Berlin 1961 (95 page)

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Authors: Frederick Kempe

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on Clay’s border confrontations
fear of East German uprising
on frankness with West Germany
Gromyko meetings
on Kennedy’s conditional agreement to summit
on Kennedy’s Vienna Summit failure
on moral responsibility of nuclear first strike
on necessity of military buildup
Soviet policy deliberations


Sabolyk, Robert

Salinger, Pierre

as acquaintance of Bolshakov
delivery of Khrushchev’s request for meeting
Kennedy’s UN speech
media briefing on Vienna Summit
at start of Kennedy–Khrushchev private correspondence

Salisbury, Harrison

Saunders, Frank

Schärf, Adolf

Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr.

alternative to Acheson’s Berlin strategy
control of media
on Cuban invasion
Kissinger’s White House consultancy role

Schmidt, Marlene

Schorr, Daniel

Schumacher, Kurt

Schumann, Hans Conrad

Scowcroft, Brent

Seyr, Veronika

Sherman, Tony

Shuckburgh, Evelyn

Sidey, Hugh

Siekmann, Ida

Sindermann, Horst

Smirnov, Andrei

Smyser, William Richard

Sommer, Monika


Sorensen, Theodore “Ted” on proposal of nuclear first strike
speech on Berlin policy
speech on Soviet policy
stance on Berlin issue

Soviet Union

and arrival of U.S. troops in West Berlin
Checkpoint Charlie confrontation
China, assistance to
conventional-weapon superiority
economic dependence on West Germany
economic shortfalls
foreign policy priorities
military mobilization near Berlin
nuclear capability
Cuban buildup
exercises in East Germany
striking range
See also
Khrushchev, Nikita
occupation of Berlin
oil pipeline across East Germany
Palace of Congresses
Palace of Sports
Pathet Lao support
Potsdam accord
Siberian scientific center
space program
under Stalin
on UN directorate
U.S. trade agreements
U.S. U-2 spy plane, downing of

Spender, Stephen

Springer, Axel

Stalin, Joseph

Berlin blockade
devastation of Soviet Union
on German reunification
on government of East Germany
physical features
on repression in East Germany

Stearman, William Lloyd

Steinstücken operation

Stevenson, Adlai

on Acheson’s influence over Kennedy
on negotiation of Berlin issue
opinion of Khrushchev
position in Kennedy administration
Soviet backing in presidential bid

Stoph, Willi

Strauss, Franz Josef

Suburov, A. N.


Sulzberger, Cyrus L.

Symington, James


Tagesspiegel, Der

Taylor, Maxwell

Thompson, Llewellyn E. “Tommy,” Jr.

Berlin deliberations
and Checkpoint Charlie confrontation
discussions with Khrushchev on Berlin position
invitation for Kennedy–Khrushchev meeting
on Kennedy’s position at Vienna Summit
linking of Berlin and Cuban issues
on military buildup
role in Kennedy’s mistrust of Khrushchev
on Soviet policy
on Soviet release of captive U.S. airmen
Thompson, Jane
Thurow, Rudi
on Adenauer’s Germany
on East German Miss Universe
on Kennedy’s poor leadership
on planning of nuclear attack
on Soviet Party Congress
on stability of Soviet Communist Party


Topping, Seymour

Travell, Janet

Trinka, Frank

Trivers, Howard

Troyanovsky, Oleg

Tyree, Thomas


Udall, Stewart

Ulbricht, Walter

border closure encroachment onto West Berlin territory
expansion of border inspections
first public mention of Wall
gathering of government officials during
initial discussions of
multiple sites
official statement on
plans and preparations
press conference on
single crossing point for Westerners
China mission to request assistance
on East German decline
farm collectivization
on Kennedy’s UN speech
Khrushchev, impatience with
at laborers’ gathering
military exercises
personality and physical features
repressive measures
resignation from office
socialist ideology
on Vienna Summit
on West Berlin freedoms
West Berlin’s Steinstücken enclave, threat to
on West German revanchism

United Nations

Kennedy’s address to
secretary-general vacancy

United States

Berlin Task Force
Checkpoint Charlie confrontation
intercontinental ballistic missile test
Joint Chiefs meeting on Berlin strategy
Khrushchev’s visits to

nuclear capability

call for disarmament
concealment of superiority
constant state of readiness
disclosure of details
hydrogen bomb development
NATO contingency plans for Berlin blockade
Polaris submarine
Single Integrated Operational Plan (SIOP-62)
test ban treaty proposal
war planning
withdrawal of missiles from Turkey

racial tensions

Soviet policy deliberations

spy mission over Soviet Union

See also
Eisenhower, Dwight D.; Kennedy, John F.


Vasiliev, Gennady

Verner, Paul

Vienna Summit

arrival of parties
benefits to U.S.
casual conversation
on Cuba
ideological debate on communism
on Iran
advance preparations through intermediary
agreement to meeting
disadvantage at outset
invitation to Khrushchev
on permanent division of Berlin
poor performance
preconditions for summit
references to
agreement to meet
control of conversation
determination to discuss Berlin
report on outcome
threat to sign treaty with East Germany
on Laos
Macmillan on
on nuclear test ban
Ulbricht on

von Pawel, Ernest “Von,”


East German border closure

Wall Street Journal

Wansierski, Bruno

Washington Evening Star

Washington Post

Watson, Albert, II

military mobilization to Checkpoint Charlie
restraint in show of force at border closure
Steinstücken operation
on superior Soviet position
in West Berlin bureaucracy

Weber, Heinz

West Berlin

Adenauer’s visit to
Allied troops in
anger at U.S. betrayal
at closure of border
East Berliners working in
“free city” proposal
freedoms and living standards
Johnson’s visit
Kennedy’s visit
refugees in
RIAS radio broadcasts
spy operations
Steinstücken enclave
tourism at Wall
U.S. commitment to protect
U.S. troops in
See also
Clay, Lucius D.

West Germany

capital in Bonn
cost of U.S. military presence in
East German trade
economic growth and strength
founding of
Hallstein Doctrine
NATO membership
Soviet economic dependence on
See also
Adenauer, Konrad; West Berlin

White, William S.

Whitney, John Hay “Jock,”

Wismach, Kurt

Witz, First Lieutenant

Wolf, Markus


Yakubovsky, Ivan


Zeit, Die

Zhukov, Georgy


Berlin 1961: Kennedy, Khrushchev, and the Most Dangerous Place on Earth

Father/Land: A Personal Search for the New Germany

Siberian Odyssey: A Voyage into the Russian Soul

Divorcing the Dictator: America’s Bungled Affair with Noriega


June 21. Khrushchev dons his old uniform and prepares his military for the possibility of war, during a speech in the Grand Kremlin Palace. (


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