Betrayed (4 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

Tags: #pregnancy, #alpha male

BOOK: Betrayed
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"Hush now Madelyn, I came

"Please Dominic please I can't bear
it please please please."

"Ssh, calm down baby this can't be
good for the baby."

Her body shook with her tears as I
felt my eyes too grow moist, what the fuck, had happened in that
bar that night?

Chapter 7


She finally fell asleep in my arms
and I couldn't leave her, neither could I fit my six three frame on
this little ass bed so I lifted her gently and took her into our
room. It felt right having her there as I laid down beside her. I
was confused and pissed and didn't know what the fuck to do next.
Donna’s words and Brenda's slip of the tongue kept playing over and
over again in my head but I didn't want to believe the shit that
was starting to form there. Her words the night I confronted her
kept replaying in my head too. Now that the red haze of fury was no
longer clouding everything I kept hearing her say she didn’t
remember what had happened or how it had happened. I’d thought it
was just a cop out but maybe there was more to it than

While she slept safely in my arms I
planned and plotted in my head. Branson is a small town, if they'd
drugged her they had to get the shit from somewhere. And there was
still the question of if she'd been drugged what had they used?
Before I could think better of it I plucked out a strand of her
hair and moving as quietly as I could without jarring her, opened
my night table and got some tissue to wrap it in for safe

What was brewing in my chest was not
good. If what I now beginning to suspect was true this town was
about to reap hell on earth. I looked down at her little face, the
tear tracks still evident. She'd lost weight, I hadn't noticed how
much until now but feeling her body against mine I felt the
difference. I kissed her forehead softly as I finally closed my
eyes for some shuteye. Tomorrow I'll start looking for




In the morning before she awakened I
made a call to one of my marine buddies, he wasn't a SEAL but he
would do.

"Garrett, Hearst, I need a solid

"Hit me."

" I need you to run the diagnostics
on something for me."

"What am I looking for?"
"GHB." That shit tasted foul on my tongue just saying

"Nasty stuff, what the fuck you got
going on out there brother?"

"Not sure, but if I'm right people
are gonna go missing in this burg."

"Uh, Dom…you wanna tell me what's
going on?"

"I think somebody drugged my fucking
wife while I was deployed."

"You...what? Was she...did
they...fuck bro."

"No she wasn't raped it didn't get
that far apparently thank fuck. There’s one more thing, she's
pregnant what's the lasting effects of this shit on a baby?" I held
my breath waiting for the blow. If this was true, any of it, I’m
not sure I’d be able to stop myself from committing a

"Not sure, but I think once it's out
of the system she should be fine, how'd they give it to

"She was drinking alcohol and she's
a light weight as it is."

"Shit that's dangerous bro, people
die from that shit, what the fuck?"

"I know, like I said I'm not sure I
could be wrong but my gut's saying different."

"Okay I need a strand of her hair,
put it in tissue seal it in a zip-lock bag and have it overnighted,
I'll rush the test through and get back to you in a couple days
sounds good?"

"Sounds good thanks bro.


I hung up the phone and sat in
contemplation, I won't say anything to her but I couldn't go on
treating her like shit either and she'd want to know what made me
change my mind. Before the rift we'd shared everything, she was my
little buddy, my pal. This shit had stolen a lot from me and had I
not been a dick the night before and headed down the mountain I
might not have run into Donna and that skeeze, and wouldn't be
thinking what I'm thinking now. Who knows how long I would've gone
on believing the worst.

With Garret squared away my mind
turned to who in this area or the next town over would be able to
supply something like that and there was only one person I knew of
that dealt in any kind of drug paraphernalia. I'm going to have to
be slick though I couldn't just go around town asking people
questions, I didn't want the culprit or culprits to know that I was
on their scent. This sitting still was a pain in the ass but there
wasn’t much I could do this early in the morning.

I tried to make sense of everything
that was now on the table, the more I thought the angrier I became.
If someone had drugged my fucking wife that shit was going to fuck
with me even more than the kissing shit. I never wanted her to be
that vulnerable. And what kind of fucked up world did we live in
that someone would do that to an innocent young woman? Wasn’t it
enough that I was risking life and limb to keep these fucks

Whatever the case maybe, it looks
like I’m going to have to come up with a plan and soon. With this
new development there was no way I could look at her with contempt
and scorn, no more reason for my blind anger. I’m glad for that but
now this shit has put me in a fucked up position. The kiss was
still sticking in my craw but if the circumstances weren’t what I
had first believed, well then that put a whole new spin on things.
I’m never gonna be okay with her kissing someone else no matter how
it came about, and the fact still remains that had she listened to
me she wouldn’t have put herself and my kid in danger. But I can’t
fault her for getting lonely and hanging out with people she
thought were her friends. Shit, she knows me too well for me to
just change overnight without any kind of explanation. One thing
was certain, I’d better handle this shit right this go around, my
poor girl has been victimized enough as it is it looks



The sun was coming up so I decided
to get moving, no sense in wasting another second. I took a quick
shower and walked back into the bedroom where she still slept. I
really didn't want to wake her up, but neither did I want her to
awaken and find me gone. Funny, until last night I wouldn’t have
cared. I stood over her and just watched her, my heart finally
beating right in my chest for the first time in days. I wanted to
pick her up and hug her close; I needed to erase the last few days,
all the harsh words and the ugliness. Why had someone chosen to
taint what we had?

"Dominic...." She sighed my name in
her sleep as she turned to my side of the bed. Looks like I didn't
need to wake her after all for as soon as she felt the empty space
she woke up.

"Morning Madelyn." She turned a wide
troubled look towards me and I could see the questions forming in
her eyes. I gave her a smile to reassure her and walked over to her
side of the bed.

Without any explanation I picked her
up and sat back down with her on my lap, but I guess as smoothly as
I did it it wasn't smooth enough because she flew off my lap and
headed for the bathroom. How could I have forgotten? I helped her
clean up after she was sick as a dog and put her back to

"Don't move." She grabbed my hand as
I started to move away.

"It's ok baby I'm only going to get
you some tea and crackers."

She groaned as though the sound of
it alone was torture so first I tried a trick we'd used with her
cramps. Lifting what I now recognized as one of my old tee shirts I
placed my hand on her lower stomach. She sighed and held it closer
with one of hers before settling back into the bed and closing her
eyes. With my other hand I smoothed the hair back from her face and
watched as silent tears crept from beneath her lashes. My throat
became clogged and I wanted to yell and punch something, but not
yet. I had to be sure this time no more hotheaded fucked moves.
This time I'd get to the bottom of things and then I'll go from
there. I climbed in with her and drew her gently into my arms.
“Don’t cry Maddy I’m here.”

Chapter 8



I held her until she drifted off to
sleep and not wanting to put things off any longer than necessary I
got what I needed and headed down the mountain to the post office.
I paid extra to have it sent next day whatever the fuck that meant
because the post office is full of shit half the time, slow

Not wanting her to awaken to find me
gone I hurried back. She was still asleep curled up on my side of
the bed and though I wasn't tired I decided to lie down next to her
just in case she woke up sick again. Kicking off my shoes and
removing my shirt I climbed in next to her with just my jeans


"I'm right here baby." She rolled
over into my arms and I held her close waiting for the mad dash to
the bathroom to follow. When it seemed like my kid was going to
have some manners and give his or her mother a break this time I
relaxed. It was the first time since the madness started that I'd
actually held her as my woman, that the feeling of rage didn't over
shadow everything else. She felt the way she always did when I held
her, perfect, my perfect girl; so soft and warm and small next to
my large frame.

I remembered how it felt to love
her, how it was between us, and my cock stiffened. Before I could
think better of it I nibbled my way down her cheek to her petal
soft lips. She opened to me greedily her arms coming around me
holding on tight as if she was afraid I'd pull away again. Not this
time baby.

Turning her gently onto her back I
touched her for the first time in what felt like weeks instead if
days my hands not quite sure of themselves. I hadn't fucked her
since I found out she was carrying my child, fuck if I knew how to
mate with a pregnant woman. I kept watching her for signals,
letting the little sounds she made direct me. She loved having her
tits sucked; I could make her cum just by that alone.

They felt fuller in my mouth and
hands as I lifted her nipple onto my tongue, could I still bite her
the way I like to? Only one-way to find out Hearst. I bit down on
her nipple and she moaned, her hands pulling my hair, she wanted
more. So far so good, now do I lie on top of her or is that too

She took the worry out of my hands
when she pulled me over on top of her. Fuck I think I was afraid; I
didn't want to hurt her or the baby. I'm not exactly gentle when it
comes to her, I start out with good intentions but as soon as my
cock dips into her sweet pussy all bets are off. I felt around
inside her pussy with my fingers while I thumbed her swollen clit.
She fucked my hand and bit my tongue. She wanted to

"Dominic hurry."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes it's been too long."

"I don't want to hurt you

"You won't I promise, please hurry."
She moved under me, her legs widening as she rubbed her wet pussy
against me. I didn't even take my pants off all the way just
unzipped and went on a heat-seeking mission.

"Fuck." Home, that's what my cock
felt like from the first contact; take it easy Hearst. I wanted to
rut in her like an animal, the way I always did, could I? My first
thrust was deep and true, she arched up for more. With her head
held in my hands I watched her face as I pulled out and went back
in, she was still with me.

"I want to fuck you hard it's been
too long, I can't hold off babe." My hips and cock were moving even
as I said the words. "Fuck me." That's all I needed to hear before
I was pounding into her. The bed banged against the wall steadily
as I got reacquainted with my wife's sweet pussy, her juices ran
down around my cock making it easier for me to go in and out of

She moaned and scratched into my
back as I went at her harder, making sure to keep my full weight
off of her tummy, but she wasn't having it. She used her legs and
her arms to pull me fully down onto her. She always liked to feel
me squashing her into the bed unless I was fucking her from behind
or she was riding my dick. I finally gave in and gave her my weight
as her pussy twitched and squeezed my cock trying to milk my balls.
Her mouth came up to claim mine as I wrapped my arms around her
holding her tight against me while my cock plundered.

"So fucking sweet, fuck, shit...too
long, too fucking long." Her keening moans made me crazed and I
tried to swallow her tongue as it played with mine in my

"I'm not deep enough babe hold on."
She made a sound of protest when I pulled out but it was soon
turned into one of pleasure when I turned her over and drove back
into her. Lifting her hips high I watched my cock slip back into
her upturned pussy doggie style. She fucked back at me wildly as
she tore at the sheets. Fuck yeah.

"Make me cum Dominic make me
cum...Feels so good, I wanna cum." She babbled away at me as I
fucked her with long deep steady strokes. I pulled her hair the way
she likes as the fear of hurting her or the baby eased off. Her ass
was enticing me to fuck even as I raced to empty my sack in her
sucking pussy.


"Fuck baby cum for me, cum on my
cock." I pulled on one nipple while manipulating her clit with my
other hand. She went off like a shot squeezing the fuck out of me
with her walls dragging me over with her. I folded myself around
her as we dropped to the bed sweaty and spent. "I love you Dominic
I'm sorry."

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