Betrayed (7 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

Tags: #pregnancy, #alpha male

BOOK: Betrayed
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“She wasn’t herself, I don’t know
how else to put it. I’ve known her ever since we were kids and I’ve
never seen her act like that. She’s usually quiet and reserved when
we hang out in public, you know. But for some reason that night she
was clingy and weird. She started out okay; I picked her up because
she said you didn’t like her driving down the mountain at night.
Brenda had been on my ass all day about hanging out which I found
strange, but then she said that it was for Maddy, that Maddy was
feeling down because you were gone so I gave in.”

“They were there when we got to the
bar, Brenda, Donna and some of the others. Brenda had bought Maddy
her first beer and had it waiting so I went to the bar to grab one.
I thought I’d hang out there for a bit and give the girls some time
alone together but Brenda came and dragged me back to the table. I
didn’t think anything of it when she kept insisting that I dance
with Maddy, I thought she was just trying to cheer her

“I honestly don’t remember seeing
her have more than the one beer so I can’t say what happened. I
know she’s a lightweight but not after just one you know. Anyway
she started acting really strange.” Here his face started to redden
and I felt the old strains of anger awaken again. I wasn’t about to
lose my cool though I’d given my word. “Go on.”

“She um, she started like rubbing
herself against me.” He stole a quick look like he expected me to
swing on him or some shit and as much as I wanted to it wouldn’t be
fair. Neither of them was to blame for this, still the thought of
it made me mad as hell. I braced myself for what came next and
nodded for him to continue.

“Then she kissed me. That’s when I
knew something was wrong. Look Maddy and I have never had those
kinds of feelings for each other and I know she worships the ground
you walk on. Just an hour before she was going on and on about all
the things she had planned for when you came back, and now here she
was all over me. Brenda started hooting and hollering and I guess
that got everyone’s attention and I knew I had to get her out of

“I got us out of there and took her
to her father’s house. She threw up on the way there in the truck
and told me she felt sick. She wasn’t even acting like she knew
what she’d done and I didn’t bring it up until she came to see me
the next day when the rumors started. She was scared out of her
mind about what you would do, I see she had every reason to be.” he
touched his jaw where the bruising was just starting to

“Sorry about that, sorta. Look some
things have come to light that lead me to believe she was drugged
that night.”

“What? That’s crazy, if you’re
thinking I drugged her for…”

“Not you.” I looked at him head

“But… Brenda? But why, why the hell
would she do something as fucked up as that? Just for

“No I think there was more to it
than that.”

“This doesn’t make any sense,
they’ve known each other since kindergarten, why would she want to
play such a mean trick on her friend? What if I’d been a different
kind of guy? I could’ve…” He headed for the trash can and puked his
guts out. I guess that answers the question of his


Chapter 13



I left him and headed for home. The
picture was clearer now, I still didn’t know why but I knew who.
All that was left was my revenge. How to get her back for this shit
without ending up in the slammer? I already had some ideas on that
but I right now needed my wife.

She was sitting out on the porch
with her little notepad when I pulled up. “Dad called.”

I guess she knew what I’d been up to
then. Her eyes were traveling all over my body I guess she was
looking for signs of a fight. “I’m okay babe stop

“What’re you gonna do?”

“I don’t know yet but whatever it is
it’s nothing for you to worry about.”

“Who did it? You can’t tell me it
was Simon I won’t believe that of him.”

“It wasn’t him.” I held her little
face in my hands and kissed her worried lips.

“Then who was it?”

“I’ll tell you later, right now I
need to feel you beneath me.”

I picked her up and carried her
inside, my mind going from one thing to the next. I barely made it
to the bedroom before I was tearing at her clothes and mine. With
all the shit I’d just learned running through my head all I could
think of was getting inside her. Reassuring myself that she was
okay, that she hadn’t been harmed.

I started off with my face buried in
her pussy. The way I felt I knew I was going to come at her hard so
I needed to get her body ready for the pounding I was about to give
her. I ate her until she was soft and wet, her cries letting me
know she was ready to take me. Lifting her legs over my shoulders I
dug in deep reaching her cervix and pulling back before driving in
again. “Stay with me.” I held her hips roughly as I pummeled her
pussy fucking into her over and over again as if I could erase that
night and everything that had come after with my cock.

She took me and asked for more as my
cock refused to be appeased. The harder I fucked the more I needed.
“Ride my cock.” I flipped us over and pulled her up and down on my
cock while sucking her tit into my mouth hard. She screamed and
came but I was nowhere near finished. Nothing seemed like enough, I
had reached the end of her pussy but still it wasn’t enough. I
threw her off and onto her knees and fucked her doggie style. This
way my dick went in at an angle and I finally felt like I was
getting somewhere. I pulled her hair roughly and bit into her neck
as the need in me threatened to drive me insane. We stayed in bed
all day locked together in one form or the other until I remembered
that I needed to feed my kid.


I waited until she was asleep that
night to make my move. This shit had taken a lot of thought because
I couldn’t go with my first instinct, which was to totally
annihilate this bitch. Since my hands were tied there wasn’t much I
could do but there was no way I was letting her get away with this
shit. Maybe Silas could find a way to bring her up on charges, we
had the dealer’s word that she had bought the shit from him but I
wasn’t too sure about the law handling this shit the way I wanted
it to.

I reached her house in the dark
after parking a few blocks over. I entered through the back door
after jimmying the lock and made my way slowly through the house.
Opening her fridge I opened the half bottle of pop and poured the
little potion I’d brought along with me inside. It won’t kill her
but it would make her very uncomfortable for the next little while
as well as making her think she was losing her fucking mind. And it
was a simple little thing found in most people’s kitchen cupboards.
My campaign of terror was only just beginning. By the time I was
done she won’t know what hit her and she won’t ever know that it
was I behind it.

I left the way I came and headed
back to my wife. I was sure that it wouldn’t be long before her
strange behavior was bandied about in the small town. I just had to
sit back and see which way the wind blew. The shit I’d put in her
soda could make her run through the streets naked without even
knowing she was doing it, or it could have her cowering in a corner
afraid of the men in black. At times she would feel like she was
about to die as it caused rapid heart rate and nausea along with
severs anxiety. Wish I could be around for that shit but I have
more important things to do with my time.


For the next few months we got our
lives back on track; everything was about the baby, we were both
obsessed. Simon was around more now than he had been before. After
I got my head out of my ass and accepted the fact that he was a
stand up guy who had looked out for my woman when he could’ve
totally taken advantage of the situation, it was easy for me to let
him in. We had even become friends, sorta anyway. I no longer
stressed the kiss because at the end it wasn’t either of their
doing. I’d made Brenda’s life a living hell, most of her friends
were now shunning her because of the fucked up shit she’d been
doing thanks to the little potion I’d been feeding her in heavy
doses for weeks. I also let it slip to the right people that she’d
spiked my wife’s drink and that had just about got her ass

Now everyone was coming forward with
apologies because they knew that just wasn’t like Madelyn; they
just couldn’t figure out why she would’ve done it but they’d seen
it with their own eyes after all. At least the rumors had died down
and the town now had a new focus for the rumor mill. I had stopped
fucking with Brenda a few months ago but that shit seemed to have
long lasting effects, because she was still known to act crazy on
occasion. Whatever, the damage had been done.


What the fuck? I was out in my
workshop working on a rocking horse for the kid when I heard Simon
screaming for me. I came running because his voice sounded
panicked. I’d left him in the house with her playing cards; she
didn’t get around so well these days since she was rivaling my
truck for size. So either her father or Simon came by each day to
keep her company while I was out back trying to get shit ready for
the nursery. They were the only two I trusted alone with her though
some of her girls came by on occasion.

“What the fuck Simon, the house on

“No you ass, your wife’s in

I dropped the cloth I’d been using
to wipe my hands and ran into the house.

“Did you call the

“Yeah, hospital.” He was as nervous
as I was and his words were all running together. She was sitting
on the couch huffing and puffing like she’d run a marathon or some
shit and my heart was racing away from me.

“Don’t worry baby we’ll get you down
the mountain in no time.”

“I’m not worried I just wish Simon
would calm down.”

“Calm down calm down?” he turned
frightened eyes my way.

“She just doubled over, right in the
middle of the damn game and then there was water and…shit I thought
she’d peed herself.” We had a good laugh at that as we got her
together and headed out the door.

I was more relaxed than I’d
expected, but then again I’ve read all the books. That shit went
out the window as soon as she started screaming though. Their
assurances that things were progressing nicely wasn’t doing much in
the way of calming my fear and when they refused to medevac her
somewhere where people actually knew what the fuck they were doing,
I threatened to burn the shit to the ground.

When all was said and done I got a
beautiful baby boy for my troubles, the little fuck was the
spitting image of me.




Where the fuck is she? I told her about this
shit but her hardheaded ass never listens. Ever since little Evan
was born she’s become this whole new person. That coupled with the
shit that had almost happened to her seems to have unleashed this
monster that I now had on my hands. Gone was my sweet pliable girl,
not that she wasn’t still sweet, but along with the sweet was this
little spitfire who was giving me fits.

I walked down the center aisle of the room
with elliptical machines and treadmills on one side and bicycles
and some other torture devices on the other. No woman should ever
have to put herself through this shit to feel desirable, especially
not one who'd given birth only two months ago. A woman's body went
through enough wear and tear, what with giving birth and then
suckling a kid for her to have to do this shit to herself.

Any man who didn't appreciate his woman
after that shit, that made her feel like she had to whip herself
into a frenzy trying to get back into a size two or what the fuck
ever, was a fucking dick.

I had my two-month old son strapped to my
chest as we looked for her; he was starting to fuss so I rubbed his
little head.

"Ssh baby, we' gonna find mommy soon and go
home." I pulled him up in my arms in his little sling shit and
kissed his cheek my pride and joy.

I saw her on a bike pedaling her little
heart out.

Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw us
coming, and she slowed down with a sheepish look on her face.

"Let's go." I didn’t wait for her
acquiescence I just helped her off the bike and headed back the way
I'd come.

"Where's your stuff?"

"I'll get it."

She ran off somewhere and came back with a
gym bag in hand. She looked hot as fuck in the tights and exercise
bra thing she was wearing, another reason for her to stay her ass
out of this place. Fuck if I want my wife walking around half naked
and sweaty so these fucking pervs could ogle my shit. I held her
hand and helped her out the building.

Strapping Evan back in his car seat I opened
her door and buckled her in.

When I was finally seated behind the wheel I
turned to her.

"What did I tell you about this shit?"

"Dominic, I need to lose the baby

"Babes I fucked you three times yesterday
and fucked your ass hard when you came to bed last night shouldn't
that tell you something?"

She had no answer.

"It should tell you that I love the fuck out
of your body."

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