Beneath Innocence (Deception #2.5) (3 page)

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Authors: Ker Dukey,D.h Sidebottom

BOOK: Beneath Innocence (Deception #2.5)
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I’m not sure what I’m looking at, it’s a house, a huge house with plants and shutters and a picket fence and stuff.

“Erm, it’s pretty. Who lives here?” I ask meekly. Trey’s hand clasps mine and he turns to Greg who’s standing a few paces back.

“Can you wait here?”

Greg looks to me and I shrug my shoulders, allowing Trey to lead me down a pathway to the front door. He produces a key and unlocks the front door, gesturing for me to enter. He quickly enters numbers into the beeping security alarm that couldn’t do shit. If someone broke in and took someone from their sleeping bed, they would be out within ten minutes, the police wouldn’t even arrive for a further ten. Then again my own alarms were no use to me when I let the bastard in of my own freewill. Frank destroyed my trust. I only let Greg tail me because he had been with my Dad since he was fifteen years old.

“What do you think?” Trey asks with open arms.

“It’s nice, big.” I reply with confusion. “Who lives here?”

“Well that’s the surprise. I want us to live here.” 

I know I must look how I feel because he winces and studies me for a few silent beats. “I’m confused.” I breathe and he steps towards me taking my hands in his.

“I was thinking this could be a present from me to you.”

“A present?” Is he insane?

“A wedding present,” he adds with a smile. Yes, yes he was definitely insane. His arm wraps around my stiff body. “Come see the kitchen, women love a big kitchen right?” Did he even know me? Of course he didn’t, I didn’t even know me. There were days when I wanted to go to sleep and never wake up. I was so lost.

“We can get a cook if you want.” He grabs my hips.
“Need to put some meat on your bones, it’s harder for someone to kidnap you if you’re heavier.” He winks and my legs feel weak beneath me.

“Why…why would you say that?” I stutter, trying to back away from him but he’s coming towards me. I smack at his hands “Don’t touch me, don’t touch me.”

“Calm down, It was a joke, I was just joking about Greg always following you like you’re going to be kidnapped at any moment is all. I don’t get why your Dad has you guarded at all Martha, it’s a little overprotective to be honest and when you’re mine you won’t have another man following you around.”

“You don’t have to know why and if you wanted to fuck me Trey, you only have to ask, you don’t need to put a ring on my finger!” I spit out.

His mouth drops open and he shakes his head in disappointment. “How can you say something like that to me? You know I’m not about that Martha, I love you and thought you felt the same way?”

I want to laugh but there is nothing funny about this. How can he love me? This me was boring, placid. We only ever kiss or he would grope my boob and then apologize. I would never choose what to do on our dates and follow his lead. That’s what he found so appealing, a good little wife to act obedient. I wasn’t that, he hadn’t even seen my inked body, neither would he like it. I was the type of woman men like him cheated on their wife’s with for a ride on the wild side, not a housewife with two point five children.

“Trey, you don’t want this, you are rushing because you haven’t let yourself explore your sexual nature and your mind is battling with your dick right now.”

His hand grips my wrist and squeezes too hard. “Stop talking like a little tramp Martha, you don’t know what you’re talking about, don’t tell me how I feel.” His other hand grips my chin. “I will fuck you, all of you, when you’re my wife.” He grabs me between the legs aggressively and completely out of character.

His body rushes from mine as Greg throws him away from my body and he lands with a thud against the kitchen counter.

I’m breathing heavy and there’s a slight tremor in my hands.

“I didn’t like waiting outside. You okay?” Greg asks and I quickly swipe the tear threatening to spill and nod my yes.

“You are so fired.” Trey barks at Greg making Greg laugh.

“You’re lucky to be breathing, don’t push it.”

“Martha come back here!” he shouts after me.

“Trey, we are done.” I shout back, slamming the door to the prison he wants to keep his wife in.




I give sex on my terms; Greg has been my only lover since the assault but that is all on my terms. I don’t know how I would cope with an aggressive partner sexually after everything and this worried me about Jenson. Damn it, my thoughts always return to him. I wasn’t even fit to walk the pavement he steps on, let alone be his lover, woman… His wife.

God why was I even thinking about this stuff? He was so far from my reach. Investing in memories or what could have been is pointless and heart breaking. Beneath Innocence were bigger than ever. He would have his pick of groupies to fuck every night and his select of starlets wanting to be the prize on his arm. I could have never been a prize on his arm.  Life liked to play with my soul because just as I’m planning on forcing myself to stop thinking about him one of their hits comes over the radio.


Darkness is all I am, all I see since she left me, she left me.

Twisted, damaged, broken, I’m all three,

a mangled mess of misery .

Hit me baby, shoot me dead.

I’m bleeding baby you’re in my head.


You misused me, baby.

Took my love and gave none of your own.

All I wanted was the same love I had shown.

You own me baby, you had me,

You threw me away to drown in your blue sea.

I wanted to give you everything, my love was free.

Come back baby come back to me.


I’m tethered to you, I’m bound baby.

The thread is thinning on me,

And I’m holding on so delicately.

Don’t leave me, don’t leave baby


Don’t go baby, just hold on.

I’m too weak and the love too strong.

I’m suffering, with you I feel every ache

You left me drowning baby, gasping in your wake.


You misused me, baby.

Took my love and gave none of your own.

All I wanted was the same love I had shown.

You own me baby, you had me.

You threw me away in your suffering.

I wanted to give you everything, my love was free

Come back baby come back to me.


Darkness is all I am, all I see since she left me, she left me.

Twisted, damaged, broken, I’m all three,

a mangled mess of misery.

Hit me baby, shoot me dead

I’m bleeding baby, you’re in my head.


“Oh shit, did he hurt you before I got there?” Greg’s voice cancels out Jenson’s deep penetrating crooning. It’s only then that I feel the moist licks dripping down my face. I was crying for the first time in a long time.

“Killing them was not the end. Sometimes there are no solutions and goodbye is the only way.” I croak and he pulls over.

“What the hell does that mean?”

“I want to go home, it’s been a weird day.”

“Are you sure? I thought we could go back to mine?” He grins. He’s cute, the mousy brown hair is messy all over his head, he has a few scars on his face from fighting over the years but they gave him character. He had full lips and a nice smile. “I just want to go to sleep.”









I can’t force myself to get up. It’s been a week since Trey showed his intentions and Dad’s whore bitched me out when she learned I broke it of with him. Like I needed her opinion on anything let alone my love life or lack thereof.

Something heavy lands on my bed, awakening me from a dreamless sleep which was rare, so my mood is straight to pissed. Throwing the covers back I glare at Greg standing at the base of my bed. “I’m sleeping.”

“You look awake to me.” He grins.

“I bought you something’s to make you feel better.”  He points to the bag he had thrown on the bed. 

“Bringing me gifts now? Next you’ll want to cuddle.” I chide him. He looks a little embarrassed and tries to laugh but it’s humorless.

I reach for the bag and look inside; pain pills, chocolate, ice cream and celebrity magazines.

What the hell?

He shrugs his shoulders. “My little sister used to struggle with her periods, this was always on her list of cheer her up.”

Wow, that’s beyond sweet that he used to look after his little sister when she had a period but why bring me this shit? Apparently able to read my confusion he snatches the bag. “I just assumed it was your time of the month or something, I don’t like seeing you down, it’s no big deal.”

He has been around me too long, he was going to lose man points with the other men if they got wind of this. Poor Greg left to babysit Daddy’s broken daughter.

I snatch the bag back from his hand, spilling some of the contents to the floor. My heart stills in my chest and my eyes instantly blur with tears. My heart comes back to life, its beat roaring in my ears and the ache is almost deadly.







My insides were disintegrating. I had let my assault shackle me to a life of misery. I gave up the chance to be with him to see if he wanted me for more than just sex and company on the lonely road. This was my doing, I didn’t know the meaning of love. I can’t give him what he deserves but she can and he looks so happy.

I quickly place my hand at my mouth to stop the sob escaping and making this all real. “What’s wrong? You’re pale as fuck.”

“Fuck me Greg, fuck me hard,” I command, throwing the magazine to the floor and pulling my nightdress over my head, leaving myself bare to him. His eyes widen at seeing me completely naked, I always leave a shirt on so he can’t see my scars but I need to let him fuck me now, steal me from reality so nothing is real and Jenson isn’t really taken and getting married. Damn I can’t breathe,

“Wow, your ink is stunning.” He walks over to me and his fingers trace the tree coating my ribs, the tiny birds fleeing up my chest covering scars left from cigarette burns Frank decorated me with.

His body covers mine and he kisses me gentle on the lips. I lean up and bite down on his bottom lip until I feel the skin pop under the pressure. He winces and pulls away. “I said fuck me Greg. This is all this is.”

“Fine!” He growls lifting my leg over his shoulder and thrusting into me. I hadn’t even noticed him lose his clothes, my minds elsewhere.

It burns and memories fight me for headspace but I keep them at bay and focus on Greg to stop myself crying. His grunts of pleasure and eyes focused solely on my tits jiggling in front of him make me feel ill. I was a meat sack for men to fuck. I had no love for myself and gave myself away freely and then wonder why I was treated like nothing more than a body to abuse.

I hate this, every movement; every thrust into me, his weight on top of me, the smell of his sweat. I want to die. I feel his cock pulse and release his mess inside me making me retch. He rolls off my body and grins. I climb from the bed and run to the bathroom emptying my stomach into the toilet.

“You okay in there?”

“Yes, you can go now, I’m going to shower.” I choke out.

“I can shower with you?”

“Fuck off Greg!” I bellow and hear him cursing and throwing something across the room.

Turning the shower on as hot as possible to burn the stench from my dirty skin, I grab my razor and step into the stream. Steam blankets me in its cloak to hide my need to bleed out the hate inside me. The slice opens up my skin as easy as peeling an apple. Crimson water flows down my body from the cut and I can breathe a little as the pressure and hatred start to leak from me. I lift my face to the spray of the water and fight the scalding, but it’s too much and I turn away from the heat blast prickling my skin.

I slice again and wince from the ache and burn. I deserved this pain; I didn’t even thank him for killing for me. No one would ever know how selfless he was for me. He was a rock star and risked everything to avenge me and I fled, I abandoned his courage like a weak selfish bitch.

A hiss leaves me involuntarily I look down to the third cut and whimper, I went too deep, there’s too much blood…


“There’s too much blood.” Frank’s words will always haunt me and spin me into the nightmare of that time.


“Hey Blue, Jenson sent me,” Frank’s voice buzzed through my intercom.

“Come in.” I disarmed my system and let him enter; I welcomed him with a kiss on the cheek and an offer of coffee.

“I’m not here for that.”

“What are you here for?” I laughed and his frame came closer, there was no sign of humor on his face.

“You’ve always intrigued me Blue, do you even give a shit about Jenson or is it just a rush to fuck a rock star?” His tone alerted me to a different man we had all came to know and like.

“That’s really not your business,” I snapped. His hand came out so fast to grip my hair and tug me into his hard body.

“Do you taste so sweet they can’t resist you on their tongues? Because to me you’re just another slut spreading her legs for punks to dunk their junk in.” His grin was so menacing my bladder nearly emptied with the fear creeping into my flesh. “I’m going to fuck you in every orifice and make you so tore up no one will want you.”

A whimper left me and before I could cry out his cloth covered hand came over my mouth.


I woke in a room, naked and chained to something I used to see in gym hall, a horse vault, my body bent over it, my arms pulled taut and chained to feet either side and the same with my legs so I was spread out and completely helpless. The cool air was hitting my exposed flesh between my legs making me need to pee.

“She’s awake,” a voice called out that I didn’t recognize. Footsteps pounded the floor in deliberate, daunting steps. A pair of expensive loafers appeared in my line of limited view and a voice I recognized sent shivers through my entire body.

“Hello Blue, you’re going to learn what breaking the confidence of your clients will get you. Trust is paramount in our circles and you of all people should know that. Make her suffer.”

“Wait,” I cry but a ball gag is shoved into my mouth to muffle my voice. Heavy hands land with a smack on my hips and Frank’s voice rings out into the room, making bile rise and leak around the gag.

“Take her ass, save the pussy for my fist.”

The burning and tearing was excruciating and I couldn’t scream past the gag, the force of his hips crushing me against the vault over and over kept knocking the wind from me and I thought I was going to die each time. His hands were rough on my hips and his disgusting dick was so big it made me bleed to an extent that there was a small puddle forming on the floor.


Tears blurred and stung my eyes, the blue strips in my hair reminding me of Jenson twirling them through his fingers only days ago, Jenson… I tried to anchor myself to thoughts of him and disappear into a bubble where this was just a body and my mind wasn’t there to engage the pain.


“Oh look at the mess he’s made of your ass Blue. Oh shit you can’t look can you, let me take this out.” The ball gag loosened and dropped to the floor, my vomit with it. “Eww you nasty bitch.” A smack to the side of my face made spots appear in my eyes, the impact instantly bringing with it pain. “You’re so manly hitting a tied up woman,” I spat at him with the blood filling my mouth.

The other guy let out an uncontrollable laugh. “Oh she’s feisty for a stupid bitch who’s just been ass fucked within an inch of her life.”

“Maybe we’re being too soft on her?”

“Fuck you,” I breathed and they both chuckled.

“No sweetheart, we’re going to fuck you.”

Piercing pain lights one side of my ass and I realize the sick prick is biting into me, “She’s so rump.”

Frank disappeared from my view and not being able to see behind me was terrifying. Hands scratched over me, digging in and taking flesh away, teeth penetrated my skin on my thighs and screaming out left my throat raw. Blood was rushing to my head, making me lose consciousness and I thanked God for the small mercy.


“There’s too much blood,” I could hear Frank saying as his hips thrusts against mine. I was freezing cold and my body was shaking involuntarily from shock and fear, my bladder had betrayed me and I was laying in my own fluids. I was spread-eagled on a tiled floor my arms and legs tied to chain hoops coming out the floor. I knew Hunter kept places like this for perverts to use for their sick fantasies, women were objects to be bought, used and disregarded like the trash for some of the sick bastards Hunter acquired for.

My stomach was cramping so bad and all I wanted to do was curl into a ball. The junction between my thighs had become numb to the abuse they had inflicted in my passed out hours.

Frank’s naked body was between my thighs, he looked like a giant compared to me. He held up his hand which was covered in blood and looked over to a bunch of sexual tools all covered in my blood, “Looks like I may have caused some damage down there.”

“She looks a little pale.” Another voice joined Frank’s.

A hot fire stung at my chest. “No more sleeping.” The smell of my skin made me retch, the pig was burning me with a cigarette. “You have such fucking perfect tits.” Burns and teeth marks now littered the skin there so they would always remind me of these bastards.

“I’m going to fuck her tits.”

My eyes were closing up from being swollen and I couldn’t see the face of the person now straddling my chest, he was heavy and restricted my breathing from crushing my chest with his weight. My tits were forced together against his cock and he squeezed to an unbearable pressure making me try to twist to hurl him off. I was so weak though, I barely moved and he mocked me with laughter and slaps to my face, “I want to choke her.”

“Just don’t kill her.”

Hands wrapped around my throat, robbing me of the little air I had. Darkness was my friend, a gift.


Water woke me, freezing cold and poured straight over my face, “Why so much blood?” I could hear Hunter ask. “She’s haemorrhaging, deliver her now before she fucking dies.”


I felt restraints being taken from me and I was lifted from the floor. My arm felt too loose, I had no control over it and every part of my body screamed at me when I was slung over a shoulder. Feet pounded and the temperature changed from hot to cold as I was taken through halls and then into the air outside. Whoever had me threw me into a van and the impact stole my breath. I was dying. I could feel my spirit splinter and float away in all directions. 

Darkness swallowed me.     


“Oh shit, is she breathing?”

“Barely, we need to deliver her now before she dies.”

“Dead wasn’t the fucking contract idiot!”

“Not my fault, they call his junk the pussy terminator for a reason you know.” A man laughs and it’s like an echo in an alleyway. Cold air rushes over my naked fragile body and I’m pushed into the air. I feel the burn of the concrete as it scrapes my flesh away.


“Oh fuck, call an ambulance and help from inside but tell them to keep Jenson away” I hear called out before I lose the light once again.


Time passes with flashes of consciousness; I was in a hospital, the beeping of machines. The coming and going of doctors made me aware I was away from my tormentors.


“What happened to you honey, can you sip some water for me?”

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