Camille's Capture

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Authors: Evanne Lorraine

BOOK: Camille's Capture
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Camille’s Capture




Evanne Lorraine

Genetically engineered for a single function, to breed, Camille followed the rules and accepted the Goddess’s will as explained by the elders all her life. After artificial insemination fails, she gathers her courage, traveling to distant New Eden to try in-person breeding. When her matches fail to appear, the meek little breeder rebels, determined to leave the Goddess-forsaken world behind her as fast as the next ship home can make the jump to subspace.

Aegis exists only to fulfill his vow to avenge the death of his parents by a Baldorean blood mage. Not even the forbidden desire for Jaxon interferes with his quest. But contact with a breeder threatens everything he holds sacred.

For four years, Jaxon dreamed of tri-bond with Aegis. Isolated by hostilities in the endless war with Baldor, he’s trapped in the close quarters of their fighter with Aegis and Cami, his most secret dream comes true. But instead of bliss, he finds himself plunged into a battle with prejudice, doubts, and jealousy.

Cami travels halfway across the universe, survives brutal rejection, humiliation and a firefight. Stranded with two fierce warriors, not even a broken heart will make her quit until she has the sperm she needs.

Warning:  This story contains two searing hot alpha males and a sweet, but very determined and lushly curved woman. There’s also plenty of violence, red-hot sex, alien naked naughty bits, male/male intimacy and multiple partner interludes. 

reviewer say about Evanne Lorraine’s books


Dalila’s Choice could have been a fluffy, sexy read, but nice plot twists that bring it up to the next level. I like the background and it set the stage for an intriguing story. The brothers are hot but they also have unique and interesting personalities. Dalila's discovery of her sexuality is a really great part of the story. The last part of the book is where this one shines. The author does a nice job of exploring motivations and perceptions. Very enjoyable.
(The Romance Studio)


To say that Wicked Business is sexually inspiring is an understatement. The heat rolls off the pages and the sexual play between Eduardo and DJ is edgy while maintaining an air of fun.


Wickedly handsome demons, and one not-so-fragile-as-she-seems woman, light up the moon in Ranin Seven, an action packed and seriously sexy read with just enough scorching sex to keep you sizzling.
(Coffee Time Romance)


I didn’t put down Pirate Rules at any point from start to finish. All pirate fans need to read this one. The “Pirate and Captive” scenes will stave your naughty cravings, the BDSM role-play is combustive, and Ryder is a hero you won’t soon forget.
(Whipped Cream Reviews)


Camille's Capture has it all: action, adventure, passion, and romance! The world is well developed and the reader is transported into quickly and effortlessly. Jaxon, Aegis, and Cami all have their own unique appeal and work not only as a tri-bond, but also individually and/or paired off.
(Deviant Divas)


Evanne Lorraine displays her talents for bringing the story alive creating a refreshing, exciting, and passionate tale brimming with marvelously crafted characters whose emotions runs deep as their sense of honor, determination, and compassion. Right from the very first page Ms. Lorraine cleverly works her magic by blending suspense, sensuality, and domination into a pulse pounding paranormal plot that is impossible to put down. It seems that Ms. Lorraine's detailed and vivid style of writing excellently flows smoothly and her way with words lures the reader directly into the story surrounding them with all the action, danger, and drama that takes place within the pages of A Taste of Scarlet.
The love scenes are hot, sexy and dominate and the chemistry between the two sizzles. The edge of animalistic desire to the sex scenes as their inner wolves connect with their human side adds an interesting and highly sensual bond between the lovers. The ending is a pure delight.
(The Romance Studio)


I LOVED the sex in this story. I read every single word of the sex scenes. Many times now, I skip or skim over the sex scenes because they are the same old same old. Very few authors write it in a manner enticing enough for me to read every word. Between her descriptions of taste, scent, and touch, I devoured every word and felt as if I were in the room watching them
. (The Romance Reviews)



A Taste of Scarlet is a smoking hot story. The chemistry between Scarlet and Daniel is palpable and deep. The background story and supporting characters set up the main plot excellently. Dialogues were compelling and showed the pain, desire, fear, and love the characters feel.
(Coffee Time Romance)


The only negative I have is that it is too doggone short. It was just so delicious I wanted MORE! Thank heavens Ms. Lorraine is working on a new installment, and she promises it will be longer. It's kinda like chocolate. A little is just a tease. Her characters have such potential for depth, and she has such a wonderful voice, we just need more.
(The Romance Reviews)


The abuse that Amber has to endure just to survive in her own household is so heartbreaking and yet it gives us the chance to see why underneath her submissive nature, the she-wolf had a backbone made of steel. On top of that you have the alpha Hunter whose mere presence in a room screamed domination, and his second-in-command, Tru, whose sensitive nature seemed to nurture different parts of Amber’s character, making this one brilliant ménage a trois tale that you will not soon forget.
(Coffee Time Romance)


Oh my goodness, I loved this book. Not only is it a totally hot BDSM story with an incredible Shibari scene, but it also has an amazing story. This really is the total package. The story is in depth with great twists and turns that kept me reading. I truly couldn't stop until I was done with it. Holly is one of those great BDSM characters that revels in her submission, but also knows she's a strong woman and is more than willing to speak her mind. While Colin the half demon is not only a strong master, but a tender lover too. I was thrilled to see that this book is Demon Hunters book one, because the world that Ms. Lorraine creates is incredibly intriguing and she has a true gift for writing that perfect mix of steamy hot sex and an incredible story
. (The Romance Studio)

Dear Reader,

The panoramic possibilities mankind’s future holds continue to flash through my mind like shooting stars. No two visions are the same, yet each is breathtaking.

Camille’s Capture
happens in one such possible universe millennium after the world you and I know has been transformed by holocaust. Only women inhabit the dying Earth. In a distant galaxy a dwindling population of men face extinction.

wo disparate cultures must mesh to survive.

Against this backdrop
, one woman braves the long journey determined to fulfill her prime function. Her sanctioned mates fail to claim her. The erotic space opera unfolds.

This is
the story I longed to read and never got back in the day when I devoured science fiction titles.

I hope you enjoy reading Cami’s adventure as much as I enjoyed writing it.






Camille’s Capture copyright © 2011 by Evanne Lorraine

Cover and internal design copyright © 201
4 by Evanne Lorraine


This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. With the exception of quotes used in reviews, no part of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electrical or mechanical, without express permission in writing from the author.


Warning: This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered offensive to some readers. The story is intended for adults over seventeen years of age. Please store your files carefully where they cannot be accessed by underage readers.




Summer Palace, Tocamo Province, Hakan

4372 SG (Standard Galactic Calendar)


“Do not go far. We eat soon.”

“Yes, Father,” Aegis flung the words over his shoulder, racing toward the rear of the palace grounds, which gave access to the hidden beach trail.

Through the tropical undergrowth, the ocean called to him with the
added lure of forbidden territory. Tethysians, water demons, gained greater strength from the sea. The same as every other puny teenage male, he longed for a boost of power.

A surge of confidence stretched his mouth into a cocky grin. No way
would his father read his intentions. His gift of shielding his thoughts had been impenetrable right out of the egg. He couldn’t wait for his body to catch up with his mind, but at sixteen he was still pathetically small and weak, disgustingly normal for a young demon. Nothing in his appearance suggested he was the least bit impressive, let alone royal.

His ever-present guards, Solin and Miko, kept pace at a discreet distance; the faithful shadows allow
ing him the illusion of privacy, if not the reality.

The sole advantage to his
small size was speed. He sprinted. The guards thundered behind him, losing ground. He moved smoothly ahead, not slowing while he applied his latest glamour. Invisibility.

“Where’d he go?” Solin’s perpetual gruffness sharpened.

Miko’s voice went high-pitched with alarm. “You lost him?”

“I swear by the queen’s eggs, I never took my eyes off him.”

“Dragon’s blood. The king will roast our hides if we come back without his son.”

Aegis cringed at the older man’s curse. Then he shrugged off their worry. Disaster planning was
a guard’s normal mode.

He s
hed his tunic as he ran through the slippery edge of the receding tide. Giddy with excitement, he rested with his arms braced on his thin thighs, caught his breath, and waited for the next big wave.

“There’s his clothes, thank the
Goddess.” Relief deepened Miko’s gruff tone.

“He’s made himself invisible. How are we supposed to
protect him now?” Solin grumbled without any real menace.

Soon I won’t need guards.
Aegis swallowed a chortle and dove into the beckoning curl of water. The rest of their conversation drowned beneath the roar of the surf and the sensual thrill of riding the waves, drenched in the magic of his natural element.

When he staggered back to the beach
, perhaps an hour later, his exhausted body vibrated with sparks of wild, uncontrollable energy.

Miko’s kind face wore a harsh mask of disapproval wh
ile he stiffly handed Aegis the tunic he’d dropped. “If Your Highness is quite ready, can we go back to the palace grounds now? The ones you were not supposed to leave.”

Still trembling from the excess power, Aegis tugged on the loose garment. “I regret making you worry, but I’m not sorry for riding the waves.”

“You should be. Solin near lost his lunch when you disappeared. Good fun for you might mean a beating, or worse, for us.”

Aegis rounded on Miko, ready to defend his father’s fairness.

A shriek of outrage pierced the balmy summer evening. His gentle mother’s angry cry stopped his protest and iced his blood. He darted for the grounds where he’d left his family, but this time Miko was ready, holding him fast with one brawny arm, his free hand clamped over Aegis’s mouth.

Solin took the lead, cutting away from the path and approaching the compound
from the untamed jungle. Prowling forward soundlessly, he drew his blaster. Tension vibrated through Miko’s fingers while he maintained a titanium grip on Aegis and followed.

An ominous silence thickened. With the normal
evening noises quieted, soft thuds, muffled cries, and muted crashes of a fight filtered past the foliage before Aegis could see anything. He struggled against Miko’s steely hold, frantic to help his family.

“Vanish,” Miko hissed.

Aegis tried, but he couldn’t concentrate long enough to disappear. Panicked, he shook his head, uselessly willing Miko to release him. Cautiously, Miko edged them closer to Solin. The other guard slipped into the palace’s manicured garden. Miko and Aegis took his place at the jungle’s edge.

Through the thinning undergrowth, Aegis glimpsed raw carnage.

Solin joined the fight, stumbled, and fell too soon. An enemy’s dagger quivered in his back.

Gall rose
again. Aegis swallowed hard. Pulse pounding, he searched for his parents, barely processing the surreal chaos of a battle inside the royal enclave.

Miko hunkered down, dragging Aegis with him. “Don’t move.”

The fighting shifted closer to where they crouched hidden in the outer plantings. Half a body length from them, a blood mage reached into his father’s chest.

hrieking with silent terror, Aegis fought Miko’s grip until the guard flattened him, using his greater weight to control his struggles.

The mage’s incantations pulsed through the rest of the noise
—a deadly backbeat.

Even an adult demon could be tamed with
such powerful magic.

Held immobile, frozen by the unfolding nightmare
and Miko’s bulk, Aegis watched, sick with helplessness, while his father’s dear face twisted and flattened in agony. Earthy scents of urine and excrement mixed with royal demon blood.

His m
other roared and threw off her captors. She leaped, claws slashing and flayed the mage’s cheek to bone, narrowly missing his eye.

Soon c
aught and bound by his minions, she sank to her knees. The mage continued to chant without pause. He crushed Father’s beating heart, carefully collecting every drop of precious blood.

Mother’s screams faded to a wail of loss.

Aegis shared her total desolation for an endless instant as their enemy methodically drizzled water over the bright blade of a chimator and then tamped a small sack along the gleaming edge. A breeze carried the faint scent of dried dragon’s blood the mage used to make his weapon invincible.

Aegis’s chest constricted.

The lethal scimitar, bespelled with ancient runes and honed by dark magic, fell across Mother’s bowed neck. Her head toppled and rolled onto the lawn. The mage lifted a fresh cauldron and caught the gushing fountain of blood.

Weighted by Miko’s thick body and guilt, Aegis sank deeper into the jungle duff, sick with impotent rage. When the first wave of fury passed, a cold certainty replaced his anger. No longer would he worship Tethysia, the
Goddess of all water. An immortal who abandoned his family didn’t deserve his loyalty.

He vowed the blood mage who’d slaughtered his parents would die.

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