Betrayed (2 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

Tags: #pregnancy, #alpha male

BOOK: Betrayed
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I let Butch run around and do his
thing while I tried to get my head clear. No one trained me for
this shit, when I was in the zone my heart wasn’t in that shit. I
was on the job taking care of business, it’s what I was trained to
do. This shit was a whole different story; I didn’t know what the
fuck to do with myself. It’s not like I could call up the guys and
have a little pow wow and defuse the situation. This shit was some
homegrown bullshit that no amount of combat training is going to

“Let’s go pooch.” The sun was way
down in the sky and the night was coming in. My gut reminded me
that I hadn’t eaten and I found myself wondering at the absurdity
of life. How can a man think of such banal things as food when his
world had been fucked? Nevertheless I headed back down the mountain
determined to put one foot in front of the other and




I put a steak on the grill and
tossed a salad after throwing a couple potatoes in the oven. Thank
God I knew how to take care of myself. I'd been a grown man when I
met and married Maddy; she was in her first year of college. We'd
met when I first moved here, sick and tired of big city life I had
bought a couple hundred acres in the mountains to get the hell away
from my fellow man, sick fucks.

She was coming out of the
supermarket while I was about to go in, I'd taken one look and
fallen hard. At first I took a jolt to my ego, after all she looks
like a high school kid, that was so not my style; but she smiled at
me and I'd thought, fuck it. We'd introduced ourselves to each
other and that first night we had talked on the phone for hours
about any and everything.

We had absolutely nothing in common,
well except for some types of music, but where I was a rough and
ready athletic type, Maddy was a self confessed clucks, who fell
over her own feet and hated the very idea of anything to do with
sports. I took her virginity two months after we met. I would've
married her then and there but she wanted to wait at least until
after her first year of college. I gave in because I knew she
wasn’t going anywhere,

From that moment on married or not
she was mine, and I treated her as such. She was wearing my ring on
her finger so all the other fucks would know that she belonged to
me. This Simon dude had always been a part of her life since their
fathers were best pals. In fact I think part of the reason her old
man had never warmed to me was because he had expected those two to
get together. But nothing and no one was going to stop me from
having my girl and months later we were married.

We had been so happy together, like
nothing I ever knew I could have. She was my one constant in a
world that I knew was fucked; the world that I fought to protect
her from. Everything I did was for her, every decision I made
revolved around her and what was best for her. When I went out in
the field on a mission I took her with me in my heart, I didn’t
take the risk I once did, because I wanted to come back home to my
Madelyn. Now she’d fucked me over but good and I couldn’t see
anyway out of this shit.

I slept fitfully that night on the
couch I couldn’t bear to sleep in our bed where her scent was sure
to haunt me. The damn dog was giving me looks like he was sorry for
me one minute and then questioning where the fuck his mama was the
next. I turned my aback on him after the third whine and tried to
get some sleep. No dice, every time I closed my eyes I kept
picturing them together. When will this shit end?


It’s two days since she’s been gone
and there was no relief in sight. I ate sparingly when my guts got
too loud for me to ignore and I wasn’t sleeping for shit. Even
Butch had given up on me and went about his day ignoring my sorry
ass. I was at a lost for something to do. Anything to make this
throbbing pain in my chest go away. Everywhere I turned I saw her,
she hadn’t taken all her shit and there were little pieces of her
all over the place. I should start a bonfire; that would give me
something to do. At least the days seemed to be flying by because
it was night again. Great, another miserable night to look forward
to where I would be climbing the fucking walls.

I heard a car door slam as I was
getting a beer from the kitchen to go with my nightly dinner of
meat and potatoes. "I wonder who the fuck that is." I didn't want
any company, I knew it wouldn't be one of my men as they were all
home with their families for a little R and R. Hopefully theirs was
going better than mine. She was standing on the porch when I walked
out the front door. The sight of her pleased and infuriated me in
equal measure. Is she trying to get me to commit murder or some
shit? I was in no way ready to see her cheating ass on my doorstep,
it was going to take a long time if ever for me to be ready to even
talk to her ass like she was human.

"What are you doing here Madelyn? I
thought I made myself clear, I don't want to see you right now."
She was fidgeting from foot to foot and not looking at me, head
bowed. I wonder what game she’s playing now? Whatever it is I
wasn't in the mood for it. "Well, why are you here you traitorous
bitch?" I saw her flinch at that and squelched the short flash of
guilt that pierced my conscience. I had nothing to feel guilty
about I wasn't the one who had semi cheated.

"I'm pregnant..." The

"You're what?" I felt my knees grow
weak, fuck me. "Whose is it?" Another flinch followed by teary
eyes. Somehow I knew that that was a bit harsh but I couldn't find
it in me to care.

"I never cheated on you

"Yeah, well that’s not what the
people in that bar thinks, it's not what they saw. They saw my wife
in another mans arms, all close and shit, so exactly what would you
call that if not cheating?"

"It wasn't like that, it was just a
silly mistake from too much drinking, but nothing happened I

"I think the only reason you're
sorry is because you were found out, I think if nothing had been
said you two would probably still be carrying on behind my back."
The thought of it churned my stomach. I was never so pissed in my
fucking life. After all this time now she tells me she's pregnant,
now in the midst of this shit storm? When there was doubt? How
could there not be? As much as I wanted to believe that the child
was mine how was I to know?

"Why didn't you tell me this when I
first got back?"

"You never gave me a

"I was home for three days before
all this happened, you could've told me then, why the fuck didn't

"I wasn't sure."

"And you're sure now?" She nodded
her head at me, "I saw the doctor today." I could only look at her,
my fucking wife; how did things get so screwed up? I never thought
something like this would ever be a part of our lives, we were
supposed to be in love, people in love didn't do shit like this to
each other did they? "How far along are you?"

"Three and a half months." Her voice
was the soft whisper like quality I was accustomed to, my innocent
girl, now sullied. "Should I be asking for a paternity test?" She
looked like I'd slapped her, too fucking bad. "Tell me Madelyn, if
some woman came here and told you I had been fooling around with
her but we didn't go all the way, and that woman shows up pregnant
not long after, wouldn't you question whether or not the child was
mine?" She clutched her throat and barely made it to the end of the
porch where she threw up. I guess that answers that

"Get in the house, you can sleep in
the guest room until I figure out something. Don't even think that
this changes anything; all this means is that you might or might
not be carrying my child, until I decide if to believe you or not
you will stay here. On the off chance that it is my baby I want to
make sure that he or she is taken care of." Ask me if I cared that
I was being a dick? Nope, fuck this shit, she hurt me in a way no
man should ever suffer, let her ass bear the consequences for her
fuck up.

"Maybe this was a mistake, I
shouldn't have come here..."

"Too late, you're here and there's
no way in hell you're going anywhere with my kid inside

"But you don't believe that it's

"As long as there's room for doubt
I'll err on the side of valor, now get in the damn house and don't
piss me off anymore than you already have." She mumbled something
under her breath but I chose to ignore it. I wasn't about to argue
with her, I'd said what I had to say that's that.

"Can I have one of your shirts to
sleep in?" I gave her a look; she always slept in one of my shirts,
usually the one I had worn that day. It was sexy as fuck and she
knew what it did to me. I walked into the bedroom and got a clean
shirt from the drawer, returning to the living room I threw it at
her and went back to dinner. I was done with her for the

I had things to think about, like a
kid on the way. I felt myself smile for the first time in days; I’m
going be a dad. I had no doubt that the kid was mine. Like I said,
I believed her when she said things hadn't gone that far, that
didn't mean I was just going to accept shit and go on like nothing
happened. A kiss no matter how it came about was a big fucking
breach of contract in my book. It will take and act of monumental
proportions to get me over this shit. I know me, I’m a hard
taskmaster, I give her one hundred percent and I expect no less in

I hope things cleared up real soon
though because I’m horny as fuck. It had been three days since I
had any and I wasn't use to going without. On the job was one
thing, but this self-induced celibacy bullshit was not for me. Not
since I first took her had I gone so long without being inside her
while stateside; unless she was on her period, which just hell no,
not for me. It will be fun to see how long I held out with her in
the house. And knowing my kid was inside her was just fucking with
my head now too, that shit was hot.

Chapter 4

The next morning I woke to someone
retching. "What the fuck?" I jumped off the bed and headed for the
bathroom where the noise was coming from and found my wife kneeling
on the tiled floor with her head in the bowl. My heart hurt, the
traitorous fuck, I hated to see her in any kind of pain angry or
not and she looked a pitiful mess. I got a washcloth and wet it at
the sink before kneeling beside her and putting it to her

"You done?" She gave me a feeble ass
nod against my chest and I flushed the toilet and picked her up in
my arms, rinsed her mouth and headed for the couch. I sat there
with her in my lap until she was over the shakes. I didn't know
that this pregnancy shit went down like that, I’m gonna have to get
some books and read up on this shit.

"What do I need to do for you to
make this stop?"

"Nothing, just hold me please." Her
voice was small and weak, how long did this shit last anyway? I was
trying to remember if I'd ever heard anything about this morning
sickness shit and what people usually did for it. I would call my
mom but my phone was in the bedroom and she didn't seem like she
was moving off my lap anytime soon.

I laid my head back against the
couch and prepared to be there for a while. It wasn't long before I
heard her gentle little snores that told me she'd fallen off to
sleep again. I moved one of my hands and placed it over the place
where my kid laid, my heart full to bursting with love before I
became pissed the fuck off again. I should be enjoying this shit,
impending fatherhood, instead I'm under a cloud of distrust and
fury that's standing in the way of me rejoicing at my good fortune.
What the fuck was I supposed to do now? I can't yell at her, she's
fucking pregnant, I'm not am animal and Shaw that fuck is in hiding
or some shit ever since I kicked his ass and I seriously need to
fuck somebody's shit up like now.

I got up and took her to the bed
she'd slept in the night before. Looking down at her I saw my
Madelyn, the girl I'd fallen head over heels for. But how could
that be? She wasn't the same anymore, things had changed, the
innocent sweetheart I'd married was no more. She'd crossed the line
into something else. I could never again see her as what she once
was and that was sad. I felt robbed somehow; jipped, and I hated
her for it. I turned and left the room before I lost my mind, there
was a car pulling up outside as I went past the living room headed
for the kitchen. What the fuck now?


"My daughter here


"She in one piece?"

"She's carrying my seed so for now
she's fine."

"What does that mean?"

My glare was answer

"Maybe I ought to take her out of
here until this situation calms down." He made as if to come up on
the porch. I stayed in my relaxed pose, one shoulder resting
against the pole, arms folded across my chest.

"Not gonna happen, my kid stays
here, after he or she is born you can come get your daughter, until
then no dice."

"Are you really this angry about a
silly mistake that doesn't amount to a hill of beans?"

"You better believe it, now if
there's nothing else I haven't had my morning coffee."

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