to the top to ring the Shandon Bells, “So I have something to admit to you and I want you to listen until I am done no interruptions. I like you Penelope I have liked you the moment I saw you I thought it was just plain lust but then we got to know each other and I kept thinking about you all day and all night it was the most bizarre feeling in the world. I wanted more of it more of you. God, Penelope I have never felt like this and I know I have fucked up countless times but I want you, I need you. Please give me a chance to be with you. Let me show you how much you mean to me. You’re my best girl and I hope one day it will lead to something a hella lot more.”

She stood there mouth open staring at me, “But the blonde from the bar you had sex with her.”

I shook my head but continued to walk up the steps, “No I didn’t I messed up and I kissed her but I did not have sex with her the truth is I haven’t had sex with anyone since I first met you.”

I gave her a glance as she walked with her head down her cheeks flushing, “That’s nice of you. Thank you.”

What the fuck? I grabbed her making her face me pulling her head up to meet mine, “You’re not getting it you little dumbass,” her eyes flashed as she tried to step back, “Don’t call me a dumbass.”

I glared at her, “I will call you a dumbass every time you act like one because you don’t seem to fucking get it. I am not being polite to you for not sleeping with other women I said that because I haven’t wanted anyone since I saw you,” I didn’t let her answer as I pulled her into a rough kiss; forcing her mouth to open letting my tongue melt with hers as I held her tighter to me rubbing myself against her gently making her feel what she does to me.

We parted both breathless as I held her hand taking the last couple of steps to the bells. We stood in front of them as Penelope rang them making the bells chime out, “Amazing Grace”. We both listened to it when it was over she faced me smiling widely, “I like you to Matt and I want to be with you. I want to see where this will go.”

I smiled widely at her as I gripped her hand in mine peering into her eyes filled with sincerity as I whispered to her, “Penelope will you be my girlfriend?”

Her beaming smile hit me square in the heart as she pulled me closer to her body, “Matt it’s about damn time you asked me the answer is yes you dumbass.”

We both laughed as we made our way down the steps to Anna and Luke were smirking at us, “Well about time dude,” Anna gave a giggle, “Yea I was so tired of you two moping well I think it’s time to call it a day.”

We went to the hotel as I traded rooms with Anna making my way inside where Penelope was on the bed watching television, “What are you watching love?”

“Walking dead,” she answered never lifting her head from the television, “You watch that show?” I couldn’t help but stare at her in awe.

“Well yea it’s kick ass and plus Daryl is hot,” I gave her a sneer as she grinned up at me with a gleam in her eyes.

I jumped on her tackling her to the bed, “You think he’s hot? Huh I bet I can change your mind on who you think is hot,” I pulled her hands above her head as I kissed her neck nibbling on pieces here and there as her breath came in and out rapidly as she moved her hands underneath my shirt scraping her nail against my abs. I gave a shudder as I made my way to her lips kissing her thoroughly making her squirm against me. Fuck she felt good.

I pulled away leaning my forehead on hers as I smiled at her she took a second to speak, “Matt um I have never had um…you know I’m a virgin.”

“I know baby I’m not pressuring you will do whatever you want us to do okay,” she gave me a nod biting he lip as she gave me a heated look, “I want you to touch me Matt.”

My voice hitched as I gazed at her, “Are you sure?” She shook her head yes pulling my shirt over my head as I reached for her shirt I paused as I was lifting it up; her tensing up, “Love do you want me to stop?”

“No,” she squeaked, “So why are you so tense?” I whispered to her well she gave me a quiet look, “It’s just that I’m nervous I mean you have done this a lot and I am not skinny I am fat and,”

I cut her off punishing her thoughts with my lips as she hungrily devoured me back, “Love you are beautiful and your curves make me so hot I have been thinking about you and your sexy curves for months.”

“I heard you,” she whispered against my mouth as I paused on top of her lifting her shirt above her hands skimming my hands down her belly up on to the straps of her bra as I continued to make her talk, “What do you mean you heard me?”

She lifted her shoulders up giving me more access to unclasp her bra as she clarified what she heard, “I heard you touching yourself in the shower,” her words sent a thrill through me, “Mmhm what else,” I took her nipple into my mouths sucking on it gently as her body arched up in pleasure her moaning in delight, “I liked it. I liked hearing you touch yourself.” I put more pressure to my sucking as she moaned louder pushing her body upwards onto my throbbing penis.

I moved down her body kissing her as I pulled down her sweatpants reveling cut pink lacy boy shorts that molded her body perfectly. I cupped her through her panties the heat enveloping my hand as she whimpered in response as I moved my fingers over her heat kissing her gently.

“I touched myself too,” she whispered as my fingers stopped their movements, “What do you mean love?” she moved up pushing her heat more into my fingers, “I touched myself a lot thinking of you. I thought of you touching me as I pleasured myself,” she moaned louder as I slipped my finger into her slit moving my thumb over her sensitive bud making her gasp.

“Damn love that’s the hottest thing I have ever heard,” I pulled my finger out and back in slowly as she trembled under me, “I thought of you too when I touched myself. I thought of your hands on me your hot mouth.”

She surprised me with what she said next, “I want to touch you. Can I?” I gave her a startled nod as I moved away from her, picking her up and caring her to the couch so she could straddle me. I moved my hands over her body placing my fingers back into her slickness as she moved down on my fingers biting her lip as she unbuttoned my pants sliding them down.

She gave a startled laugh, “No boxers,” I gave her a wink, “Easy access,” she laughed as she gently placed a hand on my throbbing hardness it sprung up under her touch as she pulled her hand away looking at me nervously, “I don’t know what to do,” she blushed in embarrassment well it made me even harder, “I like that you don’t know what to do love but believe me know matter what you do I will enjoy a lot,” I gripped my penis sliding my hand up and down as I watched her watch me.

She got a look of determination in her eyes as she moved her hands over mine mimicking my motion until I let go letting her move on her own. Her touch was cool making me groan in pleasure as I moved into her hand I moved my hand back to her throbbing bud as I added another finger into her slit, “Damn love you are so tight and so fucking wet.”

She grasped harder making me growl out at the sensations flooding me she was close to her release I could feel it in the tightening of her body like a coil ready to spring. I pushed harder on her clit as she jerked stating to cry out in release grasping me harder taking me with her as I released myself in her hand as her body sagged into mine.

I kissed her neck picking her up and leading her to the shower so we could wash up. She gave me a gentle smile, “That was so much better than me touching myself,” I gave her a hard kiss, “I agree lets shower and go to be because I want to do that again tomorrow morning and maybe the next morning hell we can add it to our itinerary.”

              The next morning I woke up with a sense of peace looking over at a very naked Penelope who had he butt sticking up the sheets crumpled beside us. I ran my hand down her back as I grabbed her ass in my hand. Damn she had a fine ass. I moved my hand underneath her where I slid my finger into her slit as she moaned out loud picking her body up so I could have more access. She moved her ass where it bumped against my finger in a more hastily place I was enjoying watching her that I almost missed her hands on me…almost. She moved her hands up and down making me tense up. Damn for her just learning how to do this she was better than anyone else I have ever been with. We both came at the same time groaning in release.

We showered together touching each other again as we washed off. By the time we got dressed to meet Anna and Luke we both had equal beaming smiles on their faces. Anna gave Penelope a once over smiling knowingly, “Did you to have sex!”

Penelope pushed Anna, “Shut up Anna and no we did not we just had a good night okay it was our first night as a couple so no we did not and if we did I wouldn’t tell you well not in front of Luke and why the hell are we talking about this in the middle of the street in Ireland!”

We all started laughing at Penelope’s facial expression as I bent down kissing her cheek, “Come on love we have to do something on your list how about carving our names in a tree that sounds appropriate don’t you think?”

So looked around pointing to a mountain lined with trees, “There we will go there,” she grabbed my hand rushing down the street when she stopped suddenly her body swaying as I reached around her waist steadying her.

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